1,245 research outputs found

    Nivel de conocimiento de los cirujanos dentistas sobre responsabilidad civil y sus sanciones, Trujillo. 2016

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    Determinar el nivel de Conocimiento de los Cirujanos Dentistas sobre Responsabilidad Civil y sus sanciones, Trujillo.2016 Materiales y Método: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo y observacional. Se evaluaron 59 cirujanos dentistas que laboran en el Centro Histórico de Trujillo, previo consentimiento informado. Se utilizó un cuestionario de 16 preguntas validada previamente por el juicio de 08 expertos en la materia. La selección de la muestra se realizó a través del muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Los datos recolectados fueron procesados de manera automatizada en el programa estadístico SPSS Statistics 22.0. Se utilizaron tablas de distribución de frecuencias unidimensionales y bidimensionales con sus valores absolutos y relativos; así mismo, se utilizarán gráficos adecuados para presentar los resultados de la investigación. Se utilizará la prueba de independencia de criterios, utilizando la distribución Chi cuadrado y considerando un nivel de significancia de 0.05 Resultados: Se determinó que el 67.8 % de cirujanos dentistas presenta un nivel de conocimiento malo, mientras que el 32.3 % es regular , sobre Responsabilidad Civil Conclusión: El nivel de conocimiento sobre Responsabilidad Civil y sus sanciones de los Cirujanos Dentistas según género, tiempo de ejercicio profesional, y según tipo de la universidad de la que egresaron es malo.To determine the level of knowledge of the Dentists on Civil Liability and its sanctions, Trujillo.2016. Material and method: a prospective, cross-sectional,descriptive and observational study. We evaluated 59 surgeons who work in the historic center of Trujillo, prior informed consent.We used a questionnaire of 16 questions approved by the judgment of 08 experts in the field.The selection of the simple was made through the non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. The collected data were processed in an automated manner in the statistical program SPSS Statistics 22.0. We used the frequency distribution tables and two-dimensional with their absolute and relative values; at the same time, appropriate graphics are used to present the results of the investigation. Use the test of independence of criteria, using the chi-squared distribution and considering a significance level of 0.05 Results: It was determined that 67.8 % of dental surgeons presents a level of knowledge, while 32.3% is regular , on Civil Liability Conclusion: The level of knowledge on Civil Liability and Sanctions of the Dentists according to gender, time of professional practice, and according to type of the university of the graduated is bad

    Uranium and phosphate behaviour in the vadose zone of a fertilised corn field

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    Phosphate fertilizers contain approximately 200 mg.kg–1 of uranium. The uranium and phosphate can move through the vadose zone and reach groundwater. Therefore, the knowledge of the ways in which these two elements are distributed, their partition relationships and their mobility behavior is of great interest. In order to study the latter, suction cup samplers, intended to collect soil water at different depths, were installed in an experimental site in a high plain of Mexico, where corn is cultivated and phosphate fertilizers are systematically applied. It was observed that the vadose zone contains high concentrations of uranium (1–50 mg.k –1) and phosphates (22–33 mg.kg–1), which decrease at greater depths. Uranium concentration in the soil water varies between 10 and 3 mg.l–1 and phosphates between 1 and 0.3 mg.l–1. Their evolution throughout the profile of the vadose zone is determined by the decrease in concentrations, due to the physico-chemical processes involved

    Interoperability between Building Design and Energy Modeling for Building Performance

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    Interoperability issues have been well acknowledged as an impediment to improve productivity in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. The current information exchange between building design and energy models has numerous problems, including object parametric information deficiencies, geometric misrepresentations and re-input data confusion. These problems inevitably lead to huge money, time and effort losses. This thesis presents an automated solution that works towards unified information exchange between building design and energy modeling in building performance. First, an Extensible Style-sheet Language Transformation (XSLT) is designed to specify a set of transform instructions. Based on the instructions in the XSLT, building elements and their attributes in the design open schema are matched to the corresponding energy analysis patterns. The contents in the design open schema can then be automatically transformed through meticulous checking and comparison. The proposed solution has been implemented with Microsoft Visual C# Studio 2013, through the creation of a Windows form application and a software plug-in component. This method would facilitate the information exchange between existing open standard schemas, gbXML and DOE-2 INP, supported by Autodesk Revit and eQUEST. The effectiveness of the solution has been tested with three real case studies. The results from the proposed solution have demonstrated the overall rectification of the geometric and material misrepresentations inherent to the current software interoperability process

    Gestión hospitalaria y calidad de atención en trabajadores de una Micro Red del distrito de Echarati, Cusco-2022

