947 research outputs found

    Efficient Model Learning for Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks

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    We present a framework for learning human user models from joint-action demonstrations that enables the robot to compute a robust policy for a collaborative task with a human. The learning takes place completely automatically, without any human intervention. First, we describe the clustering of demonstrated action sequences into different human types using an unsupervised learning algorithm. These demonstrated sequences are also used by the robot to learn a reward function that is representative for each type, through the employment of an inverse reinforcement learning algorithm. The learned model is then used as part of a Mixed Observability Markov Decision Process formulation, wherein the human type is a partially observable variable. With this framework, we can infer, either offline or online, the human type of a new user that was not included in the training set, and can compute a policy for the robot that will be aligned to the preference of this new user and will be robust to deviations of the human actions from prior demonstrations. Finally we validate the approach using data collected in human subject experiments, and conduct proof-of-concept demonstrations in which a person performs a collaborative task with a small industrial robot

    Energetics of the molecular gas in the H_2 luminous radio galaxy 3C 326: Evidence for negative AGN feedback

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    We present a detailed analysis of the gas conditions in the H_2 luminous radio galaxy 3C 326 N at z ~ 0.1, which has a low star-formation rate (SFR ~ 0.07 M_⊙ yr^(−1)) in spite of a gas surface density similar to those in starburst galaxies. Its star-formation efficiency is likely a factor ~ 10−50 lower than those of ordinary star-forming galaxies. Combining new IRAM CO emission-line interferometry with existing Spitzer mid-infrared spectroscopy, we find that the luminosity ratio of CO and pure rotational H_2 line emission is factors 10−100 lower than what is usually found. This suggests that most of the molecular gas is warm. The Na D absorption-line profile of 3C 326 N in the optical suggests an outflow with a terminal velocity of ~−1800 km s^(−1) and a mass outflow rate of 30−40 M_⊙ yr^(−1), which cannot be explained by star formation. The mechanical power implied by the wind, of order 10^(43) erg s^(−1), is comparable to the bolometric luminosity of the emission lines of ionized and molecular gas. To explain these observations, we propose a scenario where a small fraction of the mechanical energy of the radio jet is deposited in the interstellar medium of 3C 326 N, which powers the outflow, and the line emission through a mass, momentum and energy exchange between the different gas phases of the ISM. Dissipation times are of order 10^(7−8) yrs, similar or greater than the typical jet lifetime. Small ratios of CO and PAH surface brightnesses in another 7 H_2 luminous radio galaxies suggest that a similar form of AGN feedback could be lowering star-formation efficiencies in these galaxies in a similar way. The local demographics of radio-loud AGN suggests that secular gas cooling in massive early-type galaxies of ≥ 10^(11) M_⊙ could generally be regulated through a fundamentally similar form of “maintenance-phase” AGN feedback

    Glass beads diversity. The Santiago del Baradero mission findings (XVII century)

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    En este trabajo nos proponemos en primer lugar profundizar el análisis de la diversidad funcional de las cuen­tas vítreas, que provienen de diferentes sitios post-conquista ubicados en Argentina. Utilizando la información publicada sobre estos sitios comparamos tanto las variables temporales y espaciales de los diferentes contextos arqueológicos como los actores sociales involucrados en cada caso. En segundo lugar, presentamos los resultados del análisis morfológico, funcional, microestructural y químico de las cuentas de vidrio que proceden del sitio “Cementerio indígena”, vinculado con la reducción franciscana de Santiago del Baradero, fundada en 1615 por orden de Hernandarias. Las características tipológicas de algunas cuentas proporcionan indicios sobre la anti­güedad relativa y sobre la procedencia. A partir de estos datos se identificaron algunas prácticas de conservación de piezas de mayor antigüedad. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten discutir la variabilidad funcional de las cuentas vítreas y los distintos contextos de intercambio que les habrían otorgado significado.In this paper we propose to focus on the analysis on functional diversity of vitreous beads that come from different post-conquers archaeological sites, located in Argentina. Using the information published about these sites, we compared the temporal and spatial variables of the different archaeological contexts as well as the social actors involved in each case. Then, we present the results of morphologic, functional, micro-structural and chemical analysis of the glass beads that come from the archaeological site “Cementerio Indígena”, tie with the Franciscan mission of Santiago del Baradero, founded on 1615 by order of Hernandarias. The typological characteristics of some beads provide information about their chronology and their manufacture place. With these data we have identified practical of conservation of older pieces in more recent contexts. The results obtained allow us to discuss the functional variability of the vitreous beads and the different exchange contexts that give them meaning

    Sulphur-bearing molecules in diffuse molecular clouds: new results from SOFIA/GREAT and the IRAM 30 m telescope

