580 research outputs found

    Exploring break-points and interaction effects among predictors of the international digital divide

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The deepening of the digital divide between countries has prompted international organizations and governments to work together toward reducing the problem over the next 15 years. However, such efforts will likely succeed only if they are based on a firm grasp of the divide's underlying causes. In this paper we report the results of a comprehensive analysis of the determinants of the international digital divide. Our results confirm many findings of past research, but also extend existing knowledge in important ways. By employing Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), we discover non-linearities and interaction effects among the predictors. We then articulate significant policy implications based upon these findings

    Temporal isolation of neural processes underlying face preference decisions

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    Decisions about whether we like someone are often made so rapidly from first impressions that it is difficult to examine the engagement of neural structures at specific points in time. Here, we used a temporally extended decision-making paradigm to examine brain activation with functional MRI (fMRI) at sequential stages of the decision-making process. Activity in reward-related brain structures—the nucleus accumbens (NAC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)—was found to occur at temporally dissociable phases while subjects decided which of two unfamiliar faces they preferred. Increases in activation in the OFC occurred late in the trial, consistent with a role for this area in computing the decision of which face to choose. Signal increases in the NAC occurred early in the trial, consistent with a role for this area in initial preference formation. Moreover, early signal increases in the NAC also occurred while subjects performed a control task (judging face roundness) when these data were analyzed on the basis of which of those faces were subsequently chosen as preferred in a later task. The findings support a model in which rapid, automatic engagement of the NAC conveys a preference signal to the OFC, which in turn is used to guide choice

    Understanding Eurasian convergence: Application of kohonen self-organizing maps

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    Kohonen self-organizing maps (SOMs) are employed to examine economic and social convergence of Eurasian countries based on a set of twenty-eight socio-economic measures. A core of European Union states is identified that provides a benchmark against which convergence of post-socialist transition economies may be judged. The Central European Visegrád countries and Baltics show the greatest economic convergence to Western Europe, while other states form clusters that lag behind. Initial conditions on the social dimension can either facilitate or constrain economic convergence, as discovered in Central Europe vis-à-vis the Central Asian Republics. Disquiet in the convergence literature is resolved by providing an analysis of the Eurasian states over time. Copyright © 2006 JMASM, Inc

    Gammaretrovirus-mediated correction of SCID-X1 is associated with skewed vector integration site distribution in vivo

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    We treated 10 children with X-linked SCID (SCID-X1) using gammaretrovirus-mediated gene transfer. Those with sufficient follow-up were found to have recovered substantial immunity in the absence of any serious adverse events up to 5 years after treatment. To determine the influence of vector integration on lymphoid reconstitution, we compared retroviral integration sites (RISs) from peripheral blood CD3(+) T lymphocytes of 5 patients taken between 9 and 30 months after transplantation with transduced CD34(+) progenitor cells derived from 1 further patient and I healthy donor. Integration occurred preferentially in gene regions on either side of transcription start sites, was clustered, and correlated with the expression level in CD34(+) progenitors during transduction. In contrast to those in CD34(+) cells, RISs recovered from engrafted CD3(+)T cells were significantly overrepresented within or near genes encoding proteins with kinase or transferase activity or involved in phosphorus metabolism. Although gross patterns of gene expression were unchanged in transduced cells, the divergence of RIS target frequency between transduced progenitor cells and post-thymic T lymphocytes indicates that vector integration influences cell survival, engraftment, or proliferation

    Equinodermes da região entre o Amapá (Brasil) e a Flórida (E.U.A.) II: echinozoa

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    The echinozoan species collected by the Exploratory Fishing and Gear Research Base of Pascagoula, Mississipi, U.S.A., between the Southwest region of U.S.A. and the Amapa (Brasil) are listed. The geo graphical distribution of twenty two species is extended. A new species, Thyone pawsoni sp. n., is described

    Preponderance of the oncogenic V599E and V599K mutations in B-raf kinase domain is enhanced in melanoma cutaneous/subcutaneous metastases

