1,081 research outputs found

    Comparison of serum levels of hepcidin and pro-hepcidin in hemodialysis patients and healthy subjects

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    Hepcidin prevents absorption of iron from the intestine and inhibits release of iron from macrophages and hepatocytes. For this reason, it seems that high levels of hepcidin are a predisposing factor for anemia in chronic inflammatory conditions such as chronic kidney disease and dialysis patients. This study was designed to determine the role of changes in the level of serum hepcidin in the management of hemodialysis patients. This study included 44 dialysis patients and 44 controls. The hepcidin and pro-hepcidin levels were measured by the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay method. The serum ferritin level was measured by the chemiluminescence method. The mean hepcidin level was 999.3 ± 996.7 ng/mL in the case group and 770.4 ± 815.9 ng/mL in the control group (P = 0.25). The mean pro-hepcidin level was, respectively, 186.1 ± 220.3 pg/mL and 150.87 ± 207.7 pg/mL, in the case group and control groups (P = 0.45). The mean (standard deviation) ferritin level was 816.4 ± 379.4 ng/mL in the case group and 193 ± 171.8 ng/mL in the control group (P < 0.001). In the case group, the correlation between serum ferritin and hepcidin was not significant (r = 0.6, P = 0.08). Also, there was no significant correlation between serum ferritin and pro-hepcidin levels (r = 0.6, P = 0.08). A positive correlation was seen between pro-hepcidin and hepcidin levels (r = 0.92, P < 0.01). In this study, the results showed that the serum hepcidin levels are high in dialysis patients and that there was no correlation with the serum ferritin levels

    Evaluating the Wald Entropy from two-derivative terms in quadratic actions

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    We evaluate the Wald Noether charge entropy for a black hole in generalized theories of gravity. Expanding the Lagrangian to second order in gravitational perturbations, we show that contributions to the entropy density originate only from the coefficients of two-derivative terms. The same considerations are extended to include matter fields and to show that arbitrary powers of matter fields and their symmetrized covariant derivatives cannot contribute to the entropy density. We also explain how to use the linearized gravitational field equation rather than quadratic actions to obtain the same results. Several explicit examples are presented that allow us to clarify subtle points in the derivation and application of our method

    Wald's entropy is equal to a quarter of the horizon area in units of the effective gravitational coupling

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    The Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of black holes in Einstein's theory of gravity is equal to a quarter of the horizon area in units of Newton's constant. Wald has proposed that in general theories of gravity the entropy of stationary black holes with bifurcate Killing horizons is a Noether charge which is in general different from the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. We show that the Noether charge entropy is equal to a quarter of the horizon area in units of the effective gravitational coupling on the horizon defined by the coefficient of the kinetic term of specific graviton polarizations on the horizon. We present several explicit examples of static spherically symmetric black holes.Comment: 20 pages ; added clarifications, explanations, new section on the choice of polarizations, results unchanged; replaced with published versio

    A record of communal nesting in the barn owl (Tyto alba)

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    We report a unique case of two female Barn Owls laying eggs and incubating together in a single nest cup in a communal nest. A trio of two females and one male bred in an abandoned water tower in 2013 in Israel. Both females incubated/brooded together in the communal nest, and all three individuals brought food to the communal family. The two females laid 20 eggs, of which 19 hatched and 16 fledged

