56 research outputs found

    Aspects of psychiatric care for obese patients under bariatric treatment: a review

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    CONTEXTO: Nas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas, diversos estudos longitudinais tĂȘm demonstrado a eficĂĄcia da cirurgia bariĂĄtrica no controle de peso em longo prazo e na redução da mortalidade resultante de complicaçÔes clĂ­nicas associadas Ă  obesidade. Contudo, os estudos tambĂ©m revelam aumento significativo da mortalidade devida a suicĂ­dio e comportamento impulsivo, por razĂ”es largamente desconhecidas, o que demonstra a escassez de informaçÔes relativas ao manejo clĂ­nico de pacientes bariĂĄtricos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo sintetizar o estado atual de conhecimentos referentes ao acompanhamento psiquiĂĄtrico de pacientes bariĂĄtricos. MÉTODO: RevisĂŁo seletiva da literatura envolvendo artigos indexados no Medline e PubMed atĂ© junho de 2010, utilizando-se os termos: "bariatric surgery", "psychiatry", "binge eating", "follow-up" e "outcome". RESULTADOS: HĂĄ relativo consenso na literatura de que nĂŁo haja contraindicação psiquiĂĄtrica absoluta para a cirurgia bariĂĄtrica, embora a avaliação prĂ©-operatĂłria seja de extrema importĂąncia para o diagnĂłstico e tratamento de eventuais transtornos psiquiĂĄtricos, objetivando assegurar aderĂȘncia ao tratamento multidisciplinar, melhor qualidade de vida e, possivelmente, melhor prognĂłstico pĂłs-cirĂșrgico. Entre os transtornos mais prevalentes nessa população, encontra-se o transtorno da compulsĂŁo alimentar periĂłdica (TCAP), que estĂĄ relacionado com menor perda ponderal e pior qualidade de vida, especialmente quando presente no pĂłs-operatĂłrio. No acompanhamento pĂłs-operatĂłrio, tambĂ©m se deve atentar para o surgimento de sintomas impulsivos, incluindo abuso de ĂĄlcool e outras substĂąncias. CONCLUSÃO: Diversos estudos indicam elevada prevalĂȘncia de transtornos mentais e alteraçÔes psicopatolĂłgicas na população de pacientes bariĂĄtricos. Embora a maioria dos pacientes apresente adequado controle ponderal e melhora na qualidade de vida em mĂ©dio e longo prazo, alguns pacientes desenvolvem alteraçÔes relativas ao comportamento alimentar, abuso de ĂĄlcool e outras substĂąncias e complicaçÔes associadas a comportamento impulsivo, o que remete a hipĂłteses etiolĂłgicas que vĂŁo desde modelos neuroquĂ­micos atĂ© teorias psicossociais. Por todas essas razĂ”es, Ă© de fundamental importĂąncia que os profissionais de saĂșde mental integrem as equipes que avaliam e acompanham os pacientes bariĂĄtricos.BACKGROUND: In recent decades, several longitudinal studies show the efficacy of bariatric surgery on long-term weight control and reductions in mortality due to clinical complications associated with obesity. However, studies also show significantly increased mortality due to suicide and impulsive behavior, for reasons largely unknown, which demonstrates the paucity of information concerning the clinical management of bariatric patients. This study aims to synthesize the current state of knowledge regarding the psychiatric care of bariatric patients. METHOD: A selective review of literature involving articles indexed on Medline and PubMed up to June 2010, using the terms: "bariatric surgery", "psychiatry", "binge eating", "follow-up", and "outcome". RESULTS: The literature is somehow consensual in which there is no absolute psychiatric contraindication for bariatric surgery, although the preoperative evaluation is of extreme importance for the diagnosis and treatment of any psychiatric disorder, to assure adherence to the multidisciplinary approach, improved quality of life and possibly a better prognosis after surgery. Among the most prevalent disorders in this population is the binge-eating disorder (BED), which is associated with lower weight loss and poor quality of life, especially when present in the postoperative period. In the postoperative follow-up one should also be alert to the emergence of impulsive symptoms, including abuse of alcohol and other substances. DISCUSSION: Several studies indicate high prevalence of mental disorders and psychopathology in the population of bariatric patients. Although most patients experience adequate weight control and improved quality of life in the medium and long term, some patients develop abnormal behavior relating to dysfunctional eating patterns, abuse of alcohol and other substances, and complications associated with impulsive behavior, which suggests etiological hypotheses involving from neurochemistry to psychosocial theories. For all these reasons, it is of fundamental importance that mental health professionals to integrate the teams that evaluate and monitor the bariatric patients

    Regulation of glucose and fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscle during contraction

