807 research outputs found

    Middle Managerial Behavior for Employee Strategic Alignment:A systematic review

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    While there exists a vast amount of research on strategy formulation, we know relatively little about how a formulated strategy is translated into results via strategic alignment. Middle managers are often noted as crucial actors in aligning employees to strategic organizational goals, yet their effective behaviors towards this end remain understudied. In response to various calls, this work reviews the available literature on the behaviors of middle managers in the context of strategic alignment of work-floor employees. We adopted a systematic literature review technique, starting with a thorough search with predefined search terms through ABI/Inform Complete and Scopus. The resulting thirteen empirical articles were content-analyzed by two independent raters, leading to a total of 169 behavioral items. Four meta-categories of middle-managerial behaviors were identified that support employee strategic alignment: (1) Direction-oriented behaviors (e.g., monitoring and checking performance); (2) Participation-oriented behaviors (e.g., offering help); (3) Encouragement-oriented behaviors (e.g., getting and giving feedback); and (4) Approachability-oriented behaviors (e.g., showing vulnerability). We present an integrative model of effective middle manager behaviors for employee strategic alignment, which includes, as extra yield, supportive middle managerial personality traits, knowledge and performance areas. Our specific and inclusive model fuels the needed future behavioral and quantitative studies, which can build upon a number of qualitative works that have been published to date, as our review has shown. Understanding exactly which middle managerial behaviors contribute to translating strategy into practice also helps coaches and HR officers in developing managers. This knowledge potentially improves the work lives of many employees

    On the Logic of Lying

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    We model lying as a communicative act changing the beliefs of the agents in a multi-agent system. With Augustine, we see lying as an utterance believed to be false by the speaker and uttered with the intent to deceive the addressee. The deceit is successful if the lie is believed after the utterance by the addressee. This is our perspective. Also, as common in dynamic epistemic logics, we model the agents addressed by the lie, but we do not (necessarily) model the speaker as one of those agents. This further simplifies the picture: we do not need to model the intention of the speaker, nor do we need to distinguish between knowledge and belief of the speaker: he is the observer of the system and his beliefs are taken to be the truth by the listeners. We provide a sketch of what goes on logically when a lie is communicated. We present a complete logic of manipulative updating, to analyse the effects of lying in public discourse. Next, we turn to the study of lying in games. First, a game-theoretical analysis is used to explain how the possibility of lying makes games such as Liar's Dice interesting, and how lying is put to use in optimal strategies for playing the game. This is the opposite of the logical manipulative update: instead of always believing the utterance, now, it is never believed. We also give a matching logical analysis for the games perspective, and implement that in the model checker DEMO. Our running example of lying in games is the game of Liar's Dice

    Tooth loss in Sjögren?s syndrome patients compared to age and gender matched controls

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    To analyze the prevalence and location of tooth loss in Sjögren?s syndrome (SS) patients and compare them with an age- and gender-matched control group. Dental charts and x-rays of 108 (SS) patients were retrieved from an academic dental center and special care dentistry department. For each SS patient, an age- and gender-matched non-SS patient was randomly selected. Medication, number of extractions and date and location of extractions were assessed. Differences between SS and non-SS patients were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U tests, Chi-square tests and Fisher?s exact tests. Significantly more SS patients were edentulous compared to the non-SS group (14.8% versus 1.9%, p = 0.001). SS patients had a 61% higher risk to have experienced one or more extractions than control patients. In the SS group, there was a non-significant tendency for more maxillary teeth to have been extracted than mandibular teeth (42:34). In the control group, the number of extractions in the maxilla and mandible were comparable (21:20). When divided into sextants, the number of SS patients with one or more extractions was significantly higher than for non-SS patients for each sextant (p = 0.001 to p = 0.032). The largest difference in the proportion of patients with one or more extractions between the SS and non-SS patients occurred in the upper anterior sextant (3.4 times more frequent). SS patients are more prone to experience dental extractions compared to patients without SS. It could be speculated that this is related to a decreased salivary secretion