    Incisions and reconstruction approaches for large sarcomas

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    Large intraabdominal, retroperitoneal, and abdominal wall sarcomas provide unique challenges in treatment due to their variable histology, potential considerable size at the time of diagnosis, and the ability to invade into critical structures. Historically, some of these tumors were considered inoperable if surgical access was limited or the consequential defect was unable to be closed primarily as reconstructive options were limited. Over time, there has been a greater understanding of the abdominal wall anatomy and mechanics, which has resulted in the development of new techniques to allow for sound oncologic resections and viable, durable options for abdominal wall reconstruction. Currently, intra-operative positioning and employment of a variety of abdominal and posterior trunk incisions have made more intraabdominal and retroperitoneal tumors accessible. Primary involvement or direct invasion of tumor into the abdominal wall is no longer prohibitive as utilization of advanced hernia repair techniques along with the application of vascularized tissue transfer have been shown to have the ability to repair large area defects involving multiple quadrants of the abdominal wall. Both local and distant free tissue transfer may be incorporated, depending on the size and location of the area needing reconstruction and what residual structures are remaining surrounding the resection bed. There is an emphasis on selecting the techniques that will be associated with the least amount of morbidity yet will restore and provide the appropriate structure and function necessary for the trunk. This review article summarizes both initial surgical incisional planning for the oncologic resection and a variety of repair options for the abdominal wall spanning the reconstructive ladder

    Efectos del fósforo de un efluente cloacal sobre la morfología interna y externa de Eichhornia crassipes (Mart. Solms) en un humedal artificial

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    Se compararon las variaciones morfológicas que presentó Eichhornia crassipes (Mart. Solms) a la entrada y salida de un humedal construido para tratar un efluente cloacal. Se determinó la concentración de fósforo en el agua y en las plantas. Se midió la altura de las plantas, la longitud de las raíces y la biomasa. Para estudiar la morfología interna de la raíz se calculó el área transversal de la raíz (ATR), de la médula (ATM) y de los vasos metaxilemáticos tardíos (ATV) y el área total del metaxilema (ATVt) por sección. Las diferentes concentraciones de fósforo presentes en el efluente cloacal, a la entrada y salida del humedal, produjeron variaciones en la morfología externa e interna de E. crassipes. La concentración de fósforo en los tejidos mostró una relación directa con la concentración de fósforo en el agua. En las plantas de la entrada se observó una mayor altura, menor longitud y biomasa de las raíces en comparación con las plantas de la salida. En las plantas de la entrada se observó un aumento de los valores de ATM y ATV y ATVt, comparadas con las plantas de la salida. La variación en los parámetros morfológicos internos se debió probablemente al aumento del área transversal de la raíz.The present study compares the morphological variation of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart. Solms) between the inlet and outlet zones of a wetland constructed for the treatment of a sewage effluent. The phosphorus concentration in water and plants was determined. Plant height, root length and dry biomass were measured. The areas of cross-sectional whole root (ATR), stele (ATM), large metaxylematic vessels (ATV) and the total metaxylematic vessels (ATVt) were calculated. The different phosphorus concentrations registered at the inlet and outlet zones of the constructed wetland, induced internal and external morphological changes in E. crassipes. Phosphorus concentration in tissues was positively correlated with phosphorus concentrations in water. The inlet zone plants were taller and they had shorter roots and less proportion of root dry weight in comparison with the outlet zone plants. The inlet zone plants increased the ATM, ATV and ATVt values, in comparison with the outlet zone plants. The variation in the internal morphological parameters was probably due to the increase of the cross-sectional whole root

    Nachtlärminduzierte Schlafstörungen und Herz-Kreislauf-Risiko

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    Impairment of sleep in the sense of insomnias, i.e. difficulties falling asleep and staying asleep, early morning awakening and chronical unrestful sleep is widespread in the population and are associated with a variety of physical and mental health disorders. The environmental causes of insomnia include a number of factors, with nighttime noise being an important cause. Recent data from the European Environment Agency shows that environmental noise (road traffic, railway, aircraft and industrial noise) causes severe sleep disorders among 6.5 million people in Europe. New epidemiological and mechanistic field studies show that in particular night traffic noise can lead, among other things, to impaired vascular function, thrombo-inflammatory changes, an increase in stress hormones and increased blood pressure, representing significant risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. According to the European Environment Agency, environmental noise causes 48000 additional cases of ischemic heart disease and 12000 premature deaths each year

