1,403 research outputs found

    Incentivizing Exploration with Heterogeneous Value of Money

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    Recently, Frazier et al. proposed a natural model for crowdsourced exploration of different a priori unknown options: a principal is interested in the long-term welfare of a population of agents who arrive one by one in a multi-armed bandit setting. However, each agent is myopic, so in order to incentivize him to explore options with better long-term prospects, the principal must offer the agent money. Frazier et al. showed that a simple class of policies called time-expanded are optimal in the worst case, and characterized their budget-reward tradeoff. The previous work assumed that all agents are equally and uniformly susceptible to financial incentives. In reality, agents may have different utility for money. We therefore extend the model of Frazier et al. to allow agents that have heterogeneous and non-linear utilities for money. The principal is informed of the agent's tradeoff via a signal that could be more or less informative. Our main result is to show that a convex program can be used to derive a signal-dependent time-expanded policy which achieves the best possible Lagrangian reward in the worst case. The worst-case guarantee is matched by so-called "Diamonds in the Rough" instances; the proof that the guarantees match is based on showing that two different convex programs have the same optimal solution for these specific instances. These results also extend to the budgeted case as in Frazier et al. We also show that the optimal policy is monotone with respect to information, i.e., the approximation ratio of the optimal policy improves as the signals become more informative.Comment: WINE 201

    Yield conditions for deformation of amorphous polymer glasses

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    Shear yielding of glassy polymers is usually described in terms of the pressure-dependent Tresca or von Mises yield criteria. We test these criteria against molecular dynamics simulations of deformation in amorphous polymer glasses under triaxial loading conditions that are difficult to realize in experiments. Difficulties and ambiguities in extending several standard definitions of the yield point to triaxial loads are described. Two definitions, the maximum and offset octahedral stresses, are then used to evaluate the yield stress for a wide range of model parameters. In all cases, the onset of shear is consistent with the pressure-modified von Mises criterion, and the pressure coefficient is nearly independent of many parameters. Under triaxial tensile loading, the mode of failure changes to cavitation.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, revte

    Caricaturing faces to improve identity recognition in low vision simulations: How effective is current-generation automatic assignment of landmark points?

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    Purpose: Previous behavioural studies demonstrate that face caricaturing can provide an effective image enhancement method for improving poor face identity perception in low vision simulations (e.g., age-related macular degeneration, bionic eye). To translate caricaturing usefully to patients, assignment of the multiple face landmark points needed to produce the caricatures needs to be fully automatised. Recent development in computer science allows automatic face landmark detection of 68 points in real time and in multiple viewpoints. However, previous demonstrations of the behavioural effectiveness of caricaturing have used higherprecision caricatures with 147 landmark points per face, assigned by hand. Here, we test the effectiveness of the auto-assigned 68-point caricatures. We also compare this to the hand-assigned 147-point caricatures. Method: We assessed human perception of how different in identity pairs of faces appear, when veridical (uncaricatured), caricatured with 68-points, and caricatured with 147-points. Across two experiments, we tested two types of low-vision images: a simulation of blur, as experienced in macular degeneration (testing two blur levels); and a simulation of the phosphenised images seen in prosthetic vision (at three resolutions). Results: The 68-point caricatures produced significant improvements in identity discrimination relative to veridical. They were approximately 50% as effective as the 147-point caricatures. Conclusion: Realistic translation to patients (e.g., via real time caricaturing with the enhanced signal sent to smart glasses or visual prosthetic) is approaching feasibility. For maximum effectiveness software needs to be able to assign landmark points tracing out all details of feature and face shape, to produce high-precision caricatures.This work was funded by the Australian Research Council (http://www.arc.gov.au/) grant DP150100684 to EM and National Health and Medical Research Council (https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/) 1082358 to NB

    Simulations of the Static Friction Due to Adsorbed Molecules

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    The static friction between crystalline surfaces separated by a molecularly thin layer of adsorbed molecules is calculated using molecular dynamics simulations. These molecules naturally lead to a finite static friction that is consistent with macroscopic friction laws. Crystalline alignment, sliding direction, and the number of adsorbed molecules are not controlled in most experiments and are shown to have little effect on the friction. Temperature, molecular geometry and interaction potentials can have larger effects on friction. The observed trends in friction can be understood in terms of a simple hard sphere model.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Carrots and sticks fail to change behavior in cocaine addiction.

