
Cs-135 - Ba-135: A new cosmochronometric constraint on the origin of the Earth and the astrophysical site of the origin of the solar system


It is argued that if Cs-135 was indeed present in the early solar system at the level inferred from evidence presented here, then two major conclusions follow. (1) A supernova contributed newly synthesized r-process matter into the protosolar reservoir within approx. 5 Ma of the Cs/Ba fractionation recorded in LEW 86010; (2) The strong Cs depletion in the bulk Earth reservoir (Cs-133/Ba-135 approx. 0.1) took place very early in solar system history. If this volatile loss was pre-accretionary, then the accretionary chronology of the Earth is not constrained. However, if it is a consequence of accretion, then the very tight time constraint of approx. less than 5 Ma (rel. to LEW 86010) is obtained for accretion of most of the Earth's mass

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