    Diagnosis of Fanconi Anemia: Mutation Analysis by Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification and PCR-Based Sanger Sequencing

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    Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare inherited disease characterized by developmental defects, short stature, bone marrow failure, and a high risk of malignancies. FA is heterogeneous: 15 genetic subtypes have been distinguished so far. A clinical diagnosis of FA needs to be confirmed by testing cells for sensitivity to cross-linking agents in a chromosomal breakage test. As a second step, DNA testing can be employed to elucidate the genetic subtype of the patient and to identify the familial mutations. This knowledge allows preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and enables prenatal DNA testing in future pregnancies. Although simultaneous testing of all FA genes by next generation sequencing will be possible in the near future, this technique will not be available immediately for all laboratories. In addition, in populations with strong founder mutations, a limited test using Sanger sequencing and MLPA will be a cost-effective alternative. We describe a strategy and optimized conditions for the screening of FANCA, FANCB, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF, and FANCG and present the results obtained in a cohort of 54 patients referred to our diagnostic service since 2008. In addition, the follow up with respect to genetic counseling and carrier screening in the families is discussed

    On the Logic of Lying

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    We look at lying as an act of communication, where (i) the proposition that is communicated is not true, (ii) the utterer of the lie knows (or believes) that what she communicates is not true, and (iii) the utterer of the lie intends the lie to be taken as truth. Rather than dwell on the moral issues, we provide a sketch of what goes on logically when a lie is communicated. We present a complete logic of manipulative updating, to analyse the effects of lying in public discourse. Next, we turn to the study of lying in games. First, a game-theoretical analysis is used to explain how the possibility of lying makes such games interesting, and how lying is put to use in optimal strategies for playing the game. Finally, we give a matching logical analysis. Our running example of lying in games is liar's dice

    Супутні зміни рівнів в плазмі стероїдних гормонів за різних варіантів впливу бальнеотерапії на курорті Трускавець на рівень тестостерону у жінок

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    В клинико-физиологическом наблюдении за 100 женщинами 20-40 лет с сочетанной хронической патологией пищеварительной и репродуктивной систем изучено влияние курса стандартной бальнеотерапии на курорте Трускавец на сопутствующие изменения содержания в плазме стероидных гормонов эстрадиола, прогестерона, кортизола и альдостерона при различных начальных уровнях тестостерона. Выявлены тесные прямые корреляционные связи между тестостеронемией и содержанием в плазме эстрадиола и кортизола и умеренные - с прогестеронемией (прямую) и альдостероном (обратную). Динамика тестостеронемии под влиянием бальнеотерапии тесно прямо коррелирует с изменениями уровней кортизола и эстрадиола и умеренно инверсно - с динамикой альдостерона, тогда как с динамикой прогестерона связь имеет нелинейный характер.In the clinical physiological looking after 100 women 20-40 years with combinative chronic pathology of the digestive and genesial systems is studied influence of course of standard balneotherapy on spa Truskavets on the concomitant changes of maintenance in plasma of steroide hormones estradiol, progesterone, cortisol and aldosterone at the different initial levels of testosterone. Close lines are exposed cross-correlation connections between testosterone and maintenance in plasma of estradiol and cortisol and moderate - with progesterone (line) and aldosterone (reverse). Dynamics of testosterone under influence of balneotherapy closely straight correlates with the changes of levels of cortisol and estradiol and mildly inversely - with the dynamics of aldosterone, while with the dynamics of progesterone connection has nonlinear character

    The association between indoor temperature and body mass index in children:the PIAMA birth cohort study

