41 research outputs found

    Канал ядер отдачи для исследования содержания водорода в материалах

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    Описан новый канал ядер отдачи в составе микроаналитического ускорительного комплекса, разработанного в Институте прикладной физики НАН Украины. Канал предназначен для количественного неразрушающего определения концентрации водорода в материалах при помощи метода ядер отдачи. Высокое разрешение по энергии и, следовательно, по глубине обеспечивается применением прецизионного электростатического спектрометра в сочетании с позиционно-чувствительным детектором. Энергетическое разрешение ΔE/E прибора составляет 3×10⁻⁴. Предел обнаружения водорода составляет около 10 ppm.Описано новий канал ядер віддачі у складі мікроаналітичного прискорюючого комплексу, розробленого в Інституті прикладної фізики НАН України. Канал призначений для кількісного неруйнівного визначення концентрації водню в матеріалах за допомогою методу ядер віддачі. Висока роздільна здатність за енергією, а отже за глибиною, досягається використанням прецизійного електростатичного спектрометра у сполученні з позиційно-чутливим детектором. Енергетична роздільна здатність ΔE/E приладу складає 3 × 10⁻⁴. Нижня межа визначення концентрації водню складає близько 10 ppm.A new analytical elastic recoil detection channel as a part of the IAP NASU microanalytical facility is described. The main purpose of the channel is quantitative non-destructive investigation of hydrogen in materials by elastic recoil detection technique. Due to application of the precision electrostatic spectrometer in combination with position-sensitive detector high energy and, hence, depth resolution is obtained. Relative energy resolution of the instrument ΔE/E is 3 × 10⁻⁴. Limit of hydrogen detection is about 10 ppm

    Acute Effect of Whole-Body Vibration in a Female Dog with Metritis

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    Background: Whole-body vibration is a modality of exercise used in humans for therapeutic purposes or to increase physical performance. In veterinary medicine there are only a few reports on the use of this technology. The Whole-body vibration derivate from vibrating rhythmic movements caused by vibrating platforms. Vibrating platforms are used over 30 years in the treatment and prevention of injuries and other debilitating conditions in humans. This paper aims to describe the first report of a possible spontaneous opening of the cervix in a female dog with purulent metritis by Whole-body vibration using a platform vibration.Case: A sexually intact female American Pit Bull Terrier dog showed an acute effect after a single session of Whole- body vibration training. Physical examination and physiological parameters were within normal. Slight edema of the vulva was observed without signs of discharge. Complete blood cell count, serum chemistry and urinalysis yielded no significant abnormal findings. An enlarged uterus with content was observed during a transabdominal ultrasound. Despite this, a vibrating-platform session was performed during 15 min. A purulent vulvar discharge was observed 6 min. after Whole-body vibration exercise and remained continuous through session. After the Whole-body vibration exercise, the dog was treated with cephalexin for 15 days. Escherichia coli were isolated from vaginal discharge culture. Seven days after the Whole-body vibration session, no signs of vulvar edema or discharge were observed. A complete blood count, serum chemistry, urinalysis and uterus ultrasound showed no abnormalities. Ovariohysterectomy by minimally invasive technique was performed and was observed cysts in both ovaries. The patient was placed under general anesthesia withisoflurane/O2. The premedication used was carprofen, morphine sulphate, acepromazine and diazepam. The induction was with propofol. An open ventral midline celiotomy an ovariohysterectomy was performed. Ten days after the surgery the dog showed no abnormality. After recovered from anesthesia, the patient was discharged with meloxican and tramadol for postoperative inflammation and pain management. According to the owner, the immediate postoperative period was without any problems. The histopathology examination confirmed the presence of right ovary cystic and left uterine horn cystic, and uterine hyperplasia. Four months after the surgery, the dog returned for evaluation and the owner reported that patient had been doing well, with normal appetite, normal urination and defecation.Discussion: The Whole-body vibration is not yet fully understood and it is important that the patient is clinically evaluated before the Whole-body vibration session. Whole-body vibration is a modality of exercise used in humans for therapeutic purposes or to increase physical performance. Otherwise, in veterinary medicine there are only a few reports on the use of this technology. In the present report there were no clinical signs that indicated uterine infection. In human patients there are reports that showed any clinical signs of diseases before use the Whole-body vibration. The ultrasound exam had been done because was part of another study and showed an enlarged uterus. Therefore, the cervix opening after a single Whole- body vibration training may be considered a positive side effect of Whole-body vibration in female dogs since this event helped to diagnose the disease. Although, the effects of WBV on reproductive organs and endocrine system are not clear