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    Cocaine addiction is a major public health problem that is particularly difficult to treat. Without medically proven pharmacological treatments, interventions to change the maladaptive behavior of addicted individuals mainly rely on psychosocial approaches. Here we report on impairments in cocaine-addicted patients to act purposefully toward a given goal and on the influence of extended training on their behavior. When patients were rewarded for their behavior, prolonged training improved their response rate toward the goal but simultaneously rendered them insensitive to the consequences of their actions. By contrast, overtraining of avoidance behavior had no effect on patient performance. Our findings illustrate the ineffectiveness of punitive approaches and highlight the potential for interventions that focus on improving goal-directed behavior and implementing more desirable habits to replace habitual drug-taking.Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (Grant ID: 101521/Z/12/Z)This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AAAS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.aaf370

    Genome-Scale Methods Converge on Key Mitochondrial Genes for the Survival of Human Cardiomyocytes in Hypoxia

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    BACKGROUND: Any reduction in myocardial oxygen delivery relative to its demands can impair cardiac contractile performance. Understanding the mitochondrial metabolic response to hypoxia is key to understanding ischemia tolerance in the myocardium. We used a novel combination of 2 genome-scale methods to study key processes underlying human myocardial hypoxia tolerance. In particular, we hypothesized that computational modeling and evolution would identify similar genes as critical to human myocardial hypoxia tolerance. METHODS AND RESULTS: We analyzed a reconstruction of the cardiac mitochondrial metabolic network using constraint-based methods, under conditions of simulated hypoxia. We used flux balance analysis, random sampling, and principal component analysis to explore feasible steady-state solutions. Hypoxia blunted maximal ATP (−17%) and heme (−75%) synthesis and shrank the feasible solution space. Tricarboxylic acid and urea cycle fluxes were also reduced in hypoxia, but phospholipid synthesis was increased. Using mathematical optimization methods, we identified reactions that would be critical to hypoxia tolerance in the human heart. We used data regarding single-nucleotide polymorphism frequency and distribution in the genomes of Tibetans (whose ancestors have resided in persistent high-altitude hypoxia for several millennia). Six reactions were identified by both methods as being critical to mitochondrial ATP production in hypoxia: phosphofructokinase, phosphoglucokinase, complex II, complex IV, aconitase, and fumarase. CONCLUSIONS: Mathematical optimization and evolution converged on similar genes as critical to human myocardial hypoxia tolerance. Our approach is unique and completely novel and demonstrates that genome-scale modeling and genomics can be used in tandem to provide new insights into cardiovascular genetics

    Anisotropic Scaling in Threshold Critical Dynamics of Driven Directed Lines

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    The dynamical critical behavior of a single directed line driven in a random medium near the depinning threshold is studied both analytically (by renormalization group) and numerically, in the context of a Flux Line in a Type-II superconductor with a bulk current J\vec J. In the absence of transverse fluctuations, the system reduces to recently studied models of interface depinning. In most cases, the presence of transverse fluctuations are found not to influence the critical exponents that describe longitudinal correlations. For a manifold with d=4ϵd=4-\epsilon internal dimensions, longitudinal fluctuations in an isotropic medium are described by a roughness exponent ζ=ϵ/3\zeta_\parallel=\epsilon/3 to all orders in ϵ\epsilon, and a dynamical exponent z=22ϵ/9+O(ϵ2)z_\parallel=2-2\epsilon/9+O(\epsilon^2). Transverse fluctuations have a distinct and smaller roughness exponent ζ=ζd/2\zeta_\perp=\zeta_\parallel-d/2 for an isotropic medium. Furthermore, their relaxation is much slower, characterized by a dynamical exponent z=z+1/νz_\perp=z_\parallel+1/\nu, where ν=1/(2ζ)\nu=1/(2-\zeta_\parallel) is the correlation length exponent. The predicted exponents agree well with numerical results for a flux line in three dimensions. As in the case of interface depinning models, anisotropy leads to additional universality classes. A nonzero Hall angle, which has no analogue in the interface models, also affects the critical behavior.Comment: 26 pages, 8 Postscript figures packed together with RevTeX 3.0 manuscript using uufiles, uses multicol.sty and epsf.sty, e-mail [email protected] in case of problem

