15 research outputs found

    Collaborative Governance Effort to Manage Forest in Kalimantan Island: Literature Review

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    Deforestation has given many problems to all the survival of living things throughout the world. Becoming one of the main issues in Kalimantan Island, there is a need for deforestation prevention and land restoration that must be carried out by all stakeholders including government, private sector, and the local community. Collaborative governance is expected to be a solution to deforestation in Kalimantan. The purpose of this research is to map out several collaborative governance efforts in forest management with local communities in Kalimantan. This research uses systematic literature review (SLR) approach on finding relevant articles for answering the formulated problems. The results of this study are the discovery of two main points in forest management efforts through collaborative governance with local communities: 1) collaboration between village communities (community forest) and state forest companies, called collaborative forest management programs (CFMP) and 2) social learning. &nbsp

    Collaboration after Conflict: A Lesson from Collaborative Action in Customary Land Tenure Conflicts in Lombok, Indonesia

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    Land tenure conflicts in Lombok occured due to social interactions between community and state institutions. These were triggered by the unilateral claims of some of the villagers of Bebidas who acted on behalf of indigenous communities to take back what they believed to be their ancestral land in the Mount Rinjani National Park area. This paper analyzes how stakeholders generated conflict resolution efforts that emphasized inclusive efforts by collaborative action through dialogue based on collaborative governance theory. Data were obtained from interviews with several key informants from various levels of government, as well as members of the Bebidas village community and NGO representatives. Documentation and observation were also carried out to obtain data validity over sustained data collection and analysis process. Findings show that conflict resolution resulted from a long-term process that built up from dialogues involving various stakeholders, which encouraged the emergence of Mutual Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding as milestones to end conflicts. This helped to initiate peaceful relations. Findings suggest that capacity building, promoting awareness, and technical training to support rights and livelihoods on an ongoing basis help to address conflicts rooted in knowledge imbalances. In addition, expanding conservation partnership through community empowerment and ecosystem restoration programs assist in maintaining resources and supporting economic benefits underpin ideals of sustainable longer term uses of the Rinjani

    Short Message Service (SMS) Bunda: Innovation Policy to Reduce Maternal Mortality in Brebes

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    SMS Bunda is a text-message service for pregnant women and postnatal mothers to reduce maternal and infant mortality. This paper examines the effectiveness of the Short Message Service (SMS) Bunda as used by the Regent of Brebes in Central Java to reduce maternal mortality. Using a combination of qualitative research methods - participant observation, interviews and document reviews, the results indicated that SMS Bunda reflects the formulation of innovation policies that are fundamentally pedagogic in changing the mindsets about women’s reproductive rights

    Accountability of General Election Commission of Klaten Regency in Organizing the 2015 Election of Regent and Deputy Regent

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    General Election Commission is an election organizing institution as referred to in the Law governing election administrators who are given the task and authority in administering an election based on the provisions stipulated in the Law. Managerial accountability is expected to be able to encourage the creation of public trust in government performance. Therefore, a review of managerial accountability in public organizations is very important to be carried out in order to ensure that the values of public services are carried out clearly on the managerial performance of the organization. This study will employ a qualitative descriptive approach to gain an in-depth understanding of managerial accountability of General Election Commission of Klaten Regency in organizing the 2015 election of Regent and Deputy Regent of Klaten. The data was obtained from sources related to the research object. In this case, it is the document of the election results of regional head from General Election Commission of Klaten Regency. Collecting the informants was carried out by using purposive sampling technique by selecting who the subjects are in the best position to provide information needed by researchers. In this case, General Election Commission of Klaten Regency carried out 3 stages in managerial accountability consisting of information, action and answer, although there are still a number of activities that are not yet optimal. Society participation and stakeholders have contributed to the success of the election implementation at each stage

    Conflict Resolution in the Performance of Collaborative Governance: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Conflict is one of the problems that occurs when every human, organization, and the social life of the organization. Conflict can be reviewed through the root of existing problems that can be internal or can be external. The science of public administration has the right resolution in dealing with the mechanism of collaborative governance. The literature review approach applied was based on scientific journals published in the database. The database that the authors used were Scopus, Science Direct, and Taylor and Francis Group. The result of this research showed that the implementation of the proposed collaborative governance form of cooperation structure and the policy then is the creation of the community plan making. Furthermore, the types of conflicts resolved by collaborative governance in the 2015-2019 period were the source of conflicts that often occur in that period. Researchers suggested that researching collaborative governance can be developed in government so that it can be implemented in overcoming various public problems

    Evaluating The Use of Paralegal Approach in Policy Advocacy

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the approach adopted by workers’ organizations in Surakarta city to use paralegal services in an effort to change the formula used in calculating minimum wage in government regulation No.  78 / 2015.  Data were collected using interview and documentation techniques.  Data obtained in the field were analyzed using qualitative methods, that by understanding meaning of the phenomenon and making theoretical interpretation.  Results of the research showed that advocacy to reject the formula used in calculating the minimum wage based on government regulation No.78/2015 using several ways that included influencing policy implementation, managing   public opinion and creating space for a movement that opposes the policy. The study shows that workers who were strongly opposed to government regulation No.78/2015, used various policy advocacy channels to press their case, that included  attempt to influence the implementation of the regulation, influence public opinion of the adverse impact of the regulation on worker wellbeing, and portraying the poor condition of workers’ welfare that requires government through actions that support higher wages  rather than efforts that reduce their future incomes.

