63 research outputs found

    The distribution of dividend on the shareholders’ wealth: an analysis between Government Linked Companies and family based companies (2004 – 2013) / Siti Hafizah Harun

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    The purpose of the study is to examine the distribution of dividend policy on shareholders wealth. To be more details, this research wants to compare between Government Linked Companies (GLCs) and Family Based Companies (FBCs) in terms of the impact of dividend distribution to each type of companies. Ten companies that were listed in Bursa Malaysia were selected based on their rankings in terms of operating turnover for the year 2013. All data were derived from the OSIRIS database, Data Stream, Bursa Malaysia and annual reports; consists of five GLCs and five FBCs. This research is also meant to investigate the relationship between the three independent variables namely retained earnings (RE), dividend per share (DPS) and earnings per share (EPS) with the market price per share (MPS). The findings show that there is different factor that can influence the level of MPS for both GLCs and FBCs. For Government Linked Companies only dividend per share that has a significant relationship with share price and for Family Based Companies only earning per share has a significant relationship with share price. Furthermore, Dummy variables is used to measured the differences in each group between GLCs and FBCs. Based on the above result, it shows p-value of this variable is 0.402 which at 5% significant level. In other words, there is no evidence to show whether GLCs is getting higher earnings as compared to the FBCs. Due to such evidence, the second model can be used to analysed the differences in terms of their earnings

    Prediction of transition speed in gaits based on kinetics and kinematics variables

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    The kinetic and kinematic aspects of walking and running are very different at their preferred speed. Locomotion at gait transitions is rarely used; hence actual alternation across the transition speed (TS) remains an unexploited area that can potentially merit run/walk in race running. Awareness of the scientific knowledge in gait transition should therefore be valuable. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the gait transition phenomena and predict the transition speed on different gradients based on the oxygen uptake kinetics and lower limb kinematics. The study investigated preferred transition speed (PTS) on different gradient inclinations and was completed in three stages; firstly laboratory experiments TS1 and TS2 determined the actual PTS, subsequent experiments (TS3 and TS4) examined changes of the oxygen kinetics across PTS. The third stage, TS5 used the kinematics data collected to propose mathematical models that examined the PTS. An overall total of seventy-nine participants (48 males and 31 females) were involved at different stages and rigorously undergo the separate experimental protocols. The findings support as well as contradict previous literature results. Firstly, the energy equivalent TS (EETS) based on kinetics of oxygen uptake per unit distance (EETS/km) and per unit stride (EETS/stride) accurately predicted the PTS on the flat but not on other gradients. Secondly, the increased ankle muscular constraint conditions of using weights did not affect the PTS. However, it significantly increased the oxygen uptake kinetics for run/walk on – 8 and 0 % and the Bla on the + 8 %. Based on novelty of the mathematical model, the role of the dorsi and plantar flexors was further evidenced to influence and predict PTS regardless of gradient inclinations. In conclusion, the findings in this thesis indicated that different metabolic energy pathways regulated the run/walk and that ankle muscular constraints determined the PTS. Incorporating the synergistic perspective, cognitive influence plays an important role to overcoming difficulty of walking at running speeds as observed in the occurrence of hysteresis in TS1. Information on the run/walk can be integrated during training and race as recommended from the thesis findings