    Diagnostische benadering van cryptorchidie bij de hengst

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    The diagnosis of cryptorchidism in horses is often a challenge. Based on the history, clinical and rectal examinations and ultrasonography, a definitive diagnosis is not always possible. Various endocrinological diagnostic assays, such as the determination of testosterone, androstenedione, estrogens, urinary steroids and the anti-Mullerian hormone, which demonstrate the presence of testicular tissue, have been described. These tests all have their advantages and disadvantages, which are discussed in this article in order to help practitioners in the field

    Polidactilia en los cuatro miembros, en una potranca mestiza en Chile

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    Polydactyly is a congenital anomaly of very low incidence in horses. A 6-week-old filly with polydactyly in all four limbs was admitted for a clinical and radiological examination. This examination showed the presence of a supernumerary digit for the digit II with respect to the metacarpal bone and the first and second phalanges in both forelimbs. In both hindlimbs a supernumerary digit was observed to originate at the level of the phalangic metatarsal joint. Both digits were the same size, and formed by three phalanges and were articulated with the metatarsi bone III. First phalanges of both digits were partially fused proximally. In the left hindlimb had osteomelitis, and a fracture in the lateral digit. Due to bone compromise and pain, euthanasia was performed. Cytogenic analysis was not performed. According to the used classification polydactyly described in the forelimbs corresponds to atavistic, and described in the hindlimbs to teratogenic form. As far as we know, this is the first case of polydactyly in all four limbs described in South America and the first in the world in the last 55 years.  La polidactilia es una anomalía congénita de muy baja incidencia en caballos. A una potranca mestiza de 6 semanas de edad con polidactilia en sus cuatro miembros se le realizó un examen clínico y radiológico. Los exámenes mostraron la presencia de un dígito supernumerario en ambos miembros anteriores, correspondiente a la primera y segunda falange del dígito II, con su respectivo hueso metacarpiano. En ambos miembros posteriores, se observó que un segundo dígito se originaba a nivel de la articulación metatarso-falángica; ambos dígitos eran del mismo tamaño y estaban formados por tres falanges, los que articulaban con el metatarsiano III. En ambos miembros posteriores, las primeras falanges estaban parcialmente fusionadas a nivel proximal. En el miembro posterior izquierdo había osteomielitis y fractura en el dígito lateral. Debido al compromiso del hueso y al dolor, se realizó eutanasia. No se realizó análisis citogenético. De acuerdo con la clasificación existente, la polidactilia encontrada en los miembros anteriores corresponde a la forma atavística y la encontrada en los posteriores a la forma teratogénica. Hasta lo que nosotros sabemos, este es el primer caso de polidactilia en los cuatro miembros registrado en América del Sur y en los últimos 55 años a nivel mundial

    Individuality and Mortality in the Philosophy of Portrait Painting: Simmel, Rousseau, and Melanie Klein

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    This paper explores some connections between depictions of mortality in portrait-painting and philosophical (and psychoanalytic) treatments of our need to be recognized by others. I begin by examining the connection that Georg Simmel makes in his philosophical study of Rembrandt between that artist’s capacity for depicting his portrait subjects as non-repeatable individuals and his depicting them as mortal, or such as to die. After noting that none of Simmel’s explanations of the tragic character of Rembrandt’s portrait subjects seems fully satisfactory, I then turn to Rousseau’s writing on our need for the recognition of others in order to argue that (1) it is at least as sources for the satisfaction of this need that other persons figure for us as irreplaceable (in a way that contrasts with the kinds of satisfaction that intersubstitutable things afford us); and that (2) it is exactly this kind of irreplaceability that Simmel is gesturing at in connecting the concepts of individuality and mortality in his writing on Rembrandt’s portraits. For the remainder of the paper I argue that the foregoing ideas are in fact central to the psychoanalytic writing of Melanie Klein, and in particular (a) Klein’s understanding the infant’s apprehension of other persons as internally related to their anxieties about the possibility of those persons’ irretrievable loss; (b) her understanding that it is as sources of recognition that others’ personhood is made salient to us; and (c) her treatment of portrait-painting as an activity for working through those aforementioned anxieties

