284 research outputs found

    Regionalization of the Red Sea based on phytoplankton phenology: A satellite analysis

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    The current average state of Red Sea phytoplankton phenology needs to be resolved in order to study future variations that could be induced by climate change. Moreover, a regionalization of the Red Sea could help to identify areas of interest and guide in situ sampling strategies. Here, a clustering method used 21 years of satellite surface chlorophyll-a concentration observations to characterize similar regions of the Red Sea. Four relevant phytoplankton spatiotemporal patterns (i.e., bio-regions) were found and linked to biophysical interactions occurring in their respective areas. Two of them, located in the northern part the Red Sea, were characterized by a distinct winter-time phytoplankton bloom induced by mixing events or associated with a convergence zone. The other two, located in the southern regions, were characterized by phytoplankton blooms in summer and winter which might be under the influence of water advected into the Red Sea from the Gulf of Aden in response to the seasonal monsoon winds. Some observed inter-annual variabilities in these bio-regions suggested that physical mechanisms could be highly variable in response to variations in air-sea heat fluxes and ENSO phases in the northern and southern half of the Red Sea, respectively. This study reveals the importance of sustaining in situ measurements in the Red Sea to build a full understanding about the physical processes that contribute to phytoplankton production in this basin

    Factores domiciliarios asociados con la presencia de hidatidosis humana en tres comunidades rurales de Junín, Perú

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    Introduction. Hydatid disease, a zoonosis caused by the larval stage of the parasite Echinococcus granulosus, is a public health problem at national level, especially in those regions dedicated to raising livestock. By now, there are many factors, at individual level, that have been associated to the infection by E. granulosus; nevertheless there is not any previous report that explore the association between household characteristics and the presence of the disease among household members. Objective. To explore the association between household characteristics and the presence of hydatid disease among household members. Material and methods. We performed a cross-sectional study in the households of 3 rural communities located in Junín, we evaluated the association between household characteristics and the presence of hydatid disease by multiple logistic regression (MLR). Results. from 417 evaluated households, 56 (13%) of them had at least one positive case among its members. Multivariate analysis showed that households with three or more members, located in the community with the lowest quintile of poverty, that reported raising livestock, and with evaluation coverage greater than 25% were more likely to have at least one positive case among its members. Conclusion. The observed characteristics be taken into account in the preliminary definition of high-risk subgroups, optimizing the use of resources and improving the effectiveness of screening programs. Introducción. La hidatidosis, zoonosis producida por el estadio larvario de la taenia Echinococcus granulosus, es un problema de salud pública a nivel nacional, en especial en aquellas regiones dedicadas a la crianza de ganado. A la fecha, se han descrito factores, a nivel individual, asociados con la infección por E. granulosus; sin embargo, no se encontró reporte previo que explore la asociación entre características de la vivienda y la presencia de esta enfermedad en alguno de sus miembros. Objetivos. Explorar la asociación entre las características de la vivienda y la presencia de hidatidosis entre las personas que la habitan. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal en viviendas de tres comunidades rurales de Junín. Se evaluó el grado de asociación entre las características de la vivienda y la presencia de hidatidosis en el hogar mediante un análisis de regresión logística múltiple (RLM). Resultados. De un total de 417 viviendas evaluadas, 56 (13%) de ellas tenían al menos un caso positivo entre sus miembros; luego del análisis de RLM se observó que aquellas viviendas con más de tres miembros, localizadas en la comunidad con quintil de pobreza más bajo, que refirieron crianza de animales, y con una cobertura de evaluación mayor al 25% presentaron una mayor probabilidad de tener al menos un caso de positivo entre sus miembros. Conclusión. Las características observadas deben ser tomadas en cuenta para la determinación preliminar de subgrupos de alto riesgo, optimizando así el uso de los recursos y mejorando la eficacia de los programas de despistaje

    Decision Making in Determining Process Priority for Dairy Milk Quality Improvement: a study in the application of AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process)

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    Dairy milk as a part of the farming sub-sector results has great potentials to support food resilience, one of which is by increasing the quality of dairy milk production. The purpose of this study was to know the most appropriate alternative process to be applied for improving the quality of dairy milk production. This research employed quantitative descriptive method with case study at Galur Murni Dairy Farmers Cooperative in Jember Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The analytical method used in this research was Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which was begun from problem identification, hierarchy arrangement, priority setting for each criterion by implementing pairwise comparison, to consistency analysis which consisted of Consistency Index (CI) and Consistency Ratio (CR) calculation. Revision of opinion was carried out if the value of CR> 0,100. It was done by finding the value of RMS (Rood Mean Square) row deviation from and ratio of column weight value. From the findings, the main priority in improving the quality of dairy milk starts from counseling the farmers, that is equal to 0,307 with inconsistency value of 0,10

    Functional cooperation between KCa3.1 and TRPC1 channels in human breast cancer: Role in cell proliferation and patient prognosis

