10,331 research outputs found

    90 degree polarization rotator using a bilayered chiral metamaterial with giant optical activity

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    A bilayered chiral metamaterial (CMM) is proposed to realize a 90 degree polarization rotator, whose giant optical activity is due to the transverse magnetic dipole coupling among the metallic wire pairs of enantiomeric patterns. By transmission through this thin bilayered structure of less than \lambda/30 thick, a linearly polarized wave is converted to its cross polarization with a resonant polarization conversion efficiency (PCE) of over 90%. Meanwhile, the axial ratio of the transmitted wave is better than 40 dB. It is demonstrated that the chirality in the propagation direction makes this efficient cross-polarization conversion possible. The transversely isotropic property of this polarization rotator is also experimentally verified. The optical activity of the present structure is about 2700 degree/\lambda, which is the largest optical activity that can be found in literature.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Breaking parameter degeneracy in interacting dark energy models from observations

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    We study the interacting dark energy model with time varying dark energy equation of state. We examine the stability in the perturbation formalism and the degeneracy among the coupling between dark sectors, the time-dependent dark energy equation of state and dark matter abundance in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Further we discuss the possible ways to break such degeneracy by doing global fitting using the latest observational data and we get a tight constraint on the interaction between dark sectors.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Lett.

    Two Particle States and the SS-matrix Elements in Multi-channel Scattering

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    Using a quantum mechanical model, the exact energy eigenstates for two-particle two-channel scattering are studied in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions in all three directions. A relation between the exact energy eigenvalue in the box and the two-channel SS-matrix elements in the continuum is obtained. This result can be viewed as a generalization of the well-known L\"uscher's formula which establishes a similar relation in elastic scattering.Comment: 18 pages, no figures. minor changes compared with previous versio

    Unmodified Gravity

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    By relaxing the conventional assumption of a purely gravitational interaction between dark energy and dark matter, substantial alterations to the growth of cosmological structure can occur. In this work we focus on the homogeneous transfer of energy from a decaying form of dark energy. We present simple analytic solutions to the modified growth rates of matter fluctuations in these models, and demonstrate that neglecting physics within the dark sector may induce a significant bias in the inferred growth rate, potentially offering a false signature of modified gravity.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, new eq (7), changes reflect published versio

    Hierarchy and Performance of Analyst Teams

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    We examine the effect of hierarchy on analyst teams’ performance using a large sample of financial analysts from China. Hierarchy, defined as the disparity in power or status within a group, which we operationalise as the difference in experience between the senior and junior analyst in a team, is an important aspect of team structure that could affect team performance. We find that analyst teams with a hierarchy outperform flat teams (teams without a clear hierarchy). Specifically, hierarchical teams issue forecasts with higher accuracy, less optimism bias, less co-movement with the consensus, and stronger investor reactions. The results remain robust after we control for a number of firm and analyst characteristics and fixed effects. Further analysis shows that working in a hierarchical team helps junior analysts improve their individual forecasts for other firms, and senior analysts also benefit from working with junior analysts in hierarchical teams. Our results provide important insights into understanding the effect of team structure on the performance of analyst teams who issue majority of earnings forecasts

    Laminarisation of flow at low Reynolds number due to streamwise body force

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    It is well established that when a turbulent flow is subjected to a non-uniform body force, the turbulence may be significantly suppressed in comparison with that of the flow of the same flow rate and hence the flow is said to be laminarised. This is the situation in buoyancy-aided mixed convection when severe heat transfer deterioration may occur. Here we report results of direct numerical simulations of flow with a linear or a step-change profile of body force. In contrast to the conventional view, we show that applying a body force to a turbulent flow while keeping the pressure force unchanged causes little changes to the key characteristics of the turbulence. In particular, the mixing characteristics of the turbulence represented by the turbulent viscosity remain largely unaffected. The so-called flow laminarisation due to a body force is in effect a reduction in the apparent Reynolds number of the flow, based on an apparent friction velocity associated with only the pressure force of the flow (i.e. excluding the contribution of the body force). The new understanding allows the level of the flow ‘laminarisation’ and when the full laminarisation occurs to be readily predicted. In terms of the near-wall turbulence structure, the numbers of ejections and sweeps are little influenced by the imposition of the body force, whereas the strength of each event may be enhanced if the coverage of the body force extends significantly away from the wall. The streamwise turbulent stress is usually increased in accordance with the observation of more and stronger elongated streaks, but the wall-normal and the circumferential turbulent stresses are largely unchanged

    Picking battles: The impact of trust assumptions on the elaboration of security requirements

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    This position paper describes work on trust assumptions in the con-text of security requirements. We show how trust assumptions can affect the scope of the analysis, derivation of security requirements, and in some cases how functionality is realized. An example shows how trust assumptions are used by a requirements engineer to help define and limit the scope of analysis and to document the decisions made during the process

    A Model for Dark Energy decay

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    We discuss a model of non perturbative decay of dark energy into hot and cold dark matter. This model provides a mechanism from the field theory to realize the energy transfer from dark energy into dark matter, which is the requirement to alleviate the coincidence problem. The advantage of the model is the fact that we accommodate a mean life compatible with the age of the universe. We also argue that supersymmetry is a natural set up, though not essential.Comment: 5 pages to be published in Physics Letters

    Hyper Analysis Toolkit (HAT): A Case Study in Faculty Developed Software

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    The availability of inexpensive, high-powered personal computing environments i.s revolutionizing the business of higher education. The past “textbook-centric”world of academia is rapidly changing into a new “software-centric’’form. As such, many faculty are now interested in creating educational software but, because the process is unlike that of writing a textbook, have little experience with or understanding of the task

    Heavy-quark contribution to the proton's magnetic moment

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    We study the contribution to the proton's magnetic moment from a heavy quark sea in quantum chromodynamics. The heavy quark is integrated out perturbatively to obtain an effective dimension-6 magnetic moment operator composed of three gluon fields. The leading contribution to the matrix element in the proton comes from a quadratically divergent term associated with a light-quark tensor operator. With an approximate knowledge of the proton's tensor charge, we conclude that a heavy sea-quark contribution to the proton's magnetic moment is positive in the asymptotic limit. We comment on the implication of this result for the physical strange quark.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
