902 research outputs found

    Reply to comment from Liotta and Rizzo on “Evolution of CO2 , SO2 , HCl and HNO3 in the volcanic plumes from Etna” by Voigt et al. [Geophys. Res. Lett.; 41, doi:10.1002/2013GL058974]

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    Editor’s Note: The following comment and reply arise from an article published in Geophysical Research Letters by Voigt et al. (2014). The article addresses a volcanology topic, and the commenters take issue with some conclusions and offer an analysis of their own. Voigt and co-authors have responded. Why is this comment-and-reply being published in the Bulletin? It is because Geophysical Research Letters is one of a number of journals that do not offer any published forum for discussion of the papers they publish. This is a matter of editorial policy and a decision for each journal. The Bulletin of Volcanology does provide a forum for discussion of articles published. When contacted by Marcello Liotta with the request that the Bulletin consider hosting a discussion of the Voigt et al. volcanology article in GRL, I agreed to do so if the GRL authors were willing to engage with the comment. Voigt and co-authors were willing to do so and have been allowed a small amount of additional space to summarize for Bulletin readers the key points of the GRL paper under discussion before responding directly to the comment from Liotta and Rizzo. I hope that Bulletin readers find the discussion and reply of interest

    Archetypal Reading of Fairytales

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    Tema je rada arhetipsko tumačenje bajke. Polazne pretpostavke istraživanja bile su moguće definicije bajki unutar kojih se pokušalo smjestiti jungovsku psihoanalitičku teoriju o arhetipovima na primjerima različitih likova svjetskih, europskih, kao i hrvatskih bajki. Ponajprije se bajka definira kao vrsta, a zatim je definiran pojam arhetipa, koji pripada psihoanalizi Carla Gustava Junga. Prema Jungovoj teoriji, arhetipovi su modeli osobnosti, „praslike“ i dio kolektivno nesvjesnoga te je u njima moguće pronaći simboliku za mnoge modele ponašanja svih ljudi. Cilj je rada proučiti psihoanalitičke stavove Carla Gustava Junga s obzirom na tumačenje arhetipova te primijeniti ta učenja na bajku i njezine likove. Predstavljeni su narativni čimbenici bajke te kako se njihova uloga uklapa u koncept arhetipskog čitanja, a poseban je naglasak stavljen na arhetipove Jastva, Anime, Animusa, Sjene i Persone, na temelju čijih su karakteristika i simbolike razvrstani mnogi likovi iz poznatih europskih i hrvatskih bajki. Svaki je arhetip predstavljen s psihoanalitičke strane, koristeći kao glavnu teorijsku literarnu jedinicu knjigu Jolande Jacobi Psihologija C.G.Junga, a u interpretaciji arhetipskih likova u bajkama knjigu Marie-Louise von Franz Interpretacija bajki

    Uncovering dispersion properties in semiconductor waveguides to study photon-pair generation

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    This work was supported by the FWF through project no. I-2065-N27, the DFG Project no. SCHN1376/2-1, the ERC project EnSeNa (257531) and the State of Bavaria.We investigate the dispersion properties of ridge Bragg-reflection waveguides to deduce their phasematching characteristics. These are crucial for exploiting them as sources of parametric down-conversion (PDC). In order to estimate the phasematching bandwidth we first determine the group refractive indices of the interacting modes via Fabry–Perot experiments in two distant wavelength regions. Second, by measuring the spectra of the emitted PDC photons, we gain access to their group index dispersion. Our results offer a simple approach for determining the PDC process parameters in the spectral domain, and provide important feedback for designing such sources, especially in the broadband case.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Scaling of magnetic fluctuations near a quantum phase transition

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    We use inelastic neutron scattering to measure the magnetic fluctuations in a single crystal of the heavy fermion alloy CeCu_5.9Au_0.1 close to the antiferromagnetic quantum critical point. The energy and temperature-dependent spectra obey (E/T) scaling at Q near (1,0,0). The neutron data and earlier bulk susceptibility are consistent with the form 1/X ~ f(Q)+(-iE+bT)^a, with an anomalous exponent a=0.8. We confirm the earlier observation of quasi-low dimensionality and show how both the magnetic fluctuations and the thermodynamics can be understood in terms of a quantum Lifshitz point.Comment: Latex file with two postscript figure

    Nearly universal crossing point of the specific heat curves of Hubbard models

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    A nearly universal feature of the specific heat curves C(T,U) vs. T for different U of a general class of Hubbard models is observed. That is, the value C_+ of the specific heat curves at their high-temperature crossing point T_+ is almost independent of lattice structure and spatial dimension d, with C_+/k_B \approx 0.34. This surprising feature is explained within second order perturbation theory in U by identifying two small parameters controlling the value of C_+: the integral over the deviation of the density of states N(\epsilon) from a constant value, characterized by \delta N=\int d\epsilon |N(\epsilon)-1/2|, and the inverse dimension, 1/d.Comment: Revtex, 9 pages, 6 figure

    Semi-automatic engineering and tailoring of high-efficiency Bragg-reflection waveguide samples for quantum photonic applications

