17 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Implementation of Joint Business Group Assistance (KUBE) in Ternate City

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    The simplest evaluation when it can gather information about the circumstances before and after the KUBE program is implemented.  Ternate City itself received an allocation of 50 Joint Business Groups (KUBE) with a ratio of 5 companions where one companion has the task and responsibility of accompanying 10 groups because for 1 group there are 10 beneficiaries with details of assistance of 20 million for each group, it is necessary to evaluate the program assistance so that it can see the shortcomings to be corrected.  The data analysis method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Descriptive qualitative is a method used to explore findings in the field. The results showed that one government program that requires community participation is the Joint Business Group (KUBE) program for the poor to increase Productive Economic Enterprises (UEP), especially in increasing income, providing some of the needs that are needed, creating harmony in social relations between citizens, and as a forum for sharing experiences between members. Forthis reason, the companion is very important in providing knowledge, skills and experience to the fostered KUBE group. In practice, KUBE companions will provide an understanding to each member of KUBE social assistance recipients that there must be a sense of belonging to run a joint business so that they are independent of the business they are running because through this program they can be helped to start a business as a first step to achieve social welfare and economic improvement in a better direction

    Challenges of E-Government Implementation in The Region Archipelago Characteristics

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    Local governments implement e-government programs as a form of bureaucratic reform to achieve good governance. However, the implementation of E-government in South Halmahera Regency, geographically an archipelagic area, has its challenges, which the authors make as problems in this study. To assist research analysis using e-government theory. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach to analyzing the N-VIVO 12 Plus software. Based on the findings, the South Halmahera district has implemented e-government to a low degree with various challenges, including the distribution of telecommunications technology network infrastructure is not evenly distributed, limited budget support, lack of telecommunications infrastructure, lack of skilled resources, limited supply of electricity networks, lack of training and knowledge transformation of the apparatus, limited public knowledge, low socialization of e-government programs, not maximal collaboration and synergy between stakeholders. In implementing e-government, it is considered to have benefits, while to encourage the strengthening of e-government implementation, the South Halmahera government has planned the Labuha Smart City

    Challenges of E-Government Implementation in The Region Archipelago Characteristics

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    Local governments implement e-government programs as a form of bureaucratic reform to achieve good governance. However, the implementation of E-government in South Halmahera Regency, geographically an archipelagic area, has its challenges, which the authors make as problems in this study. To assist research analysis using e-government theory. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach to analyzing the N-VIVO 12 Plus software. Based on the findings, the South Halmahera district has implemented e-government to a low degree with various challenges, including the distribution of telecommunications technology network infrastructure is not evenly distributed, limited budget support, lack of telecommunications infrastructure, lack of skilled resources, limited supply of electricity networks, lack of training and knowledge transformation of the apparatus, limited public knowledge, low socialization of e-government programs, not maximal collaboration and synergy between stakeholders. In implementing e-government, it is considered to have benefits, while to encourage the strengthening of e-government implementation, the South Halmahera government has planned the Labuha Smart City


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    This study aims to determine the level of student satisfaction in the islands regarding distance education services. The population in this study are all UT’’s students spreaded across various regions in the province of North Maluku. The sampling method uses simple random sampling, as many as 74 students. Data collection is carried out through interviews with respondents with questionnaire aids whose questions relate to UT's level of expectation and service quality. The results show that: (1) of all aspects of distance education services organized by UPBJJ-UT Ternate, all of them had been categorized as very satisfying, where the highest level of satisfaction was that of general information services by 101.28% or in other words had exceeded student expectations. While teaching material services, although still in the category of very satisfying for students, the percentage of satisfaction level is lower than other service aspects which is 95.76%. (2) From all aspects of distance education services organized by UPBJJ-UT Ternate, teaching material services still have a level of gap between expectations and valuations conducted by students

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Melalui Program Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah pada Bank

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    This study aims to describe the implementation of the policies offered by Edward III, namely the communication model, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure through the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) program at BRI's Majene Branch Office. The method used is qualitative with phenomenological research type. The data analysis used is descriptive qualitative. The results show that the implementation of government policies through the MSME program at the BRI Majene Branch Office includes, 1) the communication model in implementing government policies through the MSME program at the BRI Majene Branch, can be realized properly through effective communication between BRI officers and MSME actors according to the provisions laid down. has been mutually agreed; 2) the resource model in implementing government policies in the MSME sector can run smoothly because it is supported by professional and reliable human resources; 3) the disposition model in implementing government policies in the MSME sector, namely the character, attitude or behavior of the implementor where the main character expected is honesty. In this case, the attitude and character of the BRI Branch Majene officers in providing services are very professional and sympathetic, so that MSME actors are enthusiastic to develop their business honestly and transparently, because the key to success lies in honesty and trust, and 4) the model of the bureaucratic structure in implementing government policies. in the MSME sector, it was found that the MSME implementation mechanism at the BRI Majene Branch was made very simple and easily understood by customers, especially MSME players, where the organizational structure of the BRI Majene Branch Office was also quite adequate, namely Branch Managers, Assistant Marketing Managers, Unit Heads, and Materials. In conclusion, the implementation of government policies through the MSME program at the BRI Majene Branch Office includes, a) communication in implementing government policies through the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) program at the BRI Majene Branch Office, based on the facts in the field that it has not run optimally because there are still many people who do not know about the existence of KUR credit which is relatively very helpful for additional capital with relatively very low interest rates for MSME entrepreneurs; b) resources in implementing government policies through the MSME program at BRI's Majene Branch Office, still limited resources and human resource development so that KUR credit marketing can run well so that remote areas far from BRI Kanca Majene can be served properly; c) disposition in implementing government policies through the MSME program at BRI's Majene Branch Office, which is related to the attitude of field officers who have not been optimally where there are still many complaints from customers regarding the credit process which is still considered slow by customers; d) bureaucratic structure in implementing government policies through the MSME program at BRI's Majene Branch Office, covering two things, namely the mechanism for implementing the MSME program in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP) and the organizational structure of BRI's Majene Branch Office. at the BRI Majene Branch, it is made very simple and easy to understand by customers, especially MSME players, but regarding the administration of local government still needs to be addressed such as processing business certificates for completeness. Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise

