159 research outputs found

    Income Situation of Agricultural Households in Slovenia after EU Accession: Impacts of Different Direct Payments Policy Options

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    Paper investigates income effects of different direct payments policy options after the accession of Slovenia to the EU by application of a static deterministic total income model for rural households in Slovenia (TIM). Model is based on actual income data of 120 agricultural households in Slovenia. With respect to pre-accession baseline situation and accession agreement, income situation of analyzed households is likely to improve under all analyzed policy scenarios. Estimated benefits are highest in case of standard direct payments scheme, followed by basic flat-rate area payment option (entirely decoupled). Model results reveal also that policy reform will have redistributive impacts in favour of agricultural households engaged in extensive agricultural production.EU enlargement, CAP reform, total income, income impacts, Slovenia, Farm Management, Q12, Q18,

    "Sieg des Glaubens". Ein gelungenes Experiment nationalsozialistischer Filmpropaganda

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    Der Autor erörtert die Parteitagsfilme der NSDAP „Sieg des Glaubens“ und „Triumph des Willens“. Dabei geht er auf die Zusammenarbeit mit der Regisseurin Leni Riefenstahl ein und bietet einen Überblick über die Dreharbeiten und die Präsentation des Films. (DIPF/Orig./ah

    Warlord: The Political and Military Ambitions of Nazi Germany

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    There are so many important stories to consider when thinking about World War II. It is easy to think about the popular aspects of the war: the causes, the major figures, the battles, and, of course, the lasting consequences. Yet there are other, lesser known storylines to consider, ones that have taken a backseat to the more popular narratives of the time. It is commonly understood that Nazi Germany was evil and that they had nothing but ill intentions for the rest of Europe and the world. However, it is vital to understand that Germany’s pre-war intentions are notably different from the infamous events that we have come to know. To truly understand German ambitions in the mid-Twentieth Century, it is important to look back at the lasting consequences that Europe faced after the Great War. By studying the political and economic ambitions of Nazi Germany, we can begin to gain a better understanding of their wars of conquest and subsequent victories and defeats in World War II

    Abenteuer Männlichkeit. Adoleszenz in Wolfgang Herrndorfs Roman «Tschick»: [Adventure Manhood. Adolescence in Wolfgang Herrndorf’s Novel «Tschick»]

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    This article deals with literary constructions of masculinity in Wolfgang Herrndorf’s novel Tschick. The focus is on male adolescence as represented by the characters in the text. The study is guided by the question of how the male socialisation of adolescents is narrated in the novel. Themes such as the search for identity, friendship, sexuality and being an outsider are addressed. The analysis is based on theoretical perspectives offered by masculinity studies, intersectional approaches of identity research as well as genre-related reflections on young adult fiction

    The Denazification of MH: The Struggle with Being and the Philosophical Confrontation with the Ancient Greeks in Heidegger’s Originary Politics

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    James T. Hong’s experimental documentary, The Denazification of MH (2006) is neither an apology for Heidegger’s involvement with National Socialism nor a condemnation of that involvement. Rather, the film is a critical philosophical confrontation (Auseinandersetzung) with Heidegger’s thought and the issue of his involvement with National Socialism. The film addresses the perennial concern as old as philosophy itself: the relationship between the philosopher’s life and his philosophy. While the film does not adopt a definitive position regarding Heidegger, Nazism, and the issue of personal responsibility, it does suggest an affirmative response to the question posed by both Levinas and Blanchot regarding the possibility of philosophizing after Auschwitz

