250 research outputs found

    Analisis Biaya dan Pendapatan Budidayajamur Tiram Putih di (P4S) Nusa Indah Kabupaten Bogor

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    Hortikultura merupakan salah satu subsektor pertanian yang menempati posisi penting dalam memberi kontribusi bagi perekonomian Indonesia.Salah satu hasil dari komoditas hortikultura yaitu jamur tiram putih. Jamur adalah tanaman heterotrofik yaitu tanaman yang kehidupannya tergantungpada organisme lain. Jamur tidak bisa melakukan proses fotosintesis sehingga tidak bisa menghasilkan makanan sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biaya dan pendapatan di P4S Nusa Indah pada USAha budidaya jamur tiram putih dan mengetahui kelayakan USAha pada jamur tiram putih. Pengamatan dilakukan mulai tanggal 14 April 2016-21 Mei 2016 di P4S Nusa Indah yang berlokasi di kampung Sukamanah RT 02 RW 01 Desa Tamansari, Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. P4S Nusa Indah memiliki 4 aspek produksi yaitu jamur tiram putih, tanaman hias, kehutanan dan perikanan. Paling menonjol adalah Jamur tiram putih. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah pengamatan langsung kelapangan  (observasi) dan wawancara dengan pihak terkait dan studi kepustakaan. P4S Nusa Indah melakukan proses budidaya jamur tiram putih sebanyak 12.000 baglog dengan hasil 4.800 kg jamur tiram putih dengan harga jual Rp.10.000,-/kg. Dari analisa yang dilakukan P4S Nusa Indah memperoleh laba sebesar Rp.6.328.975,- per periode, R/C ratio 1,2 BEP harga Rp.8.681 dan BEP produksi 4.167 kg


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    This research is entitled The Effect of Instagram Social Media on People's Reading Interest (Case Study on the @komunitaspembacabuku account). The purpose of this study was to find out how the influence of Instagram social media on reading interest in the case study community on the Instagram account @komunitaspembacabuku. The method used in this research is a quantitative method with the type of case study research. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, observation, and documentation. The population in this study amounted to 24,300 followers with a sample of 100 respondents. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be seen that there is a simultaneous positive and significant effect between Instagram social media on people's reading interest (a case study on the Instagram account @komunitaspembacabuku) with a calculated f value of 53.474 3.938 or (f count ftable) so that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. based on the coefficient of determination of the Instagram social media variable (X) it affects people's reading interest (Y) by 35% while the remaining 65% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.


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    Abstrak : Pada makalah ini ditunjukkan cara menyatakan berat sapi (w) sebagai fungsi lingkar dada (r(t)) dan pupuk urea (u(t)) sebagai fungsi parametrik. Untuk selanjutnya ditentukan lingkar dada dan pupuk urea yang optimal untuk menentukan berat sapi yang menghasilkan produksi susu sapi secara maksimal. Untuk itu digunakan metode Finalti. Diperoleh hasil bahwa pada lingkar dada r =206 cm maka berat sapi optimal adalah w = 450.1kg. Sedangkan nilai pupuk urea yang menyebabkan berat optimal untuk produksi susu sapi adalah 37.21 gram. Berdasarkan data maka hal ini dibenarkan. Karena jumlah hijauan sebagai variabel dominan maka jumlah hijauan berkontribusi pada fungsi berat sapi. Berat sapi dapat dinyatakan sebagai fungsi hijauan x1 , pupuk urea u(t) dan lingkar dada r(t). Kata kunci : lingkar dada, pupuk urea, fungsi parameterik, metode Finalt

    Design and Development Stage of Interactive CD-Based Audio Visual Media Development for Improving the Listening Skill on Listening Subject in STKIP PGRI West Sumatera

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    This study was focused on design and development stage of interactive CD-Based Audio Visual Media Development for improving the listening skill on listening subject in STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. This research used descriptive qualitative method through observation checklist and document analysis. Data of the research all the documents used by the Lecturers on listening subject. After conducting the research, from the observation, it is found that the used SAP/Syllabus did not have a appropriate arrangement of the topics given and the materials in it and there was no a fixed teaching material or book used by students. Based on the document analysis, the teaching materials used by the lecturers and student were not appropriate for the students because the teaching materials did not state title, general purposes, specific purposes, theories, tasks, review and references. The effect was the students were difficult to follow the lesson given by the lecturers. Finally, a fixed teaching book and interactive CD should be made in order to improve the listening subject quality. The teaching book is set with audio and visual and it consists of a title, general purpose, specific purpose, theories, tasks, review and references. Then, the interactive CD is set the display of home, back, unit, learning outcome/purpose, theories, multiple choice tasks and reviews and references. In relation to the development of the CD interactive and teaching book, a validation form from a language validation and a language media validation will be conducted.     Keywords: Design, Development, Interactive CD, Listening Subjec

    Cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and behavioral effects of intravenous lidocaine in healthy, conscious horses and evaluation of the relationship with lidocaine and monoethylglycinexylidide serum concentrations

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    This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the serum concentrations of lidocaine/ monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) and their effects on several systems in horses. Five healthy, conscious horses received a two-hour placebo intravenous infusion followed by a two-hour lidocaine infusion (bolus of 1.3 mg/kg over ten minutes followed by a continuous rate infusion of 0.05 mg/kg/min). Lidocaine and MEGX serum concentrations were sampled every ten to fifteen minutes during the experiment, and the presence of muscle fasciculations and loss of balance as well as the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems of the five horses were evaluated by means of different non-invasive methods. During the lidocaine infusion, the mean (f SD) lidocaine and MEGX concentrations were respectively 768.88 +/- 93.32ng/ml and 163.08 +/- 108.98 ng/ml. The infusion of lidocaine significantly influenced the presence of fasciculations, caused a statistically but non-clinically significant decrease of systolic and diastolic blood pressures, which were both correlated with lidocaine and MEGX serum concentrations, and it increased the duodenal contractions frequency, which was correlated with the serum lidocaine concentration. In this study, mild hypotensive and prokinetic effects of short-term lidocaine infusion were observed

    Distribution Analysis Active Small and Medium Industries Bogor City Using K-means Clustering

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    Small and Medium Industries (IKM) is one sector that contributes to driving economic growth, one of which is in West Java province, Bogor city. The number of active IKM in the city of Bogor in 2021 based on the survey results was 1,189, while in 2022 the number of small and medium industries (IKM) active in the city of Bogor based on the survey results was 1,766. The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the distribution of active small and medium industries (IKM) in Bogor city. So, this research can provide solutions related to the government or agencies to assist in building and developing IKM. In this research, the method used is the Knowledge Discovery in Database method, Where the stages are data selection, pre-processing, transformation, data mining and evaluation. Determination of the number of clusters is done using the elbow method. After determining with Elbow, the data will be represented using K-means clustering. The results of the K-means clustering algorithm yield 3 clusters, with each cluster 0 criterion being the distribution of low IKM with a total of 45 sub-districts. Cluster 1 is the distribution of medium IKM with the number of sub-districts is 14, and cluster 2 is the distribution of high IKM with the number of sub-districts totaling 9. The evaluation in this study used the silhouette coefficient method, from the data used it produced a cluster value of 0.56 which means that it is included in the clustering criteria with a good structure
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