    Optimirana i validirana protočna injekcijska spektrofotometrijska analiza topiramata, piracetama i levetiracetama u farmaceutskim pripravcima

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    Application of a sensitive and rapid flow injection analysis (FIA) method for determination of topiramate, piracetam, and levetiracetam in pharmaceutical formulations has been investigated. The method is based on the reaction with ortho-phtalaldehyde and 2-mercaptoethanol in a basic buffer and measurement of absorbance at 295 nm under flow conditions. Variables affecting the determination such as sample injection volume, pH, ionic strength, reagent concentrations, flow rate of reagent and other FIA parameters were optimized to produce the most sensitive and reproducible results using a quarter-fraction factorial design, for five factors at two levels. Also, the method has been optimized and fully validated in terms of linearity and range, limit of detection and quantitation, precision, selectivity and accuracy. The method was successfully applied to the analysis of pharmaceutical preparations.Opisana je osjetljiva i brza protočna injekcijska analiza (FIA) za određivanje topiramata, piracetama i levetiracetama u farmaceutskim pripravcima. Metoda se temelji na reakciji ortho-ftalaldehida i 2-merkaptoetanola u bazičnom puferu i mjerenju apsorbancije na 295 nm u protočnim uvjetima. U svrhu povećanja osjetljivosti i dobivanja reproducibilnih rezultata optimirane su varijable koje utječu na određivanje kao što su volumen injektiranog uzorka, pH, ionska jakost, koncentracija reagensa, brzina protoka reagensa i drugi FIA parametri koristeći četvrt-frakcijski faktorijalni dizajn, za pet faktora na dva nivoa. Metoda je optimirana i potpuno validirana (linearnost, područje određivanja, granica detekcije i kvantifikacije, preciznost, selektivnost i točnost). Metoda je uspješno primijenjena za analizu farmaceutskih pripravaka

    Structure and Vibrational Spectra of Mononitrated Benzo [a] Pyrenes.

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    The molecules benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and 1-, 3-, and 6-nitrobenzo[a]pyrene (1-NBaP, 3-NBaP, 6-NBaP) are currently of significant interest due to their presence in respirable combustion exhaust particulates and their mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. Structure−function correlations as well as spectroscopic signatures for trace analysis are necessary for these benzo[a]pyrene derivatives. In this paper, detailed infrared and Raman spectroscopic data of BaP and its three mononitrated isomers are provided for the first time. By utilizing density functional theory (DFT, B3LYP method with 6-311+G** basis set), the molecular geometries and the vibrational spectra are calculated. Good agreement is noted between the calculated and experimental geometry for BaP, and predictions of the vibrational data for all compounds are within ∼5 cm-1 of the experimental data. Normal mode assignments are proposed with particular emphasis on the nitro group vibrations. The geometrical distortions of the BaP structure upon nitro group substitution and correlations between structural parameters and vibrational data as well as structure−function relationships related to the mutagenicity of this important class of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are discussed

    Rancangan Kebijakan Budaya Organisasi untuk Peningkatan Kapabilitas Bank Sentral

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    The aim of this study is to develop policies of organization culture (OC). The policies analysis cover management process and its changing in Bank Indonesia, including direction and substance of OC, developing ideal models, methods, dynamic change and its management. Awareness about the importance of OC in improving the performance of the organization had been recognized by management of Bank Indonesia in the surface, but when examined the dynamics of the changes, the implementation seem fluctuated. Using a system approach, this research employ three main tools: Analytical Network Process (ANP), Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST), and Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM). The knowledge base data are compiled using combination of several methods: survey, focus group discussion (FGD), statistics of secondary data, and structured in depth interviews. This research has found the new values which should be adopted for BI are integrity professional, visionary, competence, and transparent. Besides, it also delevelop models to implement a new organization culture management. In terms of organization culture change program, this research uncovers several important phenomena such as: the central role of the board of governor, the function of performance management and assessment, and the role of director in every unit