    Evaluation of the Impact of the Watu Ata Nature Reserve Policy Setting

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    The major theme of this paper is to evaluate policy impacts. This paper aims to evaluate the impact of the determination of the Watu Ata Nature Reserve using the evaluation criteria proposed by William N. Dunn: Effectiveness, Equity, Responsiveness and Appropriateness. As defined in RI Government Regulation No. 28 of 2011 Article 1, a nature reserve is an area which, due to its natural condition, contains unique plants and/or plant diversity along with natural phenomena and whose ecosystem requires protection and preservation efforts so that its existence and development can grow naturally. The Watu Ata Nature Reserve is one nature reserve area in the Ngada regency based on the Decree of Minister of Forestry No. 432/Kpts-II/92. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative study that employs a field study approach conducted in two villages, namely, Heawea Village and Inelika Village. These two villages have the biggest community’s land in the  Watu Ata Nature Reserve. The findings suggest that the Watu Ata Nature Reserve policy has had a negative impact on people living around the nature reserve area, particularly with respect to their loss of access to the cultivated land and cultural sites where they have built relationships with their deceased ancestors

    Innovation of Public Service in Karanggede District of Boyolali Regency

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    Integrated District Administration Service is a form of service innovation aimed at improving the effectiveness of public services at the sub-district level. Boyolali District is the Local Government which currently also innovate the integrated administrative services of the sub-district in Karanggede sub-district.This research aims to describe the innovation of public services in Karanggede sub-district.In this research, data collection technique comes from interview and documentation, while data analysis technique used in this research is interactive model.Based on the research results obtained some innovative value by responding to input quickly and the use of Information and Communication Technology by building SIMANTAP. SIMANTAP is an application used by the user or admin on this PATEN. However, in the implementation PATEN still experience constraints because the application is not perfect to implement this online system. Keywords : Innovation, Public Service, PATEN

    Preparation of Innovation "Besuk Kiamat" Population and Civil Registration Office Surakarta City

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the formulation of innovation "Besuk Kiamat"  Population and Civil Registration Office Surakarta City. Data analysis techniques used in this research is triangulation with qualitative descriptive research. The results showed that 1) The creation of the idea originated from the lack of public awareness of the importance of the death certificate, 2) Experiments were done at 5 (five) sub district as a pilot project, 5 (five) sub districtlisted as densely populated areas and prove worthy tested, 3) Determining the feasibility of innovation "Besuk Kiamat" has been carried out by LAN via Drum Up, Diagnose, Design, Delivery and Display, 4) Implementation is done in order to realize accurate data for sustainable development

    Pemerintahan Kolaboratif Sebagai Solusi Kasus Deforestasi di Pulau Kalimantan: Kajian Literatur

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    Indonesia is a country with the largest biodiversityin the world. It has a rich forest both in land and the surface of the land, however the forest-related problemalso occurs in Indonesia. One of the largest islands in the world, namely Kalimantan Island has the largest forest distribution in Indonesia. In fact, it cannot be separated from deforestation issue for plantation, mining, and new residential areas reasons. If there is no monitoring, derforestation will produce increasingly severe forests damage, global climate change, and conservation of native animals in the forest. Collaborative governance is chosen as a means toovercomeg the problem of deforestation, and cooperate to other actors related to the community and jointly reducing this deforestation. Collaborative governance is considered capable to solve problem, especially from actors from the plantantion and mining business sector Further, the expected correlation is to be able to work together without being harmed. Keywords: Deforestation, Kalimantan Island, and Collaborative Governance Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kenanekaragaman hayati terbesar di dunia, memiliki hutan yang kaya kandungan di dalam tanah maupun yang di permukaan tanah, namun permasalahan akan hutan pun tidak menutup bahwa juga terjadi di Indonesia, salah satu pulau terbesar di dunia yakni Pulau Kalimantan memiliki persebaran hutan terbesar di Indonenesia, tidak lepas dari deforestasi baik untuk alasan perkebunan, pertambangan, dan kawasan hunian baru. Deforestasi jika di biarkan terus menerus akan mengakibatkan kerusakan hutan yang semakin parah, perubahan iklim dunia, dan mengancam hewan asli yang ada di dalam hutan tersebut. Pemerintahan kolaboratif di pilih sebagai sarana untuk mengatasi permasalahan deforestasi ini bekerjasama dengan aktor lain yakni swasta dan masyarakat untuk bersama-sama mengurangi deforestasi ini. Pemerintahan kolaboratif dianggap mampu dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan terutama dari para aktor dari sektor usaha perkebunan maupun pertambangan, korelasi yang di harapkan adalah bisa saling bekerjasama tanpa ada yang dirugikan. Kata Kunci: Deforestasi, Pulau Kalimantan, dan Pemerintahan Kolaborati