1,954 research outputs found

    Tanggungjawab Perdata Pemilik Perseroan Terbatas (PT) Terhadap Kerugian Pihak Lain Dalam Tinjauan Hukum Bisnis Islam

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    The existence of Limited Company (LC) in business is a necessity. Limited Company in Indonesia is regulated by Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007. The domination of the company in the form of Limited Company is because of its superiority in comparison with other forms of company. The first advantage, Limited Company provides easiness to transfer its shares to other parties or persons. The second, shareholder liability of Limited Company is limited to the value of shares held in the Limited Company itself. The enthusiasts of LC are not only from among non-Muslims but also Muslim investors who are choosing it as a form of business entity to run their business. Muslim businessmen, other than as a citizen of Indonesia who are supposed to be the subject to the rules of positive law in Indonesia, including the law pertaining to company, should also be the subject to the provisions of shari'ah. In relation with the discussion above, there are some fundamental questions as follow; (1) is there any kinds of legal form of Limited Company in Islam?; (2) is there any limitations of liability in Islam?; (3) is the limitation of liability is allowed under Islamic law?. Based on the research, it can be concluded that Islam does not have the shirkah system which has the similarities to Limited Company of either in the form of responsibility or its legal status. According to al-Qur'an and al-hadith that each individual is responsible to pay all debt dependents without any restrictions. Islam does not also allow a form of limited obligation as set out in Limited Company. It is because the provisions of shari>'ah states that one should not reduce a bit of his or her own debt

    Leptospirosis Ditinjau dari Aspek Mikrobiologi

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    Leptospirosis is an acute infectious disease in humans caused by Leptospira sp. This disease is classified as a zoonosis that usually occurs during the flood and is commonly transmitted through rat urine. Leptospirosis occurs through humans contact with animals or the environment that have been contaminated by Leptospira. There are wide spectrum clinical manifestations of leptospirosis varying from self-limited to severe disease. Leptospira commonly enters human body  through conjunctiva or injured skin, food or beverage contaminated with urine’s rat containing Leptospira. This disease is very difficult to be distinguished from other diseases such as meningitis, malaria, dengue fever, hepatitis and enteric fever. Clinical symptoms of leptospirosis are nonspecific and due to the difficulties in conforming  the diagnosis so that resulted to the misdiagnosis of this disease. Microbiological examination is done by Rapid Diagnostic Test, Microscopic Agglutination Test, Polymerase Chain Reaction test and others. Prevention can be done by inhibiting the entry of Leptospira to human body via implementing clean and healthy life and surrounding environment.Leptospirosis merupakan penyakit infeksi akut yang dapat menyerang manusia maupun hewan yang disebabkan Leptospira sp.  Penyakit ini digolongkan sebagai zoonosis yang umumnya timbul saat banjir dan biasanya ditularkan melalui urin tikus. Leptospirosis terjadi karena manusia melakukan kontak dengan hewan atau lingkungan yang telah terkontaminasi.  Leptospira biasanya masuk ke tubuh manusia melalui konjungtiva atau kulit yang terluka, melalui makanan atau minuman yang terkontaminasi urin tikus yang mengandung Leptospira. Secara klinis penyakit ini sangat sulit dibedakan dengan penyakit lain misalnya meningitis, malaria, demam berdarah, hepatitis dan demam enterik.  Manifestasi klinis Leptospirosis luas mulai dari self limited hingga sakit berat. Gejala klinis leptospirosis yang tidak spesifik dan sulitnya uji laboratorium untuk konfirmasi diagnosis mengakibatkan penyakit ini seringkali tidak terdiagnosis. Pemeriksaan mikrobiologi dilakukan dengan uji diagnostik cepat, uji Aglutinasi mikroskopik, uji  PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) dan lainnya. Pencegahan dapat dilakukan dengan mencegah masuknya Leptospira ke dalam tubuh manusia dengan menerapkan pola hidup bersih, menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan lingkungan sekitar

    Neural network-based meta-modelling approach for estimating spatial distribution of air pollutant levels

