78 research outputs found

    Relational hopes: A study of the lived experience of hope in some patients hospitalized for intentional self-harm

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    Hopelessness is a well-established predictor of suicide, and inspiring hope is an important goal in mental health care, but there are few studies of hope among persons with suicidal behavior. The aim of this study was to interpret the lived experience of hope in some patients hospitalized for intentional self-harm. Twelve persons that had engaged in suicidal behavior by ingesting an overdose of medication were interviewed shortly after hospitalization and asked to narrate about their hopes. The transcripts were analyzed using a phenomenological hermeneutic method inspired by Ricoeur's theory of interpretation. The naïve reading was one of hope being relational. The structural analysis identified three themes: hopes for life, hopes for death, and the act of hoping. We interpreted the common theme of the interviews as being definite and indefinite relational hopes for life and death. For clinicians, expressions of indefinite hopes may raise concerns about the low likelihood of fulfillment. However, the expression of indefinite hope may serve to avoid experiencing failure, disappointment, and hopelessness

    Stroke and plasma markers of milk fat intake – a prospective nested case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dairy products are high in saturated fat and are traditionally a risk factor for vascular diseases. The fatty acids 15:0 and 17:0 of plasma lipids are biomarkers of milk fat intake. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the risk of a first-ever stroke in relation to the plasma milk fat biomarkers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective case-control study was nested within two population based health surveys in Northern Sweden. Among 129 stroke cases and 257 matched controls, plasma samples for fatty acid analyses were available in 108 cases and 216 control subjects. Proportions of 15:0 and 17:0 of plasma lipids, weight, height, blood lipids, blood pressures, and lifestyle data were employed in conditional logistic regression modelling.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proportions of fatty acids 17:0 and 15:0+17:0 of total plasma phospholipids were significantly higher in female controls than cases, but not in men. 17:0 and 15:0+17:0 were significantly and inversely related to stroke in the whole study sample as well as in women. The standardised odds ratio (95% CI) in women to have a stroke was 0.41 (0.24–0.69) for 17:0 in plasma phospholipids. Adjustment for traditional cardiovascular risk factors, physical activity and diet had marginal effects on the odds ratios. A similar, but non-significant, trend was seen in men.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is hypothesised that dairy or milk fat intake may be inversely related to the risk of a first event of stroke. The intriguing results of this study should be interpreted with caution. Follow up studies with greater power, and where intakes are monitored both by dietary recordings and fatty acid markers are needed.</p

    Expression levels of uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase genes in breast tissue from healthy women are associated with mammographic density

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    Introduction Mammographic density (MD), as assessed from film screen mammograms, is determined by the relative content of adipose, connective and epithelial tissue in the female breast. In epidemiological studies, a high percentage of MD confers a four to six fold risk elevation of developing breast cancer, even after adjustment for other known breast cancer risk factors. However, the biologic correlates of density are little known. Methods Gene expression analysis using whole genome arrays was performed on breast biopsies from 143 women; 79 women with no malignancy (healthy women) and 64 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, both included from mammographic centres. Percent MD was determined using a previously validated, computerized method on scanned mammograms. Significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) was performed to identify genes influencing MD and a linear regression model was used to assess the independent contribution from different variables to MD. Results SAM-analysis identified 24 genes differentially expressed between samples from breasts with high and low MD. These genes included three uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) genes and the oestrogen receptor gene (ESR1). These genes were down-regulated in samples with high MD compared to those with low MD. The UGT gene products, which are known to inactivate oestrogen metabolites, were also down-regulated in tumour samples compared to samples from healthy individuals. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the UGT genes associated with the expression of UGT and other genes in their vicinity were identified. Conclusions Three UGT enzymes were lower expressed both in breast tissue biopsies from healthy women with high MD and in biopsies from newly diagnosed breast cancers. The association was strongest amongst young women and women using hormonal therapy. UGT2B10 predicts MD independently of age, hormone therapy and parity. Our results indicate that down-regulation of UGT genes in women exposed to female sex hormones is associated with high MD and might increase the risk of breast cancer

    Genotypes and haplotypes in the insulin-like growth factors, their receptors and binding proteins in relation to plasma metabolic levels and mammographic density

