44 research outputs found

    A beta-alpha coincidence counting system for measurement of trace quantities of 238U and 232Th in aqueous samples at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

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    The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment was built to measure the total flux of 8B solar neutrinos via the neutral current disintegration deuterium nuclei. This process can be mimicked by daughter isotopes of 232Th and 238U which can photo-disintegrate the deuterium nucleus. Measurement of the concentration of such radioisotopes in the heavy water was critical to the success of the experiment. A radium assay technique using Hydrous Titanium Oxide coated filters was developed for this purpose and it was used in conjunction with a delayed beta-alpha coincidence counting system. The design, calibration and operation of this counting system are described in this paper. The counting efficiency for 232Th (224Ra) and 238U (226Ra) were measured to be 50 +/- 5% and 62 +/- 7

    Four methods for determining the composition of trace radioactive surface contamination of low-radioactivity metal

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    Four methods for determining the composition of low-level uranium- and thorium-chain surface contamination are presented. One method is the observation of Cherenkov light production in water. In two additional methods a position-sensitive proportional counter surrounding the surface is used to make both a measurement of the energy spectrum of alpha particle emissions and also coincidence measurements to derive the thorium-chain content based on the presence of short-lived isotopes in that decay chain. The fourth method is a radiochemical technique in which the surface is eluted with a weak acid, the eluate is concentrated, added to liquid scintillator and assayed by recording beta-alpha coincidences. These methods were used to characterize two `hotspots' on the outer surface of one of the He-3 proportional counters in the Neutral Current Detection array of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment. The methods have similar sensitivities, of order tens of ng, to both thorium- and uranium-chain contamination.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figure

    Termination of STING responses is mediated via ESCRT-dependent degradation

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    Published online 4 May 2023cGAS-STING signalling is induced by detection of foreign or mislocalised host double-stranded (ds)DNA within the cytosol. STING acts as the major signalling hub, where it controls production of type I interferons and inflammatory cytokines. Basally, STING resides on the ER membrane. Following activation STING traffics to the Golgi to initiate downstream signalling and subsequently to endolysosomal compartments for degradation and termination of signalling. While STING is known to be degraded within lysosomes, the mechanisms controlling its delivery remain poorly defined. Here we utilised a proteomics-based approach to assess phosphorylation changes in primary murine macrophages following STING activation. This identified numerous phosphorylation events in proteins involved in intracellular and vesicular transport. We utilised high-temporal microscopy to track STING vesicular transport in live macrophages. We subsequently identified that the endosomal complexes required for transport (ESCRT) pathway detects ubiquitinated STING on vesicles, which facilitates the degradation of STING in murine macrophages. Disruption of ESCRT functionality greatly enhanced STING signalling and cytokine production, thus characterising a mechanism controlling effective termination of STING signalling.Katherine R Balka, Rajan Venkatraman, Tahnee L Saunders, Angus Shoppee, Ee Shan Pang, Zoe Magill, Jihane Homman-Ludiye, Cheng Huang, Rachael M Lane, Harrison M York, Peck Tan, Ralf B Schittenhelm, Senthil Arumugam, Benjamin T Kile, Meredith O, Keeffe, Dominic De Nard

    Measurement of νˉμ\bar{\nu}_{\mu} and νμ\nu_{\mu} charged current inclusive cross sections and their ratio with the T2K off-axis near detector

