2,837 research outputs found

    On Optimal Input Design for Feed-forward Control

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    This paper considers optimal input design when the intended use of the identified model is to construct a feed-forward controller based on measurable disturbances. The objective is to find a minimum power excitation signal to be used in system identification experiment, such that the corresponding model-based feed-forward controller guarantees, with a given probability, that the variance of the output signal is within given specifications. To start with, some low order model problems are analytically solved and fundamental properties of the optimal input signal solution are presented. The optimal input signal contains feed-forward control and depends of the noise model and transfer function of the system in a specific way. Next, we show how to apply the partial correlation approach to closed loop optimal experiment design to the general feed-forward problem. A framework for optimal input signal design for feed-forward control is presented and numerically evaluated on a temperature control problem

    Do Mergers And Acquisitions Create Value? Evidence From The Finnish Construction Industry

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    This thesis examines the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the firm value of the acquirer in the Finnish construction industry. In this study, firm value is measured by the price development of the publicly traded stock of the acquirer. The sample data includes events occurring during 2001 to 2019 and is limited to Finnish publicly listed and traded construction companies. Stock market data consists of individual stock price data collected from the Helsinki Stock Exchange and M&A data collected from ThomsonReuters. According to previous research in this field of mergers and acquisitions, it is found that most transactions tend to destroy firm value in contrary to their preliminary purpose. Previous research has mainly focused on the construction industries of the United Kingdom and United States. There has been little research in value creation of mergers and acquisitions in the Finnish construction industry or other industries. The empirical part of the research is conducted by using the event study methodology which is an appro- priate method for examining the effects of mergers and acquisitions. The value effect of the event is meas- ured by the abnormal returns and cumulative abnormal returns of the acquirer’s stock. The chosen bench- mark is the OMX Helsinki index. The chosen event windows for the examination are [-20, 20], [-10, 10], [-5, 5] and [-1, 1]. Furthermore, a t-test is conducted to test the statistical significance of the empirical results. The first hypothesis of this thesis proposes that mergers and acquisitions have a negative impact on the firm value of the acquirer in the Finnish construction industry. The second hypothesis suggests that vertical mergers create more value for the acquirer measured by abnormal returns than horizontal mergers do. The study examines the first hypothesis by examining the cumulative abnormal returns at the end of each event window. Transactions are considered successful in case they generate positive cumulative abnormal returns at the end of each event window. The results suggest that in short-term mergers and acquisitions in the Finnish construction industry tend to generate negative or extremely moderate positive cumulative ab- normal returns and vertical M&A’s do generate not only superior but also positive cumulative abnormal returns in comparison to horizontal transactions, however the t-tests show statistical insignificance

    The use of pro- and prebiotics to horses

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    HÀsten fÄr största delen av sin energi genom mikrobernas fermentationen av fiber i grovtarmen. Miljön i grovtarmen Àr kÀnslig och tillstÄnd som kolik, kolit och diarré hos hÀst har kunnat associeras till en obalans i grovtarmens bakterieflora. För att förebygga och lindra problem med hÀstens mag-tarmkanal har anvÀndning av pro- och prebiotika blivit allt vanligare. Syftet med arbetet var att sammanstÀlla litteratur kring anvÀndningen av pro- och prebiotika till hÀst för att öka förstÄelsen kring dess eventuella funktion, risk och effekt. En kortare enkÀtstudie utfördes för att undersöka vilka pro- och prebiotika som anvÀndes och varför. Resultaten frÄn enkÀtstudien visade att mjölksyrabakterier, Saccharomyces cerevisiae och frukto-oligosackarider (FOS) var vanligt förekommande substanser i preparaten. HÀstÀgarna angav att preparaten anvÀndes framförallt för att förhindra diarré, men Àven för att förbÀttra nÀringsupptag och motverka magsÄr. Dessa substanser undersöktes i litteraturstudien och visade att preparat med S. cerevisiae hade funktionen att öka den enzymatiska förekomsten i grovtarmen utan nÄgon bevisad negativ effekt pÄ mag-tarmkanalen. Mjölksyrabakterier som ocksÄ var vanligt förekommande har i tidigare studier visat en inhiberande effekt mot flera vanliga patogener, men in vivo försök resulterade i försvÄrad diarré hos föl. Tidigare studier med FOS och inulin kunde inte utesluta risker att framkalla magsÄr. Ytterligare studier behöver genomföras för att öka förstÄelsen kring anvÀndningen av pro-och prebiotika till hÀst för att fÄ ytterligare förstÄelse kring dess effekt och risker.As a hindgut fermenter, the horse receives most of the energy from microbial fermentation of fibers in the hindgut. The environment of the hindgut is sensitive to disturbances and conditions like colic, colitis and diarrhoea have been shown to be associated with microbial dysbiosis. In order to prevent and relieve problems with the gastrointestinal tract of the horse, the use of pro- and prebiotics have increased. The aim of this work was to compile literature about the use of pro- and prebiotics to horses to increase the understanding about eventual functions, risks and effects. A short survey directed to horse owners was performed to investigate which pro- and prebiotics that were used and why. The results of the survey showed that lactic acid bacteria, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) were the most common substances in the different commercial pro- and prebiotic additives used. Horse owners indicated that the additives were used to prevent diarrhoea, but also to increase the uptake of nutrients and to prevent gastric ulcer. These substances were further investigated in a literature study which showed that additives with S. cerevisiae had the ability to increase the enzymatic presence in the hindgut without any negative effects of the gastrointestinal tract. Lactic acid bacteria is also common in the additives and has previously been shown to have inhibiting effects against a number of pathogens, but has also been associated with increased diarrhoea in foals. Earlier studies with FOS and inulin could not exclude risks to induce gastric ulcers in horses. Due to these uncertain effects and the risks shown, further studies need to be performed to increase the knowledge about the use of pro- and prebiotics to horses

