868 research outputs found


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    На основі наукових праць та досліджень М.І.Костомарова розглянуто історію взаємин українського козацтва та уряду Речі Посполитої в другій половині 1590-х – середині 1620-х років. Підкреслюється особливе значенняпраць історика та йогодослідженнь в галузі вивчення історії козацтва та історіографії даної проблеми.On thebasis ofscientific labours and researches ofM.I.Kostomarovofmutualrelations of Ukrainian the cossacks and government of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is considered in the second half 1590 – the middle 1620 years. The special value of labours of historian is underlined and and his researches in industry of study of history of the cossacks and historiography of this problem

    Shear Stress Measurements of Non-Spherical Particles in High Shear Rate Flows

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    The behavior of liquid-solid flows varies greatly depending on fluid viscosity; particle and liquid inertia; and collisions and near-collisions between particles. Shear stress measurements were made in a coaxial rheometer with a height to gap ratio (b/r0) of 11.7 and gap to outer radius ratio (h/b) of 0.166 that was specially designed to minimize the effects of secondary flows. Experiments were performed for a range of Reynolds numbers, solid fractions and ratio of particle to fluid densities. With neutrally buoyant particles, the dimensional shear stress exhibits a linear dependence on Reynolds number: the slope is monotonic but a non-linear function of the solid fraction. Though non-neutrally buoyant particles exhibit a similar linear dependence at higher Reynolds numbers, at lower values the shear stress exhibits a non-linear behavior in which the stress increases with decreasing Reynolds number due to particle settling

    Microresonator solitons for massively parallel coherent optical communications

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    Optical solitons are waveforms that preserve their shape while propagating, relying on a balance of dispersion and nonlinearity. Soliton-based data transmission schemes were investigated in the 1980s, promising to overcome the limitations imposed by dispersion of optical fibers. These approaches, however, were eventually abandoned in favor of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) schemes that are easier to implement and offer improved scalability to higher data rates. Here, we show that solitons may experience a comeback in optical communications, this time not as a competitor, but as a key element of massively parallel WDM. Instead of encoding data on the soliton itself, we exploit continuously circulating dissipative Kerr solitons (DKS) in a microresonator. DKS are generated in an integrated silicon nitride microresonator by four-photon interactions mediated by Kerr nonlinearity, leading to low-noise, spectrally smooth and broadband optical frequency combs. In our experiments, we use two interleaved soliton Kerr combs to transmit a data stream of more than 50Tbit/s on a total of 179 individual optical carriers that span the entire telecommunication C and L bands. Equally important, we demonstrate coherent detection of a WDM data stream by using a pair of microresonator Kerr soliton combs - one as a multi-wavelength light source at the transmitter, and another one as a corresponding local oscillator (LO) at the receiver. This approach exploits the scalability advantages of microresonator soliton comb sources for massively parallel optical communications both at the transmitter and receiver side. Taken together, the results prove the significant potential of these sources to replace arrays of continuous-wave lasers in high-speed communications.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Ultrafast optical ranging using microresonator soliton frequency combs

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    Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) is critical to many fields in science and industry. Over the last decade, optical frequency combs were shown to offer unique advantages in optical ranging, in particular when it comes to fast distance acquisition with high accuracy. However, current comb-based concepts are not suited for emerging high-volume applications such as drone navigation or autonomous driving. These applications critically rely on LIDAR systems that are not only accurate and fast, but also compact, robust, and amenable to cost-efficient mass-production. Here we show that integrated dissipative Kerr-soliton (DKS) comb sources provide a route to chip-scale LIDAR systems that combine sub-wavelength accuracy and unprecedented acquisition speed with the opportunity to exploit advanced photonic integration concepts for wafer-scale mass production. In our experiments, we use a pair of free-running DKS combs, each providing more than 100 carriers for massively parallel synthetic-wavelength interferometry. We demonstrate dual-comb distance measurements with record-low Allan deviations down to 12 nm at averaging times of 14 μ\mus as well as ultrafast ranging at unprecedented measurement rates of up to 100 MHz. We prove the viability of our technique by sampling the naturally scattering surface of air-gun projectiles flying at 150 m/s (Mach 0.47). Combining integrated dual-comb LIDAR engines with chip-scale nanophotonic phased arrays, the approach could allow widespread use of compact ultrafast ranging systems in emerging mass applications.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, Supplementary information is attached in 'Ancillary files

    Ultra-short silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) modulator for bidirectional polarization-independent operation

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    We propose a bidirectional, polarization-independent, recirculating IQ-modulator scheme based on the silicon-organic hybrid (SOH) platform. We demonstrate the viability of the concept by using an SOH Mach-Zehnder modulator, operated at 10 GBd BPSK and 2ASK-2PSK

    Resonances in rotationally inelastic scattering of OH(X2ΠX^2\Pi) with helium and neon

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    We present detailed calculations on resonances in rotationally and spin-orbit inelastic scattering of OH (X\,^2\Pi, j=3/2, F_1, f) radicals with He and Ne atoms. We calculate new \emph{ab initio} potential energy surfaces for OH-He, and the cross sections derived from these surfaces compare favorably with the recent crossed beam scattering experiment of Kirste \emph{et al.} [Phys. Rev. A \textbf{82}, 042717 (2010)]. We identify both shape and Feshbach resonances in the integral and differential state-to-state scattering cross sections, and we discuss the prospects for experimentally observing scattering resonances using Stark decelerated beams of OH radicals.Comment: 14 pages, 15 Figure