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased mammographic density is one of the strongest independent risk factors for breast cancer. It is believed that one third of breast cancers are derived from breasts with more than 50% density. Mammographic density is affected by age, BMI, parity, and genetic predisposition. It is also greatly influenced by hormonal and growth factor changes in a woman's life cycle, spanning from puberty through adult to menopause. Genetic variations in genes coding for hormones and growth factors involved in development of the breast are therefore of great interest. The associations between genetic polymorphisms in genes from the IGF pathway on mammographic density and circulating levels of IGF1, its binding protein IGFBP3, and their ratio in postmenopausal women are reported here.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Samples from 964 postmenopausal Norwegian women aged 55-71 years were collected as a part of the Tromsø Mammography and Breast Cancer Study. All samples were genotyped for 25 SNPs in IGF1, IGF2, IGF1R, IGF2R, IGFALS and IGFBP3 using Taqman (ABI). The main statistical analyses were conducted with the PROC HAPLOTYPE procedure within SAS/GENETICS™ (SAS 9.1.3).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The haplotype analysis revealed six haploblocks within the studied genes. Of those, four had significant associations with circulating levels of IGF1 or IGFBP3 and/or mammographic density. One haplotype variant in the IGF1 gene was found to be associated with mammographic density. Within the IGF2 gene one haplotype variant was associated with levels of both IGF1 and IGFBP3. Two haplotype variants in the IGF2R were associated with the level of IGF1. Both variants of the IGFBP3 haplotype were associated with the IGFBP3 level and indicate regulation in cis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Polymorphisms within the IGF1 gene and related genes were associated with plasma levels of IGF1, IGFBP3 and mammographic density in this study of postmenopausal women.</p

    A reappraisal of the impact of dairy foods and milk fat on cardiovascular disease risk

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    Background This review provides a reappraisal of the potential effects of dairy foods, including dairy fats, on cardiovascular disease (CVD)/coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. Commodities and foods containing saturated fats are of particular focus as current public dietary recommendations are directed toward reducing the intake of saturated fats as a means to improve the overall health of the population. A conference of scientists from different perspectives of dietary fat and health was convened in order to consider the scientific basis for these recommendations. Aims This review and summary of the conference focus on four key areas related to the biology of dairy foods and fats and their potential impact on human health: (a) the effect of dairy foods on CVD in prospective cohort studies; (b) the impact of dairy fat on plasma lipid risk factors for CVD; (c) the effects of dairy fat on non-lipid risk factors for CVD; and (d) the role of dairy products as essential contributors of micronutrients in reference food patterns for the elderly. Conclusions Despite the contribution of dairy products to the saturated fatty acid composition of the diet, and given the diversity of dairy foods of widely differing composition, there is no clear evidence that dairy food consumption is consistently associated with a higher risk of CVD. Thus, recommendations to reduce dairy food consumption irrespective of the nature of the dairy product should be made with cautionJ. Bruce German, Robert A. Gibson, Ronald M. Krauss, Paul Nestel, Benoît Lamarche, Wija A. van Staveren, Jan M. Steijns, Lisette C. P. G. M. de Groot, Adam L. Lock and Frédéric Destaillat

    Når "vennene" lurer deg

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    Nyhetsmediene rapporterer stadig saker der både organisasjons- og privatkunder føler seg lurt av svikefulle selgere ved kjøp av finansprodukter. Felles for flere av sakene er at det står velrenommerte finansinstitusjoner bak og at kundene har opplevd et nært og tillitsfullt forhold til institusjonenes selgere. Et annet fellestrekk synes å være at produktene som har vært solgt har vært komplekse og vanskelige å vurdere for kundene, og at selgerne har hatt bedre kunnskap enn kundene om risiko og mulig avkastning. Teorier innen økonomi og markedsføring skulle tilsi at tillit og nære personlige bånd samt et godt renommé burde redusere risikoen for svikefull atferd ved salg av denne type produkter. Nyere forskning viser imidlertid overraskende effekter av tillit og vennskap i forretningsforhold. Høy grad av tillit mellom selger og kjøper både på person- og bedriftsnivå kan senke kundens aktsomhet og oppmuntre til svikefull atferd. Dette kan forsterkes av incentivsystemene i finansbransjen, samt markedets begrensede sanksjoner. I motsetning til kundene synes leverandørene i flere tilfeller å hatt lite å tape på sin atferd

    Når "vennene" lurer deg

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    Nyhetsmediene rapporterer stadig saker der både organisasjons- og privatkunder føler seg lurt av svikefulle selgere ved kjøp av finansprodukter. Felles for flere av sakene er at det står velrenommerte finansinstitusjoner bak og at kundene har opplevd et nært og tillitsfullt forhold til institusjonenes selgere. Et annet fellestrekk synes å være at produktene som har vært solgt har vært komplekse og vanskelige å vurdere for kundene, og at selgerne har hatt bedre kunnskap enn kundene om risiko og mulig avkastning. Teorier innen økonomi og markedsføring skulle tilsi at tillit og nære personlige bånd samt et godt renommé burde redusere risikoen for svikefull atferd ved salg av denne type produkter. Nyere forskning viser imidlertid overraskende effekter av tillit og vennskap i forretningsforhold. Høy grad av tillit mellom selger og kjøper både på person- og bedriftsnivå kan senke kundens aktsomhet og oppmuntre til svikefull atferd. Dette kan forsterkes av incentivsystemene i finansbransjen, samt markedets begrensede sanksjoner. I motsetning til kundene synes leverandørene i flere tilfeller å hatt lite å tape på sin atferd