    Expression profiling of human macrophages and atherosclerotic plaques to identify genes and mechanisms that modulate the development of atherosclerosis

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    Macrophages play an important role in atherosclerosis, a disease that affects large and medium size arteries and causes clinical manifestations such as myocardial infarction or stroke. The aim of this thesis was to identify genes that are important in the development of atherosclerosis. Genes that have their major site of expression in macrophages or in atherosclerotic plaques, or are differently expressed in macrophages from subjects with atherosclerosis compared with macrophages from control subjects may affect atherogenesis. By comparing DNA microarray expression profiles of macrophages and atherosclerotic plaques with expression profiles from major tissues and cell types, macrophage and plaque specific genes were identified. The macrophage specific anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1RN) was down regulated by oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), suggesting a novel pro-inflammatory role of oxidized LDL. Immunohistochemistry showed that the plaque specific gene chemokine CC motif ligand 18 (CCL18) co-localized with macrophages in the plaques. In addition, macrophages from subjects with atherosclerosis had more than two-fold higher gene expression of CCL18 than macrophages from subjects without atherosclerosis. CCL18 is chemotactic for leukocytes and may therefore contribute to plaque inflammation. A promoter region polymorphism of the CCL18 gene was associated with increased macrophage CCL18 gene expression, but not with an increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Comparison of macrophage expression profiles from subjects with atherosclerosis and control subjects identified 27 genes with an altered expression. Among these genes, CD44 and insulin receptor substrate 2 (IRS2) were both expressed at higher levels in macrophages from subjects with atherosclerosis compared with macrophages from control subjects. Immunohistochemistry showed that IRS2, an intracellular signaling molecule important in metabolism, was expressed in macrophages and endothelial cells in human carotid plaques. The C allele of the -765C→T SNP in the promoter region of the IRS2 gene was associated with increased macrophage expression of IRS2, and subjects homozygous for the C allele had 40% increased risk of coronary heart disease. The receptor CD44 mediates adhesion of monocytes to the vascular wall, a crucial step in atherosclerosis. CD44 expression correlated with secretion of interleukin 6 (IL-6) in macrophages, and IL-6 augmented CD44 expression in macrophages. In addition, CD44 deficient mice had lower circulating IL-6 than wild type mice. This suggests a positive feed-back loop between IL-6 and CD44, and that CD44 may affect atherosclerosis progression by modulating the inflammatory response. In conclusion, IRS2 might be a new susceptibility gene for atherosclerosis and CHD. CCL18, IL1RN and CD44 may play important roles in the development of atherosclerosis

    Cross-border Loss Utilization Concerning the Tax Treatment of a Taxpayer’s Own Losses Attributable to a Permanent Establishment in Relation to the Territoriality Principle –From an International and EU law Perspective