    Else Oppler (1875-1965). Stationen eines facettenreichen Künstlerlebens

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    Individualidad y mortalidad en la filosofía de la pintura de retratos: Simmel, Rousseau y Melanie Klein

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    This paper explores some connections between depictions of mortality in portrait-painting and philosophical (and psychoanalytic) treatments of our need to be recognized by others. I begin by examining the connection that Georg Simmel makes in his philosophical study of Rembrandt between that artist’s capacity for depicting his portrait subjects as non-repeatable individuals and his depicting them as mortal, or such as to die. After noting that none of Simmel’s explanations of the tragic character of Rembrandt’s portrait subjects seems fully satisfactory, I then turn to Rousseau’s writing on our need for the recognition of others in order to argue that (1) it is at least as sources for the satisfaction of this need that other persons figure for us as irreplaceable (in a way that contrasts with the kinds of satisfaction that intersubstitutable things afford us); and that (2) it is exactly this kind of irreplaceability that Simmel is gesturing at in connecting the concepts of individuality and mortality in his writing on Rembrandt’s portraits. For the remainder of the paper I argue that the foregoing ideas are in fact central to the psychoanalytic writing of Melanie Klein, and in particular (a) Klein’s understanding the infant’s apprehension of other persons as internally related to their anxieties about the possibility of those persons’ irretrievable loss; (b) her understanding that it is as sources of recognitionthat others’ personhood is made salient to us; and (c) her treatment of portrait-painting as an activity for working through those aforementioned anxieties.Este artículo explora ciertas conexiones entre la representación de la mortalidad en el retrato y el tratamiento filosófico (y psicoanalítico) de nuestra necesidad de ser reconocidos por los demás. En primer lugar, se examina la conexión que establece Georg Simmel en su estudio filosófico sobre Rembrandt entre la capacidad del artista para representar en sus retratos individuos irrepetibles, y su capacidad para capturar la finitud de los mismos en tanto que seres mortales. Tras señalar que ninguna de las explicaciones de Simmel sobre el carácter trágico de los sujetos de los retratos de Rembrandt resulta completamente satisfactoria, recupero los escritos de Rousseau sobre nuestra necesidad de ser reconocidos por los otros, para argumentar que (1) consideramos que los otros son insustituibles porque son capaces de satisfacer esta necesidad (de una manera que no tiene nada que ver con los tipos de satisfacción que nos brindan las cosas sustituibles); y que (2) es, precisamente, a esta clase de insustituibilidad a la que apunta Simmel al enlazar los conceptos de individualidad y mortalidad en sus escritos sobre los retratos de Rembrandt. A partir de este punto, sostengo que las ideas anteriores son, de hecho, centrales para la comprensión de la escritura psicoanalítica de Melanie Klein, y, en particular, (a) al planteamiento de Klein sobre la percepción de las otras personas por parte de los niños, que relaciona con sus ansiedades acerca de la posibilidad de la pérdida irreparable de esas personas; (b) su planteamiento de que la condición de persona del otro se debe a que los percibimos como fuentes de reconocimiento; y (c) su análisis de la pintura de retratos como una actividad con la que abordar estas ansiedades

    La filosofía dialéctico materialista de Vladimir Ilich Ulianov. (Lenin)

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    La investigación busca revelar la necesidad de comprensión de la filosofía dialectico materialista de Lenin es para reconocer la importancia al pensamiento universal de la filosofía que está para comprender las corrientes de pensamiento filosófico que nos hacen adentrarnos a identificar las dificultades de las diversas corrientes filosóficas que no están plegadas a su visión pero que retoman lo dialectico y revolucionario para su sentido de cambio