2,133 research outputs found

    Safeguarding people with learning difficulties from forced marriage: the role of safeguarding adult boards

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    Purpose The issue of forced marriage is typically located within debates on violence against women, immigration control and cultural difference and is rarely considered in relation to adults with learning disabilities. The purpose of this paper is to argue that this is an issue which needs to be addressed by Safeguarding Adult Boards. Design/methodology/approach This paper draws upon original research undertaken by the author in conjunction with the Ann Craft Trust, a voluntary sector organisation which supports statutory, independent and voluntary sector organisations across the UK to protect adults at risk. The project sought to establish the extent to which the issue of forced marriage of people with learning disabilities is recognised, understood and acted upon by Boards. Findings Although many Boards are aware of national policy guidelines, very few had incorporated these guidelines into their local practice. There were two key consequences of this. First, Boards were failing to monitor cases of forced marriage and were unable to plan preventative services. Second, frontline workers were not given necessary training and so were unable to develop effective skills of knowledge. The need for both better recognition of and improved responses to the problem of forced marriage of people with learning disabilities is highlighted, as is the need for the safeguarding workforce to be supported by more effective strategic planning and better training. Originality/value This paper draws upon original research which examined how Safeguarding Adult Boards are responding to the issue of forced marriage of people with learning disabilities – a problem currently very much under-represented in existing research and practice literature

    Estimating the Background Ventilation Rates in New-Build UK Dwellings – is n50/20 appropriate?

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    In the UK, a rule of thumb applied to air permeability is commonly employed when estimating background ventilation rates from pressurisation test data. However, this may lead to significant errors in estimating the infiltration rates in UK new-build dwellings, resulting in poor estimation of the dwellings in-use energy and CO2 emissions, and the adoption of ventilation strategies leading to either unacceptable indoor air quality or unnecessary energy consumption. In this paper, a preliminary investigation into the applicability of the rule of thumb is undertaken. Background ventilation rates in four new-build dwellings in the UK are determined using the tracer-gas decay method and also the pressurisation (blower-door) method coupled with both the conventional n50/20 and (in the UK) q50/20 rule of thumb, and Sherman’s modified rule of thumb, which takes into account other building-related factors. The conventional method over-estimated the air-change rate in two of the dwellings and under-estimated it in the other two dwellings. The modified rule of thumb produced comparable results for two of the dwellings, but significantly underestimated the air-change rate in the other two dwellings. These results suggest that more work needs to be done to devise appropriate climate and building-related correction factors for the UK

    Translating the complexities of flood risk science using KEEPER - a knowledge exchange exploratory tool for professionals in emergency response

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    Within flood risk management (FRM) decision making, there is a growing interest in participatory approaches to engage and integrate stakeholder expertise. Decision support tools are becoming common features in the FRM ‘toolkit’, yet there is a limited application of participatory methodologies in the construction of such tools. This paper reports on completed FRMRC research (Flood Risk Management Research Consortium, UK http://www.floodrisk.org.uk/) and the construction of a geographic information system-based flood risk assessment tool, KEEPER – a Knowledge Exchange Exploratory tool for Professionals in Emergency Response. An iterative methodology was used to engage emergency professionals throughout the research process, allowing a mixing of scientific and professional expertise in the co-production of KEEPER. KEEPER was both instrumental in facilitating participation and knowledge exchange, and informing recommendations for future tools in practice. This paper argues that participation is both essential for supporting pragmatic flood research and as a means of enhancing communication across traditionally divided communities

    Effective PSHE education: values, purposes and future directions

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    This article explores the perceived effectiveness of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education in primary and secondary schools. It outlines the relationship between perceived effectiveness and a range of explanatory factors, linking these to the values and ethos of schools, differing views of the purposes of PSHE education, and long-standing policy agendas. We conclude by attempting to locate PSHE education in the new and rapidly evolving policy context and discuss some potential ways forward, as established means of support and challenge disappear. The data utilised in the paper come from a mapping and effectiveness study of PSHE education in both primary and secondary schools throughout England, which was conducted by Sheffield Hallam University on behalf of the Department for Education

    Impact of Emerging Interaction Techniques on Energy Use in the UK Social Housing

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    End use energy efficiency and fuel poverty is one of the major issues in the UK social housing sector. It is estimated that about 10% of English households live in fuel poverty. During 2015 UK greenhouse gas emission final figures show that the net CO2 emission was reduced by 4.1% between 2014 and 2015. This shows that the UK is on course to attain its second carbon budget with annual 2013–2015 emissions that are each below the estimated level for the period. However, the housing sector lags with a 4% increase in emissions over the same period. More work needs to be done in this sector. Householders can adopt more efficient energy use approaches and make better lifestyle choices to save money and have a safer environment. This research addresses government priorities to reduce energy demand, meet CO2 reduction targets, and reduce domestic reliance on fossil fuels, offering protection from price risks and fuel poverty as well as providing more affordable and comfortable domestic environments. The proposed research paper deals with novel interaction methods on energy use in social housing and how the aforesaid issues can be reflected on. A detailed background study on existing interaction methods and ongoing development of a serious game trialled in 19 households has been carried out. It has been noted that displaying real-time utility use and indoor environmental conditions to householders increased awareness and impacted how energy is being consumed. Furthermore, the proposed paper will investigate end use energy profile pattern changes due to novel interaction methods

    National Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2021 (2016)

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    The ecosystem approach as a framework for understanding knowledge utilisation

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    The Ecosystem Approach is used to analyse four case studies from England to determine what kind of ecosystem knowledge was used by people, and how it shaped their arguments. The results are reported across decisions making venues concerned with: innovation; conflict management; maintenance of ecosystem function; and, recognising the environment as an asset. In each area we identify the sources and uses of conceptual, instrumental, political and social knowledge. We found that the use of these knowledges can benefit the process as well as the quality of outcomes, and so ‘add value’ to the decision making process. However, the case studies did not exhibit any simple linear-rational model of knowledge use. Ecosystems thinking took many forms and depended on different institutional settings. As an argument making device, the Ecosystem Approach must be seen in the context of a wider set of social and political processes, which involves a range of complex strategies and motives that explain the apparent ‘messiness’ of environmental decision making. The paper demonstrates that as conceptual framework, the ‘ecosystem approach’ provides a valuable theoretical template to help us discover how and what knowledge is used in deliberative styles of decision making
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