1,367 research outputs found

    Relative Odds of Neck Pain to Helmet Use Among Motorcyclists: a Case-Control Study

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    Background: Neck pain is a widespread problem among motorcyclists, which is often neglected. There is limited research on the motorcycle's ergonomics, particularly in the context of the interaction between the riders and motorcycle. Motorcycle helmets have proven to increase the weight on the neck, thus causing more burdens which can lead to neck pain. Methodology: Case-Control study design was opted to measure the relative odds of neck pain in relation to the helmet use as an exposure. A total of 260 (mean age of 22.58 ± S.D. 1.95 years) undergraduate students were selected using purposive sampling. The case to control ratio was 1:4 (54 Cases and 206 Controls) where cases were defined as the motorcyclists having neck pain with a riding experience of more than one year. The neck pain and disability scale were obtained using a self-administered questionnaire. Chi-square and binary logistic regression were used to calculate the significant relationship and odds of neck pain amongst motorcyclists with and without helmet use. Results: The study results showed that out of 260 motorcyclists, 190 (73.1%) were helmet users, and 54 (20.8%) had neck pain, 70 (27.9%) helmet users had a neck pain prevalence of 11 (4.2%). The relative odd to have neck pain was 2.13 times more amongst the motorcyclists using the helmet as compared to that of non-helmet users. The logistic regression results showed significant results (P < 0.05) with regards to the BMI, helmet weight and duration of helmet use but did not show a significant relation with average motorcycle use per day unless it exceeded 70 kilometres. Conclusion: Use of helmet can be a potential cause of neck pain amongst motorcyclist users but the odds to have neck pain enhance with the increase in motorcycle use per day. The protective benefits are multi-fold for helmet use which outreaches the negative impact, including neck pain amongst motorcyclists

    Refactoring Legacy JavaScript Code to Use Classes: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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    JavaScript systems are becoming increasingly complex and large. To tackle the challenges involved in implementing these systems, the language is evolving to include several constructions for programming- in-the-large. For example, although the language is prototype-based, the latest JavaScript standard, named ECMAScript 6 (ES6), provides native support for implementing classes. Even though most modern web browsers support ES6, only a very few applications use the class syntax. In this paper, we analyze the process of migrating structures that emulate classes in legacy JavaScript code to adopt the new syntax for classes introduced by ES6. We apply a set of migration rules on eight legacy JavaScript systems. In our study, we document: (a) cases that are straightforward to migrate (the good parts); (b) cases that require manual and ad-hoc migration (the bad parts); and (c) cases that cannot be migrated due to limitations and restrictions of ES6 (the ugly parts). Six out of eight systems (75%) contain instances of bad and/or ugly cases. We also collect the perceptions of JavaScript developers about migrating their code to use the new syntax for classes.Comment: Paper accepted at 16th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR), 2017; 16 page


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    Proses penyeleksian suatu produk merupakan pekerjaan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang sehingga dapat menimbulkan rasa membosankan bagi manusia. Pekerjaan yang berulang-ulang akan lebih efektif apabila menggunakan otomasi. Salah satu bentuk dari otomasi tersebut adalah menggunakan robot berlengan. Robot berlengan dapat digunakan menggantikan posisi manusia dalam proses penyeleksian suatu produk. Robot berlengan bekerja berdasarkan instruksi yang diberikan pada sebuah mikrokontroller seperti mengambil benda dan meletakkannya pada suatu tempat sesuai dengan perintah yang telah diberikan. Pada penelitian ini robot berlengan 6 DOF digunakan untuk menyeleksi objek lingkaran berdasarkan warna merah, hijau dan biru menggunakan Webcam. Metode yang dipakai dalam proses penyeleksian adalah Shape dan Color Detection. Menggerakkan robot lengan untuk memindahkan objek digunakan sebuah metode inverse kinematik yang telah di program kedalam mikrokontroller. Jenis mikrokontroller yang digunakan adalah ATMega328. Ketika objek telah diketahui berbetuk lingkaran dan mengandung warna merah, hijau atau biru, maka robot lengan akan mengambil objek tersebut dan akan meletakakkan objek kedalam wadah sesuai dengan warna objek. Percobaan dilakukan sebanyak 100 kali dengan percobaan pada objek berwarna merah sebanyak 33 kali, objek warna hijau 33 kali dan objek warna biru sebanyak 34 kali. Tingkat kesalahan penyeleksian tertinggiadalah pada warna hijau yaitu 7 kali, disusul oleh warna merah 6 kali dan warna biru 5 kali

    The experiences of the International Institute of Islamic Civilization & Malay World (ISTAC)in empowering the Malay World and Islamic Civilization

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    Although Indonesia and Malaysia are now two independent nations, both countries have a lot in common, tied by a common religion, language and cultural heritage dating back centuries ago. In building a better tomorrow, both nations can benefit from each other’s rich experiences. This paper will focus on an educational institute established at the International Islamic University (henceforth, IIUM) in 2016 initially named the Centre for Malay World and Islamic Civilization and now has been transformed as the International Institute of Islamic Civilization & Malay World (henceforth, ISTAC). The institute is established to support the efforts of the university in creating an academic and intellectual field of research and studies focusing on the Malay World and Islamic civilization. This study describes the scope, major types of activities and concerns of the institute. In so doing it will identify the potential areas for collaboration (such as academic exchange, research, international conferenc


