729 research outputs found

    Aplicación de un cultivo iniciador mixto para la producción de aceituna de mesa

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    The fermentation of olives is usually carried out spontaneously by natural microbiota. Spontaneous fermentation has some disadvantages, such as the formation of defects in the end product due to the activities of undesirable microorganisms. The use of starter cultures could be a promising option to provide a more controlled fermentation environment and to reduce the risk of spoilage. Mixed starter culture use (generally selected Lactobacillus strains with or without yeasts) could reduce pH in a shorter time, producing a higher amount of lactic acid and enhancing microbial safety compared to fermentation with starter cultures containing single species or natural fermentation. Their use could also enhance the organoleptical properties of table olives. Particularly the use of yeast (such as strains of W. anomolus, S. cerevisiae) in the fermentation of olives, in combination or sequentially with lactic acid bacteria could result in an increase in volatile compounds and a more aromatic final product.La fermentación de la aceituna generalmente se lleva a cabo espontáneamente por la microbiota natural. Sin embargo, la fermentación espontánea tiene algunas desventajas, como la formación de defectos en el producto final debido a las actividades de microorganismos indeseables. El uso de cultivos iniciadores podría ofrecerse como una opción importante para proporcionar un entorno de fermentación más controlado y reducir el riesgo de deterioro. El uso de cultivos mixtos iniciadores (cepas generalmente seleccionadas de Lactobacillus con/sin levaduras) podría reducir el pH en un tiempo más corto, produciendo una mayor cantidad de ácido láctico y mejorando la seguridad microbiana, en comparación con la fermentación con cultivos iniciadores que contienen especies individuales o fermentación natural. Su uso también podría mejorar las propiedades organolépticas de las aceitunas de mesa. En particular, el uso de la levadura (como las cepas de W. anomolus, S. cerevisiae) en la fermentación de aceitunas, en combinación o secuencialmente con bacterias de ácido láctico podría dar lugar a un aumento de los compuestos volátiles y a la obtención de un producto final más aromático

    The inner dark matter distribution of the Cosmic Horseshoe (J1148+1930) with gravitational lensing and dynamics

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    We present a detailed analysis of the inner mass structure of the Cosmic Horseshoe (J1148+1930) strong gravitational lens system observed with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3). In addition to the spectacular Einstein ring, this systems shows a radial arc. We obtained the redshift of the radial arc counter image zs,r=1.961±0.001z_\text{s,r} = 1.961 \pm 0.001 from Gemini observations. To disentangle the dark and luminous matter, we consider three different profiles for the dark matter distribution: a power-law profile, the NFW, and a generalized version of the NFW profile. For the luminous matter distribution, we base it on the observed light distribution that is fitted with three components: a point mass for the central light component resembling an active galactic nucleus, and the remaining two extended light components scaled by a constant M/L. To constrain the model further, we include published velocity dispersion measurements of the lens galaxy and perform a self-consistent lensing and axisymmetric Jeans dynamical modeling. Our model fits well to the observations including the radial arc, independent of the dark matter profile. Depending on the dark matter profile, we get a dark matter fraction between 60 % and 70 %. With our composite mass model we find that the radial arc helps to constrain the inner dark matter distribution of the Cosmic Hoseshoe independently of the dark matter profile.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 8 tables, submitted to A&

    GLaD: Gravitational Lensing and Dynamics, combined analysis to unveil properties of high-redshift galaxies

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    Dynamical modelling of Integral-Field-Unit (IFU) stellar kinematics is a powerful tool to unveil the dynamical structure and mass build-up of galaxies in the local Universe, while gravitational lensing is nature's cosmic telescope to explore the properties of galaxies beyond the local Universe. We present a new approach which unifies dynamical modelling of galaxies with the magnification power of strong gravitational lensing, to reconstruct the structural and dynamical properties of high-redshift galaxies. By means of axisymmetric Jeans modelling, we create a dynamical model of the source galaxy, assuming a surface brightness and surface mass density profile. We then predict how the source's surface brightness and kinematics would look like when lensed by the foreground mass distribution and compare with the mock observed arcs of strong gravitational lensing systems. For demonstration purposes, we create and analyse mock data of the strong lensing system RX J1131-1231. By modelling both the lens and source, we recover the dynamical mass within the effective radius of strongly lensed high-redshift sources within 5% uncertainty, and we improve the constraints on the lens mass parameters by up to 50%. This machinery is particularly well suited for future observations from large segmented-mirror telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, that will yield high sensitivity and angular-resolution IFU data for studying distant and faint galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Constraints on Non-Commutative Physics Scale with Neutrino-Electron Scattering

