334 research outputs found

    Unification in 5D SO(10)

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    Gauge unification in a five dimensional supersymmetric SO(10) model compactified on an orbifold S1/(Z2×Z2)S^1/(Z_2 \times Z_2^{\prime}) is studied. One orbifolding reduces N=2 supersymmetry to N=1, and the other breaks SO(10) to the Pati-Salam gauge group \ps. Further breaking to the standard model gauge group is made through the Higgs mechanism on one of the branes. The differences of the three gauge couplings run logarithmically even in five dimensions and we can keep the predictability for unification as in four dimensional gauge theories. We obtain an excellent prediction for gauge coupling unification with a cutoff scale M3×1017M_* \sim 3 \times 10^{17} GeV and a compactification scale Mc1.5×1014M_c \sim 1.5 \times 10^{14} GeV. Finally, although proton decay due to dimension 5 operators may be completely eliminated, the proton decay rate in these models is sensitive to the placement of matter multiplets in the 5th dimension, as well as to the unknown physics above the cutoff scale.Comment: 33 pages, one reference added and fig. 3 caption correcte

    Higgs boson mass limits in perturbative unification theories

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    Motivated in part by recent demonstrations that electroweak unification into a simple group may occur at a low scale, we detail the requirements on the Higgs mass if the unification is to be perturbative. We do this for the Standard Model effective theory, minimal supersymmetry, and next-to-minimal supersymmetry with an additional singlet field. Within the Standard Model framework, we find that perturbative unification with sin2(thetaW)=1/4 occurs at Lambda=3.8 TeV and requires mh<460 GeV, whereas perturbative unification with sin2(thetaW)=3/8 requires mh<200 GeV. In supersymmetry, the presentation of the Higgs mass predictions can be significantly simplified, yet remain meaningful, by using a single supersymmetry breaking parameter Delta_S. We present Higgs mass limits in terms of Delta_S for the minimal supersymmetric model and the next-to-minimal supersymmetric model. We show that in next-to-minimal supersymmetry, the Higgs mass upper limit can be as large as 500 GeV even for moderate supersymmetry masses if the perturbative unification scale is low (e.g., Lambda=10 TeV).Comment: 20 pages, latex, 6 figures, references adde

    Supersymmetry on the Run: LHC and Dark Matter

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    Supersymmetry, a new symmetry that relates bosons and fermions in particle physics, still escapes observation. Search for SUSY is one of the main aims of the recently launched Large Hadron Collider. The other possible manifestation of SUSY is the Dark Matter in the Universe. The present lectures contain a brief introduction to supersymmetry in particle physics. The main notions of supersymmetry are introduced. The supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model - the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model - is considered in more detail. Phenomenological features of the MSSM as well as possible experimental signatures of SUSY at the LHC are described. The DM problem and its possible SUSY solution is presented.Comment: Latex, 37 pages, 35 figures. Lectures given at 48 Schladming School on Theoretical Physics, March 201

    Finite Theories and the SUSY Flavor Problem

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    We study a finite SU(5) grand unified model based on the non-Abelian discrete symmetry A_4. This model leads to the democratic structure of the mass matrices for the quarks and leptons. In the soft supersymmetry breaking sector, the scalar trilinear couplings are aligned and the soft scalar masses are degenerate, thus solving the SUSY flavor problem.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, 1 figur

    Supernova Bounds on Majoron-emitting decays of light neutrinos

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    Neutrino masses arising from the spontaneous violation of ungauged lepton-number are accompanied by a physical Goldstone boson, generically called Majoron. In the high-density supernova medium the effects of Majoron-emitting neutrino decays are important even if they are suppressed in vacuo by small neutrino masses and/or small off-diagonal couplings. We reconsider the influence of these decays on the neutrino signal of supernovae in the light of recent Super-Kamiokande data on solar and atmospheric neutrinos. We find that majoron-neutrino coupling constants in the range 3\times 10^{-7}\lsim g\lsim 2\times 10^{-5} or g \gsim 3 \times 10^{-4} are excluded by the observation of SN1987A. Then we discuss the potential of Superkamiokande and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory to detect majoron neutrino interactions in the case of a future galactic supernova. We find that these experiments could probe majoron neutrino interactions with improved sensitivity.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Dependence of the 12^{12}C(γ\vec{\gamma},pd) reaction on photon linear polarisation

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    The sensitivity of the 12^{12}C(γ,pd)(\vec{\gamma},pd) reaction to photon linear polarisation has been determined at MAMI, giving the first measurement of the reaction for a nucleus heavier than 3^{3}He. Photon asymmetries and cross sections were measured for EγE_{\gamma}=170 to 350 MeV. For EγE_{\gamma} below the Δ\Delta resonance, reactions leaving the residual 9^{9}Be near its ground state show a positive asymmetry of up to 0.3, similar to that observed for 3^{3}He suggesting a similar reaction mechanism for the two nuclei.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Measurements of 12C(&#8594;γ,pp) photon asymmetries for Eγ= 200–450 MeV

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    The 12C (&#8594;γ ,pp) reaction has been studied in the photon energy range 200-450 MeV at the Mainz microtron MAMI-C, where linearly polarised photons were energy-tagged using the Glasgow-Mainz Tagged Photon Spectrometer and protons were detected in the Crystal Ball detector. The photon asymmetry Σ has been measured over a wider Eγ range than previous measurements. The strongest asymmetries were found at low missing energies where direct emission of nucleon pairs is expected. Cuts on the difference in azimuthal angles of the two ejected protons increased the magnitude of the observed asymmetries. At low missing energies the Σ data exhibit a strong angular dependence, similar to deuteron photodisintegration