189 research outputs found

    Kommentar zu Loïc Wacquants „Mit Bourdieu in die Stadt“

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    Die Notwendigkeit einer gesellschaftstheoretischen RĂŒckbindung der Stadtforschung kommt in der gegenwĂ€rtigen Grundsatzdiskussion ĂŒber den Stadtbegriff (Netzwerk? FlĂŒsse/Ströme? RĂ€umliche Fixierungen/Barrieren/Territorien?) beziehungsweise ĂŒber die Fragen nach dessen regionaler Reichweite (Stadt-Land-Dichotomie? Methodischer Nationalismus?) und nach dessen empirischer Basis (Politischer Westen beziehungsweise Ökonomischer Norden oder Globaler SĂŒden? Provinzialisierung oder Planetarisierung?) deutlich zum Ausdruck (vgl. Robinson 2002; 2006, Roy 2009, McFarlane 2010, Savage 2011, Brenner/Schmid 2014 und Scott/Storper 2014). Beantworten lassen sich die hier aufgeworfenen Fragen nur, wenn diskutiert wird, welcher Art die Wechselwirkung zwischen Stadt und Gesellschaft ist. Das setzt nicht nur voraus, dass zur Frage danach, was mit ‚Stadt‘ gemeint ist, Stellung bezogen wird, sondern auch zum VerstĂ€ndnis und zur Reichweite des Gesellschaftsbegriffs

    Studies on heavy metal resistance of bacterial isolates from a former uranium mining area

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    Es gibt nur wenige Untersuchungen, die sich mit der Metallresistenz von Gram-positiven Bakterien und insbesondere mit der ökologisch sehr wichtigen Gruppe der Actinobakterien befassen. HĂ€ufig zielen Studien, die sich mit Resistenzmechanismen beschĂ€ftigen, auf Einzelprozesse wie bspw. Kationenefflux-Transport ab. HĂ€ufig lösen Stressoren aber eine Vielzahl von Reaktionen aus. Die vorgestellten Untersuchungen zur Metallresistenz von Aktinobakterien verbinden aus diesem Grunde drei verschiedene Mechanismen der Detoxifizierung: IntrazellulĂ€re Sequestrierung von Metallen, Immobilisierung von Metallen an der Zellwand und Exkretion von Chelatbildnern in das Millieu. Bergbaugebiete, in denen jahrzehntelang Erzgewinnung erfolgt ist, stellen ideale UntersuchungsflĂ€chen fĂŒr Forschungsprojekte ĂŒber Metall-Mikroorganismus-Interaktionen dar. Die Gewinnung von 124 Mio t Uranerz innerhalb einer FlĂ€che von 74 km2 der Ronneburger LagerstĂ€tte in OstthĂŒringen fĂŒhrte zur großflĂ€chigen Entstehung von metallhaltigen Habitaten. Nickel ist ein hĂ€ufiges Begleitmetall von Uranerzen; es kommt in Konzentrationen bis zu 2000 ppm im Haldenmaterial dieses Bergbaugebietes vor. Die große Anzahl von Abraumhalden mit einem Gesamtvolumen von 140 Mio t verursachte die Bildung saurer BergbauabwĂ€sser, die ĂŒber den Wasserpfad in Verbindung mit den Mikrobenpopulationen der Habitate stehen

    Redlining or renewal? the space-based construction of decay and its contestation through local agency in Brixton, Johannesburg

