276 research outputs found

    Regulation of molecular processes in diffuse large b-cell lymphoma

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    The molecular understanding of diseases has advanced rapidly due to the use of gene expression profiling. However, these methods have been hampered by the limitation to use frozen tissue specimens. Formalin fixation and paraffin embedding (FFPE) is a standard procedure for long time storage of tissues. FFPE tissues are available in large numbers and are of value for molecular research with the main challenge of low RNA quality compared to fresh frozen (FF) tissues. This thesis showed important aspects on laboratory methods of gene expression using FFPE material analyzing gene regulation and environmental factors in patients with Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). In Study I, we evaluated RNA extraction and gene expression of long-term preserved FFPE Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) specimens using quantitative PCR (qPCR) and microarray. High quality gene expression signatures could be recognized in long time stored FFPE tissues. According to the results of Study I, FFPE tissues were further used in Studies II, III and IV. Different countries of the world have varying prevalence of microbial infections. It should be of interest to study patient populations originating from regions with different infectious and environmental exposures with the same disease. Sweden and Egypt are countries defined as low and high endemic infectious disease areas respectively. DLBCL is the most common type of Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) and accounts for approximately 40% of newly diagnosed lymphomas worldwide. The ABC subgroup of DLBCL (ABC DLBCL) has a poor prognosis with short survival. NHL has been associated to viral infections as Epstein Barr virus (EBV) and Hepatitis viruses B and C (HBV, HCV). To understand if differences in environmental exposure are associated to the activated B-cell type (ABC) of DLBCL, we analyzed the expression of genes, regulatory factors and microbial agents of Swedish and Egyptian ABC DLBCL patients using microarrays. In Study II, we compared the global gene expression profiles of Swedish and Egyptian patients. Signal transducer and activators of transcription 3 and 5 (STAT3 and STAT5b) were differently expressed. STAT3 was significantly upregulated in Swedish compared to Egyptian patients and controls. The opposite expression patterns was demonstrated for STAT5b. The difference in STAT3 and STAT5b expression was confirmed at the protein level. Based on these results, we investigated microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles in Study III. miRNAs are non coding RNAs targeting mRNA modulating their expression at the post-transcriptional level. We found that miRNA-1234 (miR-1234) was significantly upregulated in Egyptian compared to Swedish patients. The expression level of miR-1234 correlated inversely to the expression of STAT3. Furthermore, the Stat3 protein was downregulated in cells transfected with miR-1234, suggesting that STAT3 might be a potential target for miR-1234. In Study IV, we analyzed the presence of microbial agents in Swedish and Egyptian ABC DLBCL patients using a microbial detection array (MDA). JC polyoma virus (JCV) was detected in both Swedish and Egyptian patients and the complete HBV genome in Egyptian patients. Study IV supports the notion that viral agents such as JCV and HBV may be involved in the tumorigenesis of DLBCL in high infectious disease regions. ABC DLBCL patients originating from areas with different environmental exposures have altered gene and miRNA expression profiles and a different viral load, which may be of importance for the development of ABC DLBCL. STAT3 may be regulated by miRNA and associated to the presence of viral infections. These results may be of potential importance for the development of STAT targeted therapy

    La ley del más fuerte: El concepto de la fortaleza en La ciudad y los perros de Mario Vargas Llosa

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    Historia y ficción en En el día de hoy de Jesús Torbado

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    Co-ordination within the Swedish deer meat industry : feasible organisational model on the basis of New Zealand experiences

