336 research outputs found

    On the representation of regional characteristics by hydrographic measurements at central stations in four deep basins of the Baltic Sea

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    In this work the eddy resolving data sets of salinity, temperature, and oxygen content aquired in the framework of the German-Russian project MESODYN (MESOscale DYNamics) in the Arkona Basin, the Bornholm Basin, the Stolpe Furrow, and the Eastern Gotland Basin during summer and winter stratification situations are utilized to examine to which extent the observations at the central monitoring stations within these basins are representative for the spatial mean state of the corresponding region with respect to comparative monitoring purposes of the whole Baltic Sea. The investigation covers profiles of salinity, potential temperature, oxygen content, potential density, and squared buoyancy or Brunt-Väisälä frequency. Moreover, some parameters of the halocline, namely its depth, thickness, and upper and lower boundaries, and the first baroclinic Rossby radii are subject to the investigation. The profiles match best for the squared buoyancy or Brunt-Väisälä frequency. The profiles of salinity match best in the Eastern Gotland Basin and worst in the Arkona Basin both for summer and winter stratification situations. The overall agreement for the halocline parameters is good. The baroclinic Rossby radii match their spatial mean values well, if the depth range considered for their calculation is restricted to the mean depth in each region at the bottom side. In doing so they also match the spatial mean values of the first baroclinic Rossby radii calculated considering the whole depth range at each station. Overall, the regional characteristics of the investigated quantities and parameters are represented well by the hydrographic measurements at the central stations in the four regions in spite of some significant differences between the spatial mean states and the observations at the central stations. In particular, the observations at the central stations seem to be usefull for comparisons between these regions. However, the observed differences may affect regional investigations covering just a single region

    Exportação de nutrientes em povoamentos de Pinus taeda L. baseada em volume estimado pelo sistema sispinus.

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    Os plantios de Pinus ocorrem preferencialmente em regiões com menores preços de terras, localizados em áreas com solos de baixa fertilidade natural e conseqüentemente baixa produtividade. Essa condição, associada ao fato da não-fertilização dos plantios, via de regra, e à exportação de nutrientes nos desbastes e na colheita final, leva invariavelmente a perdas de produtividade futuras dos povoamentos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a aplicabilidade de modelos matemáticos, desenvolvidos em área florestais descritas por Moro (2005), ao SisPinus, para estimativa de nutrientes exportados na madeira, nas ocasiões da colheita da floresta. Para a realização deste estudo, foram selecionados plantios de P. taeda com 8, 12, 18 e 23 anos de idade, localizados em povoamentos comerciais, situados na região de Guarapuava (PR). Determinaram-se os nutrientes nos diversos segmentos do tronco, a cada metro, da base à altura comercial, no lenho e na casca. As equações desenvolvidas por Moro (2005) foram inseridas ao estimador de biomassa SisPinus, possibilitando a estimativa dos nutrientes exportados. O ajuste das equações desenvolvidas, dentro da variação de idade, qualidade do sítio, intensidade de manejo, entre outras variáveis, foi extremamente elevado, permitindo alta confiabilidade nas equações para estimativa de exportação dos nutrientes

    Modelos matemáticos para estimativa de exportação de nutrientes em povoamentos de Pinus taeda L.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar a aplicabilidade de modelos matemáticos para quantificar a exportação de nutrientes, na colheita de floresta de Pinus sp. O estudo ocorreu em plantios de P. taeda em 4 idades, localizados na região de Guarapuava (PR). As amostras foram retiradas na base, 1,0 m, 1,3 m, 2,0 m de altura e deste ponto em diante a cada metro até altura comercial. Destas amostras foram determinados os teores dos macronutrientes, do lenho e casca, no laboratório da EMBRAPA - Florestas - Colombo (PR). A amostragem aleatória em povoamentos de P. taeda em diferentes idades, nos estágios vegetativos: dominante, co-dominante e dominada e em diferentes condições de manejo e produtividade, permite obter equações de estimativas de acúmulo nutrientes com altos índices de correlações e confiabilidade. A obtenção de amostragem em segmentos até 4,0 m de altura possibilita determinar o conteúdo total dos nutrientes, sem necessidade de amostragens nos segmentos de posição mais elevada da árvore. A determinação do nutriente nitrogênio apresenta um maior grau de complexidade e requer basicamente que outros macronutrientes também sejam determinados, o que demanda maiores custos amostrais e laboratoriais

    Nutrição de pinus no Sul do Brasil: diagnóstico e prioridades de pesquisa.

