34 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh power otot lengan, kelentukan pinggang dan kepercayaan diri terhadap keterampilan front handspring mahasiswa pendidikan kepelatihan olahraga universitas negeri medan. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan November 2021 yang bertempat di fakultas universitas negeri medan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan teknik analisis jalur atau path analysis. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 84 mahasiswa yang berasal dari mahasiswa semester satu pendidikan kepelatihan olahraga. Pengambilan tes pertama yang dilakukan yaitu pengukuran power otot lengan dan pengukuran kelentukan pinggang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengukur kepercayaan diri serta keterampilan front handspring mahasiswa pendidikan kepelatihan olahraga. Teknik pengujian hipotesis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan teknik analisis jalur. Data yang diperoleh akan melalui proses analisis data melalui SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Pengaruh langsung variabel X1 terhadap X3 atau (ρX3X1) = 0,171, jadi pengaruh power otot lengan (X1) secara langsung mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri (X3) sebesar 0,1712 x 100% = 2,9%. 2) Pengaruh langsung variabel (X2) terhadap (X3) sebesar atau (ρX3X2) = 0,677, jadi pengaruh kelentukan pinggang (X2) secara langsung mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri (X3) sebesar 0,6772 x 100% = 45,8%. 3) Pengaruh langsung variabel X1 terhadap Y atau (ρYX1) = 0,157, jadi pengaruh power otot lengan (X1) secara langsung mempengaruhi Keterampilan front handspring (Y) sebesar 0,1572 x 100% = 2,4%. 4) Pengaruh langsung variabel (X2) terhadap (Y) atau (ρYX2) sebesar = 0,199, jadi pengaruh kelentukan pinggang (X2) secara langsung mempengaruhi keterampilan front handspring (Y) sebesar.0,1992 x 100% = 3,9%. 5) Pengaruh langsung variabel (X3) terhadap (Y) atau (ρX3Y) sebesar = 0,651, jadi pengaruh kepercayaan diri (X3) secara langsung mempengaruhi keterampilan front handspring (Y) sebesar 0,6512 x 100% = 42,3%. 6) Pengaruh tidak langsung variabel (X1) ) terhadap (Y) melalui (X3) = 0,171 x 0,651= 0,111. Jadi pengaruh power otot lengan (X1) secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi keterampilan front handspring (Y) melalui kepercayaan diri (X3) sebesar 0,111 atau 11,1%. 7) Pengaruh tidak langsung variabel X2 terhadap Y melalui X3 = 0,677 x 0.651 = 0,440. Jadi pengaruh kelentukan pinggang (X2) secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi ketrampilan front handspring (Y) melalui kepercayaan diri (X3) sebesar 0,440 atau 44,0 %

    The Effect of Arm Muscle Power, Waist Flexibility, And Self-Confidence on Front Handspring Skills in Artistics Gymnastics

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    This study aims to determine the effect of arm muscle power, waist flexibility and self-confidence on front handspring skills of students of Medan State University Sports Coaching Education. Data collection was carried out in November 2021 at the Faculty of State University of Medan. The research method used in this study is a survey method with path analysis techniques. The sample used in this study amounted to 84 students who came from first semester students of Sports Coaching Education. The first test was taken, namely the measurement of arm muscle power and waist flexibility measurement, then continued with measuring self-confidence and front handspring skills. The hypothesis testing technique used in this study is using path analysis techniques. The data obtained will go through a data analysis process through SPSS. The results of this study indicate that there is a direct effect of the variable X1 on X3 = 0.171, the direct effect of the variable X2 on X3 = 0.677, the direct effect of the variable X1 on Y = 0.157, the direct effect of the variable X2 on Y = 0.199, the direct effect of the variable X2 on Y = 0.199, the direct variable X3 on Y = 0.651, indirect effect of variable X1 on Y through X3 = 0.111 and indirect effect of variable X2 on Y through X3 = 0.440

    Limb salvage surgery in chronic osteomyelitis : a case report

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    Osteomyelitis refers to an infection of the bone characterized by progressive inflammatory destruction caused by infecting microorganism. Open fracture carries the risk of developing osteomyelitis from 3 to 50% with a high amputation rate. Salvage of the limb is always a challenge and needs perseverance. We report the case of a 44-year-old male with chronic osteomyelitis with successful multiple limb salvage surgeries. The curative approach to chronic osteomyelitis has the following goals including arrest of infection, pain reduction and salvage of limb and function. With regard to survival and function, the result obtained in this case is more promising compared to above knee amputation


