42 research outputs found

    There is something wrong with the world : reception of Olga Tokarczuk’s works after her Nobel Prize in Literature

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    The paper discusses the reception of Olga Tokarczuk’s works after the author received the Nobel Prize in Literature. It addresses the issue of politicisation of literature – the Nobel Prize winner’s novels are read through the angle of her left-wing views, with less importance attributed to the quality of the works as such. The paper answers the question as to what the Nobel Prize winner enchanted the Swedish Academy with, explains how Tokarczuk structures her novels and what makes them stand out (the psychological approach), and also discusses the author’s view on the role of literature in today’s world

    A new approach to design line start permanent magnet synchronous motors

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    The article describes a new approach to line start permanent magnet synchronous motors (LSPMSM) design process. This different, novel approach is based on the modification of mass-produced induction motors. The presented method facilitates and expedites the electrical motor design process. A field-circuit model of the motor has been created to expound the methodology of the process. Then, the machine's geometry was changed to apply permanent magnets. The problems and benefits associated with the use of permanent magnets were described. The created model was tested. The authors examined the operation of the LSPMSM motor in different states, such as starting, no-load, and blocked-rotor tests. Electromechanical characteristics have been plotted. The simulation results were compared with the parameters and characteristics of the induction motor. The conducted tests proved the correctness of the design process. The operational properties of the motor have been improved. Moreover, the validity of using LSPMSM motors instead of induction motors has also been demonstrated

    Study on Performance of Non-Linear Reactive Power Compensation by Using Active Power Filter under Load Conditions

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    The paper analyses and examines the efficiency of non-linear reactive power compensation when use the active power filter controlled by an algorithm based on the theory of CPC. The developed physical model of 3-phase active filter has been presented and results of its performance in the system so the linear load and nonlinear RL type are discussed. Particular attention was put on its operation in transient conditions. Based on both simulation and investigation results appropriate practical conclusions are formulated

    Performance of laminated contact material Cu—Mo in open air AC low voltage contactors

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    In the paper performance of laminated contact material Cu—Mo when use in open air ac low voltage contactors is presented and discussed. On the basis of the investigated results conclusions on effective application of such material to replace silver based compositions are formulated.Представлены и обсуждаются эксплуатационные качества слоистого контактного материала Cu—Mo, используемого в низковольтных контакторах на открытом воздухе. По результатам исследований сформулированы рекомендации по эффективному применению такого материала взамен серебросодержащего.Представлено і обговорюються експлуатаційні властивості шаруватого контактного матеріалу Cu—Mo, який використовується в низьковольтних контакторах на відкритому повітрі. За результатами досліджень сформульо-вано рекомендації щодо ефективного застосування такого матеріалу замість срібловміщуючого

    Chinese foreign policy under the government of Xi Jinping

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    Praca ta ma na celu przedstawienie specyfiki polityki zagranicznej Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej za czasów prezydenta Xi Jinpinga, mając na względzie wyjątkowo silną pozycję lidera, warunki wewnętrzne oraz ustrój panujący w Państwie Środka. Praca na wstępie przedstawia teorię realizmu neoklasycznego i próbuje odnaleźć odniesienie do tej teorii we współczesnej polityce zagranicznej Chin. Zaprezentowane zostały także najważniejsze elementy polityki zagranicznej Xi Jinpinga, bazując na relacjach z najważniejszymi mocarstwami ale także mniejszymi państwami i organizacjami międzynarodowymi. Postawiona została hipoteza, iż Xi Jinping wytyczył Chinom nową drogę rozwoju na arenie międzynarodowej, biorąc pod uwagę takie kwestie jak: rozwój ekonomiczny, rolę przywódcy i ideologię. Hipoteza ta została potwierdzona na podstawie analizy polityki zagranicznej Xi Jinpinga od początku jego rządów. Praca porusza również kwestię wojny handlowej pomiędzy USA i ChRL, gdzie analizowany jest przebieg sporu i dokonana została próba jego oceny.The paper aims to introduce the Chinese foreign policy under the government of president Xi Jinping, taking into consideration particularly strong position of the leader, internal conditions and the political system in China. The neoclassical realism is being mentioned at the beginning to check, whether this theory can still be found in modern Chinese foreign policy. The core elements of Xi Jinping’s foreign policy have been presented, based on relations with the most important superpowers, but as well with smaller countries and international organizations. The paper poses a hypothesis that Xi Jinping created new path for China in terms of international relations, based on economic development, the role of leader and ideology. This hypothesis was confirmed based on analysis of the Xi Jinping’s foreign policy from the beginning of his government. The paper explores and tries to evaluate as well the current situation between United States and China in terms of the trade war