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    Continuous measurements of the air pollutant concentrations at monitoring stations serve as a reliable basis for air quality regulations. Their availability is however limited only at locations of interest. In most situations, the spatial distribution beyond these locations still remains uncertain as it is highly influenced by other factors such as emission sources, meteorological effects, dispersion and topographical conditions. To overcome this issue, a larger number of monitoring stations could be installed, but it would involve a high investment cost. An alternative solution is via the use of a deterministic air quality model (DAQM), which is mostly adopted by regulatory authorities for prediction in the temporal and spatial domain as well as for policy scenario development. Nevertheless, the results obtained from a model are subject to some uncertainties and it requires, in general, a significant computation time. In this work, a meta-modelling approach based on neural network evaluation is proposed to improve the estimated spatial distribution of the pollutant concentrations. From a dispersion model, it is suggested that the spatially-distributed pollutant levels (i.e. ozone, in this study) across a region under consideration is a function of the grid coordinates, topographical information, solar radiation and the pollutant's precursor emission. Initially, for training the model, the input-output relationship is extracted from a photochemical dispersion model called The Air Pollution Model and Chemical Transport Model (TAPM-CTM), and some of those input-output data are correlated with the ambient measurements collected at monitoring stations. Here, improved radial basis function networks, incorporating a proposed technique for selection of the network centres, will be developed and trained by using the data obtained and the forward selection approach. The methodology is then applied to estimate the ozone concentrations in the Sydney basin, Australia. Once executed, apart from the advantage of inexpensive computation, it provides more reliable results of the estimation and offers better predictions of ozone concentrations than those obtained by using the TAPM-CTM model only, when compared to the measurement data collected at monitoring stations. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Foundations of Islamic Finance: Appraising the Approaches and Challenges

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    The emergence of Islamic finance as a system of thought and practice is timely in the midst of world crisis and the uncertain proposals for solving it. It is hoped that Islamic finance could offer a coherent perspective for understanding real economic problems as well as a genuine alternative to the very foundations of how finance should be managed to actualize human prosperity. It is widely expected that Islamic finance will continuously evolve into a more sophisticated form and structure in the next decade. Some, however, question whether the development is moving on the right track to realize the hopes pinned on it at the time of its initial establishment. This embarks from the differences in understanding the raison d?etre of Islamic finance emergence and hence approach taken in developing the industry. In this paper we argue that Islamic finance should be directed to provide for meaningful development in thetwenty-first century, Islamic finance must realize its full potential as a system, not merely a stopgap means of surviving the crisis. It must go beyond that to provide the guidelines for managing a good economy, stimulating growth and development, realizing socio-economic justice and promoting employment and stability. It cannot limit itself to merely offering economic and financial practices that satisfy the minimum standard of legal requirements

    Populasi Aedes SP. dan Karakteristik Breeding Site pada Daerah Endemik di Kec. Bantimurung Kab. Maros dengan Aplikasi Sig

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    Dengue fever up to now still be a problem in many countries mainly in developed coun-try and so is in Bantimurung district in Indonesia which is one of the endemic areas in South of Sulawesi. This study was aimed to find out the population of Aedes sp. and breeding site characteristics in endemic regions of Bantimurung Subdistrict Maros Regency with the appli-cation of Geographic Information System (GIS). This study was conducted in Ban-timurung Subdistrict involving 182 households with total 447 breeding sites. This study was an explo-rative study. Samples were drawn using random sampling method. Study results indicated that larva density of Aedes in Bantimurung subdistrict included House Index (HI) = 81%, Container Index (CI) = 75%, Breteau Index (BI) = 184 and Density Figure (DF) = 8, and high larva density was observed in all villages, in which HI > 5%. Aedes sp. larva-positive breeding sites out of 182 houses were 335 and two Aedes species were identified: Ae. Aegypti (63/18.8%) and Ae. Albopictus (271/81%). The identified breeding sites included 15% natural sites, the most common was banana trees (73.1%), and 85% artificial breeding sites with the most common final disposal site was barrel (38.7%) and non final disposal site was tire (59.6%). Larva-positive breeding sites were primarily found outside the houses com-pared inside the houses with lighting conditions protected from the sun (52%) and not protected (48%), and average water temperature of 28 C and average water pH of 7.2. There is such a trend breeding site distribution of larva Aedes positively in the area with high dengue fever affair. It is necessary to the environment around the home which has potency to be a breeding site. Key Words ; Aedes sp., Breeding Site, Artificial TP

