6,454 research outputs found

    Fin loads and control-surface hinge moments measured in full-scale wind-tunnel tests on the X-24A flight vehicle

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    Fin loads and control surface hinge moments measured in full scale wind tunnel tests on X-24A flight vehicl

    The Zagier polynomials. Part II: Arithmetic properties of coefficients

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    The modified Bernoulli numbers \begin{equation*} B_{n}^{*} = \sum_{r=0}^{n} \binom{n+r}{2r} \frac{B_{r}}{n+r}, \quad n > 0 \end{equation*} introduced by D. Zagier in 1998 were recently extended to the polynomial case by replacing BrB_{r} by the Bernoulli polynomials Br(x)B_{r}(x). Arithmetic properties of the coefficients of these polynomials are established. In particular, the 2-adic valuation of the modified Bernoulli numbers is determined. A variety of analytic, umbral, and asymptotic methods is used to analyze these polynomials

    Exact Monte Carlo time dynamics in many-body lattice quantum systems

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    On the base of a Feynman-Kac--type formula involving Poisson stochastic processes, recently a Monte Carlo algorithm has been introduced, which describes exactly the real- or imaginary-time evolution of many-body lattice quantum systems. We extend this algorithm to the exact simulation of time-dependent correlation functions. The techniques generally employed in Monte Carlo simulations to control fluctuations, namely reconfigurations and importance sampling, are adapted to the present algorithm and their validity is rigorously proved. We complete the analysis by several examples for the hard-core boson Hubbard model and for the Heisenberg model

    Large-scale albuminuria screen for nephropathy models in chemically induced mouse mutants

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    Background/Aim: Phenotype-driven screening of a great pool of randomly mutant mice and subsequent selection of animals showing symptoms equivalent to human kidney diseases may result in the generation of novel suitable models for the study of the pathomechanisms and the identification of genes involved in kidney dysfunction. Methods: We carried out a large-scale analysis of ethylnitrosourea (ENU)-induced mouse mutants for albuminuria by using qualitative SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Results: The primary albuminuria screen preceded the comprehensive phenotypic mutation analysis in a part of the mice of the Munich ENU project to avoid loss of mutant animals as a consequence of prolonged suffering from severe nephropathy. The primary screen detected six confirmed phenotypic variants in 2,011 G1 animals screened for dominant mutations and no variant in 48 G3 pedigrees screened for recessive mutations. Further breeding experiments resulted in two lines showing a low phenotypic penetrance of albuminuria. The secondary albuminuria screen was carried out in mutant lines which were established in the Munich ENU project without preceding primary albuminuria analysis. Two lines showing increased plasma urea levels were chosen to clarify if severe kidney lesions are involved in the abnormal phenotype. This analysis revealed severe albuminuria in mice which are affected by a recessive mutation leading to increased plasma urea and cholesterol levels. Conclusion: Thus, the phenotypic selection of ENU-induced mutants according to the parameter proteinuria in principle demonstrates the feasibility to identify nephropathy phenotypes in ENU-mutagenized mice. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Biological Principles in Self-Organization of Young Brain - Viewed from Kohonen Model

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    Variants of the Kohonen model are proposed to study biological principles of self-organization in a model of young brain. We suggest a function to measure aquired knowledge and use it to auto-adapt the topology of neuronal connectivity, yielding substantial organizational improvement relative to the standard model. In the early phase of organization with most intense learning, we observe that neural connectivity is of Small World type, which is very efficient to organize neurons in response to stimuli. In analogy to human brain where pruning of neural connectivity (and neuron cell death) occurs in early life, this feature is present also in our model, which is found to stabilize neuronal response to stimuli

    Modelling climate related performances of building wall coatings and understanding the portability of the "Kunzel" rule in different climates

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    How may a coating affect the hygrothermal performance of the building envelope in different climates? Years ago, Helmut Kunzel, one of the fathers of Building Physics, proposed, a simple, well-known rule, relating two characteristics of a coating: its water absorption coefficient and its vapour diffusion. The "Kunzel rule" (and the associated diagram), based on a model confirmed by field tests in the German climate, set an upper limit to both parameters and their product, became a German standard and a practice among experts, practitioners and manufacturers, in many European countries. This paper proposes the results of an analysis aiming to verify its portability in other climates and is based on an extensive simulation of the hygrothermal performances of a reference wall in six different climatic conditions

    Avaliacao da eficiência de fungicidas no controle da cercosporiose (Cercospora zeae-maydis) na cultura do milho.