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    Buku ini adalah hasil dari program riset keilmuan yang melibatkan dosen dan mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Tema model rancangan ini terkait dengan koping dan kesejahteraan dalam beragama dalam meningkatkan ketahanan keluarga dalam menghadapi pandemi COVID-19. Dosen yang terlibat dari disiplin keilmuan keperawatan Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan dan keilmuan agama dari Fakultas Agama Islam. Terdapat 5 (lima) mahasiswa ilmu keperawatan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini akan mendapatkan pengalaman belajar setara dengan 20 SKS yang terdiri dari: konversi mata kuliah keperawatan komunitas 5 SKS, Keperawatan keluarga 3 SKS, Proposal Skripsi 2 SKS, Skripsi 4 SKS, Keperawatan di rumah 3 SKS, Keperawatan terintegrasi 1 SKS, dan perawatan penyakit infeksi 2 SKS. Terdapat sembilan bab pada buku ini. Bab 1 menggambarkan situasi pandemi COVID-19 dan dampaknya pada masyarakat baik secara fisik maupu psikologis. Bab 2 mengulas ketahanan keluarga dalam menghadapi COVID-19 dan keterkaitannya dengan nilai-nilai spiritualitas. Bab 3 menampilan model RELI-CS (Religious Coping Spiritual Well-being) yang terdiri dari tiga konstruksi: koping religius, spiritual well-being, resilience. Bab 4 menggambarkan konsep dan hasil penelitian tentang pentingnya koping riligius dalam mempengaruhi ketahanan keluarga dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya sosial ekonomi. Bab 5 mengulas pentingnya konsep kesejahteraan dalam beragama dengan ketahanan keluarga dalam menjalankan nilai-nilai spiritualitas. Bab 6 dan 7 menggambarkan pentingnya koping religius dalam mempengaruhi ketahanan keluarga dalam berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi. Bab 8 menjelaskan diagnosa keperawatan yang terkait dengan konsep religius. Diagnosa keperawatan ini akam memudahkan profesi perawat dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan khususnya pada pasien yang mengalami distress spiritual, mekanisme koping yang tidak efektif dan lainnya. Bab 9 menjelaskan tentang program riset keilmuan yang melibatkan mahasiswa sehingga mendapatkan pengalaman belajar dan mendapatkan pengakuan belajar setara dengan 20 SKS. Penulis berharap agar buku ini dapat dijadikan dasar untuk memberikan intervensi dalam menguatkan ketahanan keluarga pasca pandemi COVID-19. Penguatan yang diberikan sesuai dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi keluarga dengan pendekatan spiritual. Dengan demikian keluarga di Indonesia khususnya dapat beradaptasi dengan situasi sulit ini dan tetap produktif menjalankan peran dan fungsinya

    Effects of polyvinylpyrrolidone on structural and optical properties of willemite semiconductor nanoparticles by polymer thermal treatment method

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    Willemite is an inorganic semiconductor material used for optoelectronic applications. The present study purposes a new polymer thermal treatment method involving calcination temperature to fabricate the willemite nanoparticles. The effects of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) on the structural and optical properties of the material were thoroughly investigated. Thermogravimetric and its derivative confirmed the decomposition behavior of PVP. The minimum calcination temperature to decompose PVP was appraised at 740 °C. The FTIR and the Raman analyses confirmed the presence of organic source before the calcination process and the formation of the crystalline structure of the willemite nanoparticles after the heat treatment. The optimum PVP concentration in this study based on the FTIR results was found to be 40 g L−1. This is the minimum concentration at which the willemite nanoparticles remained pure with homogenous distribution. X-ray diffraction analysis of the PVP samples before calcination was confirmed to be amorphous, and upon calcination between 800 and 1000 °C, an α-willemite phase was obtained. The morphology and the average particle size were determined with FESEM and HR-TEM analysis. The average particle size is between 23.8 and 36.7 nm. The optical energy band was found to be increasing from 5.24 to 5.32 eV with the corresponding increase in PVP concentration from 20 to 50 g L−1. The findings in this study provides a new pathway to understand the effects of PVP concentrations on the structural and optical properties of willemite semiconductor nanoparticles as it may have key potential applications for future optoelectronic devices

