669 research outputs found

    Onchocerciasis in the Americas: from arrival to (near) elimination

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    Onchocerciasis (river blindness) is a blinding parasitic disease that threatens the health of approximately 120 million people worldwide. While 99% of the population at-risk for infection from onchocerciasis live in Africa, some 500,000 people in the Americas are also threatened by infection. A relatively recent arrival to the western hemisphere, onchocerciasis was brought to the New World through the slave trade and spread through migration. The centuries since its arrival have seen advances in diagnosing, mapping and treating the disease. Once endemic to six countries in the Americas (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Venezuela), onchocerciasis is on track for interruption of transmission in the Americas by 2012, in line with Pan American Health Organization resolution CD48.R12. The success of this public health program is due to a robust public-private partnership involving national governments, local communities, donor organizations, intergovernmental bodies, academic institutions, non-profit organizations and the pharmaceutical industry. The lessons learned through the efforts in the Americas are in turn informing the program to control and eliminate onchocerciasis in Africa. However, continued support and investment are needed for program implementation and post-treatment surveillance to protect the gains to-date and ensure complete elimination is achieved and treatment can be safely stopped within all 13 regional foci

    Surface Oscillations in Overdense Plasmas Irradiated by Ultrashort Laser Pulses

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    The generation of electron surface oscillations in overdense plasmas irradiated at normal incidence by an intense laser pulse is investigated. Two-dimensional (2D) particle-in-cell simulations show a transition from a planar, electrostatic oscillation at 2ω2\omega, with ω\omega the laser frequency, to a 2D electromagnetic oscillation at frequency ω\omega and wavevector k>ω/ck>\omega/c. A new electron parametric instability, involving the decay of a 1D electrostatic oscillation into two surface waves, is introduced to explain the basic features of the 2D oscillations. This effect leads to the rippling of the plasma surface within a few laser cycles, and is likely to have a strong impact on laser interaction with solid targets.Comment: 9 pages (LaTeX, Revtex4), 4 GIF color figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Prevalence of antibodies against influenza A and B viruses in children in Germany, 2008 to 2010

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    The prevalence of influenza A and B virus-specific IgG was determined in sera taken between 2008 and 2010 from 1,665 children aged 0-17 years and 400 blood donors in Germany. ELISA on the basis of whole virus antigens was applied. Nearly all children aged nine years and older had antibodies against influenza A. In contrast, 40% of children aged 0-4 years did not have any influenza A virus-specific IgG antibodies. Eighty-six percent of 0-6 year-olds, 47% of 7-12 year-olds and 20% of 13-17 year-olds were serologically naive to influenza B viruses. By the age of 18 years, influenza B seroprevalence reached approximately 90%. There were obvious regional differences in the seroprevalence of influenza B in Germany. In conclusion, seroprevalences of influenza A and influenza B increase gradually during childhood. The majority of children older than eight years have basal immunity to influenza A, while comparable immunity against influenza B is only acquired at the age of 18 years. Children aged 0-6 years, showing an overall seroprevalence of 67% for influenza A and of 14% for influenza B, are especially at risk for primary infections during influenza B seasons

    Role of surface roughness in hard x-ray emission from femtosecond laser produced copper plasmas

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    The hard x-ray emission in the energy range of 30-300 keV from copper plasmas produced by 100 fs, 806 nm laser pulses at intensities in the range of 10151016^{15}-10^{16} W cm2^{-2} is investigated. We demonstrate that surface roughness of the targets overrides the role of polarization state in the coupling of light to the plasma. We further show that surface roughness has a significant role in enhancing the x-ray emission in the above mentioned energy range.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spectral shaping of laser generated proton beams

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    The rapid progress in the field of laser particle acceleration has stimulated a debate about the promising perspectives of laser based ion beam sources. For a long time, the beams produced exhibited quasi-thermal spectra. Recent proof-of-principle experiments demonstrated that ion beams with narrow energy distribution can be generated from special target geometries. However, the achieved spectra were strongly limited in terms of monochromacity and reproducibility. We show that microstructured targets can be used to reliably produce protons with monoenergetic spectra above 2 MeV with less than 10% energy spread. Detailed investigations of the effects of laser ablation on the target resulted in a significant improvement of the reproducibility. Based on statistical analysis, we derive a scaling law between proton peak position and laser energy, underlining the suitability of this method for future applications. Both the quality of the spectra and the scaling law are well reproduced by numerical simulations

