10,968 research outputs found

    Performance of metakaolin based geopolymer concrete at elevated temperature

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    Due to the carbon dioxide emission arising from the production of cement, alternative concrete that is environmentally friendly such as metakaolin geopolymer concrete have been developed. However, the performance of metakaolin based geopolymer concrete (MKGC) when exposed to aggressive environment particularly elevated temperature has not been investigated. Therefore, this paper assessed the performance of MKGC exposed to elevated temperatures. MKGC cube specimens of grade 25 were produced using a mix ratio of 1:1.58:3.71.After preparing the specimens, they were placed in an electric oven at a temperature of 60oC for 24 hours. Thereafter, the specimens were stored in the laboratory at ambient temperature for 28 days. The specimens were then exposed to elevated temperatures of 200, 400, 600 and 800oC. After exposure to elevated temperatures, the MKGC specimens were subjected to compressive strength, water absorption and abrasion resistance tests. Results show that at 600 and 800oC, the MKGC lost a compressive strength of 59.69% and 71.71% respectively. Higher water absorption and lower abrasion resistance were also observed. Keywords: Cement, Compressive Strength, Metakaolin Concrete, Elevated Temperature

    Chemotherapy–Induced Colitis

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    Corrosion study of pipeline material for seabed sediment in tropical climate

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    Corrosive environments such as marine sediments can cause corrosion to steel pipelines at any time when certain conditions are met. Seabed sediment could cause severe corrosion damage due to its corrosiveness to the pipelines buried under it. Many consequences could take place in case if there is incident in oil/gas pipelines. Successfully identifying elements of corrosion in marine sediment would enhance the future of steel structure protection and monitoring systems. This article focuses on the behaviour of corrosion rate of steel located near shore environment and the aim is to determine the effect of sediment on corrosion of steel. To investigate that, simulated near shore sediment conditions have been used where the steel coupons buried in sediments which have different characteristics. Weight loss technique has been implemented to determine the weight loss rate of the steel specimens. Based on the results of this study, metal weight loss increases as the duration of exposure to seabed sediment environment become longer. The sea sediment simulated condition has given significant levels of corrosion. Conclusively, the corrosion rate of steel in seabed sediment located in tropical region is complicated and further studies are suggested

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan terhadap Kepatuhan Diet pada Pasien DM Tipe 2 di Irna Non Bedah Penyakit dalam RSUP Dr.m. Djamil Padang Tahun 2014

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    Diabetes Mellitus is a degenerative disease that has become a health problem in the world. The prevalence of this disease is increasing in developing countries, including Indonesia. Uncontrolled blood sugar and further complications may be influenced by the patient's behavior and lifestyle. Disobedience in implementing the diet is one of the problems for Diabetic patients. One of the nursing interventions that can be used to overcome the disobedience of the diet is to provide health education on dietary management. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of health education on dietary obedience in patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Irna Non Bedah Penyakit Dalam, Dr. M. Djamil Hospital. The type of research is a Quasi-Experimental by using One Group Pre-Post Test Design, 15 people as samples were taken by Purposive Sampling Method. Data collection was conducted on 01 February 2014 to 05th March 2014. The statistical test used is Wilcoxon signed rank test. The results show that there is an increased obedience of patients in implementing Diabetic diet (the right amount, the right type, and the right schedule) after a given health education (p = 0.002). As a conclusion, giving the  health education about the implementation of the diet can improve dietaryobedience in patients with Diabetes Mellitus who are undergoing treatment. It is expected that the implementation of health education can be done intensively in health services in Dr. M. Djamil Hospital as anticipation of further complications due to disobedience in implementing the diet

    Effects of CP Violation on Event Rates in the Direct Detection of Dark Matter

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    A full analytic analysis of the effects of CP violating phases on the event rates in the direct detection of dark matter in the scattering of neutralinos from nuclear targets is given. The analysis includes CP violating phases in softly broken supersymmetry in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) when generational mixings are ignored. A numerical analysis shows that large CP violating phases including the constraints from the experimental limits on the neutron and the electron electric dipole moment (EDM) can produce substantial effects on the event rates in dark matter detectors.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex, including 2 figures; revised version to appear in the Physical Review

    Effect of solar fraction on the economic performance of a solar air conditioning by an adsorption chiller / F. Basrawi et al.

