294 research outputs found

    Fast Calculation of the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram Using Graphics Processing Units

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    I introduce a new code for fast calculation of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, that leverages the computing power of graphics processing units (GPUs). After establishing a background to the newly emergent field of GPU computing, I discuss the code design and narrate key parts of its source. Benchmarking calculations indicate no significant differences in accuracy compared to an equivalent CPU-based code. However, the differences in performance are pronounced; running on a low-end GPU, the code can match 8 CPU cores, and on a high-end GPU it is faster by a factor approaching thirty. Applications of the code include analysis of long photometric time series obtained by ongoing satellite missions and upcoming ground-based monitoring facilities; and Monte-Carlo simulation of periodogram statistical properties.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. Accompanying program source (updated since acceptance) can be downloaded from http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~townsend/resource/download/code/culsp.tar.g

    Variable Stars in the Field of the Globular Cluster NGC 3201

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    We report on the discovery and analysis of 14 short-period variable stars in the field of the southern globular cluster NGC 3201, located within roughly two magnitudes on either side of the main-sequence turnoff. 11 of these variable stars are eclipsing binaries, one is an RR Lyrae, and two are thus far unclassified systems. Among the eclipsing binary stars, nine are of the W Ursa Majoris (W UMa) type, one an Algol (EA) system, and one a detached system. Using spectroscopic follow-up observations as well as analysis of the variables' locations in the color-magnitude diagram of the cluster, we find that only one variable star (a W UMa type blue straggler) is actually a member of NGC 3201. We present the phased photometry lightcurves for all the variable star systems as well as their locations in the field-of-view and in the color-magnitude diagram.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; accepted for the January 2002 issue of AJ. For full resolution versions of this paper, go to: http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/users/kaspar/html/vars3201.ps.gz or http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/users/kaspar/html/vars3201.pd

    Structure Effects on Coulomb Dissociation of 8^8B

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    Coulomb Dissociation provides an alternative method for determining the radiative capture cross sections at astrophysically relevant low relative energies. For the breakup of 8^8B on 58^{58}Ni, we calculate the total Coulomb Dissociation cross section and the angular distribution for E1, E2 and M1. Our calculations are performed first within the standard first order semiclassical theory of Coulomb Excitation, including the correct three body kinematics, and later including the projectile-target nuclear interactions.Comment: 6 pages, proceedings from International Workshop on RNB, Puri, India, January 1998 - to be published in J. Phys.

    A ~4.6 h quasi-periodic oscillation in the BL Lacertae PKS 2155-304?

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    We report a possible detection of an ~4.6-hour quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the 0.3-10 keV emission of the high-energy peaked blazar PKS 2155-304 from a 64 ks observation by the XMM-Newton EPIC/pn detector. We identify a total modulation of ~5% in the light curve and confirm that nominal period by periodogram, structure function and wavelet analyses. The limited light curve duration allows the capture of only 3.8 cycles of this oscillation and thus precludes a very strong claim for this QPO, despite a nominally high (>3 sigma) statistical significance. We briefly discuss models capable of producing an X-ray QPO of such a period in a blazar.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Analysis of RR Lyrae Stars in the Northern Sky Variability Survey

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    We use data from the Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS), obtained from the first generation Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment (ROTSE-I), to identify and study RR Lyrae variable stars in the solar neighborhood. We initially identified 1197 RRab (RR0) candidate stars brighter than the ROTSE median magnitude V = 14. Periods, amplitudes, and mean V magnitudes are determined for a subset of 1188 RRab stars with well defined light curves. Metallicities are determined for 589 stars by the Fourier parameter method and by the relationship between period, amplitude, and [Fe/H]. We comment upon the difficulties of clearly classifying RRc (RR1) variables in the NSVS dataset. Distances to the RRab stars are calculated using an adopted luminosity-metallicity relation with corrections for interstellar extinction. The 589 RRab stars in our final sample are used to study the properties of the RRab population within 5 kpc of the Sun. The Bailey diagram of period versus amplitude shows that the largest component of this sample belongs to Oosterhoff type I. Metal-rich ([Fe/H] > -1) RRab stars appear to be associated with the Galactic disk. Our metal-rich RRab sample may include a thin disk as well as a thick disk population, although the uncertainties are too large to establish this. There is some evidence among the metal-rich RRab stars for a decline in scale height with increasing [Fe/H], as was found by Layden (1995). The distribution of RRab stars with -1 < [Fe/H] < -1.25 indicates that within this metallicity range the RRab stars are a mixture of stars belonging to halo and disk populations.Comment: 68 pages, 26 figures, 9 tables, accepted to A

    Ground-based variability surveys towards Centaurus A: worthwhile or not?