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la gestión hospitalaria y calidad de atención en trabajadores de una Micro red del distrito de Echarati, Cusco – 2022. Por otro lado, presento una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, siendo de tipo básico, desarrollado a través de un diseño no experimental de corte transversal de alcance descriptivo-correlacional. La población fue de 60 trabajadores estudiados mediante una muestra probabilística de 53 trabajadores de una Micro red del distrito de Echarati. Mediante la encuesta se utilizaron los cuestionarios de gestión hospitalaria y calidad de atención, ambos con validez y confiabilidad. Obteniéndose resultados para las dimensiones, información institucional (p-valor=0.012 y Rho=0.125); control de gestión (pvalor=0.034 y Rho=0.21); talento humano (p-valor=0.001 y Rho=0.389); logística y suministro (p-valor=0.589 y Rho=0.467) y gestión financiera (p-valor=0.000 y Rho=0.119) respecto a la calidad de atención. Igualmente, para verificar la relación existente entre las variables se utilizó el estadístico Rho de Spearman. Concluyendo que existe relación entre la gestión hospitalaria y la calidad de atención en la muestra en estudio; logrando p-valor = 0.034 y Rho=0.224 indicando que existe una relación positiva y baja; es decir, que cuando la gestión hospitalaria mejora, la calidad de atención mejora de una forma baja

    The reasons why many African-American and Hispanic women do not choose careers in technology

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    There have been numerous statistics showing that minorities including women, African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans, are least likely to choose careers in the science and technology field. Along with those studies have been possible reasons why they choose not to enter into the field. Reasons have ranged from lack of encouragement to people just telling them flat out that there is no possible way that they can succeed in the field. This study found that African-American and Hispanic women do not choose careers in technology for many of the same reasons. As young children, some factors are the way teachers present math, science, and technology, lack of encouragement, and lack of role models. As women, they are not only dealing with social barriers from work and school, their family members play a major role in how successful women become. The method used for this research was a one-on-one interview with four women who are in the field of math, science, and technology either by a program they are involved in or by teaching the subjects. Some questions were omitted from some interviews and other questions were added during the interview depending on the direction of the discussion. (See Appendix A) Although the responses given by the four ladies varied, they were similar in content. The answers were also similar to the content in the review of literature

    Taller “todobien” en la autorregulación emocional en estudiantes de 5 años de una institución educativa inicial, Lima 2021

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    El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo: Determinar la influencia del taller ‘todobien’ para desarrollar la autorregulación de emociones en los estudiantes de 5 años de la institución educativa inicial en San Juan Lurigancho, 2021. Investigación que integra en el taller ‘todobien’, el desarrollo de las habilidades de la competencia emocional, lo que implica la conciencia del propio estado emocional, incluyendo las posibilidades de experimentar emociones múltiples para afrontar distintas emociones, incluidas las negativas. Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básica de tipo experimental cuyo diseño fue preexperimental, Pretest y Postest para un solo grupo. Con una muestra conformada por 27 estudiantes de 5 años. El instrumento aplicado para el análisis cuantitativo de los datos fue una lista de cotejo para verificar el nivel de autorregulación de emociones. Se calculó el índice de fiabilidad de KR20 de 0,834; lo que indicó un 83,4% de confiabilidad. Se concluyó que Existe diferencia en la autorregulación de emociones antes y después de la aplicación del taller ‘todobien’ en los estudiantes de 5 años de la institución educativa inicial en San Juan Lurigancho, 2021, según evidencia la prueba de Wilcoxon, cuyo valor estadístico fue (valor Z = -4,556); con una significancia: (p = ,000 < ,05)

    Pangarap Ko, Pangarap Natin: The Role of Hope As A Mediator Between Social Support and School Engagement Among Filipino Public School Students

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    Most students in the Philippines are enrolled in public schools, and yet conditions inside the classroom make it difficult for a student to stay engaged. Although there are many factors that contribute to school engagement, the current study looks at social support ___ particularly teacher support, parent support and peer help, as predictors of school engagement. The study also looks at hope as a mediating factor between this relationship, given that students are faced with adverse situations both in the school setting and in their communities. The study was conducted among Grade 6 students at a public elementary school in Quezon City. Regression analysis was conducted to look at the mediation between these variables. Based on the results of the study, hope serves as a partial mediator of the relationship between social support and school engagement. Results of the study have implications on factors on school outcomes, as well as school interventions on public schools in the Philippines

    Interfacial Oxidative Oligomerization of Catechol.

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    The heterogeneous reaction between thin films of catechol exposed to O3(g) creates hydroxyl radicals (HO•) in situ, which in turn generate semiquinone radical intermediates in the path to form heavier polyhydroxylated biphenyl, terphenyl, and triphenylene products. Herein, the alteration of catechol aromatic surfaces and their chemical composition are studied during the heterogeneous oxidation of catechol films by O3(g) molar ratios ≥ 230 ppbv at variable relative humidity levels (0% ≤ RH ≤ 90%). Fourier transform infrared micro-spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, and reverse-phase liquid chromatography with UV–visible and mass spectrometry detection provide new physical insights into understanding the surface reaction. A Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism is accounted to report reaction rates, half-lives, and reactive uptake coefficients for the system under variable relative humidity levels. The reactions reported explain how the oligomerization of polyphenols proceeds at interfaces to contribute to the formation of brown organic carbon in atmospheric aerosols