275 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui potensi pendapatan, 2) effektivitas, dan 3) tax effort Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) dan Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB) di Kabupaten Karanganyar tahun 2010-2014. Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) dan Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB) merupakan salah satu komponen dari Pajak Daerah yang kontribusinya juga mempengaruhi Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). Data yang dipergunakan adalah data tahun 2010 sampai 2014. Data yang digunakan adalah sekunder yang diambil dari data resmi Dinas Pendapatan, Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (DPPKAD) Kabupaten Karanganyar tahun 2010-2014 dan Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Karanganyar Dalam Angka Tahun 2014. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan 1) Pada tahun 2014 Potensi Penerimaan Pajak PBB naik sebesar 14 persen dari tahun 2013 yaitu sebesar 64.848.547.214. Sedangkan pada tahun 2013 pajak BPHTB mengalami peningkatan sebesar 34 persen dari tahun sebelumnya yaitu sebesar 37.526.228.932, 2) Penerimaan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan selama periode 2010-2014 realisasi penerimaannya mencapai Rp. 35.400.000.000 dengan rata-rata efektivitas pajak sebesar 133 persen, dimana efektivitas tergolong sangat efektif. Sedangkan penerimaan Bea Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan Bangunan selama periode 2010-2014 realisasi penerimaannya mencapai Rp. 29.185.500.000 dengan rata-rata efektivitas pajak sebesar 193 persen, dimana efektivitas tergolong sangat efektif. Kesesuaian antara target dengan potensi lebih dari 50 persen, 3) Pada tahun 2013 daya pajak atau kemampuan membayar pajak oleh masyarakat di Kabupaten Karanganyar adalah sebesar 2,271 persen, mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,319 persen pada tahun 2014 menjadi 2,591 persen. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa, meningkatnya kesadaran atau kemampuan masyarakat dalam membayar pajak. Saran yang dapat diajukan adalah bagi pemerintah untuk memaksimalkan Sumber Daya Manusia. Peningkatan kompetisi dan kualitas SDM perlu dilaksanakan dengan mengikuti pelatihan dan pendidikan, sosialisasi, workshop, dan banyak kegiatan lainnya. Selain itu, pemerintah daerah lebih meningkatkan daya pajak (Tax Effort) guna menunjang pembangunan daerah. Kata kunci : potensi pendapatan, effektivitas, dan tax effort PBB dan BPHT

    Writing, Resistance and History: Violent Rewriting in Postresistance African-American and Polish Prose

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    My core area of research is Polish and African-American prose fiction written during and after civil resistance movements in each respective culture. My main research question will be the extent to which literature in the postresistance period questions the events and the narratives that were part of uniting the society to participate in the civil resistance movement

    Unmasking the Protester: The Meanings and Myths of Collective Civil Resistance Movements in African American and Polish Postresistance Prose Fiction

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    My contention is that the narrative framework of social movements, especially the ones deemed “successful” such as the American Civil Rights Movement and the Polish Solidarity Movement, reflects unity and collectivity within collective memory. During the period of the movements’ duration, this provides a clear rhetorical purpose: to give the appearance of unity in order to give effective voice to the demands. I argue that the voices that did not fit into the collective movements emerge subsequently to question this monologic language in literary form. This dissertation uses Bakhtin’s notion of dialogic language to argue that novels in the postresistance period challenge the mythical underpinnings of the movements, as well as collective memory, in order to give voice to individual’s experience of the movement. Using postmodern theory, I establish a postresistance analytic framework. The novels I examine resist a narrative of progress from oppression to freedom. Through their fragmented narratives and shifts in time, the individual characters react to the rhetorical frameworks of the movements. I use novels written after the American Civil Rights Movement and Polish Solidarity Movement in order to provide a more complete conception of this postresistance analysis. Ishmael Reed’s Flight to Canada (1976) and Stefan Chwin’s Hanemann (1995) allow me to discuss how dialogic voices question the conception of place and its imagined link to history and myth. I use Alice Walker’s Meridian (1976) and Janusz Anderman’s Cały Czas (2006) to focus on individuals within the movements who question the rhetorical motivations of the movements

    Improving the Stability of Referred Sensations Evoked by Transcutaneous Electrical Neuro-Stimulation

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    Loss of sensory function due to disease or limb amputation can be a devastating, life-changing event. Implantable neural stimulators have shown potential for providing naturalistic referred sensations, however, they require invasive surgical procedures. Transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation has been explored as a non-invasive alternative for delivering sensory feedback. Nonetheless, traditional single-channel stimulation approaches are hampered by large charge requirements, low selectivity, distracting local sensations, and limited stability. Arm motion during single-channel stimulation is known to impact the location, quality and intensity of the referred sensation. This study investigates the potential benefits of using interfering multichannel stimulation through surface electrodes to evoke more stable and consistent distally referred sensations than single-channel stimulation. In this study, charge-balanced biphasic current pulses were delivered to the median nerve of able-bodied participants using single-channel (1CH) and interfering multichannel (2CH) stimulation at the wrist level. Sensory responses were characterized for each approach under 8 different pulse durations, while Psychophysical questionnaires were used to interrogate the perceived location, quality, intensity and comfort of the evoked sensations at different wrist positions. In an early pilot test, the 2CH configuration was observed to be more immune to wrist position changes than 1CH. Further exploration with able-bodied participants is currently underway