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    A cercosporiose do milho, causada pelo fungo Cercospora Zeae-maydis, é atualmente, no Brasil, uma das mais importantes doenças foliares dessa cultura, apresentando maior severidade de danos no sudoeste de Goiás. Este experimento foi conduzido em área de plantio direto de milho sobre milho, no município de Montividíu, ao, infectada com Cercospora zeae-maydis. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com 8 tratamentos em 4 repetições. Foi utilizado o híbrido simples Avant, de ciclo precoce. Os fungicidas foram aplicados mediante pulverizador manual pressurizado com 4 bicos pulverizadores. O volume de calda aplicado em cada parcela foi de I ,4 litros. Foram utilizados os seguintes fungicidas (g i.a.ha-1): propiconazole (100,0), propiconazole (125,0), difenoconazole (50,0), difenoconazole (75,0), azoxystrobin (50,0), azoxystrobin (75,0) e tebuconazole (200,0). Parcelas sem tratamento fungicida constituíram a testemunha. A primeira pulverização dos fungicidas foi realizada em plantas no estádio V8 (43 Dias Após o Plantio - DAP) e a segunda no estádio de pré_ emborrachamento (58 DAP). Aos 85 DAP, com plantas com espigas no estádio de grão pastoso, procedeu-se à avaliação dos sintomas foliares causados por Cercospora zeae-maydis, utilizando-se do seguinte esquema de notas: O =sem sintoma; 1 = poucas lesões nas folhas abaixo da espiga, nenhuma lesão acima; 2 = muitas lesões nas folhas abaixo da espiga, poucas lesões acima; 3 = severo desenvolvimento de lesões nas folhas abaixo da espiga, todas as folhas acima da espiga com lesões; 4 = todas as folhas com severo desenvolvimento de lesões, mas tecido verde ainda visível; 5 = todas as folhas secas e mortas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os fungicidas propiconazole, difenoconazole, azoxystrobin e tebuconazole foram eficientes no controle da cercosporiose (Cercospora zeae-maydis) do milho e todos os tratamentos fungicida garantiram a produção de grãos de milho, sendo que a maior diferença percentual foi de 38,9% em relação à testemunha. Conclui-se que os fungicidas propiconazole, difenoconazole, azoxystrobin e tebuconazole são eficientes no controle da cercosporiose do milho causada por Cercospora zeae-maydis e que a aplicação destes produtos garantem significativamente a produção de grãos

    A phylogenetic framework for the North American bumblebee species of the subgenus Bombus sensu stricto (Bombus affinis, B. franklini, B. moderatus, B. occidentalis & B. terricola) based on mitochondrial DNA markers. (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus).

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    Königinnen der vier Taxa Bombus affinis, B. moderatus, B. occidentalis and B. terricola wurden an verschiedenen Orten quer durch Nordamerika gefangen. Zusätzlich wurden Männchen von B. franklini, B. occidentalis und B. terricola gesammelt. Mitochondriale Cytochrome Oxidase Untereinheit I (COI) von 25 Proben wurde sequenziert (Teilsequenzen 1005 bp Länge). Die Divergenz der Sequenzen zwischen den Taxa beträgt 30–50 Basen-Substitutionen und die Tamura-Nei Genetische Distanz 0.05–0.13, während innerhalb der Taxa die Divergenz nur 1 bis 2 Basen-Substitutionen beträgt und die Tamura-Nei Genetische Distanz 0.001–0.002. Da die COI Sequenzen keine Lücken aufweisen, können die einzelnen Nukleotide wie homologe Positionen verwendet werden. Jedes Taxon besitzt 8–20 eigene Substitutionen, die als dia­gnostische Positionen verwendet werden können, um das Taxon zu charakterisieren. Das Phylogramm zeigt drei klar getrennte Cluster: B. moderatus, konspezifisch mit der ostasiatischen B. albocinctus, das Artenpaar B. affinis – B. franklini locker verwandt mit der eurasiatischen B. lucorum, und das Artenpaar B. terricola – B. occidentalis ohne Beziehungen zu irgendwelchen Arten der Alten Welt.Queens of Bombus affinis, B. moderatus, B. occidentalis and B. terricola were collected from different localities throughout North America. In addition, males of B. franklini, B. occidentalis and B. terricola were collected. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) was sequenced from 24 specimens (Partial sequences length 1005 bp). Interspecific sequence divergence was about 30–50 base substitutions and approximately 0.05–0.13 in Tamura-Nei genetic distance, whereas the intraspecific sequence divergence was only 1–2 base substitutions and about 0.001–0.002 in Tamura-Nei genetic distance. Because there are no gaps in the alignments of the COI sequences, single nucleotide sites can be used as positional homologies. Each taxon is characterised by about 8 to 20 substitutions, which are unique (“private”) and can be used as diagnostic characters to define and identify this taxon. Three clusters in the topology of the phylogenetic tree were obtained: B. moderatus, which is con-specific to the East Asian B. albocinctus, a species pair B. affinis – B. franklini somehow related to the Eurasian B. lucorum and a species pair B. terricola – B. occidentalis without obvious connection to any Old World species