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    Det importeras hjortkött till Sverige till ett värde av ca 135 miljoner SEK om året. Merparten kommer från Nya Zeeland. Köttet säljs främst till restauranger via grossister. Den svenska hjortnäringen består av ca 400 hägn av varierande storlek med en mycket heterogen grupp av uppfödare. Det finns stora skillnader mellan de svenska och de nyzeeländska uppfödarnas mål med sin verksamhet. De flesta svenska uppfödare sköter hela värdekedjan själva, medan den nyzeeländska näringen till stor del samordnas genom stora traditionellt organiserade kooperativa företag. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka organisationsformer, som vore lämpliga att implementera i den svenska hjortnäringen utifrån lärdomar hämtade från Nya Zeeland. Tre organisationsformer analyseras, nämligen traditionell kooperation, internentreprenöriell kooperation och investerarägda företag. Analysen av dessa organisationsformer sker utifrån de båda ländernas rådande marknadssituation. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer i Nya Zeeland och i Sverige. Intervjuobjekten var utvalda hjortuppfödare och branschtjänstemän. Frågorna syftade till att få en bild av intervjuobjektens syn på näringen för att kunna applicera dessa kunskaper på de teoretiska organisationsmodellerna. Studien bygger främst på transaktionskostnads-, agent- och äganderättsteori. Teorierna används för att belysa skillnader i de olika organisationsformerna. Resultatet av studien visar att de nyzeeländska volymerna lämpar sig för traditionell kooperation med bulkvaran hjortkött. Sverige har svårt att med sina små volymer konkurrera med Nya Zeeland. Därför måste den svenska näringen, om den ska vara slagkraftig, eftersträva en vertikal integrering, där uppfödarna äger produkten så långt som möjligt i värdekedjan och därmed erbjuder produkter direkt till konsumenten. För att äga produkten genom hela kedjan krävs högre kapitalinsatser, vilket medför osäkerhetskostnader men även möjligheter till ökade intäkter. Studien visar att de organisationsformer, som vore lämpligast för Sverige, är den internentreprenöriella kooperationsformen och den investerarägda företagsformen. Båda formerna bygger på individuellt ägande. Sådant ger ofta incitament till ett ökat ansvarstagande för företaget. Ansvarstagandet uppkommer genom att uppfödaren i dessa system har investerat kapital och har en möjlighet att ta del av en framtida värdestegring på företaget. Det individualiserade ägandet minskar de agent- och äganderättskostnader, som uppstår vid samordning. Dessa ägandeformer har en potential att ge hjortnäringen en möjlighet att öka produktionen och utvecklas på ett konkurrenskraftigt sätt.The value of venison imported yearly to Sweden amounts to 135 million SEK, with New Zealand being the largest supplier. The venison is primarily sold to restaurants through wholesalers. The Swedish deer industry is composed of 400 fenced areas of differing size, with a highly heterogeneous group of breeders. As to the goals of breeders, there exist large differences between breeders from New Zealand and Sweden. While the former breeders operate through large, traditional co-operatives, most of the latter are fully vertically integrated. This thesis aims to investigate co-ordination within the Swedish deer meat industry on the basis of New Zealand experiences. The following three organisational models are analysed: traditional cooperative form, new generation cooperative business form and investor-owned companies. The analysis of these models is conducted from the perspective of the current market situation in the respective countries. The empirical data was gathered through qualitative interviews in New Zealand and in Sweden. The interviewees were selected deer breeders and industry employees. Interview questions were aimed at obtaining accurate knowledge of their views on the industry and its prospects, and this knowledge was applied to the theoretical organisational models. The study is based primarily on transaction cost theory, agency theory, and property rights theory which are used to illuminate the differences between the various organisational models. The study shows that New Zealand is best suited for traditional cooperation, with the bulk produce of venison. In contrast, Sweden, with its significantly smaller volumes, would have great difficulty competing with New Zealand on a volume basis. Consequently, for the Swedish industry to remain competitive it should strive for vertical integration, where breeders control the entire value chain and sell products directly to the consumer. With such a vertical integration, higher capital stakes are required. Although this may result in higher costs of uncertainty, there is still a higher revenue potential. The study concludes that the most suitable organisational models for the Swedish deer meat industry are the new generation cooperative business form as well as the investor-owned form. Both are based on individual ownership, which can lead to an increased responsibility within the company. This increased responsibility arises because the breeder, under these structures, has invested capital and is allowed to have a share of the future value of the company. The individual ownership reduces the agency and property rights problems, which occur during coordination in traditional cooperatives. Finally, these ownership structures may give the Swedish deer meat industry an opportunity to increase production and develop in a competitive way

    L'evoluzione del Performance Management in sanità: il caso del sistema sanitario basco