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    Context: Difference imaging has proven to be a powerful technique for detecting and monitoring the variability of unresolved stellar sources in M 31. Using this technique in surveys of galaxies outside the Local Group could have many interesting applications. Aims: The goal of this paper is to test difference imaging photometry on Centaurus A, the nearest giant elliptical galaxy, at a distance of 4 Mpc. Methods: We obtained deep photometric data with the Wide Field Imager at the ESO/MPG 2.2m at La Silla spread over almost two months. Applying the difference imaging photometry package DIFIMPHOT, we produced high-quality difference images and detected variable sources. The sensitivity of the current observational setup was determined through artificial residual tests. Results: In the resulting high-quality difference images, we detect 271 variable stars. We find a difference flux detection limit corresponding to m_R~24.5. Based on a simple model of the halo of Centaurus A, we estimate that a ground-based microlensing survey would detect in the order of 4 microlensing events per year due to lenses in the halo. Conclusions: Difference imaging photometry works very well at the distance of Centaurus A and promises to be a useful tool for detecting and studying variable stars in galaxies outside the local group. For microlensing surveys, a higher sensitivity is needed than achieved here, which would be possible with a large ground-based telescope or space observatory with wide-field imaging capabilities.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Massive pulsating stars observed by BRITE-Constellation. I. The triple system Beta Centauri (Agena)

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    This paper aims to precisely determine the masses and detect pulsation modes in the two massive components of Beta Cen with BRITE-Constellation photometry. In addition, seismic models for the components are considered and the effects of fast rotation are discussed. This is done to test the limitations of seismic modeling for this very difficult case. A simultaneous fit of visual and spectroscopic orbits is used to self-consistently derive the orbital parameters, and subsequently the masses, of the components. The derived masses are equal to 12.02 +/- 0.13 and 10.58 +/- 0.18 M_Sun. The parameters of the wider, A - B system, presently approaching periastron passage, are constrained. Analysis of the combined blue- and red-filter BRITE-Constellation photometric data of the system revealed the presence of 19 periodic terms, of which eight are likely g modes, nine are p modes, and the remaining two are combination terms. It cannot be excluded that one or two low-frequency terms are rotational frequencies. It is possible that both components of Beta Cen are Beta Cep/SPB hybrids. An attempt to use the apparent changes of frequency to distinguish which modes originate in which component did not succeed, but there is potential for using this method when more BRITE data become available. Agena seems to be one of very few rapidly rotating massive objects with rich p- and g-mode spectra, and precisely known masses. It can therefore be used to gain a better understanding of the excitation of pulsations in relatively rapidly rotating stars and their seismic modeling. Finally, this case illustrates the potential of BRITE-Constellation data for the detection of rich-frequency spectra of small-amplitude modes in massive pulsating stars.Comment: 17 pages (with Appendix), 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Periodic variable stars in CoRoT field LRa02 observed with BEST II

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    The Berlin Exoplanet Search Telescope II (BEST II) is a small wide field-of-view photometric survey telescope system located at the Observatorio Cerro Armazones, Chile. The high duty cycle combined with excellent observing conditions and millimagnitude photometric precision makes this instrument suitable for ground based support observations for the CoRoT space mission. Photometric data of the CoRoT LRa02 target field collected between November 2008 and March 2009 were analysed for stellar variability. The presented results will help in the future analysis of the CoRoT data, particularly in additional science programs related to variable stars. BEST II observes selected CoRoT target fields ahead of the space mission. The photometric data acquired are searched for stellar variability, periodic variable stars are identified with time series analysis of the obtained stellar light curves. We obtained the light curves of 104335 stars in the CoRoT LRa02 field over 41 nights. Variability was detected in light curves of 3726 stars of which 350 showed a regular period. These stars are, with the exception of 5 previously known variable stars, new discoveries.Comment: The figures with light curves can be find in the A&A journal as online onl

    A Search for Period Changes in Delta Scuti Stars with the Super-LOTIS Sky Patrol System

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    We have observed a sample of Delta Scuti stars discovered by the ROTSE collaboration in 1999 with Super-LOTIS in order to characterize changes in their pulsation periods over a time baseline of roughly three years. Achieving these goals required the creation of an automated astrometric and photometric data reduction pipeline for the Super-LOTIS camera. Applying this pipeline to data from a June 2002 observing campaign, we detect pulsations in 18 objects, and find that in two cases the periods have changed significantly over the three years between the ROTSE and Super-LOTIS observations. Since theory predicts that evolutionary period changes should be quite small, sources of non-evolutionary period changes due to the interactions of pulsations modes are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    HS 2237+8154 : on the onset of mass transfer or entering the period gap?

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    We report follow-up observations of a new white dwarf/red dwarf binary HS 2237+8154, identified as a blue variable star from the Hamburg Quasar Survey. Ellipsoidal modulation observed in the R band as well as the radial velocity variations measured from time-resolved spectroscopy determine the orbital period to be Porb = 178.10 +- 0.08 min. The optical spectrum of HS 2237+8154 is well described by a combination of a Teff = 11500 +- 1500 K white dwarf (assuming log g = 8) and a dM 3.5 +- 0.5 secondary star. The distance implied from the flux scaling factors of both stellar components is d = 105 +- 25 pc. Combining the constraints obtained from the radial velocity of the secondary and from the ellipsoidal modulation, we derive a binary inclination of i = 50-70 and stellar masses of and Mwd = 0.47-0.67 M and Msec = 0.2-0.4 M. All observations imply that the secondary star must be nearly Roche-lobe filling. Consequently, HS 2237+8154 may be either a pre-cataclysmic variable close to the start of mass transfer, or - considering its orbital period - a cataclysmic variable that terminated mass transfer and entered the period gap, or a hibernating nova