138 research outputs found

    Estimation and validation of temporal gait features using a markerless 2D video system

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    Background and Objective: Estimation of temporal gait features, such as stance time, swing time and gait cycle time, can be used for clinical evaluations of various patient groups having gait pathologies, such as Parkinson’s diseases, neuropathy, hemiplegia and diplegia. Most clinical laboratories employ an optoelectronic motion capture system to acquire such features. However, the operation of these systems requires specially trained operators, a controlled environment and attaching reflective markers to the patient’s body. To allow the estimation of the same features in a daily life setting, this paper presents a novel vision based system whose operation does not require the presence of skilled technicians or markers and uses a single 2D camera. Method: The proposed system takes as input a 2D video, computes the silhouettes of the walking person, and then estimates key biomedical gait indicators, such as the initial foot contact with the ground and the toe off instants, from which several other temporal gait features can be derived. Results: The proposed system is tested on two datasets: (i) a public gait dataset made available by CASIA, which contains 20 users, with 4 sequences per user; and (ii) a dataset acquired simultaneously by a marker-based optoelectronic motion capture system and a simple 2D video camera, containing 10 users, with 5 sequences per user. For the CASIA gait dataset A the relevant temporal biomedical gait indicators were manually annotated, and the proposed automated video analysis system achieved an accuracy of 99% on their identification. It was able to obtain accurate estimations even on segmented silhouettes where, the state-of-the-art markerless 2D video based systems fail. For the second database, the temporal features obtained by the proposed system achieved an average intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.86, when compared to the "gold standard" optoelectronic motion capture system. Conclusions: The proposed markerless 2D video based system can be used to evaluate patients’ gait without requiring the usage of complex laboratory settings and without the need for physical attachment of sensors/markers to the patients. The good accuracy of the results obtained suggests that the proposed system can be used as an alternative to the optoelectronic motion capture system in non-laboratory environments, which can be enable more regular clinical evaluations.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Experimental and numerical investigations of flow structure and momentum transport in a turbulent buoyancy-driven flow inside a tilted tube.

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    Buoyancy-driven turbulent mixing of fluids of slightly different densities [At = Δρ/(2〈ρ〉) = 1.15×10−2] in a long circular tube tilted at an angle θ = 15° from the vertical is studied at the local scale, both experimentally from particle image velocimetry and laser induced fluorescence measurements in the vertical diametrical plane and numerically throughout the tube using direct numerical simulation. In a given cross section of the tube, the axial mean velocity and the mean concentration both vary linearly with the crosswise distance z from the tube axis in the central 70% of the diameter. A small crosswise velocity component is detected in the measurement plane and is found to result from a four-cell mean secondary flow associated with a nonzero streamwise component of the vorticity. In the central region of the tube cross section, the intensities of the three turbulent velocity fluctuations are found to be strongly different, that of the streamwise fluctuation being more than twice larger than that of the spanwise fluctuation which itself is about 50% larger than that of the crosswise fluctuation. This marked anisotropy indicates that the turbulent structure is close to that observed in homogeneous turbulent shear flows. Still in the central region, the turbulent shear stress dominates over the viscous stress and reaches a maximum on the tube axis. Its crosswise variation is approximately accounted for by a mixing length whose value is about one-tenth of the tube diameter. The momentum exchange in the core of the cross section takes place between its lower and higher density parts and there is no net momentum exchange between the core and the near-wall regions. A sizable part of this transfer is due both to the mean secondary flow and to the spanwise turbulent shear stress. Near-wall regions located beyond the location of the extrema of the axial velocity (|z|≳0.36 d) are dominated by viscous stresses which transfer momentum toward (from) the wall near the top (bottom) of the tube