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    Negli ultimi decenni in Spagna molti cambiamenti istituzionali ed organizzativi hanno perseguito l’obiettivo della trasformazione e modernizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione e, in particolare, del Sistema Sanitario Nazionale (SSN). Spesso, tali cambiamenti, volti a ridefinire l’assetto istituzionale-organizzativo del sistema sanitario, sono stati stimolati dalla necessità di controllare la spesa pubblica, di soddisfare le prospettive e gli interessi dei diversi stakeholder, di rendere competitivo il sistema-paese e, di conseguenza, di accrescere i livelli di efficienza ed efficacia delle politiche e dei programmi pubblici. In particolare, i complessi processi di riforma sperimentati nel settore sanitario hanno spinto le pubbliche amministrazioni operanti nel settore ad implementare sistemi di Performance Management (PMs) idonei ad una più corretta e proficua misurazione multidimensionale dei propri risultati. Dunque, i PMs, intesi come elementi centrali oltre che obbligatori dei sistemi manageriali di governo delle aziende sanitarie, mirano, attualmente, alla progettazione ed implementazione di strumenti idonei alla determinazione, controllo e valutazione, gestione dei risultati aziendali (output e outcomes) e delle sottostanti modalità impiegate per il loro raggiungimento (Cosenz, 2011) al fine di effettuare, nel caso in cui fosse necessario, positivi cambiamenti nella cultura organizzativa, nei sistemi direzionali e nei processi operativi (Amaratunga e Baldry, 2002). La rappresentazione delle caratteristiche di design che questi sistemi manageriali assumono in specifici contesti operativi nel settore sanitario sono utili all’interpretazione delle funzionalità che il management intende attribuire ad essi e dei particolari contributi che da essi si attendono sul tema dell’innovazione organizzativa. La letteratura esistente, infatti, indaga le diverse potenzialità dei PMs come strumento per a) il controllo strategico (Ferreira e Otley, 2009); b) la motivazione dei lavoratori (Melnyk et al., 2014); c) la valorizzazione delle loro competenze e dei loro meriti (Franco Santos et al., 2012); d) il supporto ai processi di Knowledge Creation e Knowledge Sharing (Mercurio et al., 2014). Il presente lavoro di ricerca si pone, dunque, l’obiettivo di studiare i diversi modelli teorici, aventi ad oggetto la modernizzazione della PA, così come gli approcci manageriali alla valutazione delle performance nel settore sanitario, cioè, la valutazione dei processi e dei risultati ottenuti dalle strutture ospedaliere relativamente ai servizi sanitari erogati. In tale ottica, l’analisi e l’interpretazione dei diversi approcci manageriali alla valutazione delle performance, sarà condotta, utilizzando il metodo del case study, attraverso il quale si analizzerà in modo dettagliato il sistema attuato in una struttura sanitaria pubblica riguardante il sistema sanitario nazionale spagnolo, l’OSI Barrualde-Galdakao (Paesi Baschi)

    Predicting crop injury caused by flea beetles in spring oilseed rape through pest monitoring in the autumn

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    1. Reliably predicting pest damage would allow farmers to reduce insecticide use without incurring economic losses and thus contribute to agricultural sustainability. However, means to predict pest severity are lacking.2. We assessed whether crop feeding injury caused by flea beetles in spring oilseed rape can be predicted from flea beetle pest densities in the previous season using 22 years of suction trap catches of flea beetles in combination with crop feeding injury data from 293 fields.3. We found a strong positive relationship between the densities of flea beetles of the genus Phyllotreta in the summer and autumn activity period of the previous year and crop feeding injury caused by flea beetles in spring oilseed rape the following year. Autumn weather or the total cover of spring oilseed rape in the study region did not improve the prediction further.4. Pest monitoring using suction traps is thus a promising tool to predict crop feeding injury and can reduce insecticide use in years with low pest pressures

    Gemma Tejedor1, Anna-Karin Högfeldt2, Jordi Segalas1, Lena Gumaelius2

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    Two contemporary academic movements can be argued to be important for the integration of more field- practice- and cross disciplinary team-based learning experiences into the engineering education curriculum. Firstly, the growth of research in sustainability challenges in combination with the need for change in engineering education, which is seen to evolve from environmental focus to the inclusion of social and transdisciplinary approaches. Secondly, the evolution of engineering education in general: from traditional and instructive to student centered, constructive and practice oriented as well as from isolated and exclusive to an inter-twined part of society, where society’s need for “socially responsible future entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders”. This implies that all engineers need to be equipped with knowledge, skills, values and experiences in order to meet the needs of society. Challenge driven education (CDE) is an evolving concept that can bridge engineering and sustainability. In the challenge driven education, students are working on real-life and often real-time challenges in society and industry. The students work with open-ended, ill-defined problems that do not have a single right answer. With the challenge driven education approach, the aim is to position ideas, innovations and decision making in the forefront of the learning process. InnoEnergy is a transnational educational initiative supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). From the investigation made on the integration of CDE in seven international and cross- border InnoEnergy Masters’ programs, the need appeared for a common understanding on CDE within the knowledge innovation community. The investigation aimed to explore: the perceived drivers and barriers for CDE; the different approaches for integrating CDE in the seven masters’ programs; and the perceived scope for CDE mapped to the achievement of competences for sustainability. Preliminary findings showed that there was a common core of successful initiation of the integration of the CDE approach, although differently in the seven masters’ programs, from different perceptions of CDE for sustainability within the community. Furthermore, the findings revealed a narrow view of sustainability, where the concept is implicitly integrated or “obviously” in some programs with a intend at finding more sustainable energy solutions. An InnoEnergy CDE White Paper has been elaborated, setting the goal for the future progress of challenge driven InnoEnergy MSc education. The paper contributes the definition behind this concept and a strategy on the future development, as well as some best practices of the work so far. Furthermore, the overarching learning outcomes for EIT programs and the UNESCO cross-cutting key competences needed for problem solving for sustainable development, have been merged as new expected outcomes, so that intended learning outcomes based on both perspectives are developed

    Program Leadership from a Nordic Perspective - Program Leaders' Power to Influence Their Program

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