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    The European Commission has acknowledged the lack of cross-border utilization of losses. Companies operating internationally want to have a possibility to offset losses against taxable profits at the same time or as soon as possible after the losses incurred. If no such possibility is at hand, a cash-flow disadvantage arises and also, it leads to segmentation of the internal market. The asymmetries occur while Member States enjoy sovereignty and a broad competence to levy taxes and determine the geographical extent of their tax jurisdiction. Member States are competent to apply a territorial taxation system and thereby limit the utilization of companies’ losses in cross-border situations. However, the meaning of territorial taxation differs depending on if it is seen from an international law or international tax law perspective. The European Court of Justice recognises a territorial taxation system from an international law perspective. This includes a right for the Member States to tax residents on their worldwide income and non-residents on their territorial income. Member States limit cross-border utilization of losses in order to preserve their tax bases. A territorial tax system can be achieved in two different ways. The first is by a definition of the tax base for income tax purposes, i.e. by limiting the tax base to locally sourced income and capital. The second is by exempting foreign-sourced income through unilateral, bilateral or multilateral conventions. The issue arises when Member States apply a double taxation convention with the exemption method. In that case, there is no possibility to utilize the losses in either the host State or the home State. However, the European Court of Justice may in certain situations require Member States to make it possible to utilize cross-border losses, whereas in other situations the European Court of Justice has recognised Member States sovereignty by stating that Member States do not need to utilize cross-border losses. In the latter situation, the European Court of Justice recognises Member States sovereignty and it may express an underlying principle, in terms of territoriality. The examination implies that the territoriality principle is more a consequence of Member States sovereignty than a self-supporting principle. Furthermore, the concept of territoriality falls into the background of other conceded concepts, such as the balanced allocation of taxing powers and symmetry. Yet, the concept of territoriality is still evolving within the European Union and will certainly be affected by the growing work on international level. When evolving the concept of territoriality, the European Union has to find a balance between the concept of an internal market and the Member States’ sovereignty. At the moment, the European Court of Justice recognises the Member States’ sovereignty even if it contradicts the concept of an internal market. Thus, cross-border losses attributable to permanent establishments are stranded when the Member States apply the exemption method in their double taxation conventions. In order for the territoriality principle to be a self-supporting principle it needs to get a clear definition and a consistent applicability

    The role and effect of the healing touch of Jesus in Mark : a cognitive study

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    Jeesuksen ihmekertomuksia on tutkittu useasta nÀkökulmasta Bultmannin Uuden testamentin demytologisaation jÀlkeen. Nykyisen tutkimuksen mukaan Jeesus toimi rituaalisena parantaja sellaisessa yhteisössÀ jossa sairaisiin koskemista ei pidetty hyvÀksyttÀvÀnÀ. Rituaali teorioiden ja etenkin kognitiivisen uskontotieteen kehityksen myötÀ Jeesuksen rituaaliset parantamistoimet ovat nousseet uudelleen kiinnostaviksi tutkimuskohteiksi. Jeesuksen toiminnassa on useita sellaisia elementtejÀ joita voidaan löytÀÀ myös muilta parantajilta. Yksi Jeesuksen tÀrkeimmistÀ parantamismetodeista on sairaiden koskettaminen. Kognitiotieteet ja neuropsykologia ovat kehittÀneet kosketusta koskevia teorioita, joilla kyetÀÀn selittÀmÀÀn kosketuksen positiivinen voima sosiaalisessa interaktiossa. Kosketus on vahva emotionaalinen vaikuttaja ja sillÀ on merkittÀvÀ rooli myös ihmisen kehityksessÀ ja kasvussa. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen tarkoitus on kehittÀÀ ymmÀrrystÀmme nÀistÀ Jeesuksen rituaaliseen parantamiseen liittyvistÀ kulttuurisista, sosiaalisista ja kognitiivisista. TÀmÀ tutkimus tÀhtÀÀ kokonaiskuvan luontiin Jeesuksen parantavan kosketuksen merkityksestÀ ja vaikutuksesta. Tutkimuksessa kÀytÀn hyvÀksi perinteistÀ eksegetiikan ja etenkin ihme- ja Jeesus-tutkimuksen kenttÀÀ, sekÀ alati kehittyvÀÀ kognitiivisen uskontieteen alaa. Uutena tutkimusmetodina esittelen kognitiivisia ja psykologisia kosketuksen tutkimuksen tuloksia ja teorioita, nÀistÀ merkittÀvimpinÀ affektiivisen ja sosiaalisen kosketuksen kÀsitteet. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen aineistona toimii Markuksen evankeliumissa ilmenevÀt kosketusta sisÀltÀvÀt Jeesuksen parantamisihmeet. Tutkimuksen valossa vaikuttaa siltÀ, ettÀ fyysisellÀ kosketuksella oli tÀrkeÀ rooli vaikuttavan rituaalin toimituksessa. Magiauskonnolliselle rituaalille kosketus oli sen keskeinen vaikuttava tekijÀ. Voidaan puhua maagisesta kosketuksesta. Sairaiden koskettaminen oli vaikuttava ele, joka oli vastoin vallitsevia sosiaalisia sekÀ kognitiivisia odotuksia. Jeesus paransi pitkÀlti sairaita ja köyhiÀ, joiden katsottiin kuuluvan yhteisön ulkopuolelle. Sosiaalisen kosketuksen valossa voimme paremmin ymmÀrtÀÀ tÀmÀn rituaalisen eleen vaikutuksen. Kosketuksen affektiiviset ominaisuudet synnyttÀvÀt positiivisia tunteita, jotka edistÀvÀt rituaalisen parantavan kosketuksen merkitystÀ. Kosketus on yksi ihmisen keskeisimmistÀ aisteista jolla on tÀrkeÀ rooli tunteiden luojana ja vÀlittÀjÀnÀ ihmisten vÀlisessÀ interaktiossa. TÀmÀ pitÀÀ paikkansa myös rituaalisessa tilanteessa, jonka takia kosketusta voidaan pitÀÀ merkittÀvÀnÀ vaikuttajana Jeesuksen parantamiskertomuksissa

