1,372 research outputs found

    Cs-135 - Ba-135: A new cosmochronometric constraint on the origin of the Earth and the astrophysical site of the origin of the solar system

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    It is argued that if Cs-135 was indeed present in the early solar system at the level inferred from evidence presented here, then two major conclusions follow. (1) A supernova contributed newly synthesized r-process matter into the protosolar reservoir within approx. 5 Ma of the Cs/Ba fractionation recorded in LEW 86010; (2) The strong Cs depletion in the bulk Earth reservoir (Cs-133/Ba-135 approx. 0.1) took place very early in solar system history. If this volatile loss was pre-accretionary, then the accretionary chronology of the Earth is not constrained. However, if it is a consequence of accretion, then the very tight time constraint of approx. less than 5 Ma (rel. to LEW 86010) is obtained for accretion of most of the Earth's mass

    Sondermuell in Baden-Wuerttemberg

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    Nd-142/Nd-144 in SNCs and early differentiation of a heterogeneous Martian mantle

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    Sm/Nd correlated variations in Nd-142/Nd-144 have been observed for mineral phases of achondrites from decay of live Sm-146 in the early solar system. Crystallization ages of shergottites-nakhlites-Chassigny (SNC) meteorites are less than or = 1.3 Ga, so variations of Nd-142/Nd-144 among mineral phases of the SNC's are not expected. However, if SNC's were derived from source reservoirs of differing Sm/Nd ratios, established while Sm-146 was still alive, and which remained isolated except for magma extraction, then variations in Nd-142/Nd-144 would exist among individual SNC meteorites. Rb-Sr and U-Pb isotopic data for the shergottites imply differentiation of their parent planet approximately 4.6 Ga ago. The confirmation of the conclusion that the nakhlites and shergottites were derived from different source regions, and that, consequently, the shergottite parent body (SPB) mantle was heterogeneous is presented

    Eggshells as natural calcium carbonate source in combination with hyaluronan as beneficial additives for bone graft materials, an in vitro study

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    Introduction: In bone metabolism and the formation especially in bone substitution, calcium as basic module is of high importance. Different studies have shown that the use of eggshells as a bone substitute material is a promising and inexpensive alternative. In this in vitro study, the effects of eggshell granulate and calcium carbonate towards primary bovine osteoblasts were investigated. Hyaluronan (HA) was used as artificial extracellular matrix (ECM) for the used cells to facilitate proliferation and differentiation and to mimic the physiological requirements given by the egg in vivo. Methods: Hyaluronan, eggshells, a combination of hyaluronan and eggshells and CaCO3 were applied to the cells as additive to the used standard medium (modified High Growth Enhancement Medium) in a concentration of 0,1 g/l. The effect of the additives in the culture medium was examined by proliferation tests, immunohistochemical staining (anti-collagen type I, anti-osteopontin, anti-osteonectin and anti-osteocalcin) and kinetic oxygen measurements. Results: Our investigations revealed that all investigated additives show beneficial effect on osteoblast activity. Cell proliferation, differentiation and the metabolic activity of the differentiated cells could be influenced positively. Especially in the case cell cultures treated with eggshells the strongest effects were detected, while for the hyaluronan compared with eggshells, a weaker increase in cell activity was observed. Conclusion: In summary, it can be stated that the investigated components come into consideration as beneficial supplements for bone graft materials especially for maxillo facial surgery application.<br

    Cerebral differences in explicit and implicit emotional processing - An fMRI study

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    The processing of emotional facial expression is a major part of social communication and understanding. In addition to explicit processing, facial expressions are also processed rapidly and automatically in the absence of explicit awareness. We investigated 12 healthy subjects by presenting them with an implicit and explicit emotional paradigm. The subjects reacted significantly faster in implicit than in explicit trials but did not differ in their error ratio. For the implicit condition increased signals were observed in particular in the thalami, the hippocampi, the frontal inferior gyri and the right middle temporal region. The analysis of the explicit condition showed increased blood-oxygen-level-dependent signals especially in the caudate nucleus, the cingulum and the right prefrontal cortex. The direct comparison of these 2 different processes revealed increased activity for explicit trials in the inferior, superior and middle frontal gyri, the middle cingulum and left parietal regions. Additional signal increases were detected in occipital regions, the cerebellum, and the right angular and lingual gyrus. Our data partially confirm the hypothesis of different neural substrates for the processing of implicit and explicit emotional stimuli. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Composite Metal-hydrogen Electrodes for Metal-Hydrogen Batteries