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    We report a measurement of cross section σ(νμ+nucleusμ+X)\sigma(\nu_{\mu}+{\rm nucleus}\rightarrow\mu^{-}+X) and the first measurements of the cross section σ(νˉμ+nucleusμ++X)\sigma(\bar{\nu}_{\mu}+{\rm nucleus}\rightarrow\mu^{+}+X) and their ratio R(σ(νˉ)σ(ν))R(\frac{\sigma(\bar \nu)}{\sigma(\nu)}) at (anti-)neutrino energies below 1.5 GeV. We determine the single momentum bin cross section measurements, averaged over the T2K νˉ/ν\bar{\nu}/\nu-flux, for the detector target material (mainly Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Copper) with phase space restricted laboratory frame kinematics of θμ\theta_{\mu}500 MeV/c. The results are σ(νˉ)=(0.900±0.029(stat.)±0.088(syst.))×1039\sigma(\bar{\nu})=\left( 0.900\pm0.029{\rm (stat.)}\pm0.088{\rm (syst.)}\right)\times10^{-39} and $\sigma(\nu)=\left( 2.41\ \pm0.022{\rm{(stat.)}}\pm0.231{\rm (syst.)}\ \right)\times10^{-39}inunitsofcm in units of cm^{2}/nucleonand/nucleon and R\left(\frac{\sigma(\bar{\nu})}{\sigma(\nu)}\right)= 0.373\pm0.012{\rm (stat.)}\pm0.015{\rm (syst.)}$.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Irish cardiac society - Proceedings of annual general meeting held 20th & 21st November 1992 in Dublin Castle

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    Search for Lorentz and CPT violation using sidereal time dependence of neutrino flavor transitions over a short baseline

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    A class of extensions of the Standard Model allows Lorentz and CPT violations, which can be identified by the observation of sidereal modulations in the neutrino interaction rate. A search for such modulations was performed using the T2K on-axis near detector. Two complementary methods were used in this study, both of which resulted in no evidence of a signal. Limits on associated Lorentz and CPT-violating terms from the Standard Model extension have been derived by taking into account their correlations in this model for the first time. These results imply such symmetry violations are suppressed by a factor of more than 10 20 at the GeV scale

    Measurement of the νe and total 8B solar neutrino fluxes with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory phase-III data set

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    This paper details the solar neutrino analysis of the 385.17-day phase-III data set acquired by the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO). An array of 3He proportional counters was installed in the heavy-water target to measure precisely the rate of neutrino-deuteron neutral-current interactions. This technique to determine the total active 8B solar neutrino flux was largely independent of the methods employed in previous phases. The total flux of active neutrinos was measured to be 5.54-0.31+0.33(stat.)-0.34+0.36(syst.)×106 cm-2 s-1, consistent with previous measurements and standard solar models. A global analysis of solar and reactor neutrino mixing parameters yielded the best-fit values of Δm2=7.59-0.21+0.19×10 -5eV2 and θ=34.4-1.2+1.3degrees

    Measurement of coherent π+π^{+} production in low energy neutrino-Carbon scattering

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    We report the first measurement of the flux-averaged cross section for charged current coherent π+\pi^{+} production on carbon for neutrino energies less than 1.5 GeV to a restricted final state phase space region in the T2K near detector, ND280. Comparisons are made with predictions from the Rein-Sehgal coherent production model and the model by Alvarez-Ruso {\it et al.}, the latter representing the first implementation of an instance of the new class of microscopic coherent models in a neutrino interaction Monte Carlo event generator. This results contradicts the null results reported by K2K and SciBooNE in a similar neutrino energy region

    Scintillator ageing of the T2K near detectors from 2010 to 2021

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    The T2K experiment widely uses plastic scintillator as a target for neutrino interactions and an active medium for the measurement of charged particles produced in neutrino interactions at its near detector complex. Over 10 years of operation the measured light yield recorded by the scintillator based subsystems has been observed to degrade by 0.9–2.2% per year. Extrapolation of the degradation rate through to 2040 indicates the recorded light yield should remain above the lower threshold used by the current reconstruction algorithms for all subsystems. This will allow the near detectors to continue contributing to important physics measurements during the T2K-II and Hyper-Kamiokande eras. Additionally, work to disentangle the degradation of the plastic scintillator and wavelength shifting fibres shows that the reduction in light yield can be attributed to the ageing of the plastic scintillator. The long component of the attenuation length of the wavelength shifting fibres was observed to degrade by 1.3–5.4% per year, while the short component of the attenuation length did not show any conclusive degradation

    Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Conceptual Design Report Volume 2: The Physics Program for DUNE at LBNF

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    The Physics Program for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) at the Fermilab Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) is described