    Keberkesanan latihan pliometrik untuk perejam sepak takraw

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji keberkesanan latihan pliometrik ke atas pemain yang berposisi perejam dalam sukan sepak takraw. Subjek terdiri daripada lapan orang pemain lelaki perejam sepak takraw berumur diantara 20 hingga 26 tahun yang dibahagikan kepada tiga kumpulan iaitu kumpulan kawalan(K)(N=2), kumpulan latihan pliometrik ‘Single Leg Lateral Box Jump’(SLLBJ)(N=3) dan kumpulan latihan pliometrik ‘Tuck Jump’(TJ)(N=3). Tempoh latihan pliometrik yang dijalankan adalah selama enam minggu. Untuk menilai keberkesanan latihan atau tanpa latihan; ujian ‘Rejaman Maksimum Bola Statik’(RMBS) dijadikan pengukur tahap ketinggian rejaman. Data di analisa menggunakan Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Analisa data ujian RMBS mendapati skor ujian pra (mean ± SD) bagi SLLBJ, 40.50cm ± 30.41; TJ, 32.50cm ± 20.51; K, 14.00cm ± 14.14 dan ujian pos (mean ± SD) SLLBJ, 49.00cm ± 32.53; TJ, 32.00cm ± 21.21; K, 15.50cm ± 12.02, menunjukkan peningkatan sebanyak 20.99%, 0.76% dan penurunan -1.54% bagi kumpulan SLLBJ, K dan TJ. Daripada dapatan kajian, latihan pliometrik SLLBJ sesuai diadaptasikan kepada pemain berposisi perejam sepak takraw dalam menambahkan kuasa eksplosif dan membantu meningkatkan keupayaan lompatan dalam melakukan rejaman

    Prediction of transitions speed in gaits based on kinetics and kinematics variables

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    The kinetic and kinematic aspects of walking and running are very different at their preferred speed. Locomotion at gait transitions is rarely used; hence actual alternation across the transition speed (TS) remains an unexploited area that can potentially merit run/walk in race running. Awareness of the scientific knowledge in gait transition should therefore be valuable. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the gait transition phenomena and predict the transition speed on different gradients based on the oxygen uptake kinetics and lower limb kinematics. The study investigated preferred transition speed (PTS) on different gradient inclinations and was completed in three stages; firstly laboratory experiments TS1 and TS2 determined the actual PTS, subsequent experiments (TS3 and TS4) examined changes of the oxygen kinetics across PTS. The third stage, TS5 used the kinematics data collected to propose mathematical models that examined the PTS. An overall total of seventy-nine participants (48 males and 31 females) were involved at different stages and rigorously undergo the separate experimental protocols. The findings support as well as contradict previous literature results. Firstly, the energy equivalent TS (EETS) based on kinetics of oxygen uptake per unit distance (EETS/km) and per unit stride (EETS/stride) accurately predicted the PTS on the flat but not on other gradients. Secondly, the increased ankle muscular constraint conditions of using weights did not affect the PTS. However, it significantly increased the oxygen uptake kinetics for run/walk on – 8 and 0 % and the Bla on the + 8 %. Based on novelty of the mathematical model, the role of the dorsi and plantar flexors was further evidenced to influence and predict PTS regardless of gradient inclinations. In conclusion, the findings in this thesis indicated that different metabolic energy pathways regulated the run/walk and that ankle muscular constraints determined the PTS. Incorporating the synergistic perspective, cognitive influence plays an important role to overcoming difficulty of walking at running speeds as observed in the occurrence of hysteresis in TS1. Information on the run/walk can be integrated during training and race as recommended from the thesis findings

    Empirical performance of a model-free volatility against the different option strike size discreteness

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    This study investigates whether the dierent step size of option strike price discreteness contributes to the performance of a model-free variance in approximating the real-value volatility. The volatility is proxied by the volatility implied by the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model. We concentrate on examining the respective relationship governing the function of approximation error against the strike price step. A sample data extracted from DJIA index options data is used, which covers the period from January 2009 until the end of 2015. This study nds that the best strike price step size that asserts the most minimum approximation error by practice is a step size of $1.00. There exists a linear relationship between strike price discreteness size and approximation error. The choice of the dierent step size of strike price discreteness is in fact contributes to the performance of a model-free variance in approximating the real-value volatility

    An energy efficient void avoidance opportunistic routing protocol for underwater sensor

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    Underwater sensor network is an emerging technology due to its numerous applications in aqueous environments. However, limitations of these networks include limited bandwidth, high propagation delays and power constraints. Hence, new routing protocols must be designed specifically for USN. Opportunistic routing offers a promising method to overcome these limitations. The proposed protocol is a novel energy-efficient void avoidance opportunistic routing algorithm. The protocol deals with the issue of void holes during transmission while reducing energy consumption and keeping the packet delivery ratio at a satisfactory level. To evaluate the performance, two common metrics have been used for routing protocols in USNs; energy consumption and packet delivery ratio. Simulations were carried out in ns2 with Aqua-Sim. The performance of the proposed routing protocol is compared to VAPR. The performance evaluation of EEVA-OR indicate its benefit as compared to VAPR in terms of void detection, energy consumption and packet delivery ratio

