906 research outputs found

    Language classification from bilingual word embedding graphs

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    We study the role of the second language in bilingual word embeddings in monolingual semantic evaluation tasks. We find strongly and weakly positive correlations between down-stream task performance and second language similarity to the target language. Additionally, we show how bilingual word embeddings can be employed for the task of semantic language classification and that joint semantic spaces vary in meaningful ways across second languages. Our results support the hypothesis that semantic language similarity is influenced by both structural similarity as well as geography/contact.Comment: To be published at Coling 201

    Function of the Viral Matrix Proteins VP40 and VP24 for the Life Cycle of Ebola Virus

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    Ebola virus (EBOV), a member of the family Filoviridae in the order Mononegavirales, is the causative agent of a severe haemorrhagic fever. Due to its high case fatality rate of up to 90% and to the fact that no approved vaccination or treatment is available for EBOV infection, it is classified as a biosafety level 4 (BSL4) agent, which restricts reasearch on it to a few facilities worldwide. Systems that model individual aspects of the viral life cycle under BSL2 conditions are, therefore, highly desirable. Based on available reverse genetics systems we have developed several new systems that allow the analysis of viral genome transcription, replication and packaging, as well as nucleocapsid morphogenesis, particle formation, budding, entry and initial transcription in target cells under BSL2 conditions. We were able to model two of these steps, morphogenesis of a fully functional nucleocapsid and initital transcription in target cells, for the first time for a negative strand RNA-virus, which is a significant advantage in reverse genetics systems for these viruses. The established systems were then used to analyze the role of EBOV proteins, particularly the matrix proteins VP24 and VP40, in the viral life cycle. The role of VP24, the minor matrix protein of EBOV, has long been enigmatic. Recently, it has been shown to be involved in interferon antagonism; however, data regarding a possible involvement of VP24 in nucleocapsid morphogenesis and particle formation have remained controversial. Using a newly developed infectious virus-like particle assay with na¨ıve target cells we were able to show that VP24 is not necessary for budding of particles or genome packaging, but that it is indispensable for the formation of functional nucleocapsids. This is the first functional evidence for a role of VP24 in nucleocapsid formation. Although the role of the major matrix protein, VP40, is much better understood, virtually nothing is known about the function of the different oligomeric forms of VP40, namely dimers, hexamers and octamers. Previously, we have been able to show that VP40 octamerization is indispensable for the viral life cycle. As part of this work we have further analyzed the role of VP40 octamerization. Also, based on the available crystal structures for VP40 we designed and characterized a dimerization incompetent VP40 mutant and included this mutant in our studies. We were able to show that VP40 dimerization is a prerequisite for budding, while octamerization does not play a role in this process. Also, VP40 octamerization is not important for packaging or the formation of a functional nucleocapsid. However, VP40 octamers seem to influence transcription and/or replication of viral genomes, a phenomenon that has been previously described for the matrix protein of Rabies virus, another member of Mononegavirales. Also, our data suggest that VP40 is involved in inhibition of cellular transcription and/or translation, a phenomenon widely known for matrix proteins of Mononegavirales, and that VP40 dimerization is important for this function. Finally, we analyzed the interactions of the nucleocapsid protein NP with VP40. We were, for the first time, able to directly show an interaction between these two proteins, and have mapped the interaction domain on VP40 to two β-strands in the N-terminal domain. Based on the crystal structure of VP40 we have identified two residues in this region that may be crucial for the interaction with NP. This work has increased our understanding of the role of EBOV matrix proteins in the viral life cycle, and has revealed several new functions for these proteins. The obtained results will allow us to specifically target individual aspects of the viral life cycle in order to develop new countermeasures against EBOV, but also to further investigate molecular details of these processes

    Encryption by using base-n systems with many characters

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    It is possible to interpret text as numbers (and vice versa) if one interpret letters and other characters as digits and assume that they have an inherent immutable ordering. This is demonstrated by the conventional digit set of the hexadecimal system of number coding, where the letters ABCDEF in this exact alphabetic sequence stand each for a digit and thus a numerical value. In this article, we consequently elaborate this thought and include all symbols and the standard ordering of the unicode standard for digital character coding. We show how this can be used to form digit sets of different sizes and how subsequent simple conversion between bases can result in encryption mimicking results of wrong encoding and accidental noise. Unfortunately, because of encoding peculiarities, switching bases to a higher one does not necessarily result in efficient disk space compression automatically.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    The value of insiders as mentors : evidence from the effects of NSF rotators on early career scientists

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    We show that academics with experience in government jobs generate spillovers for their early career colleagues. Our template is the National Science Foundation rotation program in which the agency employs academics, called rotators, on loan from their university. Shortly after the rotator’s return from the agency, fresh assistant professors in her department double their research resources and are more likely to win small and medium size grants compared to academics in three control groups. Consistent with evidence that the mechanism is mentoring from the rotator, the results suggest that access to individuals with insights gained outside academia propels scientific careers

    Understanding Agency Problems in Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships in Multinational Corporations: A contextualized Model.

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    This paper proposes an agency model for headquarters subsidiary relationships in multinational organizations with headquarters as the principal and the subsidiary as the agent. As a departure from classical agency theory, our model is developed for the unit level of analysis and considers two root causes of the agency problem - self-interest and bounded rationality. We argue that in the organizational setting, one cannot assume absolute self-interest and perfect rationality of agents (subsidiaries) but should allow them to vary. We explain subsidiary level variation through a set of internal organizational and external social conditions in which the headquarters-subsidiary agency dyad is embedded. We then discuss several agency scenarios reflecting various levels of selfinterest and rationality that lead to different manifestations of the agency problem. The proposed framework can inform more relevant applications of the agency perspective in organizational studies and motivate future research

    Best Practices in Debugging Kepler Workflows

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    AbstractIn this paper we present various techniques related to Kepler development, debugging, and JVM customisation. We highlight some aspects of development process that may help people to perform better while working with Kepler (especially in case they develop new components for the Kepler platform). We present knowledge and ideas that were gained over the time while working with Kepler tools throughout various projects and different applications of Kepler into existing environments. These ideas are presented for the sake of saving time and effort by other people who just start their experience with Kepler project

    ComPat framework for multiscale simulations applied to fusion plasmas

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