    The numerical strength of the Sicherheitsdienst des RFSS

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    Grunddaten, wie die Größe einer Organisation während verschiedener Stadien ihrer Entwicklung sind nicht nur die notwendige Voraussetzung für verfeinerte quantitative Analysen, sondern werfen auch ein bezeichnendes Licht auf viele wichtige Aspekte der Organisationsgeschichte. Da solche Daten für den Sicherheitsdienst des RFSS nur für die Jahre 1935 und 1937 bis 1944 vorhanden sind, mußte das numerische Wachstum der früheren Jahren rekonstruiert werden. Dies wurde mittels Projektionen von Daten des Führerkorps im Vergleich zu einer Auswahl bekannter Mitglieder und zwei noch existierender Richtgrößen getan. Eine weitere Analyse der vorhandenen Daten zeigt: Die Auswirkungen der Personalerfordernisse in Kriegszeiten auf die Mitgliedschaft im SD, das sich verändernde Verhältnis zwischen amtstätigen SD und Angehörigen in der Polizei, die relative Größe des SD-HA und des RSHA-Büros. Zusammengenommen erwecken die sich ergebenden Daten Fragen über bislang erwähnte Quellen der Größe des SD und zur Analyse seiner Personalpolitik. (KWübers.)'Such basic data as the size of an organization at various stages of its development are not only essential to more sophisticated quantitative analyses, but they cast light on many important aspects of organizational history. Since such data are available on the Sicherheitsdienst des RFSS for only the years 1935 and 1937-1944, the numerical growth of the early years must be reconstructed. This is done by projections from data on the Führerkorps compared with samples of known members and two surviving benchmarks. Further analysis of available data reveals: the effect of wartime personal requirements on SD membership; the changing relation between Amtstätige SD and members in the police; and the relative size of the SD-HA and the RSHA office staffs. All together, the resultant data raises questions about previously cited sources on the size of the SD and analyses of its personnel policy.' (author's abstract

    Our Lord Hitler: An Historical Basis for the Theocracy in Swastika Night

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    Serious critical analysis of Katharine Burdiken’s dystopic novel Swastika Night began nearly fifty years after it was first published in 1937. The First Feminine Press’s publication of its edition in 1985 placed the book and its author squarely into two burgeoning streams of analysis. One stream focuses on the rediscovery of feminist literature written and published during and between the two world wars. The other stream has to do with a new look at dystopic fiction in light of the advent and passing of the year 1984, which served as the setting for George Orwell’s famous novel. Though the critical thinking about Swastika Night has crossed both of these streams, it has been weighted in the direction of Burdiken’s feminist message. Daphne Patai for example, in her Introduction to the 1985 edition, focuses on Burdiken’s critique of “gender ideology and sexual politics” (iii). Swastika Night provides ample material for this important line of analysis. For example, a woman’s lowly place in the dystopic social hierarchy, as well as the fact that she does not have a soul and is not human, is established in the first chapter of the book. But this perspective suggests a limited view of Burdiken’s contribution to dystopic literature. Burdiken envisions her state as a theocracy, which provides the very foundation for her dystopia. My aim in this essay is to suggest a reading of the novel based on the primacy of this proposition and that, grounded as it and its fundamental tenets are in the reality of Hitler’s place in Germany at the time, the dismal future of Swastika Night is all the more realistic and frightening.Unlike Orwell or Aldous Huxley, Burdiken does not stake the Night in her future on an imaginary cataclysm. Rather, as I shall argue, her dystopia is a plausibly projected consequence of the actual state of things as they were when she wrote. As we shall see, Burdiken’s Hitlerism as religion was already nascent in the early 1930s. The preeminence of violence for the Nazis had been established. The fate of women, Jews, and of Christians for that matter, was prefigured. Homosexuality, though publicly condemned, was tacitly tolerated at the highest levels of Nazi leadership, and homoeroticism was portrayed in propagandist art. Even the formal movement to change history, or the public’s perception of it, was imminent. All of these elements of the Nazi order are embedded in the theocratic structure of Swastika Night

    A design of five axis machining chuck

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    Práce se zabývá konstrukcí svěráku pro pětiosé obrábění. Úkolem bylo navrhnout samostředící svěrák pro pětiosé frézování. Práce dále obsahuje rešerši v oblasti upínání obrobků při pětiosém obráběním a výběr významných výrobců těchto upínacích přípravků. V další části jsou obsaženy nutné výpočty pro konstrukci svěráku a návrh v CAD softwaru.This thesis deals with construction for five-axis machining. Objective was to design self-centering vise for five-axis milling. Thesis then includes overwiew of five-axis clamping and selection of manufacturers these clamping jigs. Furthermore, it contains necessary calculations to design of self-centering vise and design in CAD software.
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