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    Background: Several experimental studies showed consistent evidence for decreased energy expenditure at higher ambient temperatures. Based on this, an association between thermal exposure and body weight may be expected. However, the effect of thermal exposure on body weight has hardly been studied. Therefore, this study investigated the association between indoor temperature and body mass index (BMI) in children in real life. Methods: This longitudinal observational study included 3 963 children from the Dutch Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort that started in 1996. These children were followed from birth until the age of 11 years. Winter indoor temperature (living room and bedroom) was reported at baseline and BMI z-scores were available at 10 consecutive ages. Missing data were multiply imputed. Associations between indoor temperature and BMI were analyzed using generalized estimating equations (GEE), adjusted for confounders and stratified by gender. In a subgroup of 104 children, bedroom temperature was also measured with data loggers. Results: Mean reported living room and bedroom temperature were 20.3 degrees C and 17.4 degrees C, respectively. Reported and measured bedroom temperatures were positively correlated (r = 0.42, p = 0.001). Neither reported living room temperature (-0.03 = 0.04) and bedroom temperature (-0.01 = 0.02) nor measured bedroom temperature (-0.04 = 0.05) were associated with BMI z-score between the age of 3 months and 11 years. Conclusions: This study in children did not support the hypothesized association between indoor temperature and BMI in a real life setting

    Integrating People, Context, and Technology in the Implementation of a Web-Based Intervention in Forensic Mental Health Care:Mixed-Methods Study

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    BACKGROUND: While eMental health interventions can have many potential benefits for mental health care, implementation outcomes are often disappointing. In order to improve these outcomes, there is a need for a better understanding of complex, dynamic interactions between a broad range of implementation-related factors. These interactions and processes should be studied holistically, paying attention to factors related to context, technology, and people. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this mixed-method study was to holistically evaluate the implementation strategies and outcomes of an eMental health intervention in an organization for forensic mental health care. METHODS: First, desk research was performed on 18 documents on the implementation process. Second, the intervention's use by 721 patients and 172 therapists was analyzed via log data. Third, semistructured interviews were conducted with all 18 therapists of one outpatient clinic to identify broad factors that influence implementation outcomes. The interviews were analyzed via a combination of deductive analysis using the nonadoption, abandonment, scale-up, spread, and sustainability framework and inductive, open coding. RESULTS: The timeline generated via desk research showed that implementation strategies focused on technical skills training of therapists. Log data analyses demonstrated that 1019 modules were started, and 18.65% (721/3865) of patients of the forensic hospital started at least one module. Of these patients, 18.0% (130/721) completed at least one module. Of the therapists using the module, 54.1% (93/172 sent at least one feedback message to a patient. The median number of feedback messages sent per therapist was 1, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 460. Interviews showed that therapists did not always introduce the intervention to patients and using the intervention was not part of their daily routine. Also, therapists indicated patients often did not have the required conscientiousness and literacy levels. Furthermore, they had mixed opinions about the design of the intervention. Important organization-related factors were the need for more support and better integration in organizational structures. Finally, therapists stated that despite its current low use, the intervention had the potential to improve the quality of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Synthesis of different types of data showed that implementation outcomes were mostly disappointing. Implementation strategies focused on technical training of therapists, while little attention was paid to changes in the organization, design of the technology, and patient awareness. A more holistic approach toward implementation strategies-with more attention to the organization, patients, technology, and training therapists-might have resulted in better implementation outcomes. Overall, adaptivity appears to be an important concept in eHealth implementation: a technology should be easily adaptable to an individual patient, therapists should be trained to deal flexibly with an eMental health intervention in their treatment, and organizations should adapt their implementation strategies and structures to embed a new eHealth intervention

    Novel bradycardia pacing strategies

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    Contains fulltext : 229186.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access)The adverse effects of ventricular dyssynchrony induced by right ventricular (RV) pacing has led to alternative pacing strategies, such as biventricular, His bundle (HBP), LV septal (LVSP) and left bundle branch pacing (LBBP). Given the overlap, LVSP and LBBP are also collectively referred to as left bundle branch area pacing (LBBAP). Although among these alternative pacing sites HBP is theoretically the ideal strategy as it maintains a physiological ventricular activation, its application requires more skills and is associated with the most complications. LBBAP, where the ventricular pacing lead is advanced through the interventricular septum to its left side, creates ventricular activation that is only slightly more dyssynchronous. Preliminary studies have shown that LBBAP is feasible, safe and encounters less limitations than HBP. Further studies are needed to differentiate between LVSP and LBBP with regard to acute functional and long-term clinical outcome