    Risk Factors and Scoring Systems for Patients with Candidemia at a Tertiary Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Aim: to identify the risk factors of candidemia and to develop a scoring system that could be implemented in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta, Indonesia. Methods: this study was a retrospective study with case control design using the medical records of patients since 2011 to 2014. All sepsis patients hospitalized in the RSCM with a positive blood culture for Candida were included in this study as a case group. The control group was all of the sepsis patients without candidemia. The ratio for case and control groups was equal (1:1). Results: from 234 patients who were analyzed, the risk factors that influenced the study were length of stay of 8-14 days (OR 3.464; 95% CI 1.458-7.800), length of stay of more than 14 days (OR 6.844; 95% CI 3.0-15.330), severe sepsis (OR 16.407; 95% CI 1.458-7.800), and surgery (OR 3.03; 95% CI 1.492-6.152). The predictors for candidemia in RSCM were length of stay in hospital for 8-14 days (score 1), a length of stay ≥14 days (score 2), severe sepsis (score 3), and surgery (score 1), with a cut off score of 3.5. Conclusion: the results of this study have indicated that a scoring system in order to guide an empirical treatment for candidemia can be developed by using the risk factors for candidemia from patients who have been identified as patients with risk at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital

    Tolerance in Inquiry-Based Learning: Building Harmony and Solidarity in Students

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    This study aims to reveal how inquiry-based learning can be used as a strategy in building harmony and solidarity which, in turn, can instill tolerance values in students. It is a qualitative research involving Sekolah Alam Ungaran in Semarang Regency as its subject of study. The study employs in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. It uses triangulation of resources and methods to ensure data validity. Meanwhile, data analysis refers to the Miles and Huberman technique. The study finds that the tolerance values in inquiry-based learning in Sekolah Alam Ungaran are built through three types of activities: (1) self-development through routine activities, spontaneous activities, exemplary and conditioning; (2) integration into materials or courses, and (3) formation of school culture. Later, these findings are designed to be a model of inquiry-based learning to build harmony and solidarity in students


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    The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the implementation of the al-Adl Concept on the Practices of Muzara'ah and Mukhabarah. This research particularly examined and determined the most suitable profit-sharing contract decisions to be applied to the leading agricultural sector in Bantaeng Regency. A qualitative research design was adopted in this study by using a phenomenological research approach. The data collection methods used in this study were observation, document analysis, and direct interviews with several informants. The data of this research were analyzed using descriptive qualitative data analysis and pairwise comparison scale qualitative analysis using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The study results indicated that the community's practices of muzara'ah and mukhabarah in Bantaeng Regency had been well conducted

    Urban Rainfall-Runoff Study To Validate The Design Chart In The Malaysian Urban Storm Water Management Manual (MSMA).

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    Knowledge on rainfall-runoff response is vital in engineering practices for developing area in the humid tropics. This paper will discuss the runoff response due to varying rainfall within small Malaysian urban catchment

    Evaluation of Lightning Induced Effects in a Graphite Composite Fairing Structure

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    Defining the electromagnetic environment inside a graphite composite fairing due to lightning is of interest to spacecraft developers. This paper is the first in a two part series and studies the shielding effectiveness of a graphite composite model fairing using derived equivalent properties. A frequency domain Method of Moments (MoM) model is developed and comparisons are made with shielding test results obtained using a vehicle-like composite fairing. The comparison results show that the analytical models can adequately predict the test results. Both measured and model data indicate that graphite composite fairings provide significant attenuation to magnetic fields as frequency increases. Diffusion effects are also discussed. Part 2 examines the time domain based effects through the development of a loop based induced field testing and a Transmission-Line-Matrix (TLM) model is developed in the time domain to study how the composite fairing affects lightning induced magnetic fields. Comparisons are made with shielding test results obtained using a vehicle-like composite fairing in the time domain. The comparison results show that the analytical models can adequately predict the test and industry results