194 research outputs found

    The thermoelectric working fluid: thermodynamics and transport

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    Thermoelectric devices are heat engines, which operate as generators or refrigerators using the conduction electrons as a working fluid. The thermoelectric heat-to-work conversion efficiency has always been typically quite low, but much effort continues to be devoted to the design of new materials boasting improved transport properties that would make them of the electron crystal-phonon glass type of systems. On the other hand, there are comparatively few studies where a proper thermodynamic treatment of the electronic working fluid is proposed. The present article aims to contribute to bridge this gap by addressing both the thermodynamic and transport properties of the thermoelectric working fluid covering a variety of models, including interacting systems.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Photon emission induced by elastic exciton--carrier scattering in semiconductor quantum wells

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    We present a study of the elastic exciton--electron (X−e−X-e^-) and exciton--hole (X−hX-h) scattering processes in semiconductor quantum wells, including fermion exchange effects. The balance between the exciton and the free carrier populations within the electron-hole plasma is discussed in terms of ionization degree in the nondegenerate regime. Assuming a two-dimensional Coulomb potential statically screened by the free carrier gas, we apply the variable phase method to obtain the excitonic wavefunctions, which we use to calculate the 1ss exciton--free carrier matrix elements that describe the scattering of excitons into the light cone where they can radiatively recombine. The photon emission rates due to the carrier-assisted exciton recombination in semiconductor quantum-wells (QWs) at room temperature and in a low density regime are obtained from Fermi's golden rule, and studied for mid-gap and wide-gap materials. The quantitative comparison of the direct and exchange terms of the scattering matrix elements shows that fermion exchange is the dominant mechanism of the exciton--carrier scattering process. This is confirmed by our analysis of the rates of photon emission induced by electron-assisted and hole-assisted exciton recombinations.Comment: Thoroughly revised version of previous work. Weak and incorrect assumptions have been removed from the paper, and its scope has evolved: see abstract. This is the final version, i.e. as accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal

    Closed-loop approach to thermodynamics

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    We present the closed loop approach to linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics considering a generic heat engine dissipatively connected to two temperature baths. The system is usually quite generally characterized by two parameters: the output power PP and the conversion efficiency η\eta, to which we add a third one, the working frequency ω\omega. We establish that a detailed understanding of the effects of the dissipative coupling on the energy conversion process, necessitates the knowledge of only two quantities: the system's feedback factor β\beta and its open-loop gain A0A_{0}, the product of which, A0βA_{0}\beta, characterizes the interplay between the efficiency, the output power and the operating rate of the system. By placing thermodynamics analysis on a higher level of abstraction, the feedback loop approach provides a versatile and economical, hence a very efficient, tool for the study of \emph{any} conversion engine operation for which a feedback factor may be defined

    Polariton-polariton scattering in microcavities: A microscopic theory

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    We apply the fermion commutation technique for composite bosons to polariton-polariton scattering in semiconductor planar microcavities. Derivations are presented in a simple and physically transparent fashion. A procedure of orthogonolization of the initial and final two-exciton state wavefunctions is used to calculate the effective scattering matrix elements and the scattering rates. We show how the bosonic stimulation of the scattering appears in this full fermionic approach whose equivalence to the bosonization method is thus demonstrated in the regime of low exciton density. We find an additional contribution to polariton-polariton scattering due to the exciton oscillator strength saturation, which we analyze as well. We present a theory of the polariton-polariton scattering with opposite spin orientations and show that this scattering process takes place mainly via dark excitonic states. Analytical estimations of the effective scattering amplitudes are given.Comment: Theoretical paper on polariton-polariton scattering in planar microcavities. The new version contains a slightly modified abstract and a revised introduction. Typos have been corrected wherever spotted. 16 page
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