4,001 research outputs found

    Características dos agentes de mudança

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    Há duas linhas básicas ao longo deste trabalho que podem sumariá-lo. Uma é a dependência comum, entre diversos autores, do trabalho de Lippitt e outros (13) para definir o agente de mudança. A outra reflete o esforço deliberado de vários estudiosos no sentido de ir além do simples conhecimento do que é um agente de mudança, mediante o desempenho de seu papel, ou simplesmente sendo um deles. Dos cinco exemplos vistos sobre esforços para definir os agentes de mudança, E. Rogers (24) na área de desenvolvimento intercultural, Tichy (27) na área de transformação social, Beckhard (1) na área de desenvolvimento organizacional, Gross e outros (7) no setor de instituições educacionais, e Pincus e Minahan (19) no campo de serviço social, todos baseiam-se nos conceitos originais de Lippitt e outros

    The Effectiveness of Self-Management of Hypertension in Adults Using Mobile Health: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Effective treatment of hypertension requires careful self-management. With the ongoing development of mobile technologies and the scarcity of health care resources, mobile health (mHealth)–based self-management has become a useful treatment for hypertension, and its effectiveness has been assessed in many trials. However, there is a paucity of comprehensive summaries of the studies using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Objective: This systematic review aimed to measure the effectiveness of mHealth in improving the self-management of hypertension for adults. The outcome measures were blood pressure (BP), BP control, medication adherence, self-management behavior, and costs. Methods: A systematic search was conducted using 5 electronic databases. The snowballing method was used to scan the reference lists of relevant studies. Only peer-reviewed randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published between January 2010 and September 2019 were included. Data extraction and quality assessment were performed by 3 researchers independently, adhering to the validation guideline and checklist. Both a meta-analysis and a narrative synthesis were carried out. Results: A total of 24 studies with 8933 participants were included. Of these, 23 studies reported the clinical outcome of BP, 12 of these provided systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) data, and 16 articles focused on change in self-management behavior and medication adherence. All 24 studies were included in the narrative synthesis. According to the meta-analysis, a greater reduction in both SBP and DBP was observed in the mHealth intervention groups compared with control groups, −3.78 mm Hg (P<.001; 95% CI −4.67 to −2.89) and −1.57 mm Hg (P<.001; 95% CI −2.28 to −0.86), respectively. Subgroup analyses showed consistent reductions in SBP and DBP across different frequencies of reminders, interactive patterns, intervention functions, and study duration subgroups. A total of 16 studies reported better medication adherence and behavioral change in the intervention groups, while 8 showed no significant change. Six studies included an economic evaluation, which drew inconsistent conclusions. However, potentially long-term financial benefits were mentioned in all economic evaluations. All studies were assessed to be at high risk of bias. Conclusions: This review found that mHealth self-management interventions were effective in BP control. The outcomes of this review showed improvements in self-management behavior and medication adherence. The most successful mHealth intervention combined the feature of tailored messages, interactive communication, and multifaceted functions. Further research with longer duration and cultural adaptation is necessary. With increasing disease burden from hypertension globally, mHealth offers a potentially effective method for self-management and control of BP. mHealth can be easily integrated into existing health care systems. Trial Registration: PROSPERO CRD42019152062; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=15206

    John C. Carapanayiotis (1909. – 1999.): grčki radiolog i pionir fizijatrije u Grčkoj

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    John C. Carapanayiotis was specialized in physical medicine and rehabilitation in the USA in 1948, at a time when the medical world in post-war Greece was ignorant of this specific medical specialty, and the political, economic and social backdrop was incapable of accepting and understanding the wealth of scientific knowledge that he was trying to introduce. At this point it should be noted that the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation was established in Greece in 1973. John C. Carapanayiotis was a member of the American Congress of Physical Medicine during the 1950’s. In the same period, he expressed interest, on behalf of the New York University, in the establishment of a Physical Therapy Clinic in Greece, which would be granted unlimited funding by the Marshal Plan. His efforts clashed constantly with the backward mentality of his time, with the entrenched conservatism and with the bureaucratic red tape. Unfortunately, he was far ahead of his time and was condemned to the same fate as all other visionaries and pioneers in the way that his knowledge and scientific background were not put into practice for decades to come.John C. Carapanayiotis specijalizirao je fizikalnu medicine i rehabilitaciju 1948. u SAD-u, u vrijeme kada medicinski svijet u poslijeratnoj Grčkoj još nije bio upoznat s ovom specifičnom medicinskom specijalizacijom, a politička, ekonomska i društvena pozadina nije bila spremna prihvatiti bogatstvo znanstvenih spoznaja koje je pokušavao uvesti. Specijalizacija fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije u Grčkoj je osnovana 1973. godine. John C. Carapanayiotis bio je član Američkog kongresa fizikalne medicine tijekom 1950-ih. U istom je razdoblju izrazio zainteresiranost, u ime Sveučilišta u New Yorku, za osnivanje Klinike za fizikalnu terapiju u Grčkoj, kojoj bi Marshallovim planom bilo odobreno neograničeno financiranje. Njegovi su se napori stalno sukobljavali s nazadnim mentalitetom njegova vremena, s ukorijenjenim konzervativizmom i birokracijom. Bio je daleko ispred svoga vremena, osuđen na sudbinu svih ostalih vizionara i pionira kojima se znanje i znanstvena pozadina nisu primjenjivali još desetljećima