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    We have observed five sulphur-bearing molecules in foreground diffuse molecular clouds lying along the sight-lines to five bright continuum sources. We have used the GREAT instrument on SOFIA to observe the 1383 GHz 2Π3/2J=5/23/2^2\Pi_{3/2} J=5/2-3/2 transitions of SH towards the star-forming regions W31C, G29.96-0.02, G34.3+0.1, W49N and W51, detecting foreground absorption towards all five sources; and the EMIR receivers on the IRAM 30m telescope at Pico Veleta to detect the H2_2S 1(10)-1(01), CS J=2-1 and SO 3(2)-2(1) transitions. In nine foreground absorption components detected towards these sources, the inferred column densities of the four detected molecules showed relatively constant ratios, with N(SH)/N(H2_2S) in the range 1.1 - 3.0, N(CS)/N(H2_2S) in the range 0.32 - 0.61, and N(SO)/N(H2_2S) in the range 0.08 - 0.30. The observed SH/H2_2 ratios - in the range (0.5-2.6) ×108\times 10^{-8} - indicate that SH (and other sulphur-bearing molecules) account for << 1% of the gas-phase sulphur nuclei. The observed abundances of sulphur-bearing molecules, however, greatly exceed those predicted by standard models of cold diffuse molecular clouds, providing further evidence for the enhancement of endothermic reaction rates by elevated temperatures or ion-neutral drift. We have considered the observed abundance ratios in the context of shock and turbulent dissipation region (TDR) models. Using the TDR model, we find that the turbulent energy available at large scale in the diffuse ISM is sufficient to explain the observed column densities of SH and CS. Standard shock and TDR models, however, fail to reproduce the column densities of H2_2S and SO by a factor of about 10; more elaborate shock models - in which account is taken of the velocity drift, relative to H2_2, of SH molecules produced by the dissociative recombination of H3_3S+^+ - reduce this discrepancy to a factor ~ 3.Comment: 30 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Discovery of interstellar mercapto radicals (SH) with the GREAT instrument on SOFIA

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    We report the first detection of interstellar mercapto radicals, obtained along the sight-line to the submillimeter continuum source W49N. We have used the GREAT instrument on SOFIA to observe the 1383 GHz Doublet Pi 3/2 J = 5/2 - 3/2 lambda doublet in the upper sideband of the L1 receiver. The resultant spectrum reveals SH absorption in material local to W49N, as well as in foreground gas, unassociated with W49N, that is located along the sight-line. For the foreground material at velocities in the range 37 - 44 km/s with respect to the local standard of rest, we infer a total SH column density ~ 2.6 E+12 cm-2, corresponding to an abundance of ~ 7 E-9 relative to H2, and yielding an SH/H2S abundance ratio ~ 0.13. The observed SH/H2S abundance ratio is much smaller than that predicted by standard models for the production of SH and H2S in turbulent dissipation regions and shocks, and suggests that the endothermic neutral-neutral reaction SH + H2 -> H2S + H must be enhanced along with the ion-neutral reactions believed to produce CH+ and SH+ in diffuse molecular clouds.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (SOFIA/GREAT special issue

    Influence of capture and wing tagging on the little egret (Egretta garzetta) during the breeding season

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    En Camargue, depuis 4 ans, des aigrettes garzettes adultes sont capturées sur le nid et marquées par plaque alaire. Le succès de reproduction de ces oiseaux a été comparé à celui d'un groupe témoin. Aucune différence n'est significative, quelque soit la phase de nidification considérée. Il n'apparaît pas, non plus, de différences entre la condition corporelle des poussins issus des différents groupes. Les méthodes de capture et de marquage utilisées peuvent donc être considérées comme efficaces et sûre

    A pp-adic RanSaC algorithm for stereo vision using Hensel lifting

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    A pp-adic variation of the Ran(dom) Sa(mple) C(onsensus) method for solving the relative pose problem in stereo vision is developped. From two 2-adically encoded images a random sample of five pairs of corresponding points is taken, and the equations for the essential matrix are solved by lifting solutions modulo 2 to the 2-adic integers. A recently devised pp-adic hierarchical classification algorithm imitating the known LBG quantisation method classifies the solutions for all the samples after having determined the number of clusters using the known intra-inter validity of clusterings. In the successful case, a cluster ranking will determine the cluster containing a 2-adic approximation to the "true" solution of the problem.Comment: 15 pages; typos removed, abstract changed, computation error remove

    Comparative chemistry of diffuse clouds III: sulfur-bearing molecules

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    Using data from IRAM's Plateau de Bure Interferometer and 30 m Telescope, we discuss the mm-wave absorption lines of CS, SO, H2S and HCS+ which arise in diffuse clouds occulting several extragalactic continuum sources. Typical relative abundances are X(CS)/X(HCO+) ~ 2, X(CS)/X(SO) ~ 2, X(CS)/X(H2S) ~ 6 and X(CS)/X(HCS+) ~ 13.Comment: Accepted by A&A 2002-Jan-1

    On the Influence of Uncertainties in Chemical Reaction Rates on Results of the Astrochemical Modelling

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    With the chemical reaction rate database UMIST95 (Millar et al. 1997) we analyze how uncertainties in rate constants of gas-phase chemical reactions influence the modelling of molecular abundances in the interstellar medium. Random variations are introduced into the rate constants to estimate the scatter in theoretical abundances. Calculations are performed for dark and translucent molecular clouds where gas phase chemistry is adequate. Similar approach was used by Pineau des Forets & Roueff (2000) for the study of chemical bistability. All the species are divided into 6 sensitivity groups according to the value of the scatter in their model abundances computed with varied rate constants. It is shown that the distribution of species within these groups depends on the number of atoms in a molecule and on the adopted physical conditions. The simple method is suggested which allows to single out reactions that are most important for the evolution of a given species.Comment: 4 pages. To appear in the proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn Zermatt Symposiu