    Ingestion of Tyre Crumb Rubber and Uptake of Associated Contaminants in Marine Invertebrates (Pandalus borealis) and Fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) – An Experimental Exposure Study

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    Crumb rubber (CR) produced from end of life vehicle tires is widely used on artificial sports fields and to create urban artificial surfaces. It is also used as a surrogate for tyre wear particles in experimental studies simulating the behaviour and effects of car tyre particles in the environment. It is known to contain a wide range of organic chemicals and metals, some of which are only just being identified and assessed. Weathering of such artificial surfaces releases both particles and the chemicals they contain into the environment, where they may be bioavailable and affect biota. N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD) has been identified as a chemical marker for CR and tyre wear particles. Both 6PPD and its transformation product, 6PPD-quinone, have been shown to be toxic to a number of different freshwater and marine organisms. The current study examines the ingestion of CR (1 - 2.8; < 1.2 mm) by a marine invertebrate and fish, the gut retention time of ingested CR, and the tissue burden of tire-derived chemicals. Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) were exposed to CR in laboratory experiments for 21 days; 7 days of exposure to CR followed by 14 days of depuration. The stomach contents have been analyzed for ingested CR and selected tissues (Lumpfish liver and blood; Northern shrimp hepatopancreas and muscle) have been characterized for tire-associated chemicals and metals. Analytical chemical techniques involved ICP-MS, pyrolysis GC-MS, GC-MS/MS and HRGC-HRMS (ThermoFisher, Orbitrap). CR were found in 76% of exposed Lumpfish stomachs (n=90), where the number of CR particles in the stomach increased during the exposure and peaked around day 8 followed by a decrease throughout the depuration. Ingested CR was still found in some Lumpfish stomachs at the end of the experiment (day 21). Ingestion by Northern shrimp was analyzed by pyrolysis-GC/MS but. Analysis by HRGC/HRMS (ThermoFisher, Orbitrap) detected 6PPD up to 700 pg/g in blood from exposed Lumpfish, 6PPD was found both at the end of the exposure and at the end of depuration. ICP-MS analysis of metals did not show increased concentrations of metals in any of the tissues for exposed individuals or over time for either Lumpfish or Northern shrimp. The current results suggest that ingested CR can stay in the digestive system of Lumpfish longer than 14 days and that the particles may be leaching 6PPD during this period, suggesting bioavailability of both CR particles and associated chemicals to ecologically and commercially important marine organisms

    Implementing corporate sustainability strategy

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    The study addresses the existing literature gap regarding the role of and the relationship between organisational communication and motivation when implementing a corporate sustainability strategy within the specific context of the sustainability initiative VÀlvald. The findings of the study are based on the experiences of the Swedish Pharmacy Association, Apoteksgruppen, Apoteket AB and Apotek HjÀrtat, all engaged in the VÀlvald initiative. The study aims to contribute to the academic literature by shedding light on the effect that communication and motivation have on the implementation of corporate sustainability strategy. In order to achieve this, the author adopted a qualitative approach and employed a multiple case study design, which involved conducting semi-structured interviews with representatives from the aforementioned organisations. The findings indicate that organisational communication does play a significant role in influencing motivation, indicating that there is strong communication-motivation relationship. More specifically, the findings suggest that effective organisational communication enables understanding which facilitates employee engagement powered by motivation. The significance of organisational communication in the studied context, highlights its direct impact on employee motivation and by extension the success of the strategy used to implement the sustainability initiative VÀlvald