    Agouti protein, mahogunin, and attractin in pheomelanogenesis and melanoblast-like alteration of melanocytes: a cAMP-independent pathway

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    Melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) and its ligands, α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (αMSH) and agouti signaling protein (ASIP), regulate switching between eumelanin and pheomelanin synthesis in melanocytes. Here we investigated biological effects and signaling pathways of ASIP. Melan-a non agouti (a/a) mouse melanocytes produce mainly eumelanin, but ASIP combined with phenylthiourea and extra cysteine could induce over 200-fold increases in the pheomelanin to eumelanin ratio, and a tan-yellow color in pelletted cells. Moreover, ASIP-treated cells showed reduced proliferation and a melanoblast-like appearance, seen also in melanocyte lines from yellow (Ay/a and Mc1re/ Mc1re) mice. However ASIP-YY, a C-terminal fragment of ASIP, induced neither biological nor pigmentary changes. As, like ASIP, ASIP-YY inhibited the cAMP rise induced by αMSH analog NDP-MSH, and reduced cAMP level without added MSH, the morphological changes and depigmentation seemed independent of cAMP signaling. Melanocytes genetically null for ASIP mediators attractin or mahogunin (Atrnmg-3J/mg-3J or Mgrn1md-nc/md-nc) also responded to both ASIP and ASIP-YY in cAMP level, while only ASIP altered their proliferation and (in part) shape. Thus, ASIP–MC1R signaling includes a cAMP-independent pathway through attractin and mahogunin, while the known cAMP-dependent component requires neither attractin nor mahogunin

    Functional divergence in the role of N-linked glycosylation in smoothened signaling

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    The G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) Smoothened (Smo) is the requisite signal transducer of the evolutionarily conserved Hedgehog (Hh) pathway. Although aspects of Smo signaling are conserved from Drosophila to vertebrates, significant differences have evolved. These include changes in its active sub-cellular localization, and the ability of vertebrate Smo to induce distinct G protein-dependent and independent signals in response to ligand. Whereas the canonical Smo signal to Gli transcriptional effectors occurs in a G protein-independent manner, its non-canonical signal employs Gαi. Whether vertebrate Smo can selectively bias its signal between these routes is not yet known. N-linked glycosylation is a post-translational modification that can influence GPCR trafficking, ligand responsiveness and signal output. Smo proteins in Drosophila and vertebrate systems harbor N-linked glycans, but their role in Smo signaling has not been established. Herein, we present a comprehensive analysis of Drosophila and murine Smo glycosylation that supports a functional divergence in the contribution of N-linked glycans to signaling. Of the seven predicted glycan acceptor sites in Drosophila Smo, one is essential. Loss of N-glycosylation at this site disrupted Smo trafficking and attenuated its signaling capability. In stark contrast, we found that all four predicted N-glycosylation sites on murine Smo were dispensable for proper trafficking, agonist binding and canonical signal induction. However, the under-glycosylated protein was compromised in its ability to induce a non-canonical signal through Gαi, providing for the first time evidence that Smo can bias its signal and that a post-translational modification can impact this process. As such, we postulate a profound shift in N-glycan function from affecting Smo ER exit in flies to influencing its signal output in mice