942 research outputs found

    Gender and rural history: A roundtable

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    The aim of this debate article is to promote a discussion of a historiographical nature (not ideological, not political) about the meaning, place and role of gender in both the rural past and the rural historiography. The discussion revolves around a variety of questions, ranging from the relevance, the opportunity and the very history of the use of gender category in rural history, to the analysis of gender (im)balances in the community of historians working in this broadly defined field of studies, not to mention the very definition of what is meant by gender. These and other related topics, for which there are no single or definitive answers, are debated here in a roundtable format.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inferring Population Continuity Versus Replacement with aDNA: A Cautionary Tale from the Aleutian Islands

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    In The Aleutian and Commander Islands and Their Inhabitants (Philadelphia: Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1945), Hrdlička proposed a population replacement event in the Aleutian Islands approximately 1,000 years ago based on a perceived temporal shift in cranial morphology. However, the archaeological record indicates cultural, and presumed population, continuity for more than 4,000 years. We use mtDNA haplogroup data in the series of prehistoric eastern Aleutian samples (n = 86) studied craniometrically by Hrdlička to test alternative hypotheses regarding population continuity or replacement in the region. This molecular characterization, in conjunction with direct dating of individual specimens, provided increased resolution for hypothesis testing. Results indicate an apparent shift in mtDNA haplogroup frequencies in the eastern Aleutians approximately 1,000 years ago, in concert with changes in mortuary practices and isotopic signatures reflecting resource acquisition strategies. The earliest Aleut populations were characterized by a high frequency of haplogroup A, as are most modern populations of the North American arctic. Later prehistoric peoples in the Aleutians were characterized by a high frequency of haplogroup D and a correspondingly lower frequency of haplogroup A, a pattern typified by modern Aleut populations

    A theoretical study of the 1B2u and 1B1u vibronic bands in benzene

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    The two lowest bands, 1B2u and 1B1u, of the electronic spectrum of the benzene molecule have been studied theoretically using a new method to compute vibronic excitation energies and intensities. The complete active space (CAS) self-contained field (SCF) method (with six active π-orbitals) was used to compute harmonic force field for the ground state and the 1B2u and 1B1u electronic states. A linear approximation has been used for the transition dipole as a function of the nuclear displacement coordinates. Derivatives of the transition dipole were computed using a variant of the CASSCF state interaction method. Multiconfigurational second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2) was used to obtain absolute excitation energies (12 active π-orbitals). The results show that the approach works well. Vibrational progressions are well described in both bands and intensities, and energies are in agreement with experiment, in particular when CASPT2 derived geometries are used. One interesting result is that computed vertical energies fall about 0.1 eV on the high energy side of the band [email protected]

    Nutrient-based diet modifications impact on the gut microbiome of the Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus)

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    Environment and diet are key factors which shape the microbiome of organisms. There is also a disparity between captive and wild animals of the same species, presumably because of the change in diet. Being able to reverse the microbiome to the wild type is thus particularly important for the reintroduction efforts of Critically Endangered animals. The Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is a suitable model, being kept in the thousands within rescue centres throughout Southeast Asia. With next-generation sequencing, we show how a naturalistic diet impacts the gut microbiome of captive slow lorises (Primates: Nycticebus). A comparison of the microbiome of wild animals with captive animals that had been fed a standard captive or improved diet reveals strong microbiome differences between wild and captive animals; however, diet changes failed to alter the microbiome of captive populations significantly. Bifidobacterium was the most abundant genus in wild animals (46.7%) while Bacteroides (11.6%) and Prevotella (18.9%) were the most abundant in captive animals fed the captive and improved diets, respectively. Correlation analyses of nutrients with microbial taxa suggest important implications in using nutrition to suppress potential pathogens, with soluble fibre and water-soluble carbohydrates both being associated with opposing microbiome profiles. The improved diet significantly increased microbe diversity, which exemplifies the importance of high fibre diets; however, wild individuals had lower diversity, which contradicts recent studies. Detection of methanogens appeared to be dependent on diet and whether the animals were living in captivity or in the wild. This study highlights the potential of nutrition in modulating the microbiome of animals prior to release. Unexpectedly, the results were not as significant as has been suggested in recent studies

