1,848 research outputs found

    Binding of Elementary Bodies by the Opportunistic Fungal Pathogen Candida albicansor Soluble β-Glucan, Laminarin, Inhibits Chlamydia Trachomatisinfectivity

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    Microbial interactions represent an understudied facet of human health and disease. In this study, the interactions that occur between Chlamydia trachomatis and the opportunistic fungal pathogen, Candida albicans were investigated. Candida albicans is a common component of the oral and vaginal microbiota responsible for thrush and vaginal yeast infections. Normally, Candida exist in the body as yeast. However, disruptions to the microbiota create conditions that allow expanded growth of Candida, conversion to the hyphal form, and tissue invasion. Previous studies have shown that a myriad of outcomes can occur when Candida albicans interacts with pathogenic bacteria. To determine if C. trachomatis physically interacts with C. albicans, we incubated chlamydial elementary bodies (EB) in medium alone or with C. albicans yeast or hyphal forms for 1 h. Following incubation, the samples were formaldehyde-fixed and processed for immunofluorescence assays using anti-chlamydial MOMP or anti- chlamydial LPS antibodies. Replicate samples were replenished with culture medium and incubated at 35°C for 0-120 h prior to fixation for immunofluorescence analysis or collection for EB infectivity assays. Data from this study indicates that both C. trachomatis serovar E and C. muridarum EB bind to C. albicans yeast and hyphal forms. This interaction was not blocked by pre-incubation of EB with the Candida cell wall components, mannan or β-glucans, suggesting that EB interact with a Candida cell wall protein or other structure. Bound EB remained attached to C. albicans for a minimum of 5 days (120 h). Infectivity assays demonstrated that EB bound to C. albicans are infectious immediately following binding (0h). However, once bound to C. albicans, EB infectivity decreased at a faster rate than EB in medium alone. At 6h post binding, 40% of EB incubated in medium alone remained infectious compared to only 16% of EB bound to C. albicans. Likewise, pre-incubation of EB with laminarin, a soluble preparation of β-glucan, alone or in combination with other fungal cell wall components significantly decreases chlamydial infectivity in HeLa cells. These data indicate that interactions between EB and C. albicans inhibit chlamydial infectivity, possibly by physically blocking EB interactions with host cell receptors

    High Evolutionary Potential Maintained in Common Frog ( Rana temporaria ) Populations Inhabiting Urban Drainage Ponds

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    Urbanisation leading to habitat change and fragmentation is a recognised global threat to biodiversity. However, it may also offer opportunities for some species. Genetic diversity, one of the three components of biodiversity, is often overlooked in conservation planning and policy. In the present study, we used a panel of seven microsatellite markers to compare the genetic structure of 34 common frog (Rana temporaria) populations residing in urban and suburban drainage ponds in Inverness (Scotland) with populations from rural surroundings. As a main finding, the levels of genetic variation were indiscernible between (sub)urban and rural populations. Significant isolation-by-distance was observed only for rural populations, with measures of pairwise genetic differentiation (Fst) that were, on average, lower than those in urban and suburban areas. The mean numbers of alleles remained stable between two temporal sets of samples collected at intervals broadly representing one R. temporaria generation, but with a tendency of decreasing allelic richness, irrespectively of the site characteristics. Taking these results together, our study revealed that the elevated levels of differentiation between R. temporaria populations inhabiting (sub)urban drainage ponds did not lead to increased levels of genetic erosion. Our findings support the importance of well-designed blue–green infrastructure in urban landscapes for the retention of within-species genetic diversity and can help to inform future biodiversity management policies

    Torsional Sensor Applications in Two-Phase Fluids

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    A solid corrosion-resistant torsional waveguide of diamond cross section has been developed to sense on-line and in real-time the characteristics of the liquid in which it is submerged. The sensor can measure, among other things, the liquid content of a bubbly medium; the density of adjacent pure liquids; the equivalent density of liquid-vapor mixtures or particulate suspensions; a suspension\u27s concentration; and the liquid level. The sensor exploits the phenomenon that the speed of propagation of a torsional stress wave in a submerged waveguide with a noncircular cross section is inversely proportional to the equivalent density of the liquid in which the waveguide is submerged. The sensor may be used to conduct measurements along distances ranging from 20 mm to 20 m and over a wide range of temperatures and pressures, e.g., from the cryogenic temperature of liquid nitrogen, -196°C, up to hot pressurized water at 300°C and 7 MPa. A self-calibrating three-zone sensor and associated electronics have also been developed to compensate for any sensor inaccuracies due to operation over a wide range of temperature. In some of the water experiments at room temperature, unexpected attenuation of the guided torsional waves was observed. This excess attenuation depends in part on the waveguide\u27s surface finish. It appears to be caused by air microbubbles adhering to the waveguide, imposing one of the practical limits on the maximum sensor length in nondegassed or aerated water

