94 research outputs found

    Criticality and extended phase space thermodynamics of AdS black holes in higher curvature massive gravity

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    Considering de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley theory of massive gravity coupled with (ghost free) higher curvature terms arisen from the Lovelock Lagrangian, we obtain charged AdS black hole solutions in diverse dimensions. We compute thermodynamic quantities in the extended phase space by considering the variations of the negative cosmological constant, Lovelock coefficients (αi\alpha_{i}) and massive couplings (cic_{i}), and prove that such variations is necessary for satisfying the extended first law of thermodynamics as well as associated Smarr formula. In addition, by performing a comprehensive thermal stability analysis for the topological black hole solutions, we show in what regions thermally stable phases exist. Calculations show the results are radically different from those in Einstein gravity. Furthermore, we investigate P−VP-V criticality of massive charged AdS black holes in higher dimensions, including the effect of higher curvature terms and massive parameter, and find that the critical behavior and phase transition can happen for non-compact black holes as well as spherically symmetric ones. The phase structure and critical behavior of topological AdS black holes are drastically restricted by the geometry of event horizon. In this regard, the universal ratio, i.e. PcvcTc\frac{{{P_c}{v_c}}}{{{T_c}}}, is a function of the event horizon topology. It is shown the phase structure of AdS black holes with non-compact (hyperbolic) horizon could give birth to three critical points corresponds to a reverse van der Waals behavior for phase transition which is accompanied with two distinct van der Waals phase transitions. For black holes with spherical horizon, the van der Waals, reentrant and analogue of solid/liquid/gas phase transitions are observed.Comment: 36 pages, 22 Figure

    Voltage stability assessment for distrbuted generation in islanded microgrid system

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    The increasing energy demands are stressing the generation and transmission capabilities of the power system. Distributed generation (DG), which generally located in distribution systems, has the ability to meet some of the growing energy demands. However, unplanned application of individual distributed generators might cause other technical problems. The microgrid concept has the potential to solve major problems arising from large penetration of DG in distribution systems. A microgrid is not a forceful system when it is compared to a power system. This project proposes a simulation approach to study voltage stability index (VSI) and voltage stability analysis in microgrid system for the improvement of the dynamic voltage stability in a microgrid in case of the dynamic voltage insufficiency. A model of IEEE-14 Bus System has been presented as a case study of an islanded microgird system. This project also presented line voltage stability index analysis which accurately performs voltage stability analysis at each transmission line and precisely predicts voltage collapse on power systems. A formula to calculate VSI has been derived and applied on two cases on the system. To show the effectiveness of the proposed voltage stability analysis method, this approach is implemented in a microgrid test system (14-bus, 20 lines) in PSAT which is a MATLAB toolbox environment. The test system has four diesel DGs and a wind turbine connected with eleven constant loads. The dynamic simulation of the test system is carried out for various types of disturbances. Islanded mode of operation is considered in this study. Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI) and voltage stability analysis have been successfully implemented and analysed


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    COz merupakan gas yang bersifat asam, dengan adanya uap air akan menyebabkan COzsemakin korosif. Gas COz juga dapat mengurangi nilai kalor pada kilang LNG dan gas alam. Oleh karena itu, pemisahan COz dari call1p"ran gas merupakan proses yang peruing. Absorpsi reaktif menggunakan pelarut kimia adalah metode yang paling banyok digunakan karena efekti] dan ekonomis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model matematik unit absorpsi CO2 skala industri dengan pelarut Kz(:03 berkatalis sena mengestimasi kinerja unit CO2 removal yang dinyatakan dengan %recovery CO2 dalam absorber dan komposisi gas yang keluar dari absorber. Simulasi dilakukan secara teoritis dengan mengembangkan model matematis untuk fenomena perpindahan massa yang disertai reaksi kimia pada proses recovefY CO2 dalam lam Ian Kz(:03 berkatalis, dengan asumsi steady SlOW dan isothermal. Model perpindahan massa yang digunakan adalah model Film. Data kinetika reaksi dalam pemodelan ini diperoleh dari Fei y, (2009). Sedangkan data kelarutan gas diperoleh dari Weisenberger (1996). Penelitian ini menggunakan pemrograman MATLAB 7.8. Sclanjutnya hasil penelitian ini divalidasi dengan data operasi di pabrik PKT II. Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh data konstanta kecepatan reaksi untuk absorbsi CO] ke dalam lam tall Kz(:03 berkatalis ACT-I yaitu kc = 26787699274e(-2868,6462)cm 3 Imol.s

    Realtime face matching and gender prediction based on deep learning

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    Face analysis is an essential topic in computer vision that dealing with human faces for recognition or prediction tasks. The face is one of the easiest ways to distinguish the identity people. Face recognition is a type of personal identification system that employs a person’s personal traits to determine their identity. Human face recognition scheme generally consists of four steps, namely face detection, alignment, representation, and verification. In this paper, we propose to extract information from human face for several tasks based on recent advanced deep learning framework. The proposed approach outperforms the results in the state-of-the-art

    Algoritma Persaingan Imperialis Sebagai Optimasi Kontroler PID dan ANFIS Pada Mesin Sinkron Magnet Permanen (Imperialist Competitive Algorithm As PID Optimization and ANFIS Controller at Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine)

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    Permanent Magnet Syschronous Machine (PMSM) has low torque, so good control is needed to be stable quickly. PMSM uses the principle of faraday experiments which is rotating a magnet in a coil or vice versa. When a magnet moves in a coil, there is a change in magnetic flux in the coil and penetrates perpendicular to the coil so that there is a potential difference between the ends of the coil, regarding this due to changes in magnetic flux. Magnetic flux can be changed by moving a magnet in a coil or vice versa by utilizing other energy sources. To get a good optimization result, the right control constants are needed. So that the best output is obtained. To get the right constants, a suitable and good method is needed, including using artificial intelligence. In this study using the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) method. From the simulation results it was found that the best controller design in this study was ANFIS-ICA with the best profile, torque profile, voltage profile, and rotation profile. The largest current is 2.45 A, the smallest overshot torque is 0.48 pu, the largest voltage frequency is 9.84 khz, and the best rotation (close to the reference) is 700.02 rpm. The results of this study will be continued with the use of other artificial intelligence
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