    Partner randomized controlled trial: study protocol and coaching intervention

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many children with asthma live with frequent symptoms and activity limitations, and visits for urgent care are common. Many pediatricians do not regularly meet with families to monitor asthma control, identify concerns or problems with management, or provide self-management education. Effective interventions to improve asthma care such as small group training and care redesign have been difficult to disseminate into office practice.</p> <p>Methods and design</p> <p>This paper describes the protocol for a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate a 12-month telephone-coaching program designed to support primary care management of children with persistent asthma and subsequently to improve asthma control and disease-related quality of life and reduce urgent care events for asthma care. Randomization occurred at the practice level with eligible families within a practice having access to the coaching program or to usual care. The coaching intervention was based on the transtheoretical model of behavior change. Targeted behaviors included 1) effective use of controller medications, 2) effective use of rescue medications and 3) monitoring to ensure optimal control. Trained lay coaches provided parents with education and support for asthma care, tailoring the information provided and frequency of contact to the parent's readiness to change their child's day-to-day asthma management. Coaching calls varied in frequency from weekly to monthly. For each participating family, follow-up measurements were obtained at 12- and 24-months after enrollment in the study during a telephone interview.</p> <p>The primary outcomes were the mean change in 1) the child's asthma control score, 2) the parent's quality of life score, and 3) the number of urgent care events assessed at 12 and 24 months. Secondary outcomes reflected adherence to guideline recommendations by the primary care pediatricians and included the proportion of children prescribed controller medications, having maintenance care visits at least twice a year, and an asthma action plan. Cost-effectiveness of the intervention was also measured.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Twenty-two practices (66 physicians) were randomized (11 per treatment group), and 950 families with a child 3-12 years old with persistent asthma were enrolled. A description of the coaching intervention is presented.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov identifier <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00860834">NCT00860834</a>.</p

    Structure and Sodium Ion Dynamics in Sodium Strontium Silicate Investigated by Multinuclear Solid-State NMR

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    © 2016 American Chemical Society.The high oxide ion conductivity of the proposed sodium strontium silicate ion conductors Sr0.55Na0.45SiO2.775 (>10-2 S·cm-1 at 525 °C) and its unusual alkali metal substitution strategy have been extensively questioned in the literature. Here, we present a comprehensive understanding of the structure of this material using a combination of XRD and multinuclear 17O, 23Na, and 29Si solid-state NMR spectroscopy data and a detailed investigation of the Na ion dynamics by high temperature 23Na NMR line shape analysis and relaxation rates measurements. Both 23Na and 29Si NMR spectra demonstrate the absence of Na doping in strontium silicate SrSiO3 and the presence of an amorphous phase identified as Na2O·2SiO2 glass as the Na-containing product. Devitrification at 800 °C yields crystallization of the Na2O·2SiO2 glass into the known crystalline α-Na2Si2O5 phase which was positively identified by its XRD pattern and the extensive and clear 17O, 23Na, and 29Si NMR fingerprints. High temperature 23Na NMR reveals that the Na ions are mobile in the Na2O·2SiO2 amorphous component below its glass transition temperature (∌450 °C). In contrast, 23Na NMR data obtained on the crystalline α-Na2Si2O5 shows limited Na dynamics below ∌650 °C, and this result explains the large discrepancy in the conductivity observed in the literature which strongly depends on the thermal history of the Sr0.55Na0.45SiO2.775 material. These insights demonstrate that the high conductivity observed in Sr0.55Na0.45SiO2.775 is due to Na conduction in the Na2O·2SiO2 glass, and this motivates the quest for the discovery of low temperature fast ion conductors in noncrystalline solids

    Perceived barriers to guideline adherence: A survey among general practitioners

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    Contains fulltext : 97209.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Despite considerable efforts to promote and support guideline use, adherence is often suboptimal. Barriers to adherence vary not only across guidelines but also across recommendations within guidelines. The aim of this study was to assess the perceived barriers to guideline adherence among GPs by focusing on key recommendations within guidelines. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional electronic survey among 703 GPs in the Netherlands. Sixteen key recommendations were derived from four national guidelines. Six statements were included to address the attitudes towards guidelines in general. In addition, GPs were asked to rate their perceived adherence (one statement) and the perceived barriers (fourteen statements) for each of the key recommendations, based on an existing framework. RESULTS: 264 GPs (38%) completed the questionnaire. Although 35% of the GPs reported difficulties in changing routines and habits to follow guidelines, 89% believed that following guidelines leads to improved patient care. Perceived adherence varied between 52 and 95% across recommendations (mean: 77%). The most perceived barriers were related to external factors, in particular patient ability and behaviour (mean: 30%) and patient preferences (mean: 23%). Lack of applicability of recommendations in general (mean: 22%) and more specifically to individual patients (mean: 25%) were also frequently perceived as barriers. The scores on perceived barriers differed largely between recommendations [minimum range 14%; maximum range 67%]. CONCLUSIONS: Dutch GPs have a positive attitude towards the NHG guidelines, report high adherence rates and low levels of perceived barriers. However, the perceived adherence and perceived barriers varied largely across recommendations. The most perceived barriers across recommendations are patient related, suggesting that current guidelines do not always adequately incorporate patient preferences, needs and abilities. It may be useful to provide tools such as decision aids, supporting the flexible use of guidelines to individual patients in practice