    Peran Layanan Akademik dengan Kinerja Tutor Sebagai Pemoderasi: Persepsi Mahasiswa S-1 Tuton UPBJJ Ternate

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    Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan menguji model teoritikal yang menjelaskan peran kinerja tutor online terhadap hubungan layanan akademik terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Secara khusus bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis; pengaruh tangible, reliability, responsiviness, assurance dan empaty terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa dan menguji pengaruh mediasi kinerja tutor online terhadap layanan akademik dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris dengan menggunakan teknik probabilitas sampling. Data diperoleh dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 351 mahasiswa S-1 yang masa regitrasi tahun akademik 2019-2020 yang tersebar di UPBJJ Ternate. Analisis data dilakukan dengan  menggunakan analisis regresi berganda dan mediasi dengan menggunakan analisis moderate regresion analysis (MRA). Hasil penelitian secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa tangible, reliability, responsiviness, assurance dan empaty berpengaruh terhadap Prestasi belajar mahasiswa. untuk moderasi menunjukkan bahwa kinerja tutor online tidak memoderasi pengaruh variabel tangible, reliability, assurance terhadap prestasi belajar  mahasiswa. sedangkan kinerja tutor online dapat memoderasi pengaruh variabel responsiviness, empaty terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa

    The Impact of Working Performance, Working Motivation, and Working Discipline Towards the Employee Performance of Aketajawe Lolobata National Park Office

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    This research aims to know the Aketajawe Lolobata National Park employees' ability to work, working motivation, and working discipline. The research was held at Aketajawe Lolobata National Park office, North Maluku, with 76 respondents. Observation, documentation, and questionnaires were how the data used in this research was obtained. The data analysis used is statistical descriptive and multiple linear regression. The results of this research sum up: (1) The working ability significantly impacts the working performance in Aketajawe Lolobata National Park Office, (2) Working motivation did not impact significantly towards in Aketajawe Lolobata National Park Office and (3) Working discipline impact significantly and is the most dominant towards the working performance of Aketajawe Lolobata National Park Office employees

    Demokrasi dan Proses Kekuasaan Negara

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    Demokrasi menganut prinsip-prinsip dasar yang sama, Prinsip-prisip dasar dalam demokrasi tersebu adalah prinsip persamaan, hormat terhadap nilai-nilai luhur manusia,hormat terhadap hak-hak sipil dan kebebasan yang bertanggung jawab. Namun harus diakui bahwa konsep demokrasi yang berbeda pada setiap negara pada dasarnya dipengaruhi oleh kondisi obyektif pada negara dan bangs aitu, dalam hal nilai-nilai local dan nasional setiap bangsa dan negara. Sehingga pelaksanaan demokrasi dapat berlaku sama kepada semua warga negara.Dapat dikatakan masyrakat demokrasi adalah masyarakat yang berupaya untuk meminimalisir konsekwensi-konsekwensi perbedaanalamiah ini dengan menolong yang lemah agar menjadi kuat. Tidak layak bagi seseorang yang mengklaim dirinya sebagai seorang democrat, sementara dia gagal mengupayakan perbedaan kesempatan bagi yang kecil dan lemah untuk menjadi besar dan kuat

    Neoliberalisasi Kebijakan Perburuhan di Indonesia Pasca Orde Baru

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    Membicarakan masalah perburuhan di Indonesia pasca Orde Baru, memang sangat kompleks dan rumit untuk menemukan titik cerahnya. Kompleksitas dan kerumitan tersebut diakibatkan oleh kebijakan perburuhan yang selalu berpihak kepada pemilik modal, baik dalam maupun luar negeri. International Monetary Fund (IMF) dan World Bank adalah dua lembaga donor internasional yang paling kanibal dan sangat perpotensi ikut meluluh lantakan nasib buruh di Indonesia. Negara berada pada posisi tertekan oleh kedua lembaga Internasional itu, terutama tuntutan IMF dengan Letter of Intent-nya, yang menginginkan adanya pasar kerja fleksibel, yang dicapai dengan Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu dan outsourcing. Kajian ini lebih cenderung menguraikan konsep kebijakan perburuhan di Indonesia pasca Orde Baru yang tercekoki oleh watak neoliberalisme, terutama keterkaitanya dengan kelahiran Undang-Undang No. 21 tahun 2000 tentang Serikat Buruh dan Undang-Undang No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Watak Neoliberal telah menabur pasar bebas, ekspansi modal dan globalisasi terhadap kebijakan perburuhan di Indonesia pasca Orde Baru, sehingga pada giliranya menuai kebebasan yang memporak-porandakan bangunan perburuhan yang hendak ditata sejak dulu kala