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    The purpose of this project is to develop and conduct a feasibility study of metallic thin films (multilayered and alloy composition) produced by advanced sputtering techniques for use as anodes in Ni-metal hydrogen batteries. The anodes could be incorporated in thin film solid state Ni-metal hydrogen batteries that would be deposited as distinct anode, electrolyte and cathode layers in thin film devices. The materials could also be incorporated in secondary consumer batteries (i.e. type AF(4/3 or 4/5)) which use electrodes in the form of tapes. The project was based on pioneering studies of hydrogen uptake by ultra-thin Pd-capped metal-hydrogen ratios exceeding and fast hydrogen charging and Nb films, these studies suggested that materials with those of commercially available metal hydride materials discharging kinetics could be produced. The project initially concentrated on gas phase and electrochemical studies of Pd-capped niobium films in laboratory-scale NiMH cells. This extended the pioneering work to the wet electrochemical environment of NiMH batteries and exploited advanced synchrotron radiation techniques not available during the earlier work to conduct in-situ studies of such materials during hydrogen charging and discharging. Although batteries with fast charging kinetics and hydrogen-metal ratios approaching unity could be fabricated, it was found that oxidation, cracking and corrosion in aqueous solutions made pure Nb films-and multiiayers poor candidates for battery application. The project emphasis shifted to alloy films based on known elemental materials used for NiMH batteries. Although commercial NiMH anode materials contain many metals, it was found that 0.24 µm thick sputtered Zr-Ni films cycled at least 50 times with charging efficiencies exceeding 95% and [H]/[M] ratios of 0.7-1.0. Multilayered or thicker Zr-Ni films could be candidates for a thin film NiMH battery that may have practical applications as an integrated power source for modern electronic devices

    Pre-bombardment crystallization ages of basaltic clasts from Antarctic howardites EET87503 and EET87513

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    Igneous clasts of basaltic eucrites are found in both howardites and polymict eucrites. We have studied the Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic systematics of a number of such clasts, of metamorphic grades 1-6, using the classification of Takeda and Graham. Here, we report Rb-Sr, (147)Sm-(143)Nd, and (145)Sm-(142)Nd studies of clast, 53 from Antarctic howardite EET87503. Although there is no evidence of disturbance of trace element systematics by Antarctic weathering, the Rb-Sr and conventional Sm-Nd isotopic systematics are severely disturbed, which we ascribe to thermal metamorphism. The Ar-Ar age spectrum shows ages ranging from approximately 3.85-3.55 Ga in an unusual 'down stairstep'. The (146)Sm-(142)Nd systematics, however, show the presence of live (146)Sm(t(sub 1/2) = 103 Ma), with (146)Sm/(144)Sm = 0.0061 +/- 0.0007 at the time of crystallization. This result is very similar to that previously obtained for basaltic clast, 18 from howardite EET87513 (paired with EET87503), which has concordant Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages of approximately 4.5 Ga. Thus, the two clasts are nearly the same age, and we conclude further than the EET87503,53 clast crystallized within 33 +/- 19 Ma of the LEW86010 angrite by comparing initial (146)Sm/(144)Sm to that of the angrite. We suggest that disturbances in the isotopic systematics of EET87503,53 are consanguineous with pyroxene homogenization

    Analysis of Early Hard Tissue Formation in Dentine by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis and Energy-Filtering Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Thin cryosections and sections of embedded tissue were prepared from dentine of cryofixed rat incisors. Energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) have been applied to study the calcium and phosphorus distribution in predentine of these incisors. A small enrichment of calcium and phosphorus was found in the predentine zone near the dentine border. Element distributions were correlated with analyses of the early crystal formation in dentine. These investigations were carried out by parallel applications of electron spectroscopic diffraction (ESD) and electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) using zero-loss filtering. It was found that the earliest crystal formations already showed the lattice of the hexagonal mineral apatite. They form parallelly arranged chains of dots which coalesce rapidly to form needle-like crystallites along the collagen microfibrils

    Morphological characterization of Achai cattle in sedentary and transhumant systems in Pakistan

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    Achai is an as yet undocumented but well-adapted cattle breed of the Hindu Kush Mountains of northern Pakistan, which is reared under sedentary farming system (SFS) and transhumant farming system (TFS). This paper compares the morphological (physical and morphometric) characteristics of this cattle breed under both farming systems to know the effect of these styles of management. Data were collected from 108 adult females and 108 males in SFS and 108 females and 36 males in TFS on physical characteristics (colour of the coat, horns, eyelashes, muzzle, hoof, switch) and morphometric measurements - i.e. heart girth, body length, height at withers, height at hipbone, face length, horn length, horn circumference, ear (length and width), neck length, dewlap length, chine length, loin length, rump (length and width), length below knee, hoof circumference, tail and switch length. Results showed that farming systems significantly affect most of the morphological characteristics of both sexes, particularly the morphometric measurements with tall and leggy conformation for TFS cows and bulls. This indicates an adaptation to long distance transhumance and mountain terrain grazing. It can be concluded that the Achai has the potential to adapt to the requirements of specific farming systems. There is hence a need for the conservation of its adaptive traits in both farming system
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