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    This is a chapter from the book: Negative neighbourhood reputation and place attachment: the production and contestation of territorial stigmaIn South Africa, space-based exclusion remains prevalent in many forms. In this paper, we focus on the "redlining" of selected neighbourhoods, a technique applied by banks to structure lending decisions in the property market. As a consequence of redlining, prospective home-owners may find it impossible to secure a bond in such an area. This rationale and its results have been described extensively in urban studies literature: zoning areas as "not credit-worthy" prevents investment and creates a self-fulfilling trajectory towards crime and grime. Residents in these neighbourhoods are subject to a practice of territorial stigmatization. This results in economic insecurity with various negative neighbourhood effects, e.g. individual disinvestment or slumlording. Redlining is currently not in the spotlight of media or research in South Africa. The structural effects of this practice, however, are significant. The translation of socio-spatial perceptions into financially excluding techniques is not prevented in South African legislation. The relevance of dissecting this conundrum is demonstrated in our case study of Brixton, one of Johannesburg’s socio-economically most diverse neighbourhoods. It is precisely in mixed areas such as Brixton on Johannesburg’s east-west axis where redlining is applied, effectively devaluing a process of unplanned socio-economic integration of over two decades. In our case study, however, we observe how some residents respond to this and successfully counter redlining by banks with a combination of individual and collective strategies. However, our case of local agency also demonstrates the huge effort that is needed to challenge the financial institutions’ spatial ideology.BM2018https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781317089537https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/978131708953

    ‘Festivalisation’ in South Africa’s host cities: Themes and actors of urban governance in the media discourse on the 2010 FIFA World Cup

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    The hosting of the FIFA Football World Cup has been perceived in South Africa both as a challenge of accelerated social, economic, and spatial transformation, and as an opportunity to showcase the nation’s ability to successfully provide the structures and capacities for one of the biggest sports tournaments in the world. The thesis of ‘festivalisation’ sees mega-events (like the Football World Cup) as a form of translocal dynamics which is embedded in the context of increased inter-urban competition in the era of globalisation. This paper aims at investigating some effects of such globalised forms of festivalisation (HĂ€ußermann and Siebel 1993) on the urban sphere in South Africa. The focus is on identifying key actors and key topics in relation to urban governance in the host cities. The method applied is a mix of various strands of discourse analysis, since every approach has its shortcomings and a combination might point out directions of how to systematically link these perspectives in future research. To a certain extent, the path presented here remains methodologically explorative. Still, the paper shows that an analysis of language-based communication, or more specifically, an approach that takes media representations as a point of entry to the field of urban dynamics, might produce insights otherwise overlooked, and thus adds a critical angle to the study of urban governance

    Shifting corporate geographies in global cities of the South: Mexico City and Johannesburg as case studies

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    oai:ojs.die-erde.org:article/1Global city research links the expansion of advanced producer services in major cities to the internationalisation of real estate markets as well as to the spread of (mainly) high-rise office complexes. This research, however, has based its findings mainly on cases of the Global North. This paper examines, based on Grant and Nijman’s (2002) suggestion that the “internal spatial organisation of gateway cities in the less-developed world” reflects “the city’s role in the global political economy”, which patterns occur in two metropoles of the Global South. In addition to this, the analysis focuses especially on the driving forces behind the changes in corporate geographies. The analysis is placed in Mexico City and Johannesburg and based on real estate market data (offices) as well as background documents on urban development. The outcome shows that in these cities, local transformation processes of the real estate market and office space location are indeed considerably shaped by global market dynamics. However, the findings also indicate that there is no clear scale dependence of the territorial form. In order to comprehensively understand the changes in the corporate geographies therefore, it is necessary to direct more attention to local and national dynamics. The restructuring of the built environment in both cities can only be grasped fully by considering the particular role of local and national governments. This additional entry point to an understanding of shifting corporate geographies helps to put recent dynamics of global capitalism and politics of urban neoliberalism in perspective

    Einflussfaktoren der internationalen MobilitÀt: eine empirische Studie in der Automobilindustrie

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    The empirical study explores influencing factors of the international mobility of specialists and executive staff of a German automobil-company.Die empirische Studie untersucht Einflussfaktoren der internationalen MobilitĂ€t von Fach- und FĂŒhrungskrĂ€ften eines deutschen Automobilkonzerns

    Post-urbanisierte StĂ€dte in globaler Perspektive. Kommentar zu LoĂŻc Wacquants „Mit Bourdieu in die Stadt“