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    Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (I-2065, J-4125); German Research Foundation (DFG) (SCHN1376/2-1); European Research Council (ERC) (EnSeNa 257531); State of Bavaria; China Scholarship Council (201503170272)Semiconductor alloys of aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) exhibit strong second-order optical nonlinearities. This makes them prime candidates for the integration of devices for classical nonlinear optical frequency conversion or photon-pair production, for example, through the parametric down-conversion (PDC) process. Within this material system, Bragg-reflection waveguides (BRW) are a promising platform, but the specifics of the fabrication process and the peculiar optical properties of the alloys require careful engineering. Previously, BRW samples have been mostly derived analytically from design equations using a fixed set of aluminum concentrations. This approach limits the variety and flexibility of the device design. Here, we present a comprehensive guide to the design and analysis of advanced BRW samples and show how to automatize these tasks. Then, nonlinear optimization techniques are employed to tailor the BRW epitaxial structure towards a specific design goal. As a demonstration of our approach, we search for the optimal effective nonlinearity and mode overlap which indicate an improved conversion efficiency or PDC pair production rate. However, the methodology itself is much more versatile as any parameter related to the optical properties of the waveguide, for example the phasematching wavelength or modal dispersion, may be incorporated as design goals. Further, we use the developed tools to gain a reliable insight in the fabrication tolerances and challenges of real-world sample imperfections. One such example is the common thickness gradient along the wafer, which strongly influences the photon-pair rate and spectral properties of the PDC process. Detailed models and a better understanding of the optical properties of a realistic BRW structure are not only useful for investigating current samples, but also provide important feedback for the design and fabrication of potential future turn-key devices. This approach limits the variety and exibility of the device design. Here, we present a comprehensive guide to the design and analysis of advanced BRW samples and show how to automatize these tasks. Then, nonlinear optimization techniques are employed to tailor the BRW epitaxial structure towards a specific design goal. As a demonstration of our approach, we search for the optimal effective nonlinearity and mode overlap which indicate an improved conversion effciency or PDC pair production rate. However, the methodology itself is much more versatile as any parameter related to the optical properties of the waveguide, for example the phasematching wavelength or modal dispersion, may be incorporated as design goals. Further, we use the developed tools to gain a reliable insight in the fabrication tolerances and challenges of real-world sample imperfections. One such example is the common thickness gradient along the wafer, which strongly influences the photon-pair rate and spectral properties of the PDC process. Detailed models and a better understanding of the optical properties of a realistic BRW structure are not only useful for investigating current samples, but also provide important feedback for the design and fabrication of potential future turn-key devices.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Vertical profile of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) from MIPAS-STR measurements over Brazil in February 2005 and its contribution to tropical UT NOy partitioning

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    We report on the retrieval of PAN (CH<sub>3</sub>C(O)OONO<sub>2</sub>) in the upper tropical troposphere from limb measurements by the remote-sensor MIPAS-STR on board the Russian high altitude research aircraft M55-Geophysica. The measurements were performed close to Araçatuba, Brazil, on 17 February 2005. The retrieval was made in the spectral range 775–820 cm<sup>&minus;1</sup> where PAN exhibits its strongest feature but also more than 10 species interfere. Especially trace gases such as CH<sub>3</sub>CCl<sub>3</sub>, CFC-113, CFC-11, and CFC-22, emitting also in spectrally broad not-resolved branches, make the processing of PAN prone to errors. Therefore, the selection of appropriate spectral windows, the separate retrieval of several interfering species and the careful handling of the water vapour profile are part of the study presented. <br><br> The retrieved profile of PAN has a maximum of about 0.14 ppbv at 10 km altitude, slightly larger than the lowest reported values (&lt;0.1 ppbv) and much lower than the highest reported in the literature (0.65 ppbv). Besides the NO<sub>y</sub> constituents measured by MIPAS-STR (HNO<sub>3</sub>, ClONO<sub>2</sub>, HO<sub>2</sub>NO<sub>2</sub>, PAN), the in situ instruments aboard the Geophysica provide simultaneous measurements of NO, NO<sub>2</sub>, and the sum NO<sub>y</sub>. Comparing the sum of in-situ and remotely derived NO+NO<sub>2</sub>+HNO<sub>3</sub>+ClONO<sub>2</sub>+HO<sub>2</sub>NO<sub>2</sub>+PAN with total NO<sub>y</sub> a deficit of 30–40% (0.2–0.3 ppbv) in the troposphere remains unexplained whereas the values fit well in the stratosphere

    Isosbestic points in the spectral function of correlated electrons

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    We investigate the properties of the spectral function A(omega,U) of correlated electrons within the Hubbard model and dynamical mean-field theory. Curves of A(omega,U) vs. omega for different values of the interaction U are found to intersect near the band-edges of the non-interacting system. For a wide range of U the crossing points are located within a sharply confined region. The precise location of these 'isosbestic points' depends on details of the non-interacting band structure. Isosbestic points of dynamic quantities therefore provide valuable insights into microscopic energy scales of correlated systems.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure