243 research outputs found

    Med barneleseren inn i en økokritisk lesepraksis

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    I kapitlet retter vi oppmerksomheten mot de yngste leserne i skolen, og det som for mange barn er viktige møter med fortellingenes og bøkenes verden, gjennom bildeboka og høytlesningssituasjonen. Med naturorienterte litteraturstudier som teoretisk bakteppe (f.eks. Garrard, 2012) undersøker vi om de ulike representasjonene av natur i et utvalg bildebøker kan gi rom for utforskende samtaler om barns forhold til omgivelser og naturen som omgir dem. Teoretiske bidrag henter vi fra blant annet Joseph Appleyard og Martha Nussbaum. Formålet med kapitlet er å vise hvordan bildebøker og bildeboksamtaler kan invitere barneleseren til naturglede og til økt bevissthet om bærekraftig utvikling.In this chapter, we turn our attention to the youngest readers in school, where many children experience important encounters with the world of stories, picture books, and reading aloud. With nature-oriented literature studies as a theoretical backdrop (e.g. Garrard, 2012), we investigate whether the various representations of nature in a selection of picture books can provide space for exploratory conversations about children’s relationships with the environment and the nature that surround them. Theoretical contributions from e.g. Joseph Appleyard and Martha Nussbaum also play an important role in our investigation. The purpose of the chapter is to show how picture books, along with conversations about these books, can invite young readers to enjoy nature and increase an awareness of sustainable development.publishedVersio

    Time-Related Changes in Detrusor Overactivity in Awake Rats with Spinal Cord Injury Observed by Simultaneous Registrations of Intravesical and Intraabdominal Pressures

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    PurposeTo compare the physical characteristics of detrusor overactivity (DO) induced by intravesical infusion of saline in awake, sham rats and rats with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI), by simultaneous registrations of intravesical and intraabdominal pressures.MethodsMale Sprague-Dawley rats, normal or with a spinal vascular clip at the level of Th9, were investigated cystometrically 1 and 4 weeks after SCI. Intravesical pressure (IVP) and intraabdominal pressure (IAP) were recorded simultaneously to evaluate true DO. During the filling phase, the event of IVP rises, defined as increments that exceeded 2 cmH2O from baseline, were determined as DO according to the absence of simultaneous changes in IAP.ResultsAll SCI rats exhibited DO during the filling phase, which was not shown in sham rats. The frequency and pressure of DO had a tendency to decrease with time. The DO frequency of SCI rats after 4 weeks (0.9±0.2 min-1) was decreased compared with that after 1 week (2.1±0.4 min-1; P<0.05). The DO pressure of SCI rats after 4 weeks (8.4±1.9 cmH2O) was decreased compared with that after 1 week (11.6±2.9 cmH2O; P>0.05).ConclusionsCystometric studies in awake male SCI rats showed some significant changes in bladder function after SCI. All SCI rats exhibited DO during the filling phase, and showed different physical characteristics of DO over the course of time. The neurological basis of these time-related changes remains poorly understood, but may provide important prognostic information about long-term urological management in SCI patients

    Sistemas Hipertexto & Hipermédia - Reflexão, Ensino e Arte

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    Neste artigo começa por caracterizar-se o desenvolvimento dos sistemas hiper-texto/hipermédia associado ao paradigma da representação mental. Procura-se analisar o fundamento da atitude de mimésis entre os referidos sistemas e as representações internas do indivíduo no processamento de informação. Seguidamente, destaca-se o papel das tecnologias hipertexto/hipermédia no sistema educativo e o impacto inerente à sua implementação. Inclui, no final, uma reflexão sobre a cultura hipertexto/hipermédia e as suas repercussões no mundo da arte

    Entre la India y las Indias: redes mercantiles alemanas, la lucha por la corona imperial y el nombramiento del Nuevo Mundo