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    Perkembangan zaman saat ini membawa pengaruh besar kedalam dunia digital, informasi bisa diterima sangat cepat, namun dalam menerima informasi yang didapat seringkali masyarakat salah menggunakan nya, salah satu diantaranya informasi penyebaran  hoax mengenai vaksin sinovac yang masuk ke Indonesia, banyak opini yang masyarakat terima tentang hal negatif setelah melakukan vaksin tersebut. Salah satunya berupa rekaman suara yang beredar tentang informasi bohong vaksin tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuktikan rekaman suara yang diterima identik atau tidak berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Oleh karena itu perlu penanganan forensik untuk mengidentifikasi bukti digital dengan menggunakan metode audio forensik. Sedangkan metodologi yang digunakan adalah SOP 12 DFAT (Digital Forensic Analyst Team) dengan melakukan proses akuisisi, enhancement, decoding dan voice recognition. Tools yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu  Adobe Audition CS6, Praat , dan Gnumeric. Analisis dilakukan dengan mencari nilai statistik pitch, formant dan, spectrogram dimana dari hasil ketiga komponen suara tersebut. Hasil yang didapat dari tujuh sampel suara yang identik dengan barang bukti yaitu sampel suara ke-7 dan jenis kelamin dari masing masing rekaman suara yang dimiliki yaitu tujuh orang laki-laki dan satu orang perempuan. Bukti yang ditemukan merupakan bukti yang sah berdasarkan  UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dan UU ITE No 19 Tahun 2016 Pasal 28 Ayat 1 mengenai berita penyebaran hoaks di media elektronik

    Towards automated support for extraction of reusable components

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    A cost effective introduction of software reuse techniques requires the reuse of existing software developed in many cases without aiming at reusability. This paper discusses the problems related to the analysis and reengineering of existing software in order to reuse it. We introduce a process model for component extraction and focus on the problem of analyzing and qualifying software components which are candidates for reuse. A prototype tool for supporting the extraction of reusable components is presented. One of the components of this tool aids in understanding programs and is based on the functional model of correctness. It can assist software engineers in the process of finding correct formal specifications for programs. A detailed description of this component and an example to demonstrate a possible operational scenario are given

    Analisa Pengaruh Aliran Fluida Yang Ditimbulkan Oleh Gerakan Putaran Propeller Pada Kapal Ikan Terhadap Tekanan Propeller Dengan Pendekatan Cfd

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    Dalam operasinya dilaut, suatu kapal harus memiliki kemampuan untuk mempertahankan kecepatan dinas (Vs) seperti yang direncanakan. Hal ini mempunyai arti bahwa, kapal haruslah mempunyai rancangan sistem propulsi yang dapat mengatasi keseluruhan gaya-gaya hambat yang terjadi agar memenuhi standar kecepatan dinasnya. Penelitian untuk meningkatkan daya dorong propeller dari tahun ketahun terus dilakukan dengan meningkatakan efisiensi propeller. Tapi dari sisi lain USAha untuk meneliti dimana konsentrasi tegangan yang diakibatkan daya dorong propeller masih kurang dilakukan Untuk tugas akhir ini analisa yang dilakukan adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi tekanan pada propeller dan juga maximum stress yang terjadi pada propeller. Proses pembuatan model geometri dibantu dengan menggunakan software CAD dan analisanya dilakukan dengan mengunakan pendekatan CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) sebagai sarana visualisasi.Analisa dilakukan dengan memvariasikan putaran propeller pada 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 rpm. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dan hasil running software CFD yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil perbedaan tekanan dimana pada tiap putarannya semakin meningkat. Tekanan paling besar terjadi pada putaran 500 rpm yaiutu sebesar 28169,72 N. Dengan menggunakan software MSC NASTRAN didapatkan nilai maksimum strees sebesar 13,1 N/mm2 akan tetapi material ini masih dalam batas aman karena hasil perhitungan safety factor material bahan didapat nilai 33,87

    The potentials of henna (Lawsonia inamis L.) leaves extracts as counter stain in gram staining reaction

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    The potentials of aqueous and ethanol extract solutions of the henna plant (Lawsonia inamis L.) leaves adopted as alternative counter stain in Gram staining reactions were studied. Different extracts were formulated into various staining solutions of different concentrations. The solutionswere modified with hydrogen peroxide, ferric chloride, potassium alum and potassium permanganate. These staining solutions were used to stain bacterial isolates of Lactobacillus spp and Escherichia coli strains. The experimental henna plant extracts solutions were used with usualcounter stains (neutral red, safranin and dilute carbol fuchsin) as positive controls. The result obtained showed that aqueous extracts (cold and hot) oxidized with potassium permanganate with neutral pH gives a better staining reaction. While the ethanol extract after oxidized with potassiumpermanganate had no staining reaction. The result obtained therefore implied that the aqueous henna leaves extracts (cold or hot) when oxidized with potassium permanganate can be a substitute to the usual counter stains used in Gram staining reactions.Keywords: Aqueous Extract, Dyes, Henna, Counter-Stainin