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    O ciclo glicose-ĂĄcido graxo explica a preferĂȘncia do tecido muscular pelos ĂĄcidos graxos durante atividade moderada de longa duração. Em contraste, durante o exercĂ­cio de alta intensidade, hĂĄ aumento na disponibilidade e na taxa de oxidação de glicose. A produção de espĂ©cies reativas de oxigĂȘnio (EROs) durante a atividade muscular sugere que o balanço redox intracelular Ă© importante na regulação do metabolismo de lipĂ­dios/carboidratos. As EROs diminuem a atividade do ciclo de Krebs e aumentam a atividade da proteĂ­na desacopladora mitocondrial. O efeito oposto Ă© esperado durante a atividade moderada. Assim, as questĂ”es levantadas nesta revisĂŁo sĂŁo: Por que o mĂșsculo esquelĂ©tico utiliza preferencialmente os lipĂ­dios no estado basal e de atividade moderada? Por que o ciclo glicose-ĂĄcido graxo falha em exercer seus efeitos durante o exercĂ­cio intenso? Como o mĂșsculo esquelĂ©tico regula o metabolismo de lipĂ­dios e carboidratos em regime envolvendo o ciclo contração-relaxamento555303313CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informaçãoThe glucose-fatty acid cycle explains the preference for fatty acid during moderate and long duration physical exercise. In contrast, there is a high glucose availability and oxidation rate in response to intense physical exercise. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) production during physical exercise suggests that the redox balance is important to regulate of lipids/carbohydrate metabolism. ROS reduces the activity of the Krebs cycle, and increases the activity of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins. The opposite effects happen during moderate physical activity. Thus, some issues is highlighted in the present review: Why does skeletal muscle prefer lipids in the basal and during moderate physical activity? Why does glucose-fatty acid fail to carry out their effects during intense physical exercise? How skeletal muscles regulate the lipids and carbohydrate metabolism during the contraction-relaxation cycle

    Regulation of glucose and fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscle during contraction

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    O ciclo glicose-ĂĄcido graxo explica a preferĂȘncia do tecido muscular pelos ĂĄcidos graxos durante atividade moderada de longa duração. Em contraste, durante o exercĂ­cio de alta intensidade, hĂĄ aumento na disponibilidade e na taxa de oxidação de glicose. A produção de espĂ©cies reativas de oxigĂȘnio (EROs) durante a atividade muscular sugere que o balanço redox intracelular Ă© importante na regulação do metabolismo de lipĂ­dios/carboidratos. As EROs diminuem a atividade do ciclo de Krebs e aumentam a atividade da proteĂ­na desacopladora mitocondrial. O efeito oposto Ă© esperado durante a atividade moderada. Assim, as questĂ”es levantadas nesta revisĂŁo sĂŁo: Por que o mĂșsculo esquelĂ©tico utiliza preferencialmente os lipĂ­dios no estado basal e de atividade moderada? Por que o ciclo glicose-ĂĄcido graxo falha em exercer seus efeitos durante o exercĂ­cio intenso? Como o mĂșsculo esquelĂ©tico regula o metabolismo de lipĂ­dios e carboidratos em regime envolvendo o ciclo contração-relaxamento.The glucose-fatty acid cycle explains the preference for fatty acid during moderate and long duration physical exercise. In contrast, there is a high glucose availability and oxidation rate in response to intense physical exercise. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) production during physical exercise suggests that the redox balance is important to regulate of lipids/carbohydrate metabolism. ROS reduces the activity of the Krebs cycle, and increases the activity of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins. The opposite effects happen during moderate physical activity. Thus, some issues is highlighted in the present review: Why does skeletal muscle prefer lipids in the basal and during moderate physical activity? Why does glucose-fatty acid fail to carry out their effects during intense physical exercise? How skeletal muscles regulate the lipids and carbohydrate metabolism during the contraction-relaxation cycle

    Linker-extended native cyanovirin-N facilitates PEGylation and potently inhibits HIV-1 by targeting the glycan ligand

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    Cyanovirin-N (CVN) potently inhibits human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, but both cytotoxicity and immunogenicity have hindered the translation of this protein into a viable therapeutic. A molecular docking analysis suggested that up to 12 residues were involved in the interaction of the reverse parallel CVN dimer with the oligosaccharide targets, among which Leu-1 was the most prominent hot spot residue. This finding provided a possible explanation for the lack of anti-HIV-1 activity observed with N-terminal PEGylated CVN. Therefore, linker-CVN (LCVN) was designed as a CVN derivative with a flexible and hydrophilic linker (Gly4Ser)3 at the N-terminus. The N-terminal α-amine of LCVN was PEGylated to create 10 K PEG-aldehyde (ALD)-LCVN. LCVN and 10 K PEG-ALD-LCVN retained the specificity and affinity of CVN for high mannose N-glycans. Moreover, LCVN exhibited significant anti-HIV-1 activity with attenuated cytotoxicity in the HaCaT keratinocyte cell line and MT-4 T lymphocyte cell lines. 10 K PEG-ALD-LCVN also efficiently inactivated HIV-1 with remarkably decreased cytotoxicity and pronounced cell-to-cell fusion inhibitory activity in vitro. The linker-extended CVN and the mono-PEGylated derivative were determined to be promising candidates for the development of an anti-HIV-1 agent. This derivatization approach provided a model for the PEGylation of biologic candidates without introducing point mutations. © 2014 Chen et al

