735 research outputs found

    The semi-presidential system of Cape Verde: the relationship between the executive and the legislative powers = O sistema semi-presidencialista caboverdiano: a relação entre os poderes executivo e legislativo

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    e article analyses the relationship established between the executive and legislative powers in the Cape Verdean government system where researchers seek to understand it, taking into account their theoretical and constitutional setting practice. It should be noted the prominence of the debate and studies undertaken to understand how the scienti c academy seeks to eradicate this problem. Two issues are relevant in this debate: the rst reporting to the theoretical and constitutional con guration of Cape Verdean government system and the other to its policy and legislative practice. Keywords: Cape Verde. Semi-presidential System. Systems of Government. Legislative and Executive Powers.O artigo procura analisar a relação que se estabelece entre o poder executivo e legislativo no sistema de governo cabo-verdiano, onde Investigadores buscam compreendê-lo, tendo em conta a sua con guração prática, teórica e constitucional. Há que realçar a proeminência do debate e dos estudos realizados no sentido de compreender como é que a academia cientí ca procura debelar esta problemática. Duas questões são pertinentes neste debate: a primeira refere-se à con guração teórico-constitucional do sistema de governo cabo-verdiano e a outra à prática política e legislativa. Palavras-chave: Cabo Verde. Sistema Semi-presidencialista. Sistemas de Governo. Poder legislativo e Poder Executivo

    A non-linear decomposition for segmentation of noisy textures

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    This paper presents firstly the multi-size morphological decomposition (MMD) based on mathematical morphology, which can décompose a textured image into a set of component images according to the size and the gray level of texture primitives in the image . The MMD can give good results for supervised segmentation of textured images while the signal to noise ratio of the image to be segmented is near to that one of the reference images used for learning. Then, this decomposition is generalized by using the rank-order filter for fitting better to noisy textures . Experimental results show that the generalized decomposition is more robust to noises . It can improve the segmentation results when the signal to noise ratio of the image to be segmented is different from that of the reference images .Cet article présente d'abord la décomposition morphologique multi-tailles (DMM) fondée sur la morphologie mathématique, qui permet la décomposition d'une image texturelle en un ensemble d'images composantes suivant la taille et le niveau de gris des primitives texturelles dans l'image. La DMM peut conduire à de bons résultats en segmentation supervisée de textures bruitées lorsque le rapport signal à bruit de l'image à segmenter est proche de celui des images de référence utilisées pour l'apprentissage. Ensuite cette décomposition est généralisée par le filtre d'ordre afin de mieux l'adapter aux textures bruitées. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la décomposition généralisée s'avère en effet moins sensible au brui

    Annotation and visualisation of parasite, fungi and arthropod genomes with Companion

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    As sequencing genomes has become increasingly popular, the need for annotation of the resulting assemblies is growing. Structural and functional annotation is still challenging as it includes finding the correct gene sequences, annotating other elements such as RNA and being able to submit those data to databases to share it with the community. Compared to de novo assembly where contiguous chromosomes are a sign of high quality, it is difficult to visualize and assess the quality of annotation. We developed the Companion web server to allow non-experts to annotate their genome using a reference-based method, enabling them to assess the output before submitting to public databases. In this update paper, we describe how we have included novel methods for gene finding and made the Companion server more efficient for annotation of genomes of up to 1 Gb in size. The reference set was increased to include genomes of interest for human and animal health from the fungi and arthropod kingdoms. We show that Companion outperforms existing comparable tools where closely related references are available

    The Pretty Hill Formation as a natural analogue for CO2 storage: an investigation of mineralogical and isotopic changes associated with sandstones exposed to low, intermediate and high CO2 concentrations over geological time

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    The Pretty Hill Formation of the Otway Basin (Australia) has been studied as a natural analogue for geological storage of anthropogenic CO in order to examine the effects that CO concentration and reservoir heterogeneity have on CO-related reactions. New petrographic data are presented, which validate the use of Hylogger™ as a tool to investigate high-resolution vertical changes in reservoir mineralogy. The integrated data set confirms earlier interpretations, showing that chlorite has been altered to kaolinite and siderite/ankerite in reservoir facies exposed to moderate and high CO concentrations, while chlorite remains the dominant clay mineral in all parts of the formation where CO content is low.Differences have been observed in the degree of CO-related reaction relative to CO concentration and reservoir heterogeneity. Where CO content is very high (c. 98mol%) and associated with high water saturations, both chlorite and detrital feldspars have undergone complete reaction in the reservoir facies, resulting in quartzose sandstones with a kaolinite matrix, and with siderite as the dominant carbonate precipitate. Conversely, where CO content is moderate (c. 29-57mol%) and within the gas leg of the reservoir, chlorite has undergone significant reaction, but much of the original feldspar is preserved, suggesting relatively minor reaction. Carbonate cements from the moderate CO gas-leg comprise calcite, siderite and ankerite, occurring as cemented zones associated with rock heterogeneities and the present-day gas-water contact. Heterogeneities within the gas-leg are likely to have associated pore fluid contacts, whereby relatively high water saturations will be present in the fine-grained baffles and seals. The most advanced feldspar reaction occurs locally at the contact between baffles and reservoir rock, while reactions have been significantly impeded in the finer grained units due to their low permeabilities.Stable isotope data presented for carbonate cements analysed from wells with low and moderate CO levels show no clear distinction. Relatively early formed calcite has δC values that require an organic carbon source, suggesting precipitation unrelated to the reservoir CO in the Otway Basin. In contrast, diagenetically late calcite and siderite samples display two distinct δC groups (dependent on carbonate type), where the calculated fluid carbon isotope compositions are similar to documented magmatic CO reservoired in the nearby Caroline Field. This suggests that magma-derived CO may have been more prevalent through the Pretty Hill Formation than previously thought. Although the CO has not been contained over the long term in the low CO sites, it may have caused the local dissolution of carbonate and laumontite cement, and also contributed a source of carbon for late-stage calcite cements.These studies illustrate the importance of understanding both the reservoir composition and vertical heterogeneity of potential storage systems. Fluid-mineral reactions are likely to be advanced within stacked reservoir facies and impeded within siltstone layers, while the distribution of carbonate cement may increase the reservoir heterogeneity by the formation of cemented siltstone/sandstone layers, thereby creating impermeable barriers or baffles to CO

    Discovery of Large-Scale Gravitational Infall in a Massive Protostellar Cluster

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    We report Mopra (ATNF), Anglo-Australian Telescope, and Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment observations of a molecular clump in Carina, BYF73 = G286.21+0.17, which give evidence of large-scale gravitational infall in the dense gas. From the millimetre and far-infrared data, the clump has mass ~ 2 x 10^4 Msun, luminosity ~ 2-3 x 10^4 Lsun, and diameter ~ 0.9 pc. From radiative transfer modelling, we derive a mass infall rate ~ 3.4 x 10^-2 Msun yr-1. If confirmed, this rate for gravitational infall in a molecular core or clump may be the highest yet seen. The near-infrared K-band imaging shows an adjacent compact HII region and IR cluster surrounded by a shell-like photodissociation region showing H2 emission. At the molecular infall peak, the K imaging also reveals a deeply embedded group of stars with associated H2 emission. The combination of these features is very unusual and we suggest they indicate the ongoing formation of a massive star cluster. We discuss the implications of these data for competing theories of massive star formation.Comment: v1: 23 pages single-column, 6 figures (some multipart) at end v2: 14 pages 2-column, 6 figures interspersed v3: edited to referee's comments with new sections and new figures; accepted to MNRAS, 20 pages 2-column, 8 figures (some multipart) intersperse
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