    Synthetic RNA Silencing of Actinorhodin Biosynthesis in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)

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    We demonstrate the first application of synthetic RNA gene silencers in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). Peptide nucleic acid and expressed antisense RNA silencers successfully inhibited actinorhodin production. Synthetic RNA silencing was target-specific and is a new tool for gene regulation and metabolic engineering studies in Streptomyces.Peer reviewe

    Bone Proteomics Method Optimization for Forensic Investigations

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.The application of proteomic analysis to forensic skeletal remains has gained significant interest in improving biological and chronological estimations in medico-legal investigations. To enhance the applicability of these analyses to forensic casework, it is crucial to maximize throughput and proteome recovery while minimizing interoperator variability and laboratory-induced post-translational protein modifications (PTMs). This work compared different workflows for extracting, purifying, and analyzing bone proteins using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS)/MS including an in-StageTip protocol previously optimized for forensic applications and two protocols using novel suspension-trap technology (S-Trap) and different lysis solutions. This study also compared data-dependent acquisition (DDA) with data-independent acquisition (DIA). By testing all of the workflows on 30 human cortical tibiae samples, S-Trap workflows resulted in increased proteome recovery with both lysis solutions tested and in decreased levels of induced deamidations, and the DIA mode resulted in greater sensitivity and window of identification for the identification of lower-abundance proteins, especially when open-source software was utilized for data processing in both modes. The newly developed S-Trap protocol is, therefore, suitable for forensic bone proteomic workflows and, particularly when paired with DIA mode, can offer improved proteomic outcomes and increased reproducibility, showcasing its potential in forensic proteomics and contributing to achieving standardization in bone proteomic analyses for forensic applications

    Socioeconomic variation in diet and activity-related behaviours of Australian children and adolescents aged 2–16 years

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    BackgroundEvidence for age-related variation in the relationship between obesity-related behaviours and socioeconomic position may assist in the targeting of dietary and physical activity interventions among children.ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship between different indicators of socioeconomic position and obesity-related behaviours across childhood and adolescence.MethodsData were from 4487 children aged 2 to 16 years participating in the cross-sectional 2007 Australian National Children\u27s Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey. Socioeconomic position was defined by the highest education of the primary or secondary carer and parental income. Activity was assessed using recall methods with physical activity also assessed using pedometers. Intake of energy-dense drinks and snack foods, fruits and vegetables was assessed using 2&thinsp;&times;&thinsp;24-h dietary recalls.ResultsA socioeconomic gradient was evident for each dietary measure (although in age-specific analyses, not for energy-dense snacks in older children), as well as television viewing, but not physical activity. Whether each behaviour was most strongly related to parental income or education of the primary or secondary carer was age and sex dependent. The socioeconomic gradient was strongest for television viewing time and consumption of fruit and energy-dense drinks.ConclusionsA strong socioeconomic gradient in eating behaviours and television viewing time was observed. Relationships for particular behaviours differed by age, sex and how socioeconomic position was defined. Socioeconomic indicators define different population groups and represent different components of socioeconomic position. These findings may provide insights into who should be targeted in preventive health efforts at different life stages

    Anti-nausea effects and pharmacokinetics of ondansetron, maropitant and metoclopramide in a low-dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting in the dog: a blinded crossover study

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    Nausea is a subjective sensation which is difficult to measure in non-verbal species. The aims of this study were to determine the efficacy of three classes of antiemetic drugs in a novel low dose cisplatin model of nausea and vomiting and measure change in potential nausea biomarkers arginine vasopressin (AVP) and cortisol. A four period cross-over blinded study was conducted in eight healthy beagle dogs of both genders. Dogs were administered 18 mg/m2 cisplatin intravenously, followed 45 min later by a 15 min infusion of either placebo (saline) or antiemetic treatment with ondansetron (0.5 mg/kg; 5-HT3 antagonist), maropitant (1 mg/kg; NK1 antagonist) or metoclopramide (0.5 mg/kg; D2 antagonist). The number of vomits and nausea associated behaviours, scored on a visual analogue scale, were recorded every 15 min for 8 h following cisplatin administration. Plasma samples were collected to measure AVP, cortisol and antiemetic drug concentrations