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    In 1507, the excitement over the publication of the Mundus Novus led to the naming of a new continent on the map, a globe and a learned treatise as an appendix to an edition of a work by Ptolemy published in Saint-Dié, Lorraine. Network analysis of the cities where the broadsheet Mundus Novus, attributed to Amerigo Vespucci, appeared shows that the text was mainly published in German mercantile cities, especially Augsburg and Nuremberg between 1504 and 1506. There is strong evidence that this text about the voyages of Amerigo Vespucci was primarily issued to raise money in order to finance German mercantile investments in the Portuguese fleet to Asia in 1505-1506. In 1507, the map and the globe with the new name for the New World demonstrated the riches that the members of the Diet of Konstanz might obtain if they supported Maximilian in his expedition to Italy and his quest for the imperial crown. Thus, the struggle between Maximilian I and Louis XII for the title of Holy Roman Emperor and the need for investment in German trade with Asia determined the invention of America.El gran número de impresos sobre el “Mundus Novus” descubierto por Amerigo Vespucci incitaron el nombramiento del nuevo continente en un globo, un mapa y un tratado de geografía junto con una edición de la obra de Tolomeo impresos en Saint-Dié en 1507. El análisis de las redes de las ciudades en donde se publicó el “Mundus Novus” muestra que este texto fue impreso sobre todo en ciudades mercantiles alemanas, especialmente en Augsburgo y Nuremberg entre 1504 y 1506. Esta ola de publicidad se debió seguramente a las necesidades financieras de las casas mercantiles de la región para poder participar en una flota portuguesa a la India en 1505-06. En 1507, el mapa y el globo que llevaban un nombre nuevo para un nuevo mundo mostraban las riquezas que los participantes de la dieta imperial de Konstanz pudieran ganar apoyando a Maximiliano de Austria en su expedición a Italia para recibir la corona imperial. La contienda entre Maximiliano I y Luis XII por obtener el título de Emperador así como las inversiones de las casas mercantiles alemanas en el comercio con Asia determinaron la invención de América

    Diversity of sympathetic vasoconstrictor pathways and their plasticity after spinal cord injury

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    Sympathetic vasoconstrictor pathways pass through paravertebral ganglia carrying ongoing and reflex activity arising within the central nervous system to their vascular targets. The pattern of reflex activity is selective for particular vascular beds and appropriate for the physiological outcome (vasoconstriction or vasodilation). The preganglionic signals are distributed to most postganglionic neurones in ganglia via synapses that are always suprathreshold for action potential initiation (like skeletal neuromuscular junctions). Most postganglionic neurones receive only one of these “strong” inputs, other preganglionic connections being ineffective. Pre- and postganglionic neurones discharge normally at frequencies of 0.5–1 Hz and maximally in short bursts at <10 Hz. Animal experiments have revealed unexpected changes in these pathways following spinal cord injury. (1) After destruction of preganglionic neurones or axons, surviving terminals in ganglia sprout and rapidly re-establish strong connections, probably even to inappropriate postganglionic neurones. This could explain aberrant reflexes after spinal cord injury. (2) Cutaneous (tail) and splanchnic (mesenteric) arteries taken from below a spinal transection show dramatically enhanced responses in vitro to norepinephrine released from perivascular nerves. However the mechanisms that are modified differ between the two vessels, being mostly postjunctional in the tail artery and mostly prejunctional in the mesenteric artery. The changes are mimicked when postganglionic neurones are silenced by removal of their preganglionic input. Whether or not other arteries are also hyperresponsive to reflex activation, these observations suggest that the greatest contribution to raised peripheral resistance in autonomic dysreflexia follows the modifications of neurovascular transmission

    El intérprete en la confesión sacramental en la Iglesia católica, con especial atención a la España de los siglos XVI y XVII

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    Within the context of the history of interpreting and focusing on Catholic Europe, with special attention to sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain, this paper looks at linguistic mediation between a penitent and his confessor who do not speak the same language. After outlining the evolution of the sacrament of penance up to the regulations arising from the Council of Trent, the ecclesiastical provisions that established the degree of intervention of interpreters in the sacramental confession are presented. Evidence of its implementation in several multilingual groups (pilgrims and crusaders, Spanish soldiers, the Moriscos, Euskera speakers, Europeans living in Spanish territory, and indigenous Canary islanders), as well as in the concurrence of sacramental confession and the making of the will is then provided. This is an initial approach to an area of traductology still to be explored, which opens new lines of research.En el marco de la historia de la interpretación y enfocado a la Europa occidental católica, con especial atención a la España de los siglos XVI y XVII, el presente trabajo aborda la mediación lingü.stica cuando penitente y confesor no hablan la misma lengua. Tras esbozar la evolución del sacramento de la penitencia hasta las regulaciones emanadas del Concilio de Trento, se exponen las disposiciones eclesiásticas que fijaron la intervención de intérpretes en la confesión sacramental. Seguidamente se aportan evidencias de su puesta en práctica en varios colectivos multilingües (peregrinos y cruzados, tropas españolas y de la Liga Santa, moriscos, vascoparlantes, europeos en España e indígenas en las Canarias), así como en la concurrencia de la confesión sacramental y el otorgamiento de testamento. Se trata de una primera aproximación a una parcela aún inexplorada desde la traductología, que abre nuevas vías de investigación

    Die Behandlung der akuten Mittelohrentzündung in physiko-chemischer Betrachtung

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    Arzt und Unfallgesetz

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