    A review of durian plant-bat pollinator interactions

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    Durian (Durio zibethinus) brings in princely revenue for the fruit economy in Southeast Asia, ushering the current trend of clearing forests for durian plantations. Despite the thorny fruit’s popularity and increasing bat-durian papers, not many associate their vital plant-pollinator relationship. This unfamiliarity has led to the persisting negative connotations of bats as agricultural pests and worse, a disease carrier amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic. This review focuses on the bat-durian relationship comprising botanical insights and pollination ecology in relevance to the wider pteropodid-plant interactions. The majority of the studies compiled have concluded that bats are the most effective pollinator for durian than insects. Six fruit bat species (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) have been recorded pollinating durian flowers, with several other pteropodid species speculated to pollinate durian, including in non-native countries. Lastly, we address the research gaps for the batdurian relationship, which can also be applied to other chiropterophilous plants

    Effects of radio-frequency power on structural properties and morphology of AlGaN thin film prepared by co-sputtering technique

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    To date, the deposition of AlGaN thin film using the co-sputtering technique at room temperature has not been reported yet. The use of AlGaN for electronic devices has been widely known because of its ultra-wide bandgap. However, to deposit the AlGaN thin film and achieved high quality of AlGaN films, higher temperature or extra time deposition are needed, which is not compatible with industrial fabrication process. Here, a co-sputtering technique between two power supplies of magnetron sputtering (which are RF and HiPIMS) is introduced to deposit the AlGaN thin films. The AlGaN thin films were deposited at various RF power to study their effect on structural properties and morphology of the thin films. AlGaN films were sputtered simultaneously on silicon (111) substrate for short time and at room temperature using GaN and Al target. Then, the films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and surface profiler to study their properties. XRD shows the GaN (101) and (013) plane for the AlGaN deposited at RF power of 30 W. Also there only GaN (101) for the AlGaN with 50 W RF power. Yet, the 70 W RF power shows the amorphous structure of AlGaN. The roughness and the grain size of AlGaN film from AFM analysis showed the trend of decreasing and increasing respectively. The roughness of the AlGaN films with 30 W power was 0.82 nm, 0.85 nm for 50 W, and 0.46 nm for 70 W RF power. The grain size of the AlGaN films was 30.06 nm, 32.10 nm, and 37.65 nm for RF power of 30 W, 50 W, and 70 W respectively. The profilometer found that the thickness of the AlGaN films was decreasing with increasing of RF power. This paper can demonstrate a successful co-sputtering technique of AlGaN. Despite AlGaN crystal structure was not able to found out in the XRD analysis, the effect of RF power has been studied to give significant effects on AlGaN thin film deposition

    Emerging patterns of genetic diversity in the critically endangered Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni)

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    Southeast Asia experiences some of the highest deforestation in the world. Loss of tropical forest typically leads to widespread habitat fragmentation, with detrimental effects on dispersal ability and gene flow—particularly for large carnivores. We conducted mtDNA and microsatellite analysis to assess—for the first time—contemporary patterns of genetic diversity in the Malayan tiger. We collected 295 suspected carnivore samples in Peninsular Malaysia, from which we identified 26 as originating from tiger using 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci, comprising 22 individual tigers. Despite limitations of the study, our findings suggest tiger subpopulations in the north of the peninsula maintain some genetic connectivity and migration between two putative geographic subpopulations in the Main Range and Greater Taman Negara, with negligible population segregation due to dispersal barriers such as road infrastructure. We identified consistently lower levels of genetic diversity in tigers in the Greater Taman Negara region compared to tigers in the Main Range and small but emerging differences in nuclear and mitochondrial genetic diversity. Our mtDNA haplotype and nuclear DNA analyses suggest the levels of genetic diversity in Malayan tigers may be amongst some of the lowest of the surviving tiger subspecies, though the study is limited both in scale and genomic loci. Our findings are consistent with an expected lag between the rapid decline of tigers in Peninsular Malaysia by over 95% in the last 70 years and observed differences in their levels of genetic diversity