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    Intracellular Ca2+ levels are important regulators of cell cycle and proliferation. We, and others, have previously reported the role of KCa3.1 (KCNN4) channels in regulating the membrane potential and the Ca2+ entry in association with cell proliferation. However, the relevance of KC3.1 channels in cancer prognosis as well as the molecular mechanism of Ca2+ entry triggered by their activation remain undetermined. Here, we show that RNAi-mediated knockdown of KCa3.1 and/or TRPC1 leads to a significant decrease in cell proliferation due to cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase. These results are consistent with the observed upregulation of both channels in synchronized cells at the end of G1 phase. Additionally, knockdown of TRPC1 suppressed the Ca2+ entry induced by 1-EBIO-mediated KCa3.1 activation, suggesting a functional cooperation between TRPC1 and KCa3.1 in the regulation of Ca2+ entry, possibly within lipid raft microdomains where these two channels seem to co-localize. We also show significant correlations between KCa3.1 mRNA expression and poor patient prognosis and unfavorable clinical breast cancer parameters by mining large datasets in the public domain. Together, these results highlight the importance of KCa3.1 in regulating the proliferative mechanisms in breast cancer cells as well as in providing a promising novel target in prognosis and therap

    Species-wide Whole Genome Sequencing Reveals Historical Global Spread And Recent Local Persistence In Shigella Flexneri

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    Shigella flexneri is the most common cause of bacterial dysentery in low-income countries. Despite this, S. flexneri remains largely unexplored from a genomic standpoint and is still described using a vocabulary based on serotyping reactions developed over half-a-century ago. Here we combine whole genome sequencing with geographical and temporal data to examine the natural history of the species. Our analysis subdivides S. flexneri into seven phylogenetic groups (PGs); each containing two-or-more serotypes and characterised by distinct virulence gene complement and geographic range. Within the S. flexneri PGs we identify geographically restricted sub-lineages that appear to have persistently colonised regions for many decades to over 100 years. Although we found abundant evidence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) determinant acquisition, our dataset shows no evidence of subsequent intercontinental spread of antimicrobial resistant strains. The pattern of colonisation and AMR gene acquisition suggest that S. flexneri has a distinct life-cycle involving local persistence. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.07335.0014Wellcome Trust [098051]Wellcome Trust/NISCHR ISSF project at Cardiff UniversityMRC [MR/L015080/1]Cardiff University - Cardiff University Research Infrastructure Fund)Institut PasteurInstitut de Veille SanitaireFrench Government 'Investissement d'Avenir' program (Integrative Biology of Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory of Excellence) [ANR-10-LABX-62-IBEID

    Energy loss of proton and lead beams in the CERN-SPS

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    The energy loss of an unbunched beam circulating in the CERN-SPS has been obtained from the observed frequency change of a longitudinal Schottky signal. This experiment was carried out for protons at 14, 120 and 270 GeV/c and for lead ions PB82208 at Z .270 GeV/c momentum. The dominant effects which determine the energy loss are synchrotron radiation, ionization of the residual gas and parasitic mode loss in the resistive longitudinal impedance. Since all the protons in a lead nucleus radiate coherently the synchrotron radiation is proportional to Z2 like the other effects. The experimental results are analyzed and the contributions of the individual effects determined. Using an impedance of | Z/n | ~ 12 W gives the best fit through the experimental data

    Overview of LEP operation in 1998

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    After the installation of 32 additional RF cavities in the 1997-1998 shutdown LEP was operated at a beam energy of 94.5 GeV. The total integrated luminosity for the year 1998 clearly surpassed its target and reached 198 pb-1. Vertical beam-beam tuneshiftsof more than 0.07 were obtained. The performance did not seem to be beam-beam limited, but the total beam current was limited by power dissipation problems to around 6 mA. A high phase advance optics (102o, 90o), with a smaller natural emittance, was used for regular operation in 1998. This contributed to the excellent performance of LEP, together with the further reduction of both the horizontal and vertical beta function at the interaction points. No dynamic aperture problems were encountered

    Species-wide whole genome sequencing reveals historical global spread and recent local persistence in Shigella flexneri.

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    Shigella flexneri is the most common cause of bacterial dysentery in low-income countries. Despite this, S. flexneri remains largely unexplored from a genomic standpoint and is still described using a vocabulary based on serotyping reactions developed over half-a-century ago. Here we combine whole genome sequencing with geographical and temporal data to examine the natural history of the species. Our analysis subdivides S. flexneri into seven phylogenetic groups (PGs); each containing two-or-more serotypes and characterised by distinct virulence gene complement and geographic range. Within the S. flexneri PGs we identify geographically restricted sub-lineages that appear to have persistently colonised regions for many decades to over 100 years. Although we found abundant evidence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) determinant acquisition, our dataset shows no evidence of subsequent intercontinental spread of antimicrobial resistant strains. The pattern of colonisation and AMR gene acquisition suggest that S. flexneri has a distinct life-cycle involving local persistence
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