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    Neutrino-electron scatterings (νe\nu - e) are purely leptonic processes with robust Standard Model (SM) predictions. Their measurements can therefore provide constraints to physics beyond SM. Non-commutative (NC) field theories modify space-time commutation relations, and allow neutrino electromagnetic couplings at the tree level. Their contribution to neutrino-electron scattering cross-section was derived. Constraints were placed on the NC scale parameter ΛNC\Lambda_{NC} from νe\nu - e experiments with reactor and accelerator neutrinos. The most stringent limit of ΛNC>3.3TeV\Lambda_{NC} > 3.3 TeV at 95% confidence level improves over the direct bounds from collider experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, V2: minor revisions to match published versio

    Comparison of meat quality and fatty acid profile in slow-growing chicken genotypes fed diets supplemented with Origanum vulgare or Melissa officinalis leaves under the organic system under the organic system

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    This study was conducted to compare the meat quality and selected fatty acids profile of two different slow-growing broiler genotypes (Hubbard S757; S757 and Hubbard Grey Barred JA; GB-JA) fed diets supplemented with dry oregano (Origanum vulgare L., OV; 10 g/kg basal diets) or lemon balm leaves (Melissa officinalis L., MO; 10 g/kg basal diets) under organic housing system. It is concluded that slow-growing genotypes had no effect on L* parameter of the breast, thigh and abdominal fat meat quality. Two hundred and forty chicks were allocated randomly into 4 experimental groups according to a 2x2 factorial arrange-ment. Birds were raised until 98 days in order to achieve an acceptable market live weight. The b* colours of breast and thigh meat were significant different among genotypes and also a* colour of breast meat of GB-JA increased (P<0.05). Slow-growing female broilers produced a higher dry matter content and lower fat content of breast meat as compared with males. There were the higher concentrations of linoleic (C18:2n-6) acid and the lower concentrations of linolenic acid (C18:3n-3) in genotypes fed with supplemented dry oregano or lemon balm leaves diet. Sex affected total unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) composition, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and linoleic acid, were higher in slow growing males breast meat as compared with females breast meat. These results suggested that the slow-growing genotypes might had influenced the colour of breast and thigh meat, although overall meat quality was not affected under the organic system. Key words: , , ,

    Variations on Hammersley's interacting particle process

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    The longest increasing subsequence problem for permutations has been studied extensively in the last fifty years. The interpretation of the longest increasing subsequence as the longest 21-avoiding subsequence in the context of permutation patterns leads to many interesting research directions. We introduce and study the statistical properties of Hammersleytype interacting particle processes related to these generalizations and explore the finer structures of their distributions. We also propose three different interacting particle systems in the plane analogous to the Hammersley process in one dimension and obtain estimates for the asymptotic orders of the mean and variance of the number of particles in the systems.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Discrete Mathematics Letter

    Comparative evaluation of shear bond strength of three flowable compomers on enamel of primary teeth: An in-vitro study

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to determine Shear bond strength (SBS) of different flowable compomers on the enamel surface of primary teeth. The null hypothesis to be tested was that none of the flowable compomer would differ significantly from the other two with respect to SBS. As a result, the tested materials that have the easiest application on child patient is preferred. Material and Methods: Sixty newly extracted non carious primary molars were selected. The buccal surface was cleaned and polished to obtain a flat enamel surface. The specimens were randomly divided into three groups of 20 teeth each, based on the flowable compomers applied, as follows: group I: Dyract Flow® (Dentsply, Konstanz, Germany); group II: Twinky Star Flow® (Voco, Cuxhaven, Germany); and group III: R&D Series Nova Compomer Flow® (Imicryl, Konya, Turkey). Results: SBS in group II (6.78± 0.45 MPa) were significantly lower than groups I and III (8.30 ± 0.29 and 8.43 ± 0.66 MPa, respectively) (P<.001). No significant difference was found between groups I and III (P<.05). Conclusions: Significant differences existed between the SBS of the groups. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected. Flowable compomers can provide adequate SBS with self-etching system at restoration of primary teeth. Thus, successful restorations in pediatric patients can be done in a practical way. © Medicina Oral S.L

    Şırnak kömür madeni atık şeyl yığın tasarımı ve GEO5 FEM stabilite risk değerlendirme