    ICT facilities and Orang Asli education at Royal Belum, Gerik, Perak

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    An effective teaching and learning using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is necessary to facilitate students to the world of knowledge at their fingertips. The use of ICT essentially leads to significant impact on a condusive learning environment and also on the students’ achievements. In Malaysia, the students come from different background and ethnics, which include orang Asli. The urban students might face less difficulties in accepting the ICT in their lessons. A question then raised regarding the readiness of the Orang Asli students, particularly in remote areas, like Royal Belum, Malaysia. This paper investigates the readiness of the primary students, namely from the Jahai group, in Royal Belum on the use of ICT devices, such as notepad and laptop. In addition to that, we studied the internet facilities and its connectivity at the schools, including some other related issues. Outcome of the observations show positive readiness of Orang Asli students in using ICT devices. Nevertheless, a substantial effort from the ICT teachers seems crucial to the effective delivery of the ICT syllabus. Additionally, the schools suffer with slow connectivity as the data rate of 20 Mbps needs to be shared with other nearby schools. This has affected the students’ learning and also the teachers’ daily tasks, for instance, in meeting District Education Department (PPD) requirements regarding uploading marks online. Therefore, it is appropriate for the government agencies to search some initiatives in solving the current issues

    Orang Asli students' readiness to be part of the sustainable education community

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    The government of Malaysia has taken the responsibility to ensure that Orang Asli are not left behind in education. With the cultural shift in education and learning, the concept of ‘sustainable education’ requires educational policy to be revised and practices that are sustainable. This study is to investigate the Orang Asli of Royal Belum students’ readiness to be part of the sustainable education community. Data was collected from a school at Royal Belum, Perak, through interviews, observations and questionnaire. The quatitative results show high self-belief, goals and awareness of the importance of education, more so for the Jahai tribe compared to Temiar. However, these are contradicting with teachers’ and researchers’ observations. Thus, intervention to translate their beliefs to actual performance is important for them and to the society to fulfill the nation’s agenda and to be part of the global community of sustainable education

    Prevalence and management of menopausal symptoms in malaysian women during peri and post menopause

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    Women upon reaching menopause often silently suffer debilitating physical and psychological symptoms. The peri and postmenopausal period constitutes a challenging transition time for women’s health, and good menopausal health is a crucial aspect in healthy and successful aging. These situations affects women globally however Malaysian women are mostly unaware how to manage onset of menopause. This study aims to systematically review published data for the prevalence and management of menopausal symptoms in Malaysian women. Findings indicated that Malaysia women experienced similar menopausal symptoms as other women globally. However, these studies indicated that Malaysian women lack the knowledge to manage and prepare for menopause. The menopausal transition demarks dramatic changes at the hormonal, physiological, and metabolic level. Eventually, our study will develop an online tool to provide information and manage menopausal symptom

    The performance of higher moments estimators: an empirical study

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    This study investigates the performance of higher order moments, realised from the model-free Bakshi-Kapadia-Madan (MFBKM). We concentrate on investigating higher order option-implied moments â variance, skewness and kurtosis, chosen in relation to contracts defined in MFBKM, i.e. volatility, cubic, and quartic contract. The three approaches adopted in order to estimate the integrals of the defined MFBKM contracts are the basic (trapezoidal-rule), adapted (single-combined)and advanced method (cubic-spline). The sample data is extracted from DJIA index options data, which covers the period from January 2009 until December 2015. The results show that the advanced method performs poorly in estimating the MFBKM, especially in the case of skewness and kurtosis integrals estimation. The advanced method outperforms the other approaches in the case of the variance estimation. In estimating both model-free skewness and kurtosis, the adapted method is found to perform the best, instead