    Dynamics of viscous amphiphilic films supported by elastic solid substrates

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    The dynamics of amphiphilic films deposited on a solid surface is analyzed for the case when shear oscillations of the solid surface are excited. The two cases of surface- and bulk shear waves are studied with film exposed to gas or to a liquid. By solving the corresponding dispersion equation and the wave equation while maintaining the energy balance we are able to connect the surface density and the shear viscocity of a fluid amphiphilic overlayer with experimentally accessible damping coefficients, phase velocity, dissipation factor and resonant frequency shifts of shear waves.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 3 figures in eps-forma

    Algorithm for J-Integral Measurements by Digital Image Correlation

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    The work is devoted to the testing of the algorithm for calculating J-integral based on the construction of vector fields by digital image correlation (DIC) method. A comparative analysis of J-integral values calculated using DIC and instrumental data obtained in accordance with ASTM E 1820 "Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness" has made. It is shown that this approach can be used for cases when the standard technique for measuring the J-integral cannot be applied, or the standard technique does not allow achieving the required accuracy for the integral determination in local areas of the loaded material

    Characterization of silicon carbide surfaces of 6H- 15R- and 3Cpolytypes by optical second-harmonic generation in comparison with X-ray diffraction techniques

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    Abstract. Second-harmonic (SH) generation is a versatile method applicable to in-situ characterization of even noncentrosymmetric media like silicon carbide (SiC). In particular, the azimuthal rotational anisotropy of the SH response from SiC observed in reflection allows identification of various polytypes. The nonlinear-optical results are compared to X-ray diffraction data. The abundance of information obtained through the SH studies makes characteristic fingerprinting of the 6H, 15R, and 3C polytypes of SiC is possible. The spatial resolution of the optical sampling was about 50 µm in the lateral direction with a typical penetration depth of 100 nm for the fundamental radiation. Defect regions of different crystallographic structures in large SiC samples were identified by observing the spatially resolved dependence of the SH intensity. 42.65.Nx; 78.66; 42.70.N Silicon carbide (SiC) is a widely studied semiconductor that crystallizes in over 200 known polytypes. The most common structure is α-SiC, which consists of a mixture of hexagonal polytypes (6H, 4H) and the rhombohedral polytype 15R PACS: As already demonstrated in other studies on centrosymmetric materials like silicon, second-harmonic generation (SHG) has proved to be a sensitive tool for studying a large variety of surface and interface structural and electronic properties. Although SHG from non-centrosymmetric materials is not restricted to the surface but is also possible in the bulk material SHG studies in reflection geometry provide substantial crystallographic information on the near-surface region. The generation depth of the second-harmonic (SH) radiation detected in reflection of approximately λ/2π, where λ is the fundamental wavelength, allows higher surface specificity, as compared to the typical interaction lengths of several micrometers in conventional X-ray diffraction techniques in back-reflection geometry (X-ray examination of SiC cf. [4]). The tensorial properties of the second-order susceptibility, which characterizes the SHG effect, provide information on the crystal structure in case of non-centrosymmetric materials in the near-surface region by investigating its azimuthal rotational anisotropy. Although studies on non-centrosymmetric gallium arsenide (GaAs) demonstrated sensitively surface reconstruction changes In the present work, we demonstrate that SHG is a versatile tool to characterize the crystalline structure of SiC. By investigating the rotational anisotropy of the SH response of various polytypes of SiC, we could fingerprint the most important species 6H, 15R and 3C, which are revealed by different crystalline structures. We were also able to distinguish between bulk and surface contributions to the SH signal from cubic and hexagonal SiC by differences in the rotationa

    Quantum Theory in Accelerated Frames of Reference

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    The observational basis of quantum theory in accelerated systems is studied. The extension of Lorentz invariance to accelerated systems via the hypothesis of locality is discussed and the limitations of this hypothesis are pointed out. The nonlocal theory of accelerated observers is briefly described. Moreover, the main observational aspects of Dirac's equation in noninertial frames of reference are presented. The Galilean invariance of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and the mass superselection rule are examined in the light of the invariance of physical laws under inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, contribution to Springer Lecture Notes in Physics (Proc. SR 2005, Potsdam, Germany, February 13 - 18, 2005

    Multijoule scaling of laser-induced condensation in air

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    Using 100 TW laser pulses, we demonstrate that laser-induced nanometric particle generation in air increases much faster than the beam-averaged incident intensity. This increase is due to a contribution from the photon bath, which adds up with the previously identified one from the filaments and becomes dominant above 550 GW/cm2. It appears related to ozone formation via multiphotondissociation of the oxygen molecules and demonstrates the critical need for further increasing the laser energy in view of macroscopic effects in laser-induced condensation