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    Die Notwendigkeit einer gesellschaftstheoretischen RĂŒckbindung der Stadtforschung kommt in der gegenwĂ€rtigen Grundsatzdiskussion ĂŒber den Stadtbegriff (Netzwerk? FlĂŒsse/Ströme? RĂ€umliche Fixierungen/Barrieren/Territorien?) beziehungsweise ĂŒber die Fragen nach dessen regionaler Reichweite (Stadt-Land-Dichotomie? Methodischer Nationalismus?) und nach dessen empirischer Basis (Politischer Westen beziehungsweise Ökonomischer Norden oder Globaler SĂŒden? Provinzialisierung oder Planetarisierung?) deutlich zum Ausdruck (vgl. Robinson 2002; 2006, Roy 2009, McFarlane 2010, Savage 2011, Brenner/Schmid 2014 und Scott/Storper 2014). Beantworten lassen sich die hier aufgeworfenen Fragen nur, wenn diskutiert wird, welcher Art die Wechselwirkung zwischen Stadt und Gesellschaft ist. Das setzt nicht nur voraus, dass zur Frage danach, was mit ‚Stadt‘ gemeint ist, Stellung bezogen wird, sondern auch zum VerstĂ€ndnis und zur Reichweite des Gesellschaftsbegriffs

    Megaevents und favelas. Strategische Interventionen und sozialrÀumliche Effekte in Rio de Janeiro

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    HĂ€ußermann und Siebel konzeptionalisierten 1993 mit der Festivalisierungsthese die stadtpolitische Instrumentalisierung von Großereignissen. Seither haben sich die Events und die theoretische Auseinandersetzung verĂ€ndert. Hinsichtlich der Megaevents lassen sich derzeit zwei Trends beobachten: 1. der enorme ökonomische wie politische Bedeutungsgewinn der Events und 2. die Events finden immer hĂ€ufiger im ‚Globalen SĂŒden‘ statt. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die urbanen Bedingungen und Effekte von Megaevents am Beispiel Rio de Janeiros. Der Fokus liegt auf den in zumeist informell organisierten Wohngebieten einkommensschwacher Gruppen, auf den favelas, die sich als besonders sensibles Wirkungsfeld der Festivalisierung erweisen. Im Zuge der Auseinandersetzung mit den urbanen Effekten entwickeln wir eine analytische Perspektive, die sich auf andere GastgeberstĂ€dte im Globalen SĂŒden ĂŒbertragen lĂ€sst. Thematisiert werden exkludierende Strategien und marktimperiale Effekte der Eventvorbereitung. Im Fazit werden diese als anti-social legacy zusammengefasst

    Uptake of Hydrocarbon by Pseudomonas fluorescens (P1) and Pseudomonas putida (K1) Strains in the Presence of Surfactants: A Cell Surface Modification

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    The objective of this research was the evaluation of the effects of exogenous added surfactants on hydrocarbon biodegradation and on cell surface properties. Crude oil hydrocarbons are often difficult to remove from the environment because of their insolubility in water. The addition of surfactants enhances the removal of hydrocarbons by raising the solubility of these compounds. These surfactants cause them to become more vulnerable to degradation, thereby facilitating transportation across the cell membrane. The obtained results showed that the microorganism consortia of bacteria are useful biological agents within environmental bioremediation. The most effective amongst all, as regards biodegradation, were the consortia of Pseudomonas spp. and Bacillus spp. strains. The results indicated that the natural surfactants (rhamnolipides and saponins) are more effective surfactants in hydrocarbon biodegradation as compared to Triton X-100. The addition of natural surfactants enhanced the removal of hydrocarbon and diesel oil from the environment. Very promising was the use of saponins as a surfactant in hydrocarbon biodegradation. This surfactant significantly increases the organic compound biodegradation. In the case of those surfactants that could be easily adsorbed on cells of strains (e.g., rhamnolipides), a change of hydrophobicity to ca. 30–40% was noted. As the final result, an increase in hydrocarbon biodegradation was observed