    High Evolutionary Potential Maintained in Common Frog (Rana temporaria) Populations Inhabiting Urban Drainage Ponds

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    Urbanisation leading to habitat change and fragmentation is a recognised global threat to biodiversity. However, it may also offer opportunities for some species. Genetic diversity, one of the three components of biodiversity, is often overlooked in conservation planning and policy. In the present study, we used a panel of seven microsatellite markers to compare the genetic structure of 34 common frog (Rana temporaria) populations residing in urban and suburban drainage ponds in Inverness (Scotland) with populations from rural surroundings. As a main finding, the levels of genetic variation were indiscernible between (sub)urban and rural populations. Significant isolation-by-distance was observed only for rural populations, with measures of pairwise genetic differentiation (Fst) that were, on average, lower than those in urban and suburban areas. The mean numbers of alleles remained stable between two temporal sets of samples collected at intervals broadly representing one R. temporaria generation, but with a tendency of decreasing allelic richness, irrespectively of the site characteristics. Taking these results together, our study revealed that the elevated levels of differentiation between R. temporaria populations inhabiting (sub)urban drainage ponds did not lead to increased levels of genetic erosion. Our findings support the importance of well-designed blue–green infrastructure in urban landscapes for the retention of within-species genetic diversity and can help to inform future biodiversity management policies

    Quasar Clustering from SDSS DR5: Dependences on Physical Properties

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    Using a homogenous sample of 38,208 quasars with a sky coverage of 4000deg24000 {\rm deg^2} drawn from the SDSS Data Release Five quasar catalog, we study the dependence of quasar clustering on luminosity, virial black hole mass, quasar color, and radio loudness. At z<2.5z<2.5, quasar clustering depends weakly on luminosity and virial black hole mass, with typical uncertainty levels ∼10\sim 10% for the measured correlation lengths. These weak dependences are consistent with models in which substantial scatter between quasar luminosity, virial black hole mass and the host dark matter halo mass has diluted any clustering difference, where halo mass is assumed to be the relevant quantity that best correlates with clustering strength. However, the most luminous and most massive quasars are more strongly clustered (at the ∼2σ\sim 2\sigma level) than the remainder of the sample, which we attribute to the rapid increase of the bias factor at the high-mass end of host halos. We do not observe a strong dependence of clustering strength on quasar colors within our sample. On the other hand, radio-loud quasars are more strongly clustered than are radio-quiet quasars matched in redshift and optical luminosity (or virial black hole mass), consistent with local observations of radio galaxies and radio-loud type 2 AGN. Thus radio-loud quasars reside in more massive and denser environments in the biased halo clustering picture. Using the Sheth et al.(2001) formula for the linear halo bias, the estimated host halo mass for radio-loud quasars is ∼1013h−1M⊙\sim 10^{13} h^{-1}M_\odot, compared to ∼2×1012h−1M⊙\sim 2\times 10^{12} h^{-1}M_\odot for radio-quiet quasar hosts at z∼1.5z\sim 1.5.Comment: Updated version; accepted for publication in Ap

    Binding of Elementary Bodies by the Opportunistic Fungal Pathogen Candida albicans or Soluble β-Glucan, Laminarin, Inhibits Chlamydia trachomatis Infectivity

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    Microbial interactions represent an understudied facet of human health and disease. In this study, the interactions that occur between Chlamydia trachomatis and the opportunistic fungal pathogen, Candida albicans were investigated. Candida albicans is a common component of the oral and vaginal microbiota responsible for thrush and vaginal yeast infections. Normally, Candida exist in the body as yeast. However, disruptions to the microbiota create conditions that allow expanded growth of Candida, conversion to the hyphal form, and tissue invasion. Previous studies have shown that a myriad of outcomes can occur when Candida albicans interacts with pathogenic bacteria. To determine if C. trachomatis physically interacts with C. albicans, we incubated chlamydial elementary bodies (EB) in medium alone or with C. albicans yeast or hyphal forms for 1 h. Following incubation, the samples were formaldehyde-fixed and processed for immunofluorescence assays using anti-chlamydial MOMP or anti- chlamydial LPS antibodies. Replicate samples were replenished with culture medium and incubated at 35°C for 0–120 h prior to fixation for immunofluorescence analysis or collection for EB infectivity assays. Data from this study indicates that both C. trachomatis serovar E and C. muridarum EB bind to C. albicans yeast and hyphal forms. This interaction was not blocked by pre-incubation of EB with the Candida cell wall components, mannan or β-glucans, suggesting that EB interact with a Candida cell wall protein or other structure. Bound EB remained attached to C. albicans for a minimum of 5 days (120 h). Infectivity assays demonstrated that EB bound to C. albicans are infectious immediately following binding (0h). However, once bound to C. albicans, EB infectivity decreased at a faster rate than EB in medium alone. At 6h post binding, 40% of EB incubated in medium alone remained infectious compared to only 16% of EB bound to C. albicans. Likewise, pre-incubation of EB with laminarin, a soluble preparation of β-glucan, alone or in combination with other fungal cell wall components significantly decreases chlamydial infectivity in HeLa cells. These data indicate that interactions between EB and C. albicans inhibit chlamydial infectivity, possibly by physically blocking EB interactions with host cell receptors