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    BACKGROUND: Downstream of Ras, the serine/threonine kinase B-raf has been reported to be mutated, among other carcinomas, in a substantial subset of primary melanomas with a preponderance of mutations within the kinase domain including the activating V599E and V599K transitions. METHODS: We here investigated a representative series of 60 resection specimens of cutaneous and subcutaneous melanoma metastases for the presence of mutations within the activation segment (exon 15) of the B-raf kinase domain by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: Sequencing of cloned PCR-SSCP amplicons resulted in 24 (40%) samples harbouring somatic mutations which is not exceeding the mutation frequency in recently investigated primary melanomas. The activating mutation T1796A was present in 24/60 (40%) resection specimens, followed in frequency by the oncogenic g1795A mutation in 8/60 (13%) cases. As to the B-raf protein sequence, the acidic amino acid transitions V599E and V599K were predicted in 19/60 (32%) and 6/60 (10%) cases, resepectively, but were not associated with enhanced risk for subsequent metastasis in patients' follow up. In comparison to the primary melanomas that we recently investigated, the spectrum of predicted B-raf protein mutations narrowed significantly in the cutaneous/subcutaneous metastases. Unexpectedly, V599 and V599E mutations were absent in cutaneous/subcutaneous metastases derived from acrolentiginous melanomas as preceding primary tumours. CONCLUSION: During transition from primary melanomas towards cutaneous/subcutaneous metastases, the spectrum of predicted B-raf mutations narrows significantly. Focusing on the V599E and V599K, these oncogenic mutations are likely to affect melanocyte-specific pathways controlling proliferation and differentiation

    Alcohol affects neuronal substrates of response inhibition but not of perceptual processing of stimuli signalling a stop response

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    Alcohol impairs inhibitory control, including the ability to terminate an initiated action. While there is increasing knowledge about neural mechanisms involved in response inhibition, the level at which alcohol impairs such mechanisms remains poorly understood. Thirty-nine healthy social drinkers received either 0.4g/kg or 0.8g/kg of alcohol, or placebo, and performed two variants of a Visual Stop-signal task during acquisition of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. The two task variants differed only in their instructions: in the classic variant (VSST), participants inhibited their response to a “Go-stimulus” when it was followed by a “Stop-stimulus”. In the control variant (VSST_C), participants responded to the “Go-stimulus” even if it was followed by a “Stop-stimulus”. Comparison of successful Stop-trials (Sstop)>Go, and unsuccessful Stop-trials (Ustop)>Sstop between the three beverage groups enabled the identification of alcohol effects on functional neural circuits supporting inhibitory behaviour and error processing. Alcohol impaired inhibitory control as measured by the Stop-signal reaction time, but did not affect other aspects of VSST performance, nor performance on the VSST_C. The low alcohol dose evoked changes in neural activity within prefrontal, temporal, occipital and motor cortices. The high alcohol dose evoked changes in activity in areas affected by the low dose but importantly induced changes in activity within subcortical centres including the globus pallidus and thalamus. Alcohol did not affect neural correlates of perceptual processing of infrequent cues, as revealed by conjunction analyses of VSST and VSST_C tasks. Alcohol ingestion compromises the inhibitory control of action by modulating cortical regions supporting attentional, sensorimotor and action-planning processes. At higher doses the impact of alcohol also extends to affect subcortical nodes of fronto-basal ganglia- thalamo-cortical motor circuits. In contrast, alcohol appears to have little impact on the early visual processing of infrequent perceptual cues. These observations clarify clinically-important effects of alcohol on behaviour

    Analyzing the Number of Common Integration Sites of Viral Vectors – New Methods and Computer Programs

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    Vectors based on Îł-retroviruses or lentiviruses have been shown to stably express therapeutical transgenes and effectively cure different hematological diseases. Molecular follow up of the insertional repertoire of gene corrected cells in patients and preclinical animal models revealed different integration preferences in the host genome including clusters of integrations in small genomic areas (CIS; common integrations sites). In the majority, these CIS were found in or near genes, with the potential to influence the clonal fate of the affected cell. To determine whether the observed degree of clustering is statistically compatible with an assumed standard model of spatial distribution of integrants, we have developed various methods and computer programs for Îł-retroviral and lentiviral integration site distribution. In particular, we have devised and implemented mathematical and statistical approaches for comparing two experimental samples with different numbers of integration sites with respect to the propensity to form CIS as well as for the analysis of coincidences of integration sites obtained from different blood compartments. The programs and statistical tools described here are available as workspaces in R code and allow the fast detection of excessive clustering of integration sites from any retrovirally transduced sample and thus contribute to the assessment of potential treatment-related risks in preclinical and clinical retroviral gene therapy studies
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