    Descripción de la metodología para la puesta e valor turística de 12 sitios arqueológicos en la provincia de Catamarca

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    Con el objetivo de generar un conjunto de datos que fijen las líneas prioritarias para la puesta en valor de los sitios arqueológicos de la Provincia de Catamarca; el presente trabajo se elaboro en base a la aplicación de una metodología capaz de generar una serie de datos duros sobre el estado actual de 12 sitios y/o yacimientos, tratando de fijar en el proceso, los principios básicos para su gestión de manera sostenible, respetando las condiciones del entorno, así como a las comunidades del lugar. El debate respecto de las técnicas de control, limitando el impacto de uso, ofreciendo al mismo tiempo el máximo disfrute a todos los visitantes posibles, sin contravenir las limitaciones impuestas por las condiciones ambientales y sociales, es una de las ambiciones a lograr; así como el diagnóstico sobre diferentes enfoques o zonificaciones para la planificación e implantación de infraestructura mínima de servicios turísticos en el área protegida de cada sitio. La orientación sobre definición, evaluación, gestión y uso de los datos de impacto turístico obtenido en cada uno de los sitios, ha respondido en todos los casos en la tendencia a mejorar la calidad de la experiencia turística, de la conservación de la diversidad biológica y cultural, y de contribuir al desarrollo de las comunidades locales. Estratégicamente, y a los efectos de considerar la puesta en valor de cada sitio arqueológico, se propone el marco de acción del Limite de Cambio Aceptable (LAC en su sigla inglesa), como una manera de trabajo concreta para la gestión de visitantes, con relación a establecer metas y cualquier acción posterior a su establecimiento para el turismo de áreas protegidas, ofreciendo una manera de acción que no se centra tanto en las relaciones entre los niveles de uso y de impacto, sino en determinar las condiciones ambientales y sociales deseables para la actividad de los visitantes y las actividades gestoras requeridas para alcanzar esas condiciones, utilizando un proceso sistemático, explícito, defendible y racional.Tópico 7: Patrimonio Arqueológico. Técnicas de evaluación, datación y conservación

    Haplotypes, median networks, and diagnostic characters as tools to elucidate the intraspecific genetic and taxonomic structure of bumblebees, with a description of Bombus cryptarum pallidocinctus new subspecies (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus).

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    Ein Alignment von 168 Sequenzen mitochondrialer DNA von Bombus cryptarum liefert 29 Haplotypen. Ein Median-Network zeigt fünf klar abgrenzbare Cluster, die Haplogruppen (HG) A-E, die durch diagnostische Positionen definiert werden. Vier dieser HG lassen sich bekannten Taxa zuordnen HG-A = B. cryptarum cryptarum, HG-B = B. cryptarum florilegus, HG-D = B. cryptarum albocinctus, und HG-E = B. cryptarum moderatus. Die Haplogruppe C entspricht einem neuen Taxon B. cryptarum pallidocinctus im Rang einer Unterart. Diese neue Unterart wird beschrieben. Die Verbreitung der Eurasiatischen Taxa wird untersucht und die Folgerungen aus Median-Network und geographischer Verbreitung für die mögliche Phylogenie werden diskutiert.StichwörterHymenoptera, Apidae, Bombus, mitochondrial DNA, new subspecies, geographic distributionNomenklatorische Handlungencryptarum pallidocinctus Bertsch et al., 2014 (Bombus), subspec. n.An alignment of 168 sequences of mitochondrial DNA of Bombus cryptarum reveals 29 haplotypes. A median network shows five distinct clusters, haplogroups (HG) A-E, which can be defined by diagnostic characters. Four of these HGs can be assigned to well-known taxa: HG-A = B. cryptarum cryptarum; HG-B = B. cryptarum florilegus; HG-D = B. cryptarum albocinctus; and HG-E = B. cryptarum moderatus. Haplogroup C represents a new taxon B. cryptarum pallidocinctus in the rank of a subspecies. This new subspecies is described. The geographic distribution of the Eurasiatic taxa is described and the implications of geographic distribution and median network for the phylogeny are discussed.KeywordsHymenoptera, Apidae, Bombus, mitochondrial DNA, new subspecies, geographic distributionNomenclatural Actscryptarum pallidocinctus Bertsch et al., 2014 (Bombus), subspec. n