    3-dimensional patient-derived lung cancer assays reveal resistance to standards-of-care promoted by stromal cells but sensitivity to histone deacetylase inhibitors

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    There is a growing recognition that current preclinical models do not reflect the tumor microenvironment in cellular, biological, and biophysical content and this may have a profound effect on drug efficacy testing, especially in the era of molecular-targeted agents. Here, we describe a method to directly embed low-passage patient tumor–derived tissue into basement membrane extract, ensuring a low proportion of cell death to anoikis and growth complementation by coculture with patient-derived cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF). A range of solid tumors proved amenable to growth and pharmacologic testing in this 3D assay. A study of 30 early-stage non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) specimens revealed high levels of de novo resistance to a large range of standard-of-care agents, while histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors and their combination with antineoplastic drugs displayed high levels of efficacy. Increased resistance was seen in the presence of patient-derived CAFs for many agents, highlighting the utility of the assay for tumor microenvironment-educated drug testing. Standard-of-care agents showed similar responses in the 3D ex vivo and patient-matched in vivo models validating the 3D-Tumor Growth Assay (3D-TGA) as a high-throughput screen for close-to-patient tumors using significantly reduced animal numbers. Mol Cancer Ther; 15(4); 753–63. ©2016 AACR

    Regional Business Cycles in New Zealand: Do they exist? What Might Drive Them?

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    We use National Bank of New Zealand Regional Economic Activity data, to identify and characterise classical business cycle turning points, for New Zealand’s 14 regions and aggregate New Zealand activity. Using Concordance statistic measures, logistic model and GMM estimation methods, meaningful regional business cycles have been identified and a number of significant associations established. All regions exhibit cyclical asymmetry for both durations and amplitudes, and synchronisations between aggregate NZ activity and each region are contemporaneous. The regional cycles rarely die of old age but are terminated by particular events. The regions most highly synchronised with the NZ activity cycle are Auckland, Canterbury, and Nelson-Marlborough; those least so are Gisborne and Southland. Noticeably strong co-movements are evident for certain regions. Geographical proximity matters, and unusually dry conditions can be associated with cyclical downturns in certain regions. There is no discernable evidence of association with net immigration movements, and no significant evidence of regional cycle movements being associated with real house price cycles. The agriculture-based nature of the New Zealand economy is highlighted by the strong influence of external economic shocks on rural economic performance. In particular, there is considerable evidence of certain regional cycles being associated with movements in New Zealand’s aggregate terms of trade, real prices of milksolids, real dairy land prices and total rural land prices. JEL Classification: C22, E32, R11, R12, R15 Keywords: Classical business cycle; Turning Points; Regional business cycles; Concordance statistics; New Zealan

    Chemical trends of the bulk and surface termination-dependent electronic structure of metal-intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides

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    Funding: VINNOVA - 2018-04969; H2020 Research Infrastructures - 730872; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council - EP/L01548X/1, EP/N032128/1, EP/T02108X/1; H2020 European Research Council - 714193; Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas - 2019-02496; Leverhulme Trust - RL-2016-006, RPG-2023-253; Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.The addition of metal intercalants into the van der Waals gaps of transition metal dichalcogenides has shown great promise as a method for controlling their functional properties. For example, chiral helimagnetic states, current-induced magnetization switching, and a giant valley-Zeeman effect have all been demonstrated, generating significant renewed interest in this materials family. Here, we present a combined photoemission and density-functional theory study of three such compounds: V1/3NbS2, Cr1/3NbS2, and Fe1/3NbS2, to investigate chemical trends of the intercalant species on their bulk and surface electronic structure. Our resonant photoemission measurements indicate increased hybridization with the itinerant NbS2-derived conduction states with increasing atomic number of the intercalant, leading to pronounced mixing of the nominally localized intercalant states at the Fermi level. Using spatially and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we show how this impacts surface-termination-dependent charge transfers and leads to the formation of new dispersive states of mixed intercalant-Nb character at the Fermi level for the intercalant-terminated surfaces. This provides an explanation for the origin of anomalous states previously reported in this family of compounds and paves the way for tuning the nature of the magnetic interactions in these systems via control of the hybridization of the magnetic ions with the itinerant states.Peer reviewe
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