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    Solar cooling is a promising way for a sustainable air-conditioning system. However, since solar has intermittent output, it is usually backed-up by a conventional heater. Thus, it still needs electricity or fossil fuel to operate stabily. This study presents the effect of ratio of heat delivered by solar to the total heat delivered to an adsorption chiller (solar fraction) on the economic performance of a solar cooling system. This cooling system need covers cooling demand for an office building in a tropical region (Kuala Lumpur). Cooling demand was simulated using well-known energy analysis software for building, Equest. Flat-plate collectors and an adsorption chiller were the main component of the cooling system. Flat-plate collecters were simulated using another software, Watsun, and the adsorption chiller was based on our simulation model that is comparable with other studies. Economic performance was analyzed by life cycle cost analysis. Solar fraction of 0.33, 0.74 and 0.98 were studied. It was found that none of the solar fraction studied can generate Net Profit under subsidized electricity. It was also found that a natural gas boiler is a better solution than an electric heater as an auxiliary heater in term of economic. For a natural gas boiler, Net Profit increased when solar fraction decreased; the highest one was solar fraction of 0.33 with US$15,600. However, since more energy is used for the auxiliary heater in lower solar fraction, more emissions is expected to be released. Thus, emissions for all solar fraction need to be considered and studied further

    Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis – Current perspectives

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    Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is a progressive neurodegenerative disease. It usually occurs 7–10 years after measles infection. The clinical course is characterized by progressive cognitive decline and behavior changes followed by focal or generalized seizures as well as myoclonus, ataxia, visual disturbance, and later vegetative state, eventually leading to death. It is diagnosed on the basis of Dyken’s criteria. There is no known cure for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis to date, but it is preventable by ensuring that an effective vaccine program for measles is made compulsory for all children younger than 5 years in endemic countries

    Numerical CFD Simulation and Test Correlation in a Flight Project Environment

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    This paper presents detailed description of a novel CFD procedure and comparison of its solution results to that obtained by other available CFD codes as well as actual flight and wind tunnel test data pertaining to the GIII aircraft, currently undergoing flight testing at AFRC

    Hubungan Personal Hygiene, Lama Kontak dan Riwayat Penyakit Kulit dengan Kejadian Dermatitis Kontak pada Petani Rumput Laut di Desa Akuni Kecamatan Tinanggea Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Tahun 2016

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    Dermatitis kontak adalah peradangan kulit yang diakibatkan karena berkontak dengan paparan yang bersifat toksikmaupun alergik sehingga menimbulkan rasa gatal, kemerahan, tonjolan berisi air dan bengkak. Petani rumput lautmemiliki risiko yang cukup tinggi terhadap kejadian dermatitis kontak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuihubungan antara personal hygiene, lama kontak dan riwayat penyakit kulit pada petani rumput laut di Desa AkuniKecamatan Tinanggea Kabupaten Konawe Selatan tahun 2016. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik denganpendekatan cross- sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini 500 orang dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 64 orang.Teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling. Analisa data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji chi squaredengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 37 petani rumput laut (57,8%) mengalamidermatitis kontak. Uji Chi Square menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel personalhygiene (p=0,045) dan lama kontak (p=0,035) dengan kejadian dermatitis kontak. Saran untuk petani rumput lautagar lebih memperhatikan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dengan cara diantaranya mencuci tangan dan kakidengan air mengalir dan sabun setelah bekerja, sebelum dan setelah makan, serta menggunakan barang pribadimilik sendiri

    Makna Spiritualitas Pada Klien Dengan Sindrom Koroner Akut

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    This research was conducted due to the high of mortality and disability rate in the world caused by Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), however the treatment of ACS' clients are still focusing on physical aspects rather than spirituality aspects. Actually, these aspects are equally important. Through awareness of the meaning of spirituality, the clients can achieve spirituality comfort. Spiritual comfort can give peacefulness and positive impact to clients' health. The purpose of the study was to explore the meaning of spirituality in clients with ACS who undergone treatment in the cardiac intensive care RSHS Bandung. The study used a descriptive exploratory design with 10 participants. The data was collected through interviews and observations. The data were analysed using content analysis the data analysis performed using content analysis. The result identified four categories of the meaning of spirituality followed by 10 themes, namely : (1) Spirituality was self-relationship that consists of two themes, include a. Accepted of disease as a reproach or temptation b. Better in life; (2) Spirituality was relationship between human and God, it consists of five themes, namely : a. Self-reliance, b. Worship or communication with God, c. Hope, d. Asking forgiveness or repentance, e. Grateful; (3) spirituality was a relationship with others, it consists of two themes, namely : a. caring, love, affection from others, and the success of the family b. Giving to others; (4) Spirituality was relationship between human with nature, consist of one theme, namely : doing personal interest or activity in the nature environment. Based on the results, nurses are expected to be more understood to the meaning of clients' spirituality and encouraging them to use their spirituality sources for their healing process. Educational institutions are expected to prepare the student with high sensitivy of clients' spirituality needs, and then further research of spirituality care is needed with broader scope