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    Restrições à produtividade; Exportação de nutrientes pela colheita florestal; Ciclagem e acúmulo de nutrientes na serapilheirabitstream/item/17070/1/doc60.pd

    Numerical implementation and oceanographic application of the thermodynamic potentials of liquid water, water vapour, ice, seawater and humid air – Part 2: The library routines

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    The SCOR/IAPSO<sup>1</sup> Working Group 127 on Thermodynamics and Equation of State of Seawater has prepared recommendations for new methods and algorithms for numerical estimation of the the thermophysical properties of seawater. As an outcome of this work, a new International Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater (TEOS–10) was endorsed by IOC/UNESCO<sup>2</sup> in June 2009 as the official replacement and extension of the 1980 International Equation of State, EOS-80. As part of this new standard a source code package has been prepared that is now made freely available to users via the World Wide Web. This package includes two libraries referred to as the SIA (Sea-Ice-Air) library and the GSW (Gibbs SeaWater) library. Information on the GSW library may be found on the TEOS-10 web site (<a href="http://www.TEOS-10.org" target="_blank">http://www.TEOS-10.org</a>). This publication provides an introduction to the SIA library which contains routines to calculate various thermodynamic properties as discussed in the companion paper. The SIA library is very comprehensive, including routines to deal with fluid water, ice, seawater and humid air as well as equilibrium states involving various combinations of these, with equivalent code developed in different languages. The code is hierachically structured in modules that support (i) almost unlimited extension with respect to additional properties or relations, (ii) an extraction of self-contained sub-libraries, (iii) separate updating of the empirical thermodynamic potentials, and (iv) code verification on different platforms and between different languages. Error trapping is implemented to identify when one or more of the primary routines are accessed significantly beyond their established range of validity. The initial version of the SIA library is available in Visual Basic and FORTRAN as a supplement to this publication and updates will be maintained on the TEOS-10 web site. <br><br> <sup>1</sup>SCOR/IAPSO: Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research/International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans<br> <sup>2</sup>IOC/UNESCO: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizatio

    An integrated approach to coastal and biological observations

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    Maritime economy, ecosystem-based management and climate change adaptation and mitigation raise emerging needs on coastal ocean and biological observations. Integrated ocean observing aims at optimizing sampling strategies and cost-efficiency, sharing data and best practices, and maximizing the value of the observations for multiple purposes. Recently developed cost-effective, near real time technology such as gliders, radars, ferrybox, and shallow water Argo floats, should be used operationally to generate operational coastal sea observations and analysis. Furthermore, value of disparate coastal ocean observations can be unlocked with multi-dimensional integration on fitness-for-the-purpose, parameter and instrumental. Integration of operational monitoring with offline monitoring programs, such as those for research, ecosystem-based management and commercial purposes, is necessary to fill the gaps. Such integration should lead to a system of networks which can deliver data for all kinds of purposes. Detailed integration activities are identified which should enhance the coastal ocean and biological observing capacity. Ultimately a program is required which integrates physical, biogeochemical and biological observation of the ocean, from coastal to deep-sea environments, bringing together global, regional, and local observation efforts

    Using the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data in multi-disciplinary health research

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    Background: The Framework Method is becoming an increasingly popular approach to the management and analysis of qualitative data in health research. However, there is confusion about its potential application and limitations. Discussion. The article discusses when it is appropriate to adopt the Framework Method and explains the procedure for using it in multi-disciplinary health research teams, or those that involve clinicians, patients and lay people. The stages of the method are illustrated using examples from a published study. Summary. Used effectively, with the leadership of an experienced qualitative researcher, the Framework Method is a systematic and flexible approach to analysing qualitative data and is appropriate for use in research teams even where not all members have previous experience of conducting qualitative research