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    Kedelai merupakan komoditas pertanian yang sangat penting, karena memiliki multi guna, dapat dikonsumsi langsung, dan dapat juga digunakan sebagai bahan baku agroindustri. Permintaan pasar terhadap kedelai yang terus meningkat perlu diimbangi dengan peningkatan hasil, salah satu caranya dengan persilangan antar varietas. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui nilai daya gabung umum, daya gabung khusus, dan nilai heterosis dalam persilangan dialel enam varietas kedelai. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Lahan Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian UNS Jumantono Kabupaten Karanganyar. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok lengkap yang diulang empat kali. Bahan penelitian adalah tanaman kedelai yang terdiri dari varietasvarietas : Burangrang, Gepak Kuning, Grobogan, Anjasmoro, Argomulyo, dan Wilis. Data persilangan dianalisis ragam berdasarkan uji F 5%, dan apabila terdapat beda nyata dilanjutkan DMRT 5%. Daya gabung umum dan daya gabung khusus diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode II Griffing. Heterosis untuk kombinasi persilangan yang dihitung dibedakan antara mid parent dan high parent. Varietas Gepak Kuning menunjukkan daya gabung umum yang baik untuk umur panen dan jumlah polong isi 2. Berat biji terbesar diperoleh pada varietas Argomulyo. Sedangkan untuk jumlah polong isi 3 terdapat pada Anjasmoro. Daya gabung khusus yang baik diperoleh pada kombinasi persilangan varietas Anjasmoro dengan Wilis untuk jumlah polong isi 3, dan umur panen terendah pada varietas Gepak Kuning dengan Grobogan. Kombinasi persilangan varietas Burangrang dengan Anjasmoro menghasilkan daya gabung khusus untuk berat biji, dan untuk jumlah polong isi 2 pada varietas Grobogan dengan Argomulyo. Heterosis high parent terbaik pada persilangan varietas Burangrang dengan Gepak Kuning untuk jumlah polong isi 3 dan berat biji. Persilangan varietas Anjasmoro dengan Wilis menunjukkan jumlah polong hampa paling sedikit dan umur panen terendah. perpustakaan

    Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Ekspresif dalam Cuitan Akun Twitter

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    This study aims to describe the forms of expressive illocutionary speech acts found in tweets from Twitter accounts. This study contains expressive illocutionary utterances which are analyzed by researchers based on the data that has been collected. The data is sourced from a Twitter account which is seen based on the tweets of Twitter users. The method in this study is a qualitative descriptive research in the form of written sentences. Data collection techniques in this study used observing, recording, and documentation. Listening and note-taking techniques are carried out by researchers by sorting and selecting data to be analyzed. While documentation was included by the researchers in the form of screenshots of tweets from Twitter account users. Data analysis techniques are performed by reducing data, presenting data, interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. The analysis that is carried out always involves a literature study process in order to strengthen evidence related to data that has been collected theoretically, so as to produce valid and reliable conclusions. In the results of this study, 24 data were found which were classified into expressive illocutionary speech acts. The 24 data describe the expression of the speaker's psychological attitude towards the situation implied in the illocutionary which consists of; 1) say thank you; 2) congratulate; 3) forgive; 4) censure; 5) praise; and 6) express condolences. This research can be useful in the learning process by adding insight and knowledge for educators and students regarding the study of pragmatics in speech acts and the relationship between speakers and interlocutors in expressive illocutionary speech

    Analisa Situasi Kesakitan Demam Berdarah Dengue Kabupaten Cirebon PeriodeTahun 2006-2008

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    S. Cirebon regency is one of highest endemie area of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) at West Java. during three the last year, there are 4.199 cases, that is 1.535 cases in year 2006 (incidenee rate/IR = 0,732%0),1.523 cases in year 2007 (IR = 0,712%0) and 1.141 cases in year 2008 (IR = 0,523%0). To get DHF epidemiology information at Cirebon regency had been done a data analysis that aimed to know epidemiology description and risk factor identification related to case distribution (person, time and place variables). Data analysis was resulted that there are depreciation of DHF case in year 2007 when com­pared with year 2006 and also case in the year 2008 compared with year 2007, but as a whole DF cases at Cirebon regency still high. Proportion of DHF cases in male is not dijJering compared female. It based on age group, highest cases is 15 - 45 year group that be a voluminous age group with high mobility. Thereby, DHF transmission is guessed happened in outside of residenee areas may be at school or at work areas. Data analysis also founding there are associate between ra in falls with DHF case incident, although that is a weak association. The peak of incident cases is happened in January (transmission peak in December

    Perbedaan Self-Disclosure dalam Hubungan Berpacaran Ditinjau dari Jenis Kelamin pada Mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan Self-Disclosure dalam hubungan berpacaran ditinjau dari jenis kelamin pada mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 160 orang mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana dengan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan Skala Self-Disclosure yang dikembangkan berdasarkan aspek-aspek Self-Disclosure menurut Devito (1997). Perbedaan Self-Disclosure antara mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana diuji menggunakan Independent Sample Test dan diperoleh hasil bahwa nilai t-test sebesar 8,012 dengan signifikansi 0,001 atau p < 0,05 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan Self-Disclosure antara mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.This study aims to determine differences in Self-Disclosure in dating relationships in terms of gender in university students of Psychology institution. This study was conducted on 160 students of the Faculty of Psychology Satya Wacana Christian University using accidental sampling technique. Data collected by using the Scale Self-Disclosure developed based on aspects of Self-Disclosure according to Devito (1997). Self-Disclosure difference between male students and female at the Faculty of Psychology Satya Wacana Christian University tested using the Independent Sample Test and showed that t-test value of 8.012 with 0.001 significance or p <0.05 so that it can be concluded that there are Self-Disclosure differences between man and women in the Faculty of Psychology Satya Wacana Christian University
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