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    Yığınların GEO 5 FEM programı ile sınır ağ modellemesi ve stabilite analizleri yapılmıştır. S1, S2, S3 ve S4 no’lu heyelanların geliştiği yamaçların 1/1000 ölçekli topoğrafik haritaları arazi çalışmalarıyla hazırlanmış ve yığının yapısal kesitleri çıkarılmıştır. Yığından alınan zemin örnekleri üzerinde yapılan laboratuar deneyleri ile yamaç molozunun fiziksel ve mekanik özellikleri; Efektif içsel sürtünme açısı (φ′°) 17°-22.5°, efektif kohezyonu (c′) 0,5-1,8 kg/cm2, maksimum kuru birim hacim ağırlık 1.87-2.25 g/cm3, doygun birim hacim ağırlık 1.78-2.43 g/cm3, doğal birim hacim ağırlık 1.9-2.35 g/cm3, kuru birim hacim ağırlık 1.97-2.40 g/cm3, tane birim hacim ağırlığı (γs) 2.47-2.60 g/cm3, permeabilite katsayısı 1x10-4 - 6.5x10-4 cm/s, olarak belirlenmiş ve ayrıca tane dağılım testleri yapılmıştır. Yamaçların hazırlanan kesitlerinde, GEO 5 FEM programında olası kritik gerilme yüzeyleri irdelenmiştir. Yamaç kaymasını engelleyen kaya dolgusu topuk tasarımları yapılmıştır. Yığın malzemenin belirlenen jeoteknik özellikleri de kullanılarak GEO5 FEM ve stabilite programı aracılığı ile güvenlik katsayıları belirlenmiş ve hesaplanan değerlere göre S3 ve S4 no’lu yamaçların stabil oldukları S1 ve S2 no’lu yamacın ise stabil olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Kalker topuk kaya dolguları ile GEO5 FEM programı aracılığı ile stabilitenin sağlandığı belirlenmiştir.In Sirnak, for mining landfills geotechnical stability analyses were conducted by GEO5 FEM. An area of near 7 km2 study area and the surrounding area has been 1/1.000 scale engineering geological map, as well as the drilling and laboratory geotechnical engineering properties of materials are determined by experiments. S1, S2, S3 and S4 hillsides to develop landslide slopes 1/1000 scale topographic maps and geological field studies prepared by processing units on the map the geological cross-sections were prepared. By laboratory experiments carried out on soil samples taken from fields of physical and mechanical properties of slope debris; effective angle of internal friction (φ '°) 17° -22.5°, effective cohesion (c') 0,5-1,8 kg/cm2, the maximum dry unit weight 1.87 -2.25 g/cm3 1.78-2.43 g/cm3 saturated unit weight, unit weight 1.9-2.35 g/cm3 1.97-2.40 g/cm3, unit weight (γs) 2.47-2.60 g / cm3, permeability coefficient of 1x10-4 - 6.5x10-4 cm / s, the particle distribution were determined and also tested. Geological sections prepared slopes, the geostatical properties of the material were determined by the trial slip surfaces. Rock fill pillar design were made and calculated according to the values via the S3 and S4 are stable hillsides, S1, S2 have been found that to close the unstable slope. Stability was performed by limestone pillar rockfills on hazardous dumps

    Rethinking mobility of international university students during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Purpose – The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and international student mobility from an alternative perspective and to reveal descriptive findings. Design/methodology/approach – This study follows qualitative research methodology. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the data were collected by the literature review and then it was analyzed by the descriptive analysis method. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on international student mobility and the relationships between these variables are explained by tables and classifications. Findings – According to the findings obtained, the restrictions in physical student mobility and shutdown are observed as the biggest challenges that occurred in higher education during the COVID-19. On a global scope, international student mobility has experienced a major break. Physical campus life is still on standby. Online higher education does not give any campus life as before. Students cannot benefit form city's or country's facilities when studying online at home country. The collaboration between university and business has been declined and this is even more discouraging for international students. The hybrid education model produced an intermediate solution in this period. On the other hand, the rise of online education has created new techniques for higher education. University students who cannot go abroad attend different countries lectures and education programs. But also a new challenge has come as the access of online platforms in under developing countries university students. Online education system also discussed in terms of creating inequality in higher education. Research limitations/implications – This study focused on student mobility and not focused about academic mobility. Practical implications – It is seen that the traditional higher education system has been adapted into online distance higher education system since COVID-19 crises began globally. On the other side, it is observed that most of studies have focused the effect of COVID-19 on university students based on the transition to online education. When considering the effect of pandemic process on the mobility of international students and higher education, the authors can suggest policy makers to develop new higher education protocols and teaching models supporting key issues (economic, social, health, education and equalization) in the long-term. Higher education institutes have been able to produce creative and innovative solutions for both education and communication during the pandemic process. Social implications – University students who cannot go abroad attend different countries lectures and education programs. But also a new challenge has come as the access of online platforms in under developing countries university students. Online education system also discussed in terms of creating inequality in higher education. Originality/value – This study provides a new perspective for international student mobility in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. This is an emerging issue for the literature. This study is original with its approach to the subject from a global perspective through reviewing the studies of different countries. This study points out key variables for determining the effect of COVID-19 on international student mobility for future studies. When employing quantitative research models, the current key variables can guide them