    The Aspects Affecting Design of EPS System

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    Import 01/09/2009Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou elektrické požární signalizace z hlediska jejího navrhování a integrace do systémů řízení budov. V první části práce je představen systém elektrické požární signalizace, jeho základní funkce a prvky. Druhá část se věnuje návrhu systémů, který je zde rozdělen na dvě etapy. První je zaměřena na výběr vhodného principu detekce požáru, s upozorněním na některá významná hlediska ovlivňující volbu a umístění hlásičů požáru. Druhá je věnována řešení otázek volby ústředny EPS. Následující části práce jsou věnovány technologiím budov a posouzení aspektů integrace požární signalizace do systému řízení budovy.The theses deals with Fire Alarm Signalization System from an aspect of its designing and integration into the control building systems. In the first part Fire Alarm Signalization System is presented, its basic functions and elements. The second part, with has two parts, concerns with designing of these systems. The first is pointed to the suitable selection of fire detection principle, stressing some important aspects affecting selection and localization of fire signalization devices. The second is focused on the selection of the Fire Central Office. Next part of work are about technologies in buildings. They review aspects for integration of Fire Alarm Signalization into the buiding´s control systems.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstvavýborn

    Design and Assessment of the Timber Structure of a Storage Building from the Points of View of Extraordinary Design Situation

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    Import 04/07/2011Diplomová práce řeší návrh a posouzení vybrané dřevěné nosné konstrukce skladovacího objektu na účinky požáru. V úvodu práce je stručně charakterizováno dřevo, jeho vlastnosti a chování při vystavení účinkům požáru. Dále se práce věnuje problematice stanovení požární odolnosti stavebních konstrukcí s následným zaměřením na konstrukce dřevěné. Na tuto problematiku navazuje komplexní návrh dřevěné konstrukce, zahrnující statické posouzení za běžných teplot, stanovení požadavku na požární odolnost a následné ověření splnění tohoto požadavku. Ověření je provedeno pomocí výpočtů dle ČSN EN 1995-1-2. V závěru práce jsou shrnuty výsledky a navrženo opatření pro zvýšení požární odolnosti nevyhovujících prvků konstrukce.The diploma work deals with the design and assessment of a special timber structure of a storage building exposed to the fire. At the beginning, wood, and its basic properties in fire is characterised. Next part describes problems of the fire endurance assessment in building structure, aimed at the timber structures. Following part solves the complex designing of the timber structure and the static assessment in normal temperature, determination of the fire resistance and its checking. This check-up is made up by calculation in accordance with ČSN EN 1995-1-2 standard. Work concludes summarizing the results and suggests some measures to increase the fire resistance of unsatisfied parts of building structures.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochranyvelmi dobř

    System of voltage and reactive power regulation in the distribution network

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    Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou regulace napětí a jalových výkonů v distribuční soustavě 110 kV a to se zvýšeným důrazem na využívání větrných a fotovoltaických elektráren a závodních elektráren vnořených v lokálních distribučních soustavách, jako akčních členů regulačního systému vedle běžně využívaných uhelných elektráren, tepláren a transformátorů PS/110 kV. V příspěvku je uvedeno technické řešení Systému regulace napětí a jalových výkonů, přínosy jeho implementace pro konečného odběratele elektřiny, provozovatele distribuční soustavy i samotného výrobce elektřiny, rizikové faktory realizace a provozování regulačního systému a jeho chování v průběhu anomálních provozních stavů regulované soustavy.Katedra elektroenergetiky a ekologieObhájenoThis paper deals with voltage and reactive power regulation in the distribution system of 110 kV namely with an increased accent on the use of wind and photovoltaic power plants including the factory power plants all of them being embedded in local distribution systems as the action members of the regulatory system used in addition to coal-fired power plants, heating plants and transformers TS / 110 kV. In this paper, the technical solution of the System of Voltage and Reactive Power Regulation is specified as well as the corresponding benefits of its implementation for the final electricity consumers, for the distribution system operator and even for the electricity producer itself. The risk factors of the implementation and of the regulatory system operation and its behavior during anomalous operating states of regulated power system are discussed as well

    Działanie przetwornika prądowo-napięciowego z rdzeniem amorficznym

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    The paper presents and discusses investigated results of metrological characteristics of a new generation of current-voltage converters manufactured with the use of the innovative technology of soft magnetic components. Current and angle errors of the converters together with current and frequency ranges of their work have been identified.W artykule przedstawiono i omówiono wyniki badań charakterystyk metrologicznych nowej generacji przetworników prądowo-napięciowych wyprodukowanych przy użyciu innowacyjnej technologii miękkich części magnetycznych. Określono błędy prądowe i kątowe przetworników wraz z zakresami prądowymi i częstotliwościowymi ich pracy

    System of Signal Injection and Extractioo for Protection and Insulation Monitoring in Medium Voltage Networks

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    Simple overcurrent criterion is most often used for detection and elimination of ground faults in radial industrial medium voltage networks. Since in Poland medium voltage networks work with noneffectively grounded neutral point, the ground fault currents can reach very low values, especially under high resistance faults. Such faults cannot be detected by any protection. Therefore, new methods to detect ground faults and to control the insulation in medium voltage network are of great importance. In the paper the idea for monitoring insulation parameters of the system, based on the simultaneous use of two different signals of non-industrial frequency, injected into the controlled network, is presented and discussed