    Microvessel density and VEGF expression are prognostic factors in colorectal cancer. Meta-analysis of the literature

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    We performed a meta-analysis of all published studies relating intratumoural microvessel density (MVD) (45 studies) or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression (27 studies), both reflecting angiogenesis, to relapse free (RFS) and overall survival (OS) in colorectal cancer (CRC). For each study, MVD impact was measured by risk ratio between the two survival distributions with median MVD as cutoff. Eleven studies did not mention survival data or fit inclusion criteria, six were multiple publications of same series, leaving 32 independent studies for MVD (3496 patients) and 18 for VEGF (2050 patients). Microvessel density was assessed by immunohistochemistry, using antibodies against factor VIII (16 studies), CD31 (10 studies) or CD34 (seven studies). Vascular endothelial growth factor expression was mostly assessed by immunohistochemistry. Statistics were performed for MVD in 22 studies (the others lacking survival statistics) including nine studies (n=957) for RFS and 18 for OS (n=2383) and for VEGF in 17 studies, including nine studies for RFS (n=1064) and 10 for OS (n=1301). High MVD significantly predicted poor RFS (RR=2.32 95% CI: 1.39–3.90; P<0.001) and OS (RR=1.44; 95% CI: 1.08–1.92; P=0.01). Using CD31 or CD34, MVD was inversely related to survival, whereas it was not using factor VIII. Vascular endothelial growth factor expression significantly predicted poor RFS (RR=2.84; 95% CI: 1.95–4.16) and OS (RR=1.65; 95% CI: 1.27–2.14). To strengthen our findings, future prospective studies should explore the relation between MVD or VEGF expression and survival or response to therapy (e.g. antiangiogenic therapy). Assessment of these angiogenic markers should be better standardised in future studies

    Boosting predictive ability of tropical maize hybrids via genotype-by-environment interaction under multivariate GBLUP models.

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    Genomic selection has been implemented in several plant and animal breeding programs and it has proven to improve efficiency and maximize genetic gains. Phenotypic data of grain yield was measured in 147 maize (Zea mays L.) singlecross hybrids at 12 environments. Single-cross hybrids genotypes were inferred based on their parents (inbred lines) via single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers obtained from genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). Factor analytic multiplicative genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) models, in the framework of multienvironment trials, were used to predict grain yield performance of unobserved tropical maize single-cross hybrids. Predictions were performed for two situations: untested hybrids (CV1), and hybrids evaluated in some environments but missing in others (CV2). Models that borrowed information across individuals through genomic relationships and within individuals across environments presented higher predictive accuracy than those models that ignored it. For these models, predictive accuracies were up to 0.4 until eight environments were considered as missing for the validation set, which represents 67% of missing data for a given hybrid. These results highlight the importance of including genotype-by-environment interactions and genomic relationship information for boosting predictions of tropical maize single-cross hybrids for grain yield

    The antiviral protein cyanovirin-N: the current state of its production and applications.

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS continues to spread worldwide, and most of the HIV-infected people living in developing countries have little or no access to highly active antiretroviral therapy. The development of efficient and low-cost microbicides to prevent sexual transmission of HIV should be given high priority because there is no vaccine available yet. Cyanovirin-N (CVN) is an entry inhibitor of HIV and many other viruses, and it represents a new generation of microbicide that has specific and potent activity, a different mechanism of action, and unusual chemicophysical stability. In vitro and in vivo antiviral tests suggested that the anti-HIV effect of CVN is stronger than a well-known gp120-targeted antibody (2G12) and another microbicide candidate, PRO2000. CVN is a cyanobacteria-derived protein that has special structural features, making the artificial production of this protein very difficult. In order to develop an efficient and relatively low-cost approach for large-scale production of recombinant CVN to satisfy medical use, this protein has been expressed in many systems by trial and error. Here, to summarize the potential and remaining challenges for the development of this protein into an HIV prevention agent, the progress in the structural mechanism determination, heterologous production and pharmacological evaluation of CVN is reviewed