    The dynamic effect of context on interval timing in children and adults

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    Human reproductions of time intervals are often biased towards previously perceived durations, resulting in a central tendency effect. The aim of the current study was to compare this effect of temporal context on time reproductions within children and adults. Children aged from 5 to 7 years, as well as adults, performed a ready-set-go reproduction task with a short and a long duration distribution. A central tendency effect was observed both in children and adults, with no age-difference in the effect of global context on temporal performance. However, the analysis of the effect of local context (trial-by-trial) indicated that younger children relied more on the duration (objective duration) presented in the most recent trial than adults. In addition, statistical analyses of the influence on temporal performance of recently reproduced durations by subjects (subjective duration) revealed that temporal reproductions in adults were influenced by performance drifts, i.e., their evaluation of their temporal error, while children simply relied on the value of reproduced durations on the recent trials. We argue that the central tendency effect was larger in young children due to their noisier internal representation of durations: A noisy system led participants to base their estimation on experienced duration rather than on the evaluation of their judgment

    Variable Anisotropic Brain Electrical Conductivities in Epileptogenic Foci

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    Source localization models assume brain electrical conductivities are isotropic at about 0.33 S/m. These assumptions have not been confirmed ex vivo in humans. This study determined bidirectional electrical conductivities from pediatric epilepsy surgery patients. Electrical conductivities perpendicular and parallel to the pial surface of neocortex and subcortical white matter (n = 15) were measured using the 4-electrode technique and compared with clinical variables. Mean (±SD) electrical conductivities were 0.10 ± 0.01 S/m, and varied by 243% from patient to patient. Perpendicular and parallel conductivities differed by 45%, and the larger values were perpendicular to the pial surface in 47% and parallel in 40% of patients. A perpendicular principal axis was associated with normal, while isotropy and parallel principal axes were linked with epileptogenic lesions by MRI. Electrical conductivities were decreased in patients with cortical dysplasia compared with non-dysplasia etiologies. The electrical conductivity values of freshly excised human brain tissues were approximately 30% of assumed values, varied by over 200% from patient to patient, and had erratic anisotropic and isotropic shapes if the MRI showed a lesion. Understanding brain electrical conductivity and ways to non-invasively measure them are probably necessary to enhance the ability to localize EEG sources from epilepsy surgery patients

    The Smartphone Brain Scanner: A Portable Real-Time Neuroimaging System

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    Combining low cost wireless EEG sensors with smartphones offers novel opportunities for mobile brain imaging in an everyday context. We present a framework for building multi-platform, portable EEG applications with real-time 3D source reconstruction. The system - Smartphone Brain Scanner - combines an off-the-shelf neuroheadset or EEG cap with a smartphone or tablet, and as such represents the first fully mobile system for real-time 3D EEG imaging. We discuss the benefits and challenges of a fully portable system, including technical limitations as well as real-time reconstruction of 3D images of brain activity. We present examples of the brain activity captured in a simple experiment involving imagined finger tapping, showing that the acquired signal in a relevant brain region is similar to that obtained with standard EEG lab equipment. Although the quality of the signal in a mobile solution using a off-the-shelf consumer neuroheadset is lower compared to that obtained using high density standard EEG equipment, we propose that mobile application development may offset the disadvantages and provide completely new opportunities for neuroimaging in natural settings

    Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the presence of variable viscosity for mudflow resuspension in estuaries

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    The temporal stability of a parallel shear flow of miscible fluid layers of dif- ferent density and viscosity is investigated through a linear stability analysis and direct numerical simulations. The geometry and rheology of this Newto- nian fluid mixing can be viewed as a simplified model of the behavior of mud- flow at the bottom of estuaries for suspension studies. In this study, focus is on the stability and transition to turbulence of an initially laminar configuration. A parametric analysis is performed by varying the values of three control pa- rameters, namely the viscosity ratio, the Richardson and Reynolds numbers, in the case of initially identical thickness of the velocity, density and viscosity profiles. The range of parameters has been chosen so as to mimic a wide variety of real configurations. This study shows that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is controlled by the local Reynolds and Richardson numbers of the inflection point. In addition, at moderate Reynolds number, viscosity strat- ification has a strong influence on the onset of instability, the latter being enhanced at high viscosity ratio, while at high Reynolds number, the influ- ence is less pronounced. In all cases, we show that the thickness of the mixing layer (and thus resuspension) is increased by high viscosity stratification, in particular during the non-linear development of the instability and especially pairing processes. This study suggests that mud viscosity has to be taken into account for resuspension parameterizations because of its impact on the inflec- tion point Reynolds number and the viscosity ratio, which are key parameters for shear instabilities