75 research outputs found

    Phosphorus mobilization from undisturbed forest floors after drying and rewetting

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    The rewetting of desiccated mineral soils and forest floors was shown to mobilize soluble phosphorus (P). Up to now the evidence is based on experiments with disturbed soils and soil extracts after rewetting. As the rewetting of desiccated soils under in situ conditions is hampered by water repellency and the formation of preferential flow paths, the relevance of the rewetting effects for the phosphorus dynamics under field conditions remains to be shown. We conducted a laboratory experiment with undisturbed columns taken from the forest floor of a beech and a spruce stand. Our hypotheses were: 1) Drying and rewetting of forest floors leads to larger P release than from continuous wet controls. 2) The release of P from undisturbed forest floor columns is smaller than from disturbed forest floor samples. 3) The forest floor of spruce is more hydrophobic after desiccation. Hence the P release after drying/rewetting is less from spruce than from beech forest floors. Forest floor columns of 8 - 10 cm height were dried at 25 oC until a pF of about 6 (-100 MPa) was reached in all layers of the forest floor. Controls were kept permanently moist and the initial microbial biomass of the different forest floor layers was determined prior to desiccation. After pF 6 was reached, the columns were subjected to rewetting with an artificial throughfall by an automated irrigation system at about 25 mm per day, applied in small hourly intervals. Soil percolates were analyzed periodically for dissolved organic and inorganic P and N. Moreover, the CO2 production was recorded permanently. At the date of abstract submission the experiment is still ongoing and results will be presented on the poster

    Simulation der Strahlhärtung von Stahl mit WIAS-SHarP

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    Die Software WIAS-SHarP zur Simulation der Oberflaechenhaertung von Stahl mit Laser- und Elektronenstrahl wurde im Rahmen eines zweijaehrigen interdisziplinaeren Forschungsprojektes entwickelt. Das zugrunde liegende mathematische Modell besteht aus einem System gewoehnlicher Differentialgleichungen zur Beschreibung der Gefuegeumwandlungen, gekoppelt mit einer nichtlinearen Waermeleitungsgleichung sowie Komponenten zur Beschreibung der Energieeinkopplung. Um eine moeglichst breite Anwendbarkeit der Software zu gewaehrleisten, wurden werkstoffspezifische Kennwerte zum Umwandlungsverhalten fuer eine grosse Anzahl praxisrelevanter Staehle bereitgestellt. Zur Modellverifikation wurden experimentelle Untersuchungen bei beteiligten Industriepartnern durchgefuehrt und mit den entsprechenden Simulationsrechnungen verglichen

    Main phase transition in lipid bilayers: phase coexistence and line tension in a soft, solvent-free, coarse-grained model

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    We devise a soft, solvent-free, coarse-grained model for lipid bilayer membranes. The non-bonded interactions take the form of a weighted-density functional which allows us to describe the thermodynamics of self-assembly and packing effects of the coarse-grained beads in terms of a density expansion of the equation of state and the weighting functions that regularize the microscopic bead densities, respectively. Identifying the length and energy scales via the bilayer thickness and the thermal energy scale, kT, the model qualitatively reproduces key characteristics (e.g., bending rigidity, area per lipid molecules, and compressibility) of lipid membranes. We employ this model to study the main phase transition between the liquid and the gel phase of the bilayer membrane. We accurately locate the phase coexistence using free energy calculations and also obtain estimates for the bare and the thermodynamic line tension.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Weak Solutions to a Nonuniformly Elliptic PDE System in the Harmonic Regime

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    We study the existence of weak solutions to a nonlinear strongly coupled parabolic–elliptic PDEs arising in the heating induction-conduction process of steel hardening. In this setting, our major concern is to consider the case when the electric conductivity is nonuniformly elliptic which, together with a right hand side in L1 in the energy balance equation, yields to a difficult theoretical situation. The existence result gives a weak solution to a similar PDEs system where the energy balance equation has been perturbed by a measure term.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2010-16401Junta de Andalucía FQM-31

    Studying Amphiphilic Self-assembly with Soft Coarse-Grained Models

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    Methane Production Rate during Anoxic Litter Decomposition Depends on Si Mass Fractions, Nutrient Stoichiometry, and Carbon Quality

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    While Si influences nutrient stoichiometry and decomposition of graminoid litter, it is still unclear how Si influences anoxic litter decomposition and CH4 formation in graminoid dominated fen peatlands. First, Eriophorum vaginatum plants were grown under different Si and P availabilities, then shoots and roots were characterized regarding their proportions of C, Si, N and P and regarding C quality. Subsequently the Eriophorum shoots were subjected to anoxic decomposition. We hypothesized; that (I) litter grown under high Si availability would show a higher Si but lower nutrient mass fractions and a lower share of recalcitrant carbon moieties; (II) high-Si litter would show higher CH4 and CO2 production rates during anoxic decomposition; (III) methanogenesis would occur earlier in less recalcitrant high-Si litter, compared to low-Si litter. We found a higher Si mass fraction that coincides with a general decrease in C and N mass fractions and decreased share of recalcitrant organic moieties. For high-Si litter, the CH4 production rate was higher, but there was no long-term influence on the CO2 production rate. More labile high-Si litter and a differential response in nutrient stoichiometry led to faster onset of methanogenesis. This may have important implications for our understanding of anaerobic carbon turnover in graminoid-rich fens

    Immune checkpoint blockade impairs immunosuppressive mechanisms of regulatory T cells in B-cell lymphoma.

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    In malignant disease, CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) hamper antitumor immune responses and may provide a target for immunotherapy. Although immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) has become an established therapy for several cancer entities including lymphoma, its mechanisms have not been entirely uncovered. Using endogenously arising λ-MYC-transgenic mouse B-cell lymphomas, which can effectively be suppressed by either Treg ablation or ICB, we investigated which mechanisms are used by Tregs to suppress antitumor responses and how ICB affects these pathways. During tumor development, Tregs up-regulated Foxp3, CD25, CTLA-4 and IL-10, which correlated with enhanced immunosuppressive functions. Thus, in contrast to other tumors, Tregs did not become dysfunctional despite chronic stimulation in the tumor microenvironment and progressive up-regulation of PD-1. Immunosuppression was mediated by direct contacts between Tregs and effector T cells and by IL-10. When λ-MYC mice were treated with ICB antibodies, Tregs revealed a less profound up-regulation of Foxp3, CD25 and IL-10 and a decreased suppressive capacity. This may be due to the shift towards a pro-inflammatory milieu fostered by ICB. In summary, an ICB-induced interference with Treg-dependent immunosuppression may contribute to the success of ICB

    Graded-material design based on phase-field and topology optimization

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    In the present work we introduce a novel graded-material design based on phase-field and topology optimization. The main novelty of this work comes from the introduction of an additional phase-field variable in the classical single-material phase-field topology optimization algorithm. This new variable is used to grade the material properties in a continuous fashion. Two different numerical examples are discussed, in both of them, we perform sensitivity studies to asses the effects of different model parameters onto the resulting structure. From the presented results we can observe that the proposed algorithm adds additional freedom in the design, exploiting the higher flexibility coming from additive manufacturing technology
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