266 research outputs found


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    Homiletics: Outlines on the Standard Epistle Series

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    Outlines on the Standard Epistle Serie

    Bestrahlungserprobung von THTR-Brennelementen im DRAGON-Reaktor(Bestrahlungsexperiment DR-K3)

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    Within the scope of the program "Development of Spherical Fuel Elements for HTR", 25 similar fuel elements (f.e.) have been irradiated in the DRAGON reactor. The f.e. were fabricated by NUKEM and were to be tested under HTR conditions to scrutinize their employability in the THTR. The fuel was in the form of coated particles moulded into A3 matrix. The kernels of the particles were made of mixed oxide of uranium and thorium with an U 235 enrichment of 90 %. Each f.e. contained 2.2 g U 235. [...

    Lagerverhalten abgebrannter HTR Brennelemente in Transport- und Lagerbehältern aus Sphäroguß

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    In den Heißen Zellen der KFA wird in Zusammenarbeit mit"der DWK ein Demonstrationstest mit angeschlossenem Meßprogramm an zwei mit AVR-Brennelementenbeladenen Sphäroguß-Behältern durchgeführt. An den Arbeiten in der KFA sind beteiligt das Institut für Reaktorwerkstoffe (IRW), Anlagenplanung und Bautechnik (AP), Technische Dienste - Dekontamination (TD-DE) sowie das Projekt Hochtemperatur-Brennstoffkreislauf (HBK)

    Giant vesicles at the prolate-oblate transition: A macroscopic bistable system

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    Giant phospholipid vesicles are shown to exhibit thermally activated transitions between a prolate and an oblate shape on a time scale of several seconds. From the fluctuating contour of such a vesicle we extract ellipticity as an effective reaction coordinate whose temporal probability distribution is bimodal. We then reconstruct the effective potential from which we derive an activation energy of the order of kBTk_BT in agreement with theoretical calculations. The dynamics of this transition is well described within a Kramers model of overdamped diffusion in a bistable potential. Thus, this system can serve as a model for macroscopic bistability.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, epsfig, 4 eps figures included, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Fluctuation induced interactions between domains in membranes

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    We study a model lipid bilayer composed of a mixture of two incompatible lipid types which have a natural tendency to segregate in the absence of membrane fluctuations. The membrane is mechanically characterized by a local bending rigidity Îş(Ď•)\kappa(\phi) which varies with the average local lipid composition Ď•\phi. We show, in the case where Îş\kappa varies weakly with Ď•\phi, that the effective interaction between lipids of the same type can either be everywhere attractive or can have a repulsive component at intermediate distances greater than the typical lipid size. When this interaction has a repulsive component, it can prevent macro-phase separation and lead to separation in mesophases with a finite domain size. This effect could be relevant to certain experimental and numerical observations of mesoscopic domains in such systems.Comment: 9 pages RevTex, 1 eps figur

    Numerical optimization of amplitude-modulated pulses in microwave-driven entanglement generation

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    Microwave control of trapped ions can provide an implementation of high-fidelity two-qubit gates free from errors induced by photon scattering. Furthermore, microwave conductors may be embedded into a scalable trap structure, providing the chip-level integration of control that is desirable for scaling. Recent developments have demonstrated how amplitude modulation of the gate drive can permit a two-qubit entangling operation to become robust against motional mode noise and other experimental imperfections. Here, we discuss a method for the numerical optimization of the microwave pulse envelope to produce gate pulses with improved resilience, faster operation and higher energy efficiency

    Layered gallium sulfide optical properties from monolayer to CVD crystalline thin films

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    Interest in layered van der Waals semiconductor gallium monosulfide (GaS) is growing rapidly because of its wide band gap value between those of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides and of insulating layered materials such as hexagonal boron nitride. For the design of envisaged optoelectronic, photocatalytic and photonic applications of GaS, the knowledge of its dielectric function is fundamental. Here we present a combined theoretical and experimental investigation of the dielectric function of crystalline 2H-GaS from monolayer to bulk. Spectroscopic imaging ellipsometry with micron resolution measurements are corroborated by first principle calculations of the electronic structure and dielectric function. We further demonstrate and validate the applicability of the established dielectric function to the analysis of the optical response of c-axis oriented GaS layers grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). These optical results can guide the design of novel, to our knowledge, optoelectronic and photonic devices based on low-dimensional GaS.Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (No 899598 – PHEMTRONICS)

    The bridge between social identity and community capital on the path to recovery and desistance

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    It has long been recognised that changes in social networks (and the underpinning changes in personal and social identity) are strong predictors of both desistance from crime and recovery from substance use. Building on existing work attempting to measure and shift social networks and transitions to prosocial groups, the current study provides pilot data from prisoners and family members about a visualisation technique widely used in specialist addiction treatment (node-link mapping) to map opportunities for linkage to prosocial groups and networks. The data presented in the paper are from a small-scale feasibility pilot. This suggests both bonding and bridging capital in prisoner populations due for release and the diversity of community capital opportunities that exists in this population. The implications of this work are significant for substance users and offenders pending return to the community, and has implications around resettlement and reintegration support for probation staff in prisons and in the community. The paper emphasises the importance of mapping connectedness as a key component of planning for reintegration back into the community for those working with offenders who are aspiring to achieve desistance and recovery
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