117 research outputs found

    Comparison of corn harvesting methods

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    ”Det er jeg som kjenner barnet mitt best” En kvalitativ undersþkelse av foreldres opplevelsen av samarbeidet med skolen, med utgangspunkt i foreldre til barn som mottar spesialundervisning i grunnskolen

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    Masteroppgave pedagogikk- Universitetet i Agder, 2015Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i kvalitativ undersĂžkelse av foreldre til barn som mottar spesialundervisning sin opplevelse av samarbeidet med skolen. Oppgaven har et perspektiv pĂ„ foreldrenes opplevelse som utgangspunkt. Samarbeidet mellom hjem og skole er berĂžrt i internasjonal og norsk forskning. I denne oppgaven vil forskningsresultater fra undersĂžkelser foretatt av Hattie (2009) Nordahl (2000)(2003) og Nordahl og Skilbrei (2003) danne grunnlaget for den forskningen som drĂžftes. Teori om samarbeid og kommunikasjon, det etiske samarbeidet, makt, tillit, annerkjennelse, tidlig innsats og teori om skole og hjemsamarbeidet vil ses i lys av de funnen som blir gjort i arbeidet med prosjektet. I tillegg drĂžftes de nasjonale mĂ„lene og lovgrunnlaget opp mot informantenes opplevelse av samarbeidet. Problemstillingen for oppgaven: Hvordan opplever foreldre til barn som mottar spesialundervisning samarbeidet med skolen, og i hvilken grad opplever de Ă„ ha reell medvirkning og innflytelse pĂ„ barnets skolesituasjon. I arbeidet med oppgaven har jeg foretatt kvalitative intervjuer av fire foreldre til barn som mottar spesialundervisningen. Informantenes opplevelse av samarbeid og medvirkning drĂžftes i forhold til teori om samarbeid, tidligere forskning pĂ„ feltet, lovgrunnlag og politiske styringsdokumenter. Hovedkonklusjoner Gjennom drĂžfting og analyse av funne fremkommer det at foreldrenes opplevelse av samarbeidet med skolen og opplevelsen av medvirkning er varierende. De foreldrene som er fornĂžyde med sitt samarbeid med skolen er de samme foreldrene som rapporterer om mulighet til stor grad av medvirkning. De foreldrene som i mindre grad er fornĂžyd med samarbeidet forteller om opplevelser av Ă„ ikke bli tatt pĂ„ alvor i skolen. Slike opplevelser stemmer overens men annen forskning pĂ„ feltet, blant annet Nordahl 4 (2000) og Lundeby & TĂžssebro (2008) Foreldrene som opplever Ă„ ikke bli hĂžrt opplevde den samme problematikken i vurderingen av hvorvidt deres barn trengte spesialundervisning eller ikke. To av informantene har opplevd Ă„ mĂ„tte kjempe for sine barns rettigheter i flere Ă„r, fĂ„r de har fĂ„tt den hjelpen de trenger. Det samsvarer med det Nordahl (2000) definerer som en vente og se-­‐holdning i skolen, til tross for kunnskapen om betydningen av tidlig innsats


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    A religious traditional art in society is related to myth which can be categorized intofolktale. This tradition has been often become one in the Javanese mind and influential ingiving direction to their lives. Concerning with myth is inseparable from people’s believed. Thepeople believe which is appearing is usually established on the basis of a tale or story, which isdescendant from the local people and unwritten but believed by the society so that it becomestradition and culture encouragement. One of Indonesian ancestors’ heritages is leather puppetwhich can be enjoyed by us until now, although the form and the development conform to thedevelopment of the present modern world.Myth of the leather puppet in Javanese people themselves has been an icon, becausethe leather puppet it selves becomes myth which unified with tradition as well as Javanesepeople culture. So, other myth follows the leather puppet myth. One of the existing myths insociety are the myth’s appearances of human’s skin puppet, mainly a traditional art of leatherpuppet the material of which is believed to be created from human’s skin.Kedakan village located in the slope of Merbabu valley which is remote and far fromthe city. Because of its remote location, this place leave culture heritage of the preservedancestor’s tradition, such as human’s skin puppet. The appearing myth in the human skinpuppet is that of believed that the puppet is created from human’s skin, therefore, the puppetis considered holy and highly respected. The sacredness of the puppet appears, since manymisterious and illogical things happened related to the sacred puppet frequently. The mythwhich are still being preserved enables this leather puppet art in the remote village ever lastingand the existence is still being nurtured.Key words: Leather Puppet, Human Skin, and Myt

    Most Asked Agronomic Questions

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    Exact date of bulletin unknown.PDF pages: 4


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    Penelitian ini adalah sebuah eksplorasi penciptaan untuk mendapatkan produk keramikyang menekankan pada effect finishing guna terciptanya keramik yang memiliki nuansa etnisIndonesia sehingga dapat berkompetisi pada pasar global. Hal ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkandaya saing produk-produk para pengrajin keramik dalam rangka menghadapi pasar bebas asiatenggara atau sering disebut Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA). Target penelitian pada tahunpertama menciptakan produk keramik dengan finishing burning untuk memperoleh efek yangunik dan menarik. Teknik burning terhadap unsur cat baik yang water base maupun oil basedapat memberikan kesan antik dan maskulin sesuai dengan kecenderungan desain (trenddesain) saat ini. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan eksperimen pada prosesfinishing keramik guci untuk menghasilkan efek bakar. Kata Kunci: keramik, finishing burning effect, masyarakat ekonomi Asean

    Syndecan-4 signaling via NFAT regulates extracellular matrix production and cardiac myofibroblast differentiation in response to mechanical stress

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    Pressure overload activates cardiac fibroblasts leading to excessive production of extracellular matrix which may contribute to compromised heart function. The activated fibroblast acquires smooth muscle-like features such as expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin (SMA) and SM22 and is therefore referred to as myofibroblast. The molecular mechanisms underlying mechanical stress-induced myofibroblast differentiation are poorly defined. The objective of this study was to examine the potential roles of the transmembrane proteoglycan syndecan-4 and the calcineurin-dependent transcription factor nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) in myofibroblast differentiation. Aortic banding resulted in elevated collagen land III, fibronectin, SMA and SM22 mRNA in the left ventricles of wild-type mice, whereas this response was markedly reduced in syndecan-4(-/-) mice. Myofibroblast differentiation in vitro was associated with increased SMA, collagen I and III expression and NFAT-luciferase activity, all of which were reduced in fibroblasts from syndecan-4(-/-) mice or after treatment with calcineurin/NFAT blockers. Following cyclic stretch, NFATc4 was activated in cardiac fibroblasts in a syndecan-4- and calcineurin-dependent manner. Syndecan-4 and calcineurin co-localized and mechanical stress resulted in dephosphorylation of serine179 of syndecan-4, an intracellular residue critical for calcineurin interaction. Over-expression of NFATc4 up-regulated collagen III, MRTF-A (a transcriptional regulator of SMA) and the NFAT-target regulator of calcineurin 1.4 (RCAN1.4). Our data demonstrate that syndecan-4 is important for the differentiation of cardiac fibroblasts into myofibroblasts in the pressure-overloaded heart and that the calcineurin/NFAT pathway is engaged upon mechanical stress in a syndecan-4-dependent manner, playing an active role in myofibroblast differentiation and extracellular matrix production. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'Possible Editorial'. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Performance of auger conveyors for farm feed materials at restricted delivery rates

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    Bibliography: p. 12

    John Herum interview

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    John Herum taught in the English department at Central Washington University, 1962-1993.https://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwura_interviews/1023/thumbnail.jp
