14 research outputs found

    Cartografía detallada y catalogación de Draba Hispanica subsp. Lebrunii P. Monts

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    Draba hispanica subsp. lebrunii P. Monts. es un endemismo ibérico exclusivo de la Sierra de la Peña (Parque Regional Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente CobreMontaña Palentina). Por presentar una reducida distribución, se catalogó Vulnerable para España, pero tras la revisión para la Lista Roja 2008, resultó En Peligro. En Castilla y León, donde viven sus efectivos, está protegida (anexo II, Decreto de Flora Protegida 63/2007). Para el desarrollo de AFA4, fue seleccionado en el subproyecto piloto “Cartografía detallada de las poblaciones de fl ora vascular amenazada”. Se realizó un seguimiento minucioso en toda el área de distribución, y se censaron todas las poblaciones conocidas. La prospección de los hábitats semejantes resultó en la localización de cuatro nuevas poblaciones: Alto de los Llanos, Pico Rabanal, Peña Blanca, y dos en el Cueto de la Horca. Los efectivos totales, se calcularon mediante censos directos realizados en todas las poblaciones, lo que sirvió de referencia para realizar una estimación global. Con base en todos los datos obtenidos, se reevaluó la categoría de amenaza, y se corroboró la categoría En Peligro afi nando los criterios con los datos de campo. Por último, teniendo en cuenta la georreferenciación precisa que se realizó en todas las poblaciones, se elaboró su cartografía detallada, según la metodología específi ca propuesta en esta fase de AFA. Se calculó el área de ocupación y la extensión de presencia. Se evaluaron algunos factores determinantes en la presencia de este taxon y se realizó una modelización del área potencial de ocupación. Se descartaron todas las localidades de características semejantes situadas fuera de la Sierra de Peña, tras ser visitadas con el fi n de afi nar la extensión de presencia.Draba hispanica Boiss. subsp. lebrunii P. Monts. is an Iberian endemism exclusive from the Sierra de la Peña (Natural Park Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente CobreMontaña Palentina). Because of its reduced distribution, it was cataloged Vulnerable from Spain but, after the revision for the Red List 2008, resulted Endangered. In Castilla y León region, where it lives is protected (annex II of the Act of Protected Flora 63/2007). It was selected under AFA4, for the project scheme “Detailed cartography of threatened vascular fl ora populations”. A meticulous survey was made all over its distribution area, and we took a census in every known population. Furthermore, we prospected similar habitats resulting in the location of four new populations: Alto de los Llanos, Pico Rabanal, Peña Blanca, and two more in Cueto de la Horca. The total amount of specimens was calculated by means of direct census in every population, which served as a reference to make a global estimation. The threaten category was revised in the bases of all the collected data. It was confi rmed as Endangered, and the criteria were completed. Finally, with all sampled data we made a detailed mapping of every population following the methodology proposed in this stage of AFA. The occupation area and extension of presence were calculated. Some determining factors were evaluated for modeling the potential occupation area. All locations with similar features outside Sierra de Peña were dismissed, after our visit in order to complete its extension of presence.Proyecto AFA-4. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marin

    Microbial biomarkers reveal a hydrothermally active landscape at Olduvai Gorge at the dawn of the Acheulean, 1.7 Ma

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    Landscape-scale reconstructions of ancient environments within the cradle of humanity may reveal insights into the relationship between early hominins and the changing resources around them. Many studies of Olduvai Gorge during Pliocene–Pleistocene times have revealed the presence of precession-driven wet–dry cycles atop a general aridification trend, though may underestimate the impact of local-scale conditions on early hominins, who likely experienced a varied and more dynamic landscape. Fossil lipid biomarkers from ancient plants and microbes encode information about their surroundings via their molecular structures and composition, and thus can shed light on past environments. Here, we employ fossil lipid biomarkers to study the paleolandscape at Olduvai Gorge at the emergence of the Acheulean technology, 1.7 Ma, through the Lower Augitic Sandstones layer. In the context of the expansion of savanna grasslands, our results represent a resource-rich mosaic ecosystem populated by groundwater-fed rivers, aquatic plants, angiosperm shrublands, and edible plants. Evidence of a geothermally active landscape is reported via an unusual biomarker distribution consistent with the presence of hydrothermal features seen today at Yellowstone National Park. The study of hydrothermalism in ancient settings and its impact on hominin evolution has not been addressed before, although the association of thermal springs in the proximity of archaeological sites documented here can also be found at other localities. The hydrothermal features and resources present at Olduvai Gorge may have allowed early hominins to thermally process edible plants and meat, supporting the possibility of a prefire stage of human evolution

    Gender (in)equality within the household and business start-up among mothers

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    Using data on all businesses started by mothers of young children in Sweden between 2000 and 2014, we explore which factors are associated with entrepreneurship among mothers. We find that being unemployed or being an immigrant is positively associated with business start-up by mothers; however, our findings show that what matters more is the paternity leave taken by the mothers’ partners. These findings suggest that in institutional contexts such as Sweden, gender inequality is not a persistent feature of most households and that women can make career choices by negotiating with their partners who will make use of the parental benefits offered by the government